Chapter 121
Lu Bu.

It is him again!
After all, this is already the third time.

Obviously Xu Jiashu is not a Saint. The same trick can be used not only twice, but maybe three times on him.
The scene turned and came to this familiar battlefield.

As usual, Lu Lingqi walked to her father's formation and tried to plead but was rejected.

However, Xu Jiashu, who was in a free simulation state, experienced this scene completely as No. 1 for the first time, and discovered something unusual-the rejected Miss Lu looked very quiet.

Logically speaking, her performance should be more intense.

It's not that Xu Jiashu is narcissistic, but that Lu Lingqi was like this in the two previous team annihilations. The old father even needed to use Zhang Liao to calm down his troublesome daughter.

Now that her favorability has improved in reality, she has become quieter in the simulation.


But Xu Jiashu had no time to think about this, because the military formation on the opposite side began to move.

The numbers on the front were at a disadvantage. Instead of joining forces, Lu Bu turned around and asked Zhang Liao to lead 100 men to outflank the retreat.

For him, it is not important to lose these 100 people, but it is important to prevent the cooked duck (referring to Xu Jiashu) from flying away.

It’s the familiar fighting phase again.

Gan Ning took the lead to greet him. Gan Xingba, who had recovered from his injuries, danced with his two halberds and made a fierce attack. However, Lu Bu just sat back on his horse and could handle it with ease.

t has already caught the monster, so what are you waiting for now?

Xu Jiashu didn't hesitate at all - practicing martial arts for many days, isn't it just for now?

He grabbed a sword and rushed forward.

With the help of free simulation, this was his first immersive confrontation with Lu Fengxian with real swords and guns, but he felt that the opponent did not look like a human being at all.

It's a piece of water with no end in sight.

Xu Jiashu tried his best to slash, but Lu Bu casually blocked it and stopped, like a mud cow entering the sea. Instead, the opponent attacked from time to time with tricky stabs, which clearly looked like skill, but strangely carried strange power that Peimo could not resist.

With the blessing of strength and speed beyond ordinary people, Fang Tian's painted halberd, a weapon originally used only as a ceremonial guard, burst out with unparalleled power. The tip of the halberd flashed with cold light. If there was a slight flaw in the response, the halberd's blade would sweep across. What followed was one after another. If Gan Ning hadn't been there to put pressure on him, the continuous attacks would have destroyed him mentally and physically very soon!

With one against two, he can still maintain strong suppression on both of them at the same time. This is the pinnacle Lu Bu, the peerless tiger who awakened from the Bingzhou grassland.


The two enemies stepped back a little and let out a sigh of relief.

"Have fun!" Lu Bu laughed boldly, "Wen Yuan can just outflank you, I will personally take the heads of these two boys!"

Zhang Liao, who was watching the battle from a distance, readily agreed.

None of the eight most direct generals under Lu Bu came, but most of them stayed in the Bingzhou army to help him maintain control of the army.

After all, he spent half his life in the military, and no matter how obsessed with fame and fortune, Lu Fengxian still held on to military power very tightly.

Only Zhang Liao, as one of the direct subordinates of General He Jin, is now subordinate to Dong Zhuo like He Jin's other subordinates. This time he was sent to Lu Bu's subordinates and was regarded as a guest general.

Dong Zhuo sent him to follow him, also intending to let Zhang Liao, a fellow from Bingzhou, monitor Lu Bu for him.

After testing the abilities of these two boys, Lu Bu certainly wouldn't let Zhang Liao stay by his side to grab the credit. Xu Zimao's head, worth tens of thousands of gold, could only belong to him!

Seeing Zhang Liao leaving, Lu Bu stepped forward with his halberd.

The flaming red rabbit was like a mythical unicorn alive in the world, exhaling white breath. In just a moment, the distance between the three of them was shortened, and the two of them, who had not even taken a few breaths, were forced to fight with it again.

No, why is this still in the second stage?Xu Jiashu felt a numbness in the tiger's mouth, and even with Lu Bu's casual blow, he felt a throbbing pain in his internal organs.

It turned out that Lu Bu just left some room to test the two of them, and only after Zhang Liao left did he begin to show his true strength.

This mountain-like power is the pinnacle of martial arts in this world!

Xu Jiashu glanced at Gan Ning beside him distractedly, and saw that he was getting more and more excited as he fought, his handsome face turned blood red, and every time his two halberds were swung, a few crystal beads of sweat flew away with them.

"Kill me!" Gan Xingba shouted like a madman, "or be killed by me!"

At this time, Xu Jiashu probably knew how [the two of them faced Lu Bu and held on for a long time] came about - Gan Ning also went crazy!
As we all know, besides being handsome and loyal, Gan Xingba's advantage is his bull-like resistance and endurance. At this time, he is tireless and in pain, staring closely at the blow from Fang Tian Huaji. Every attack, and then use all your strength to meet the enemy.

Block, slash, chop down!

If the Jinfan thief had divine help, he repeated these simple actions countless times, which actually gave Lu Bu the illusion that "this kid can fight like this until dark."

Unable to delay it any longer, it was Lu Bu's turn to take the initiative to retreat.

He is tired of this farce. He wants the position of the state pastor and the glory of the county prince. He wants it now!

Lu Bu held the bow in his left hand and reached for the quiver with his right hand - with just two shots, he could send these two ignorant boys to the underworld!


Lu Fengxian suddenly felt pain in his left hand and couldn't help but shake it twice. When he looked closely, he saw that the bow he was holding was shot from behind!
He turned around angrily and found that there was only one person behind him.

In a still state and not far away, Lu Lingqi was still able to hit the target with perfect accuracy.

"younger sister?!"

The furious Lu Bu sobered up a little.

"This is a big deal for our family. Don't make trouble for me at this time!" Lu Bu frowned and asked her loudly, "I just do all the nonsense now. Now is the time to avenge you. How can I return my arm?" Is your elbow turned outward?"

"My father promised to let them go, and I will stop!"

"What are you talking about?" Lu Bu's burning desire for fame broke out, and he couldn't help but angrily scolded his daughter: "We reunited after a long separation, but nothing we did was right!"

Forget it if you don't help yourself, but actually knock down your own bow from behind?


Xu Jiashu and Gan Ning took the opportunity to breathe heavily and rest. The only voice heard on the battlefield was Lu Lingqi's voice.

Although the sound was slight, it penetrated into people's ears.

"Why am I wrong? Why is it always me who has to change?" Lu Lingqi raised her head, tears streaming down her face, "Is it just because I am young, because I am your daughter?"

"But I will always be younger than you, and I will always be your daughter!" The girl's shoulders twitched. "I haven't figured out what kind of person I am yet, but you want me to change."

“Really, it’s too much.”

"Is it okay to wait until we get back?" Lu Bu couldn't listen to her words at all. He just felt that without the bow, things were a little more difficult. "It's okay if you and your mother scold me together, but now kill them all together with me." !”

Lu Lingqi looked at him as if she were looking at a stranger.

"I'm just afraid that it's difficult for me to obey my orders."

She took out her halberd and slowly stood next to Xu Jiashu.

Just like that day after Xu Jiashu shouted "Keep someone under the halberd", he stood beside her alone.

(End of this chapter)

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