Chapter 266

After formulating a plan to escape, the Heavenly Punishment War Gang quickly launched into action.

However, their actions could not escape the eyes of the Sun Warband.

Through various surveillance equipment scattered throughout the city and the overall movements of the enemy, Kirk guessed the target of their attack.

A group of treacherous scum, in order to deal a blow to the Lieyang Star, they did not hesitate to go so far.

If Kirk recovers from the crisis, he swears that he will deal with these guys severely.

"What should we do, sir?" the cultist subordinate next to him asked, "Although a large number of troops have been deployed to garrison the gene seed bank, there is still the possibility of being captured by the enemy."

"Don't worry about them." Kirk waved his hand and asked, "Where are the other three children in their family?"

"The enemy separated a small force and moved towards Port No. 7. It is speculated that its purpose is to seize the four warships docked there. The commander of that force is the third-in-command of the Heavenly Punishment Gang." The subordinates continued to report.

The correspondent on the side immediately cut out the surveillance image ahead on the big screen.

In the picture, Yoris is leading hundreds of his men in a bloody fight with the cultists of the Sun Star, who are completely unable to stop the enemy's advance.

"So that's it." Kirk nodded thoughtfully, and then slowly said, "You actually want to run away after running wild on my territory - I will personally take people to the port to stop them. The situation here is temporary. It’s up to you to take care of it.”

The Lord of the Sun made an unexpected decision.

On such an important occasion, at such a critical period, the Chaos faction, which worships the supremacy of power, actually let a mortal take over the command.

This is simply equivalent to him having obtained the ticket to be promoted to the congratulated person.

The subordinate was surprised and happy, and quickly expressed his position: "Thanks to your trust, Lord Kirk, I will live up to your trust until your return."

The Chaos Lord just nodded slightly to this, and then walked out of the command post with his personal guards, and hurriedly began to march towards the seventh port.

On the other side, Ankarak and his Heavenly Punishment war gang continued to attack the defense line along the way.

Although the loss of heavy fire vehicles caused a lot of trouble for their offensive, with a sufficient number of Space Marines, they continued to advance steadily in the direction of the gene seed vault.

As a place to store precious wealth, there are a large number of armed personnel around the gene seed bank. Defense fortifications are criss-crossed, and firepower points are stacked on top of each other. The walls of the buildings are thick and tall, and tall sentry towers are scattered all around, as stable as iron barrels. ——You can tell by looking at it that it is a tough nut to crack.

Many brothers will fall here.

If Ankara had time to plan, he could reduce a lot of casualties.

However, now that things have come to a point, the leader of the Heavenly Punishment War Gang has no choice but to forcefully attack them.

Under the cover of a wave of smoke bombs, they charged towards the target.

What greeted them on the opposite side was the crazy spewing of bullets and artillery shells from various fire points. The intensity was so dense and the attack was so fierce, it was like a gust of wind and rain.

The two sides, who originally belonged to the same camp, fought fiercely together, and the flowing blood stained the metal floor scarlet.

After a hard fight, the Heavenly Punishment war gang successfully entered the gene seed bank at the cost of two hundred casualties.

This is without a doubt the neatest place on the planet.

The white corridors, sterile environment, and no trace of decay can be seen inside the building. Geller's attitude continues to shroud it all year round.

The Chaos believers who enter it will even feel unaccustomed to it, it is just too clean.

However, this sentence does not only refer to the hygiene level of the gene seed bank, but also represents its inventory-the huge warehouse is empty, and the precious gene seeds inside have long been missing.

"How could this happen?"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Heavenly Punishment War Gang was confused for a moment. They rushed into the room and checked the shelves, unable to believe what they were seeing.

Empty, empty, all empty.

On the surface, the Sun Star was operating in a glamorous manner, but in fact it was an empty shell. There were no two thousand gene seeds at all. Kirk was just painting a pie for others.

"That bastard Kirk, you actually did this to me!" Ankarak punched the shelf angrily, "When I was attacking the fortress just now, I noticed that although the defense here was complete, there were no Chaos Space Marines. I thought it was a battle situation. It’s complicated, and the other party didn’t have time to make arrangements, so it took a long time because there was actually nothing in it—what did he use us as, a tool to settle accounts?”

If this news spreads, the entire battlefield's attention will be drawn to them.

Everyone knew that they had robbed the gene seed bank, so they naturally thought that the gene seeds were in their hands, even though they actually did not harvest anything.

The Heavenly Punishment War Gang couldn't argue with this.

What awaits them behind is bound to be a ruthless encirclement and suppression from all forces.

The hope of escaping from the battlefield became slim again, and the shadow of despair immediately fell over their heads.

"Big brother and second brother, big brother and second brother!" At this moment, Yoris's voice came from the communication channel.

Ankarak felt very depressed and didn't know how to answer the brother on the other side.

The enemy is plotting against them, and the plan is completely beyond their control.

So what if Yoris succeeded in grabbing the battleship?

Unable to divert everyone's attention away from them, they still cannot escape this disaster.

"I need support here." The voice continued to ring in the helmet, "That guy Kirk had no intention of staying and resisting at all. He wanted to run away directly with the batch of gene seeds, but now I stopped him at the port! "

The reason why the news of the Red Corsair's destruction was not widely spread in the dark side of the Empire is inseparable from Abaddon's intention to control the impact of the event.

Guilliman's resurgence is enough to trouble the Chaos side, and the downfall of Blackheart Huron will deal a serious blow to their morale.

As the talkative person of the old industrial planet, Kirk has his own unique channels and knows the inside story of some events.

So from the moment the Blackstone Fortress appeared, Kirk knew that the Sun Star was in danger.

This was the reason why he hated the three Tianpu brothers so much - whether it was a misunderstanding or not, the foundation he had worked so hard to build would be destroyed because of them.

At this moment, there are only two choices before Kirk.

One is to lead the whole family to fight against the empire desperately. Although it can cause a big blow to the enemy, it also means that they will die as a result.

The second is to run away with as much property as possible. After escaping, rely on those properties as initial capital to look for opportunities to make a comeback.

This was not a difficult choice, and Kirk decisively adopted the second option.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Of course, you cannot run away directly, otherwise the battle line will be instantly defeated by the enemy.

He had to put on a posture of desperate resistance, cooperate with generous rewards to mobilize everyone's emotions, and let others struggle with the puppet emperor's lackeys. He would take the opportunity to ask his cronies to transfer important supplies. After all this was completed, he would secretly sneak in leave.

It was just by some mistake that the ship he used to escape was blocked by Joris.

(End of this chapter)

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