I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 304 Son of the Phoenix

Chapter 304 Son of the Phoenix

Due to the continued erosion of chaotic energy, the Webway is inevitably affected.

A large number of pink tumors began to grow out of thin air, as if the entire space had turned into the intestines of a beast.

All kinds of tentacles and mouthparts emerged from the flesh, swaying wildly, and the inexplicable mucus on them continued to evaporate its aroma into the air.

People inevitably ingest these aromas during the breathing process, and the nervous system is stimulated, dopamine is secreted in large quantities, and the wonderful feeling is so intoxicating.

And when they looked at those twisted things again in a daze, their unique shapes gradually evoked the dirtiest desires deep in people's hearts.

Just like carnivorous plants use their scent to hunt insects.

Once mortals are grasped by those tentacles and mouthparts, they are dragged into the sarcoid and become part of the twisted creation.

The mental fascination prevents them from making any resistance to this, but they are just immersed in boundless joy. They will not realize the horror of the matter until the moment of death, but by then it is already too late to regret.

"Everyone, stay calm and don't be fooled by these things!"

Fulgrim waved the exquisite power sword in his hand and chopped off the head of a lust demon with the force of thunder.

There was an uplifting power in the Primarch's voice.

As long as you stare at that perfect figure and follow his steps closely, the surrounding soldiers seem to have infinite power, enough to resist any temptation from the darkness.

"Fighting side by side with my genetic father, who could have imagined that such a day would come."

Roland, the chapter leader of the Sons of the Phoenix, murmured to himself while dealing with the chaos eggs launching a frenzied attack on him.

For the Space Marines of their Chapter, it was like stepping into myth and legend.

Four hundred Primaris Astartes are uniting around Fulgrim, using fast and efficient combat methods to clear the Chaos enemy on the flanks of the coalition forces.

"But brother, we have been told that our genetic father is Rogal Dorn. Fulgrim is not among the names of the nine primarchs. It sounds more like the name of a demon."

Librarian Leighton split a Slaanesh beast in half with his chainsword, and the demon's filthy blood splattered all over his pure and gorgeous power armor.

Faith is as important to a Space Marine as breathing, especially when it comes to one's own roots.

However, everything that happened to the Son of the Phoenix was so hazy and vague that even if he searched for the truth, he could not get the answer.

There seems to be something hidden at the top.

Regarding matters related to Fulgrim, Wei Mu only told Roland, the chapter leader, and the other Sons of the Phoenix still knew nothing about it.

"So do you think this man looks like a demon?"

The chapter leader who learned the truth did not think that now was the time to confess everything to everyone. The bizarre development of events left him unable to find any good way to deal with it. He could only try to calm everyone's emotions first.

On the battlefield, he took out the plasma gun from his waist and blew off the right shoulder of the Chaos Egg with one shot. Then he waved the power sword and slashed towards the enemy's left side.

The twisted monster knew no pain, and its strength was not weakened at all. The arm made of sarcoma collided fiercely with the power sword, and the chapter leader was shaken to the point of numbness all over.

Taking advantage of the moment of wrestling between the two sides, Layton quickly circled behind the Chaos Egg and thrust the roaring chainsword directly into the enemy's defenseless spine.

The rapidly vibrating single-molecule saw teeth continuously cut into the deformed mass of flesh, and a large amount of blood spattered out.

The head of the think tank shouted, and continued to exert force on the chain sword until the enemy was completely torn in half, and the huge body collapsed.

The tacit cooperation between the two allowed them to successfully kill the extremely threatening Chaos Egg without much effort.

However, when they turned around, they found that the same enemies were lying in a pile on the ground.

"Are you two okay?"

As the chief culprit, Fulgrim shook off the blood stains on the power sword, and then checked the condition of his heir with concern.

War is not a child's play and casualties are inevitable. But if he takes care of the most threatening enemy, then his companions' chances of survival should be much higher.

"Of course, sir, we can do this level of work for the entire Terra Day without stopping." Roland nodded.

"A very reliable statement, Chapter Commander. Enemies will keep coming, and our task is to hold this direction for the coalition forces." Fulgrim took off his helmet casually, smiled at his heirs, and then Then he set his sights on the target he wanted to protect, "He's really big, isn't he?"

Aisha in the cage can reach a height of more than four meters even if she is sitting on her knees. If she stands up, she can reach an estimated height of more than ten meters.

The nine Phoenix Lords carried Him with all their spiritual energy, walking very hard step by step.

"I heard that the body shape of gods can be changed at will, and the laws of physics do not apply to them." Think tank leader Leiden replied.

As one of the few Space Marine chapters with strong religious elements, the Sons of the Phoenix, who like to light candles on their bodies, are very knowledgeable in theology.

"One of my brothers once said that even if humans develop into an interstellar civilization, they will be shocked by their huge size." Fulgen suddenly remembered the past.

"Strength is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration, and larger individuals tend to have greater mass and stronger strength. This is just the most primitive basis for judgment. There is nothing surprising - even with the continuous development of civilization, Human beings have mastered many complex powers, and the primitive instincts engraved deep in our genes have not been given up by us," Chapter Leader Roland said.

"Yes, especially when the person who said this is the shortest one among our brothers, it is even more surprising." Fulgan said with a smile.

"Forgive my presumption, sir, I don't understand why you said this. Do you have any deep meaning?" Think Tank Director Leiden asked curiously.

"What does it mean? No, not really. I am just sharing some of my past with my lovely heir. I hope you don't mind." Fulgen waved his hand.

"Well, there's no problem with this, but if you can, sir, I hope you can use other words to call us instead of cute." Layton said seriously.

"If you are so serious, I will only feel that this term is more suitable for you." Fulgan smiled and patted his shoulder.

Leiden seemed to want to say something more, but the enemy appeared again in the fog of the Webway.

The demon army of Slaanesh is howling and roaring, and another wave of offensive is about to strike.

"Okay, the chatting time is over, let's continue entertaining our guests!"

With that said, Fulgrim put on his helmet again and took the lead in charging towards the demon.

The gorgeous and deadly swordsmanship swept across the battlefield, leaving only corpses on the ground wherever it passed.

Roland approached the think tank leader and said slowly: "What is your answer to the question just now?"

Watching Fulgrim fighting, Layton directly expressed his inner feelings: "I feel like I will give everything I have for him."

He didn't know what kind of magic he was under.

There are obviously so many mysteries that need to be determined.

Pondering over horrifying questions, all kinds of unsettling details.

But he trusted and loved the being who claimed to be their father from the bottom of his heart.

"In this case, then try to protect him." Roland reminded.

"He doesn't seem to need our protection, brother, look at his power, he is so powerful." Leiden marveled at the exquisite swordsmanship of the purple phoenix, as if he was admiring a gorgeous art performance.

"But the threats he faces cannot be underestimated." The Chapter Leader said seriously.

"Threat? What threat?" Leiden frowned, realizing that the problem was not simple.

"Actually he"

Just as Roland was about to explain, a strange sound suddenly sounded from their ears.

(End of this chapter)

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