Three Kingdoms: I don’t want to fall in love in troubled times

Chapter 116 Meng Da asked me to bring you a chapter

Chapter 116 Meng Da asked me to bring you a message

More than 100 Qiang warriors greeted their friends and walked towards Fangshi with the money given by Wang Zhan in their hands, attracting special attention.

As a land bordering Anding County, Qiang people are not uncommon in Ayang County, but the sudden appearance of so many majestic Qiang warriors is still a bit scary.

Ke Muzhi saw them from a distance and quickly turned his head to the other side.

These people were all his former subordinates!
Unexpectedly, these people were unable to resist at first and were disarmed as soon as they said they were disarmed. Now they would follow their new masters to arrest them so quickly. What a deception!
It has to be said that this big man is really a bit sentimental.
After the Qiang warriors passed by, he trotted back to the place where his family stayed. Before he could catch his breath, he hurriedly said: "We have to change places again, they are chasing us!"

"What is the father so afraid of?" A son named Bo Qimai couldn't stand it anymore. Unlike his father, who read so many Han stories in vain, he became like a frightened bird. "Who is coming?" ?”

"Lianco and his warriors."

Lianke is the leader of the Qiang warriors.

"Lekoan and I are brothers who grew up together," Bo Qimai stood up, "Let me ask them what they want to do?"

"Okay!" Ke Muzhi nodded. Running away like this is really not an option. "Go and ask them. If you must kill them all, we will fight Yang Qiu!"

In the restaurant, Fazheng and Mengda are also here.

"Meng Da", Fazheng saw the Qiang warriors coming in in groups and quickly patted his friend next to him, "Look at these people!"

"What's wrong?" Meng Da said perfunctorily without raising his head.

He was worried. If he really wanted to continue like this, he wanted to find Xu Zimao as soon as possible. Otherwise, if he walked all over Liangzhou like this and got nothing, he also lost the chance of Shu. Wouldn't it mean that he would get nothing in the end? ?

Even if my father left a lot of dirty money, he wouldn't be allowed to make it like this!
"These people move neatly and orderly, they don't look like Qiang people!" Fazheng whispered in his ear.

Bo Luojun's training method was copied by Xu Jiashu from the Northern Army of the Han Dynasty. Although such a short period of time did not make them comparable to the original version, it also gave these people a sense of discipline.

"Indeed." Meng Da was just a little too focused on fame, but he was not stupid. He observed carefully for a while and found that Fa Zheng was right.

"But what's the difference between the Qiang and Han people we've seen since we entered Liangzhou?" He was still a little disapproving, "Maybe it's just Ma Teng who stayed here as a guard?"

Ma Teng's wife is a Qiang, so he has always treated the Qiang and Han people equally. Since this is his territory, it is not surprising that the troops left behind use Han training methods.

"They are definitely not Ma Teng's people," Fazheng looked confident.

Meng Daqi asked: "Why are you so sure?"

Fa Zheng pointed at the money they were holding, "Whether the local garrison will pay for meals here is another matter. Even if they do, they won't act like this!"

Judging from their novel appearance, only people who haven't used money much would behave like this.

"." Meng Da nodded slightly.

Fazheng winked at him and deliberately knocked over the food on the table. The group moved to the table next to the Qiang warriors, still pretending to eat, but all their attention was on the other side.

After a while, a young Qiang man walked over on his own initiative.

"Buy it!"

Seeing Ke Muzhi's son here, Lianke cried out, "Why are you here?"

"What are you here for?" Bo Qimai confirmed that there were only his old subordinates here, and his words were no longer polite. "Did that Han ask you to come and eradicate the roots?"

"This is a misunderstanding," Lianke smiled bitterly and explained: "We are just doing business."

"Seriously?" "We are friends who grew up together. How could I lie to you?"

Lianke's character is trustworthy to Boqimai. He is an old-school Qiang warrior.

"Come here to do business." Bo Qimai asked him, "Who are they?"

"We don't know," Lekoan replied, "but they did a good job. They allotted land to the brothers and built something called a school. Anyone who wants to can send his son in and learn from the Han people. of words and laws.”

"Just because of this, you betrayed my father," Bo Qimai asked angrily, "Is that so?"

Leanko was silent.

Another Qiang warrior advised: "You should leave quickly, because of past friendship, we will not report you!"

Hearing this, the gambling buyer walked away angrily.

"How is it?" Fazheng asked the Qiang guide, "What did they say?"

"It was said that there was an outsider who drove away their Hao and built a school and so on," the Qiang guide recalled briefly, "Then the man got angry and left. They said they would not report him."

Fazheng's eyes lit up when he heard this.

That’s right, it’s said that you can’t find anything even if you walk through iron shoes, but it takes no effort at all!

"Mengda, we should have found it!" he said excitedly to his friend.

"Then should we arrest Xu Zimao ourselves?" Mengda said this out of nowhere, "That's the reward offered by Marquis Zhou Mujia!"

What status is this?
At least in terms of pure status, he is already one of the top figures in the world. For example, he is Liu Yu or Liu Yan.

"." Fazheng held his forehead, looking a little painful.

Is Meng Da considered a wise man?Of course, otherwise it would be impossible to fall in his eyes and become a close friend who shares weal and woe.

But there is a problem. When I see fame and fortune, I can't help but think wrongly and think about taking shortcuts.

This can be regarded as a family background. Mengda's father relied on his extraordinary bribery skills to go from an ordinary wealthy businessman to the governor of Liangzhou for seven years. He relied on being completely shameless and taking shortcuts.

Anyway, the scholars would not tolerate him in the Meng family, so he simply broke the pot and continued shamelessly to the end.

"This kind of thing is beyond the reach of two 15-year-olds like us!" Fazheng quickly dismissed his idea, "There are not many people in the world who can handle this kind of overwhelming wealth!"

Fa Zheng's judgment is even more extreme than Wang Zhan's in the simulation.

"If you really believe me, follow that person and catch them all," Fazheng discussed with Mengda.

After all, the boss of his own group is Meng Da, and he can't stop anyone else, "Don't leave any of them behind!"

For this reason, Meng Da had no choice but to get up and follow Bo Qibuy with a few good men, while Fa Zheng stayed to keep an eye on these Qiang warriors.

"Come here." Meng Da followed him outside the door. Although he still issued the order to arrest the people, he sent a proud confidant to tell him: "Go to Lu Bu in Chencang and ask Meng Da in You Fufeng to send him a message. Xu Zimao may be near Ayang County!"

After spending so much time and money, he still wouldn't feel at ease if the treasure rested entirely on Xu Jiashu.

Even if what Fa Zheng said about this overwhelming wealth is true and he, Meng Da, can't handle it, he will hand it over to someone who can. As long as he can get a little oil on his hands, it will be enough for the Meng family. The salted fish has turned over!
Worth a gamble!
(End of this chapter)

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