Chapter 106 Returning
A question worth pondering - if you have to tie up someone, why can't that person be Zhao Ang?
At least in Xu Jiashu's view, even if Wang Yi unexpectedly came to help during the simulation, it would only be enough to allow him to escape safely.

The yield is still too low.

On the other hand, if the son of a family friend comes to replace Zhao Ang, not only will he not arouse Wang Zhan's suspicion, but he may also be able to start the iron trade smoothly.

Anyway, Wang Zhan didn't know what Zhao Ang looked like. Considering that the two families were far apart and it was difficult to communicate with each other, by the time the head of the Wang family discovered this civet cat-for-prince trick, Bo Luojun might have already passed the early stages of development.

Moreover, Zhao Ang can also earn money to go up the mountain and gain a famous scholar from Hanyang County under his account.

This wave directly turned a small win into a big win.

Arriving at the familiar main hall, Xu Jiashu finally met the old guy Wang Zhan again.

In fact, in terms of mental tactics, this person is not bad at all, but he just wants to improve his family's status.

When desire is too strong, it will affect a person's judgment.

Upon closer inspection, although he has reached middle age, Wang Zhan still looks dignified and respectable. It can be seen that he was a handsome man when he was young, otherwise he would not be able to give birth to a daughter like Wang Yi.

He looked around secretly, but Wang Zhan's eyes lit up when he saw this "Xixian Zhao Weizhang".

What a gentleman!
Over the years, the status of the Zhao family in Xixian County and the Ayang Wang family have actually been similar, otherwise they would not have become family friends. However, Zhao Ang talents of the Zhao family's generation are rare and have a vague tendency to rise.

Wang Zhan was overjoyed and stood up to greet him: "I have heard the name of my wise nephew for a long time. When I meet him today, I can see that he is a talented person!"

The two sat opposite each other.

Since there was no such thing as Xu Jiashu lying about Qiang merchants, the conversation was just about the current situation of the two families, lamenting the unrest in Liangzhou over the years, and dissing the useless Master Wang from the court.

Before setting off, Xu Jiashu asked many questions about the family from the real Zhao Ang, and the answers were fluent.

The more Wang Zhan watched, the more satisfied he became. He couldn't help but ask directly, "I wonder if my nephew is engaged?"

Although it is tacitly understood, the process that needs to be followed still needs to be followed.

This question is quite difficult for Xu Jiashu, the fake Zhao Ang, to answer - say yes, and the next thing might not work; say no, it might be settled on the spot, and he will become a bastard who cheated on marriage. .

"A real man should cultivate his character first, and then manage his family!" Xu Jiashu thought in his mind and replied loudly: "You only have to worry about not having a successful career, so why worry about not having a wife?"

Avoiding the question for now, but still leaving room.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an inaudible sound from behind the main hall. Xu Jiashu was satisfied with his wit and did not notice it.

For Wang Yi, this was a perfect answer.

Well, the same goes for Wang Zhan - who doesn't like an ambitious young man?

"My nephew is wrong," the head of the Wang family waved his hand, "It is precisely when you have a good wife at home that you can make contributions to the outside world!"

This is actually true.

Especially for Zhao Ang, it is invisibly consistent with his destiny in history - originally, for a small character like him, there would definitely not be a single word left in the official history.

Even when he fought against Ma Chao in the Battle of Guanzhong, it was said that Wang Yi gave him the idea behind his back. In the end, he died in the hands of Huang Zhong as a short-term governor of Yizhou, but he still left his name in history. , all because of his wife Wang Yi. (The words "陙" and "ANG" are close synonyms and can also form a word by themselves, so "Zhao Yong" is most likely Zhao Ang.)
Like Zhao Mingcheng, he is basically a representative figure who eats soft food.

Although Wang's father and daughter were unknowingly favored by each other, they still did not agree on the engagement on the spot.

Let’s talk about why Xu Jiashu stopped this marriage.

The reason is very simple. The memory in the simulation is still there, and he really doesn't like Zhao Ang. Although it is simply because of different positions, it does not prevent him from taking the opportunity to stumble.

Wang Zhan saw that he didn't answer the question and just thought that the young man was shy, so he kept it secret for the time being and prepared to discuss marriage with Zhao in the future.

"Uncle Wang Shi", after greetings, Xu Jiashu started talking about business, "I was studying in the county this time and found a big opportunity!"

I am super lucky!

"Oh?" Wang Zhanke got excited when he said this. He approached and asked, "What's the chance?"

