Chapter 101 Business
After confirming that he was going to visit the Wang family, the scene changed and Xu Jiashu entered the observer's perspective.

in the simulated scene.

The location of the Wang family is not difficult to find. You just need to ask a fellow trader. He is a native of Ayang County.

Since they met in the territory of the Qiang people, Xing Shang never doubted that this good man was Xu Zimao as described in the wanted order. When he heard this question, he just assumed that he wanted to do business with the Wang family and happily showed him the way.

"It's just," he casually shared an important piece of information, "the Wang family may not receive business travelers coming today."

"Why?" Xu Jiashu asked curiously: "Don't their family do business with outsiders?"

Historically, Wang Yi had no family background. She appeared as a young woman and married Zhao Ang.

However, based on her husband's family background, we can still roughly infer her origin.

Zhao Ang appeared in people's evaluation of Yang Fu at the time. It is said that "Fu Shao, Yin Fengcizeng and Zhao Angweizhang of the same county were both famous."

In other words, Zhao Ang is on the same level as Yang Fu and Yin Feng, and he is somewhat famous in Hanyang County.

Then Wang Yi is probably the daughter of a prominent family in the county. Considering the relatively remote location of Ayang County, the Wang family should be the top family in the county.

But no matter what, it is just a county-level family and cannot be on the big stage.

"That's not true." After hearing this question, Xingshang shook his head and explained: "It is said that Mr. Zhao Weizhang from West County is coming to visit. The Wang and Zhao families have been family friends for many years. I'm afraid the Wang family has no time to spare."

Zhao Weizhang. What is this?

Naturally, Xu Jiashu didn't know the character Zhao Ang - there were so many military generals in Cao Wei in the middle and later stages of "Three Kingdoms". He usually entrusted the rear to the legion management. A person like Zhao Ang would definitely not be able to join the direct legion.

Xu Jiashu, who was watching, remembered this information, and in the simulation, he went straight to the Wang family.

On the road, I saw a huge crowd of people in the market, all running to the same place.

Xu Jiashu was wondering.

"Big man, why don't you go catch Xu Zimao together?" A child pointed at him and asked curiously: "You have such long legs, you can definitely catch him!"


He casually took out a five-baht coin and handed it to the children. Xu Jiashu said, "But I haven't heard that Xu Zimao is here."

"Everyone in the market said there was a tall and handsome foreigner." The child obediently collected the money and knew everything about this generous uncle. "It must be Xu Zimao!"

Xu Jiashu, who was watching, shouted that something was wrong - if he guessed correctly, he was simulating here, and Gan Ning in reality would soon be chased everywhere!

Hurry up!
Fortunately, Gan Ning attracted the firepower and everyone who wanted to get the government reward chased him away. No one cared about him, the real Xu Zimao.

Arrive at Wang's house smoothly.

[When you walk to the door, you find that all the young and strong boys have gone to join in the fun to catch "Xu Zimao". There is only an old concierge left in front of you. The old man's eyes are not very good. He asks kindly who is coming, and you answer him]

[[-]. Mao Daya, the calligraphy master of Chang'an, traveled far and wide and came here to visit. 】

[[-]. Zhao Weizhang, a junior family friend, came by invitation. 】

[[-]. I am a Qiang merchant from Boluo Valley. On orders from Dahao, I hope to do business with the Wang family. 】

【[-]. Free Simulation】

Speaking of which, Brother Daya was sent to Gan Ning as a member of the disciples.

Although he did not meet the standards of a Jinfan Ranger, Gan Xingba still respected talents very much, and later arranged a civilian position for him in the charity house. Now he should be making a living in Chang'an.

With Xu Jiashu's calligraphy skills, it shouldn't be difficult to impersonate him.

But the problem is that if possible, Xu Jiashu still wants to see if he can conclude the urgently needed iron business this time.Mao Hong's identity is easy to disguise, but it's just inappropriate.

Next are the two remaining options.

Option two.

It's not that you can't choose, but there are two problems.

First of all, Xu Jiashu didn't know if Zhao Weizhang was already here - what if he just claimed to be Zhao Weizhang and something real came out, wouldn't it be a waste of time?
And I don’t know if the head of the Wang family has ever met this junior family friend.

According to his guess, he must have never met.

In ancient times, meeting two people who were far apart was a very luxurious thing. Once separated, the next time they get together can only depend on God's will. Therefore, the sadness of separation is often sincere and can be expressed beyond words.

In "A Dream of Red Mansions", when Lin Daiyu met her grandmother Jia Mu for the first time, she was already a tall and graceful girl.

The Wang family attaches so much importance to Zhao Weizhang's visit. It is most likely the first visit in so many years to maintain family ties.

Xu Jiashu finally chose option three.

Gan Ning might be being hunted outside right now, so he had to be steady, give full play to the value of this simulation, and get enough information.

To put it more seriously, he must consider whether this is his only chance in this life!

"I am a merchant from Boluo Valley," he said politely to the concierge, "please inform the head of the Wang family."

When the old man heard that it was not Zhao Weizhang, he was about to show off when he saw a handful of five baht coins handed over by Xu Jiashu.

"Since they are foreign merchants coming from afar," he weighed the coins and was very satisfied. The concierge relaxed, "Then I will go and inform the owner of the house."

"Merchant from Boluo Valley."

The head of the Wang family, named Wang Zhan, was talking softly to himself while touching the teacup.

The place in Boluo Valley is full of Qiang barbarians, but it is not completely impossible to do business. The wealthy people can still put together a decent caravan.

But an important doubt is why the Qiang caravan from Boluo Valley did not go to Linjing County in the same county to do business, but instead went to Ayang County over Liupan Mountain to do business?
There can only be two reasons.

Either the business he wants to do cannot be done in Linjing County, or this person cannot go to Linjing County to do business.

So here comes the question - now the counties in Liangzhou are working on their own affairs, and Yang Qiu is guarding his own one-third of an acre, and no one can offend him. Who can't even go to Yang Qiu's territory, and must abandon the near and seek the far away?
He has a guess.

Not long after, the concierge came out.

"Then merchant, our master will let you in."

The Wang family's house is not that big, at least in Xu Jiashu's opinion, not to mention compared to the Lu Mansion, even the place where he lived in Chang'an is far inferior.

After all, it’s just the power of one county.

I went in and took a look around, but I didn't see Wang Yi.

This is also normal. In the residential layout of the Han Dynasty, the female family members lived in the inner house behind the main hall.

Although it was not to the extent that he was not allowed to appear in public, he would not meet outsiders casually - in the story of the Three Days Farewell, Lu Su completely recognized Lu Meng, and only then did he worship his mother together with him and became good friends.

It doesn't matter, Xu Jiashu thought, the first thing is to ensure the safety of himself and Gan Ning, and the second thing is to buy enough iron tools.

In this simulation, getting high score rewards is the least important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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