Chapter 119 card bug failure
Xu Jiashu has been very interested in Miss Lu recently.

Because he suddenly discovered that Lu Lingqi was the most likely to leave him among the people around him.

It can even be said that if Xu Jiashu did something disappointing, Miss Lu might leave here at any time to find her father.

That's not possible. As a top combat force in the future, such a thick thigh (meaning strong and worthy of reliance) must be retained.


Miss Lu looked at Xu Jiashu's cautious look and felt a little proud in her heart, but her face tensed up and she warned him seriously, "You don't have to waste your time in vain, I won't help you hide it!"

"Ah?" Unexpectedly, Xu Jiashu was a little confused when his hot face touched his cold butt. "What are you hiding?"

"Of course it's about you lying on someone else's Wang family girl's lap and eating tofu!" Lu Lingqi was very sure, "Don't pretend to be confused!"

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

Miss Lu said that she had already seen through everything!

"Can the matter of scholars eating tofu be called eating tofu?" Xu Jiashu cried out sadly and angrily, "It's all a favor. Since I have to pretend to be Zhao Ang, how can I win their trust if I don't be honest?"

Lu Lingqi smiled and said nothing, as if "you continue to write and I will continue to listen."

Unexpectedly, his good intentions were misunderstood as showing weakness and begging for mercy. Xu Jiashu immediately quit, "It's just a joke, don't go too far!"

"Let's do this." Miss Lu didn't accept this trick at all. "If you beg me, I'll consider not telling anyone..."

"I beg you!"

Be patient, a real man can bend and stretch, can...

"Wouldn't it be better if it was like this?" Miss Lu's always heroic and cold face suddenly smiled, "Be good!"

Just like the winter plum blossoms blooming in an instant, the heartbeats of those who saw it skipped a beat, and they could not help but turn their eyes to the weeds half a person tall by the roadside, or the shadows in the forest.

"That's not enough." Miss Lu extended her finger and added: "I'll think about it first. Whether I say it or not depends on your future performance..."

"This is unfair!" Xu Jiashu still tried to resist, "If you think about it endlessly, won't I always be in your hands?"

Li Hongzhang wouldn't even dare to sign such a thing!
"Oh?" Miss Lu smiled even brighter, her two little tiger teeth unconsciously exposed, and her words were both praise and criticism, "I didn't expect Mr. Zhao Weizhang to be so strong-willed, he must have always been brave enough to take action, right?"

"I'm sorry!" Xu Jiashu chose to surrender, "It's all my problem."

Please stop talking.jpg

Could it be that someone was really captured and killed instead, right?

It turns out it’s me, so that’s okay.

"You know what's going on!" After winning a big victory, Miss Lu felt much better.

Although she was said to be a prisoner, she was actually free to come and go for a long time.

What attracted her to stay here before was that she could lead troops to fight. Now not only could she still lead troops, but the number of soldiers under her was getting more and more. She suddenly wanted to leave, just because she saw Xu Zimao having sex after drinking. There was no reason. The ground was angry.

Since she had a good attitude towards admitting her mistake, she temporarily put the thought of going home behind her.

Xu Jiashu breathed a long sigh of relief - no matter what, the only witness was successfully bribed.

After considering the talent lineup at hand, I can't help but feel a little complacent.

What is a protagonist?

It is the legendary Shu Han Fu Yifa who is filial and upright, and bows to him when he accepts his head!
Putting aside the fact that Fazheng is only 15 years old now, we undoubtedly have another general!
Although it is a great thing, how to arrange it is another problem.

After all, he is a child who has not yet been given a title. If he is directly entrusted with important tasks, he will not be able to convince the public, and his current ability will be quite doubtful.

Even the Fazheng who was depressed in history was a person who had been an official for many years and became the county magistrate of Shu. His grassroots experience could even be said to be quite solid. He definitely did not rise to the top because of successful political speculation. A lucky character.

"The law is upright," Xu Jiashu almost shouted at him to be filial and upright, "from now on, you will stay with me to observe politics."

Since the young man is not yet able to stand alone, he should be kept by his side and cultivated carefully.

This is called organizing to focus on cultivating cadres.

Fa Zheng is already extremely talented and has a good foundation in family education. Now that he is left to cultivate it by his side, it is really exciting to see how far his knowledge and skills will reach in the future.


The huge pie hits the head just right, but it creates a sense of unreality - no matter what era, following the leader is a sign of full cultivation, which is what Ma Di did when he went to war for Zhuge Liang.