"Now that Han Sui and Ma Teng are fighting endlessly, food and herbs have become scarce in all parts of the state," Xu Jiashu said, "If we can get a large amount of supplies, we don't have to worry about not being able to sell them!"

The agricultural conditions in Liangzhou are not good, not to mention the years of war. Ordinary people have fled to Yizhou and Hanzhong, forming a vicious circle. People like Wang Zhan who are involved in it naturally know it best, so it is not surprising to hear this. Surprised.

"The shortage of food and medicine is a commonplace," he suddenly lost interest. "It's just that the world is not peaceful now. Where can we buy it?"

Liangzhou's purchase channels are only Bashu and Hanzhong, which are not accessible to a family of his level.

"Uncle Shi, have you ever heard of the principle of darkness under the lamp?" Xu Jiashu was not anxious at all.

"But I don't know how to explain it?"

"There are many Qiang tribes in Anding and the North, and they live in the valleys and refuse to accept the king's rule." He described a long-term prospect. "They produce food and herbs, but they are in urgent need of iron. Isn't this a great opportunity?"

"I have heard of this kind of business," Wang Zhan said. "It's just that Qiang wealthy people never do business with strangers. Is there any way for my nephew to gain their trust?"

Even if you say this, can I still not trust myself?

"I met a wealthy Qiang man during my study tour," Xu Jiashu confidently guaranteed Wang Zhan a big pie, "That person is indistinguishable from me, so Uncle Shi can rest assured!"

In order to dispel his doubts, the fake "Zhao Ang" proposed that he would act as a middleman, pay to buy ironware from the Wang family, and then sell it to the mysterious Qiang tycoon in exchange for grain and herbs, and then hand it over to the Wang family for shipment nearby.

In this way, the Wang family can make money from both sides without taking any risks.

"." Wang Zhan pondered for a moment and felt that there was really no reason to refuse, "In that case, I will wait here for the good news of my nephew!"

Even if the business is negotiated.

Wang Yi, who was behind the main hall, couldn't help but peek out of the corner of his eyes and glanced at the profile of the man sitting opposite his father.

My hands unconsciously tightened the hem of the skirt - is this my future husband?

Not too bad.

At a young age, he traveled around the state to study, and he could talk to his father in a nonchalant manner, and single-handedly promoted big business
The girl's thoughts were wandering, and she couldn't help but start to imagine the future days, but she didn't know what she thought of, and her pretty face suddenly turned red.

She hid in the corner again.

"Uncle Shi, without further ado, just treat this as a deposit!"

Xu Jiashu took out his money bag. He didn't know how Gan Ning did it. He was covered in blood, but he kept it in his arms without any blood stains.

"Why is my nephew like this?" Wang Zhan was a little surprised: "When I have raised enough money and the money and goods are clear, it will not be too late to give me more."

During the busy farming season, every second counts, and it would be too late to give any more!
"Don't you hear that Ji Bu promised a thousand pieces of gold?" Xu Jiashu said seriously: "If you can't even trust Wang Shishu, who can Wei Zhang trust in this world?" He was afraid that Wang Zhan would regret it, so he simply used the friendship between the two families to force the business to be settled. .

Although the exchanges between aristocratic families are always based on interests, this kind of attitude is really rare. Wang Zhan only thought that Xu Jiashu trusted him so much because he was alluding to his engagement with Wang Yi. He couldn't help but think about it - too, I don't think so. He is his future father-in-law, why are he still living like this?
"Then I'll take it first." Wang Zhan patted "Zhao Ang" on the shoulder, "Between our two families, we really don't need to pay attention to these false etiquettes!"

“Da da da da”

Wang Yifei, who was listening to the wall, ran back to the back house and threw himself on his bed. He got half of his body under the quilt and didn't know what he was hiding.

After rolling on the bed for a while, I climbed out of the quilt again, faced the bronze mirror, carefully opened the rouge box, put a little bit on my cheeks, and spread it very unskillfully.

Well, it’s better not to wipe it off!

Wang Yi frowned and quickly found a basin of water to wash it off.

Returning to the mirror again, she was already the beautiful girl with hibiscus growing out of clear water, and the natural beauty removed.

She was dissatisfied with the clothes she was wearing. She played with Miracle Nuannuan in the room for a long time. She took out spring and summer clothes and tried them on, even the winter robes.

At the end of the torment like a headless fly, I was already dripping with sweat.

At dinner time, Wang Yi walked out of the room in his best clothes, without squinting his eyes and pressing his chin down deliberately.


"Father, I heard that there are guests at home?"

The girl asked knowingly.

