Chapter 124 Willing to Follow It

Zhang Yulan used to be just as talkative.

This is all thanks to her mother.

"Book of the Later Han Dynasty - Liu Yan's Biography" says: Zhang Lu's mother from Pei was beautiful, and she also used ghosts to travel to and from the Yan family, so she appointed Lu as the governor.

Therefore, the "ghost way" of the old Zhang family is a family tradition.

When she was young, Zhang Yulan was even better than Zhang Qiying now. However, as she became more involved in religious affairs over the years, her devotion to Tao became weaker and weaker.

To put it simply, she has graduated from the second grade of secondary school.

But the worst thing is that niece Zhang Qiying is repeating the same path that Zhang Yulan once walked. However, the two people have very similar looks and figures. It is even harder to tell them apart after wearing Taoist robes and crowns. As a result, Zhang Yulan has a kind of feeling every time she sees her niece. The feeling of looking in the mirror.
It turns out that I was like this back then - it was so shameful, or else I should commit suicide!

Xu Jiashu didn't know why she covered her forehead when she mentioned her niece. She was just curious. Especially when she saw Zhang Lu, a family of lolita, she wanted to meet Zhang Shijun with her own eyes.

Zhang Yulan led him through the corridor and happened to see Zhang Qiying in the yard.

The little Loli drank a bowl of talisman water with a solemn face, holding a large writing brush half as tall as her in both hands, and stroked it vertically and horizontally on the wall. However, due to physical strength and height, she had to stop and take a breath every time she wrote a word.

Why did writing a word cause the movement of painting the wall?
Xu Jiashu couldn't help but stop and observe, but found that he couldn't understand even a word.

Zhang Yulan in front of her had already covered her face with her sleeves and planned to pass through this place quickly. When she turned around and saw Xu Jiashu stopped, she stamped her feet angrily and had to turn around and call him.

"Hurry up," Legal Loli urged in a cold voice, "Don't keep Master waiting for too long."

"." Xu Jiashu pointed at Zhang Qiying in the courtyard, "What are you doing?"

"I don't know, don't know, don't ask me."

Zhang Yulan quickly distanced herself from the relationship. If the two of them didn't look exactly the same, she would even say that she didn't recognize the conspicuous man in the courtyard.


Just when Xu Jiashu was about to say something, he heard Zhang Qiying give a clear drink, and sat down on the spot. He quickly made unknown seals with his hands and poured all his thoughts into the spell he had just written. His little face turned red.

"The formation is complete!"

The little Loli stood up and clapped her hands with satisfaction, not caring that her clean robe was stained with dust.

"Uh", Xu Jiashu asked tentatively: "Would you like to change your niece's clothes first? I think they are quite dirty."

At this moment, Zhang Yulan just wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in - it was over, it was all over.
The reputation of the Zhang family will be ruined!
It's all my brother's fault. When he heard that hundreds of Qiang warriors wanted to join the religion, he forgot everything. Zhang Yulan complained secretly. Now that people see this scene, who still believes that Five Pecks of Rice is a serious religion?
Well, I completely forgot that I was also this virtuous back then.

Zhang Yulan carefully observed Xu Jiashu's face and felt relieved when he saw that he didn't show any strange expression, nor did he turn around and leave.


Fortunately, he is a Qiang man who has never seen the world.

In fact, Xu Jiashu just remembered that Zhang Qiying seemed to be Ma Chao's CP in the game of shame.

Historically, she was almost betrothed to Ma Chao by Zhang Lu, but she gave up because of Ma Chao's cold-blooded deeds of cheating his father. After that, she married Cao Cao's son Cao Yu, but she died young soon, so that folklore said that the two Not actually married.

Looking at her like this, she must have been short-lived by drinking Talisman Water.
Feudal superstition is harmful!
Well, Kiyono Kami doesn't count - the most special thing is her, above all else, she is my god, Kiyono Rin.


"Then I'll excuse you first."

Seeing that he really didn't mind, Zhang Yulan went to the yard and took her niece's hand and left.

Xu Jiashu vaguely heard Yu Jieyin complaining softly, "What kind of mess are you doing again?"

"This is called a formation!" Little Loli replied confidently: "If those monsters dare to attack, they will be defeated!"

[You met Zhang Lu, and he said that as long as you hand over the three hundred warriors, you can directly become the top executive of Wu Dou Mi Road, and you agreed. 】

Zhang Lu doesn't look like the potato-faced person in the game Dark Shame - Liu Yan has also eaten and seen it, and it can fascinate him. There is no doubt about the beauty of Zhang Lu's mother.

In addition to the problem of height, this Zhang Shijun was even said to be as tall as a crown jade, and his temperament was outstanding. Seeing that Xu Jiashu spoke the Qiang language authentically, and the people he brought were all genuine Qiang warriors, he did not doubt his Identity, I just want to get this rare force.

As the leader of these 300 people, Xu Jiashu was also cited as a confidant and dedicated to military affairs.