"What's wrong?" The two of them were riding on the same horse. Xu Jiashu behind him could only hear Fazheng's voice but could not see his expression.

"Stick what you want, don't dare to ask for it!"

The young man just wished he could get off his horse and accept the order, so he had no choice but to answer loudly and enthusiastically.

This kind of treatment will not be in vain for all the hard work that has been done over this period of time.

"Xu Shangshu has the courage of others!" Fa Zheng thought to himself.

No matter how confident he is in his own abilities, in the final analysis he is just a slut. If he doesn't mention "my grandfather is Fa Zhen" when chatting with others, most people will be too lazy to take a serious look at this down-and-out scholar. of.

Unexpectedly, you are arsenic and he is honey, but Xu Jiashu has no intention of despising him.

It seems that this timely help is a right bet!

However, Meng Da didn't get any response for a long time. Seeing that his friend seemed to be left out, Fazheng introduced Xu Jiashu: "My friend Meng Da is a man of both civil and military skills. He is ten times as talented as me. I hope Xu Shangshu will find out."


Hearing this, Xu Jiashu pondered for a moment on his horse.

Meng Da was definitely a man of many talents. He not only had the record of conquering cities and territories, but also served as the governor of a county. He could be said to govern the army from horse to horse and govern the people from horse to horse. He was remembered as a small hexagonal warrior.

But it’s this character that doesn’t get along well with anyone and can’t stay under anyone’s control, which makes him really afraid to use it without any worries!

"That being the case, Mengda will be like you in the future, watching the government by my side."

After thinking for a while, Xu Jiashu decided to give Meng Da a chance for the time being.

There are three reasons.

First, in the simulation, that is, in the world line where his whereabouts were leaked by the traitor, there was no such thing as two people coming to defect, so the probability of him being a traitor was relatively small.

Anyway, it's right under your nose now, so you might as well trust him first, and it won't be too late to confirm your identity when you go back.

Second, people are fickle animals. Meng Da, who is still a young man at this time, may not be the clown who betrays his master three times in the future. If he treats one person so favorably and favors another, it will actually chill people's hearts.

Now that we have soldiers and food, it is the time to employ people.

In the end, it was all about Fa Zheng's face.

Needless to say, Xu Jiashu has high hopes for this semi-finished SSR - this is the military advisor he will train in the future!
Among the current small groups, Huan Jie is more of an expert in internal affairs. During his years as a government official and as a minister, he developed his ability to see the overall situation and handle common affairs. The only person he can rely on in the military is Gan Ning. and Miss Lu, the two generals.

Low EQ says: More than enough bravery, not enough resourcefulness.High EQ says: There is still a lot of room for improvement.

The arrival of Fazheng just made up for the embarrassment of not having a military advisor.

I don't know if it's because all the reckless ones are dead, but there are a lot fewer robbers on the way back than when they came.

The opportunity was rare. Xu Jiashu originally wanted to show his hand in front of Fa Zheng, but he was always one step behind Lu Lingqi.

In the eyes of the two young men with surprise and admiration, they saw Miss Lu sitting on the horse, her arrows were all fired, and she harvested all the incoming offenders.

Xu Jiashu drew his sword in a stylish manner, but he was just a spectator and had no chance to deal with it.

adc is grabbing heads!

"Ahem." He slowly put the sword into its scabbard and asked Fa Zhengdao, "This is Lu Fengxian's daughter, isn't she powerful?" - To change the idea, wait for the young man to know that such a powerful female general is the defeated general of me, Xu Zimao, and pretend Wouldn't it be better to force one's power?
"Awesome!" Fazheng nodded frequently, as if pounding garlic.

Traditionally, the sons of the Liangjiazi in Guanxi and the northwest border counties were the talent pools for the Emperor’s Forbidden Army “Hu Ben” and “Yu Lin” respectively. Among them, the Liangjiazi were mainly characterized by those who dared to fight hard and had strict discipline (Taishi Dong: That’s good, continue) Say!), while the children from the border counties were able to ride and shoot better than anyone else, and even competed with the Huns.

Although the young man had heard about Bingzhou cavalry and archery, this was the first time he saw such miraculous archery skills!
Seeing his appearance, Xu Jiashu couldn't help but laugh.

Not far away, Meng Da looked strange. When Lu Bu was collecting Xu Zimao's traces in Chencang, he said that his daughter was deceived by his treacherous tricks and was accidentally captured.

But now it looks like there is clearly adultery!

tnnd, are you being fooled?

With different thoughts, everyone returned to the valley again.