"Nephew Zhao Weizhang from West County came here in the afternoon." When Wang Zhan saw his daughter like this, he couldn't guess what she was thinking, so he teased her: "I also said I would keep him here for a few more days!"


Wang Yigang raised his head and spoke, and immediately straightened his little head: "Oh, that's it."

Really, you looked like a little girl just like that.
Wang Zhan was a little helpless.

"I won't tease you anymore." The head of the Wang family decided to tell the truth: "I still have things to do, and I have already left in the evening."

Now that the goal had been achieved, Xu Jiashu had no intention of staying long and left with the first batch of ironware delivered. These were the stocks that Wang Zhan mobilized his connections to purchase in Ayang County, mainly farm tools.

As for weapons, the laws of the Han Dynasty do not prohibit private ownership of weapons, but there are generally not many such items in stock, so they should be slightly less.

Hearing this, Wang Yi simply turned around and returned to his room.

"What are you going back to the house for?" Wang Zhan didn't expect that his daughter would react like this in a rare moment of irritation. Looking at her, she looked like she was angry, "Aren't you going to eat?"

"I'm not hungry!"

The sun sets on the road outside Ayang County.

"How about it?"

After all, Gan Ning was taking the blame for him, so Xu Jiashu felt sorry for himself and stayed with him in the carriage. Seeing him open his eyes, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Is Xingba feeling better?"


In fact, this kind of farce is not uncommon in Liangzhou nowadays. It's just that Gan Ning was one of the people who happened to be mentioned. He ran away without any intention of explaining, which attracted everyone to pursue him.

But he was absolutely unwilling to betray his friends.

In essence, Gan Ning and Fazheng are very similar. They both carry a glorious ancestor, but the one in his family is more distant and ethereal - Fazhen can still let his grandson enjoy a little legacy, while Gan Mao has For Gan now, it is completely a burden.

Gan Ning will always remember his father's two words that night - "Gan Mao's descendants will not live an ignoble existence!" and "The world is about to be in chaos."

He did not choose to go to Qiao's private school, but focused on living on the streets. These two words, coupled with the loyalty he gained from being on the streets over the years, formed the current Gan Xingba.

"Zimao." Gan Ning opened his mouth slightly and asked him in a low voice.

"You say it, you say it." Xu Jiashu put his ear to it, "keep your voice down and don't use too much force."

"I still don't understand why the Qiang people in Boluo Valley are willing to pay taxes to you." Gan Ning was puzzled by this question. "Can Zimao help me answer this question?"

Gan Ning witnessed the living conditions of the Qiang people with his own eyes. For these people in primitive society, the concept of "taxation" does not exist.

Even their richest people only resorted to plundering and plundering, and never thought about "taxation" in a legitimate way, because it was too difficult.

But Zimao did it.

"What did I think it was?" Xu Jiashu said helplessly. "The reason is very simple. The schools and courts we built locally actually represent a kind of credit."


"Yes." For fear of disturbing the injured Gan Ning, Xu Jiashu explained softly: "The people are not without food and materials, nor are they unwilling to pay taxes. The premise is that the tax collectors must have enough credit. To put it bluntly, taxation and robbery are The difference lies in whether you have this kind of credit. If this kind of credit extends to the world, you will be the emperor."


Gan Ning nodded, seeming to understand.

If he had taken that money and not gone to join the street club, but had followed his father's advice and gone to Qiao's private school, he might have understood this, Gan Ning thought.

He is talented and intelligent, but after all, he is still a self-taught Confucian scholar. He often feels that his talents are lacking and his knowledge is shallow, but he does not show it.

"So we have to keep expanding this credit," Gan Ning pondered, "continue to spread throughout the Boluo Valley?"

"That's the case at the moment," Xu Jiashu replied: "Before Dong Zhuo dies, we can't come forward. It's best to occupy this place, wait until the time is right, and then go out to participate in the battle for Liangzhou."

"That sounds really encouraging." Gan Ning smiled, "Ma Shoucheng and Han Wenyue, I really want to fight them!"

"Don't talk about them two," Xu Jiashu advised him: "Even if you want to fight Lu Fengxian again, there are plenty of opportunities. The premise is to heal your injuries first."

"Okay", Gan Ning gritted his teeth and swore: "One day, I will defeat them all and let the world know my reputation as Gan Xingba!"

"When you defeat Lu Bu, I will carry the flag for you," Xu Jiashu told him, "I want all the storytellers in the world to sing your name. Go to Ba County and talk about it for days and nights!"


"A word is settled!"

(End of this chapter)

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