After all, in Zhang Lu's view, a foreigner who had escaped from trouble had a shallow foundation and had no other choice except to rely on him with all his strength, just as the royal thug.

To use an inappropriate analogy, Xu Jiashu is his An Lushan.

[After that, you were able to frequently visit Zhang Lu's residence and discuss with him the plan to capture Hanzhong. 】

On this day, Xu Jiashu entered Zhang Lu's manor again, and saw little Loli walking towards him nervously, with a tangled expression on her face.

"Qi Ying's sacrificial wine?", he asked: "Uh, or Magnolia's grand sacrificial wine."

No way, these two people look good up close. After getting familiar with each other, you probably know that although Zhang Yulan has a loli face, the baby fat on her face is slightly less than that of Zhang Qiying. You can identify them one or two by this, but from a distance I still can't tell the difference even after looking at it.

Unless you speak.

"Kemu Zhi Liquor"

Listening to the voice, it turned out to be Zhang Yulan.

"I had a dream last night," Legal Loli emphasized seriously, "a very strange dream!"

"What did you dream about?"

Xu Jiashu thought it was some indescribable dream that would be banned, and his tone was quite playful.

"Tsk", the slightly sullen Yu Jie's voice came out from Loli's appearance, "I'm serious!"

Zhang Yulan felt that she told him such an important thing because she trusted him.

"I understand," Xu Jiashu said with a straight face, "Please tell me about the Magnolia Grand Ceremony."

"I dreamed that a red light fell from the sky," Zhang Yulan recalled with an ethereal look. "There were gold and seal characters in the red light, which lingered for dozens of feet and entered my mouth."

By the way, isn't this a general template for the emperor to come to the world?
Xu Jiashu answered with a strange expression: "Then you are pregnant?"

"Not serious." Zhang Yulan rolled her eyes at him, "And after I woke up, I could still remember the content of this scripture!"

"This thing is called "Benji Jing"." Zhang Yulan took out a piece of cloth and asked Xu Jiashu, "What should I do?"

There is a reason why she is so panicked. She knows her own family affairs well. She has not practiced Taoism for a long time since she graduated from the second grade of middle school. Now that she suddenly has such a dream, is it a warning from heaven to punish her?
"As the saying goes, you have thoughts during the day and dreams at night." Xu Jiashu pondered for a moment and comforted: "Maybe it's just that I have been studying scriptures for many years and gained some insights in my dreams. Don't think too much about it."

"Alas -" Zhang Yulan sighed, "What does this mean? I would rather live an ordinary life."

Since Zhang Ling founded the religion, the Zhang family has been running wildly on the road to monasticism. Not to mention direct daughters like her, even outside girls like Zhang Lu's mother have joined in.

When Zhang Yulan was a child, she thought this was a matter of course, but in recent years, she gradually began to doubt it. Especially after witnessing Zhang Jiao's Yellow Turban Rebellion, she became even more frightened and uneasy, thinking that what she was doing was decapitation.

"Be careful what you say during the Magnolia Grand Ceremony," Xu Jiashu warned, "I'm just an outsider after all."

"I know," Zhang Yulan whispered.

In fact, it was precisely because Xu Jiashu was a foreigner and an outsider in Zhang Yulan's eyes that she was willing to reveal her true feelings - although this "Ke Muzhi" had only been in the religion for a short time, he did not participate in the teaching affairs. He was only responsible for training Qiang warriors in the name of offering wine. , and I can see him often, so he is a good person to talk to.If this dream were told to other people in Wu Dou Mi Road, I'm afraid it would be taken out to preach again!
"Take this." After thinking for a while, Zhang Yulan stuffed the "Benji Jing" into his arms and said, "Just read it privately, and don't spread the word that I dreamed it."

"Oh", Xu Jiashu didn't think much and accepted it for the time being.

It didn't take long for Lu Bu to lay eggs under Zhang Lu's command. After recovering from his injury, Lu Bu quickly brought about a series of chain reactions.

[After Lu Bu recovered from his injuries, he entered Boluo Valley, killed all the Qiang people in the valley and returned. When he returned to Chang'an, he found that all his military power had been divided among his eight capable generals, and he was furious. 】

[Wang Yun took the opportunity to rebel against Lu Bu, and Dong Zhuo was killed according to the plan. Subsequently, Wang Yun and Lu Bu were at odds. 】

[The Xiliang army was hunted down, Jia Xu offered advice, and Li Guo's rebellion broke out. 】

Except for the different motivations, this section is basically a re-enactment of history, so I won’t go into details.

Without Xu Jiashu's presence this time, Brother Wenhe had no way to surrender. In order to protect himself, he chose to launch violence in desperation.

It’s just that the subsequent development began to deviate.