The trip to Ayang again, in general, has been fruitful.

The large areas of the warehouse used to store weapons are full of piles. With these, at least for a long time, there will be no shortage of guys who can kill people. Among them, there is also the generosity of the robber brothers - considering that Xu Jiashu has been kidnapped. Cai Yong, Lu Lingqi and Zhao Ang can be regarded as the support and mutual help among their peers.
They really, I cried to death.

The existing more than 300 soldiers are all equipped with a full set of weapons. Although the armor rate is not high for the time being, everyone in the valley has no money to wear armor, so it is not a big problem.

After doing this, Xu Jiashu quickly opened the simulator.

He found that there seemed to be a bug that could cause it to get stuck.

Wang Yi's high initial favorability inspired Xu Jiashu - although the entire simulation process was not long, it actually achieved a high score of 91!
So does it mean that if you select a simulation object with a high degree of favorability in reality and repeat the simulation, after uploading, you can recover 2 simulation times at a minimum every time?

If this were true, it would be invincible - unlimited times, unlimited rewards!

Give Xu Jiashu a night, he is afraid that he will not be able to reach the realm of Shattered Void, so he will directly move the category of this book to the Xianxia area
Why do you still fall in love? Just change it into a simulator of cultivating immortals!

Start start!

Xu Jiashu couldn't wait to choose [Liu Ying] among [Simulated Objects].

The eldest princess's favorability should be the highest, and she can get high scores even if she hangs up.
[Confirm simulation]

A red notice suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

[Note: If you choose a simulation object with a favorability rating of 80 or above, you will not receive any settlement rewards! 】

【Whether to continue? 】



No no no.

Xu Jiashu canceled the simulation nonchalantly.

It can only be said that it is not surprising that even programmers like Asan cannot make this kind of heaven-defying bug.

Opportunism is not advisable.

Since Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess cannot do it, Miss Cai must also not be able to do it, leaving Lu Lingqi as the only choice.

【Start simulation】

[Remaining number of simulations: 7]

[Simulated object: Lu Lingqi]

[The current relationship is: friends or above]

In other words, after going on a date with public funds (?), Miss Lu had some vague feelings for her, but she didn't realize it yet. She was so angry when she saw him enjoying the knee pillow service that she felt that she was Fighting against Liu Ying and Cai Yan.

More than friends, but not many.

"Friends and above." When Xu Jiashu saw this comment, he couldn't help but taste it.

Hmm. Nothing came out.

As long as Miss Lu didn't tell anyone about the drunken sex incident, he continued to look at the briefing - the top priority was to catch the mole.

Judging from the direction of the last simulation, this insider may be a member of the core circle.


On the other side, Fazheng was outside the school and took a careful look at the "Bo Luo Lv" erected in the yard.

Fa's family has profound knowledge, and he has a collection of books accumulated over several generations, and he is involved in the art of war and politics. Although he prefers the art of war and has read more military books, it does not prevent him from understanding a little about criminal law.

"This method is wonderful!"

As soon as it started, Fazheng exclaimed in admiration.

"..." Meng Da also came up to take a look, quite disapprovingly, "The Boluo Law is nothing more than deleting and deleting the Six Laws so that these Qiang people can understand them, and there are many laws. They are all much lighter, but they have lost the essence of Legalism.”

"Otherwise", Fazheng shook his head and explained to his friend: "I have heard about the Legalist approach, but it is just the art of using the country as a prison and using the world to serve one person."

He pointed to the first few laws and said, "But these are clearly to prevent officials from acting recklessly!"

"No torture shall be used without trial, and no conviction shall be made unless the evidence is conclusive..." Meng Da read out softly.

"It just sounds nice...", he muttered in a low voice, "and this will only give opportunities to those unruly people who have broken the law. If this continues, where will the authority of the government be?"

Fazheng only thought that his friend was brought here by him, but he still had knots in his heart. He smiled and explained to him: "Mengda doesn't know something. With these two things, Legalism can truly last for a long time!"

External Confucianism and Internal Law are just a sugar coating, which cannot cover up the bloody and exploitative nature. To change the inherent flaws of Legalism, we must truly regard the law as a public weapon of the state.

"Xu Shangshu's move really brought Legalism to the forefront!"

"No matter how much you praise Fa Zheng," Meng Da started to get angry with him inexplicably, "This guy named Xu is just a mountain king now!"

"Mengda," Fazheng sighed: "I won't argue with you, let's wait and see the consequences."

(End of this chapter)

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