[Lü Bu was driven out of Chang'an by the Xiliang army before he could regain the military power in Bingzhou, taking only his family with him. Li and Guo joined forces with the eight strong generals, and their power became unprecedentedly powerful. 】

[The news of Dong Zhuo's execution came. You used the Qiang warriors who obeyed your orders to control Zhang Lu and the senior officials in the manor, and then took control of the real power of the Five Dou Rice Road. Then you negotiated with Su Gu in the name of the eldest princess, and accepted it without any bloodshed. Hanzhong County. 】

[Soon, Lu Bu’s whole family came to vote]

At first, Xu Jiashu suspected that he had made a mistake.

But when I thought about it, Lu Bu didn't know that he had killed him twice in the simulation. This time it was a tie. With Lu Lingqi here, there was no possibility of reconciliation between the two parties.

As soon as the scene changed, Lu Bu was standing in front of Xu Jiashu.

"Xu", midway through his words, he suddenly froze.

Whatever I yelled didn't seem right.

Brother Xu Xian?No, he and his daughter are of the same generation.

Xu boy?It doesn't sound like he is sincere in his vote.

Xu Langguan?That's nothing like an old almanac.
"Marquis Wen just calls me Zi Mao like before," Xu Jiashu quickly smoothed things over. "Now is the time when the Han Dynasty is in decline. Don't worry about the misunderstandings in the past."

The scene was well-spoken and the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

There is still one more thing to learn about "Emotional Intelligence".

"Xu Zimao." After settling in, Miss Lu came to him and directly talked about that distant topic, "I now know what I want to do."

She pointed to her heart, "I want to live my life freely according to my own ideas."

Hearing this, Xu Jiashu looked at her deeply and then said, "What are Lingqi's own thoughts?"

"I see that the people are in ruins, and I am willing to clear up Yu Nei!"

"Okay!" Xu Jiashu raised his hands and praised: "What about after clarifying Yu Nei?"

"Well", Lu Lingqi pondered for a while, then raised her head and said, "I want to Cangwu Beihai and roam the world!"

"Better!" Xu Jiashu asked again: "What if the world has seen enough?"

What a bully!
Miss Lu couldn't help but punched him in anger, until Xu Jiashu clutched his ribs and cried out for mercy before giving up.

"If you've seen enough," she murmured, but she couldn't explain why - this world is endless, have you really seen enough?
Lu Lingqi was too lazy to think about things that were too far away.

"If you have seen enough," Xu Jiashu took her hand and smiled softly: "Come back to your hometown with me. I will farm and study, how about you raising silkworms and weaving?"

The atmosphere had reached this point. Unexpectedly, Miss Lu shook her head and gave a negative answer: "Not good."

And you, my friend, you are the mainstay in joker, the biggest bet in poker, the mascot of McDonald's, and the big boss in Gotham.

"I don't like weaving," Lu Lingqi said with a frown, "It's better to go back to Bingzhou, herd horses and sheep, and I can shoot a few geese."

"For what?" Seeing that she was hesitant to speak, Xu Jiashu couldn't help but ask.

"To play with my daughter" - even Lu Lingqi would definitely not be able to say this.

"Stop talking nonsense!", she raised her fist and threatened: "Say it quickly, okay?"

"I said, I said." Xu Jiashu made a fearful gesture and took two steps back.

He grabbed his fist, slowly unfolded it, and kissed the back of his hand gently.

"I would like to follow it."

[In the first year of Xingping, Liu Yan, the herdsman of Yizhou, died of illness. Gan Ning led his troops to the south. Bajun Wu Dou Mi Dao responded. Liying and Waihe defeated Zhao Wei. Liu Zhang, the herdsman of Yizhou, asked to surrender. Liu Biao of Jingzhou took the opportunity to go upstream, and only got the mediocre land. . 】

[In the same year, Li Jue, Guo Si, and Fan Chou disagreed, and the Bingzhou army took its own sides under the leadership of eight strong generals. The situation in Chang'an was turbulent. 】

[In March, Li Jue tried to take the lead in kidnapping the emperor, but Jia Xu dissuaded him and refused to listen. 】

[In June, Zhang Ji, the general of Zhendong, came to Chang'an from Shaanxi County to persuade Li Jue to make peace. Since Li Jue's wife did not want her son to be a hostage, the peace talks were still undecided. Jia Xu then persuaded Zhang Ji to pick up the emperor and go south to Hanzhong. 】

[In the second year of Xingping, he led the Northern Expedition and returned to Guanzhong. He regained Chang'an in one fell swoop and the emperor returned to the capital. 】

[In the first year of Jian'an, you began the western expedition to pacify Liangzhou. At this time, there were still four warlords in the Kwantung: Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Sun Ce, and Liu Biao. Liu Bei was granted the title of imperial uncle by the emperor's order and was not among the warlords. 】

[Three years later, in the fourth year of Jian'an, the entire territory of Liangzhou was pacified, and Hangu Pass was used to gain a glimpse of the world. 】

[In the seventh year of Jian'an, Yuan Shao died of illness, and fighting continued in Hebei. He left Luoyang in the east and regained the eastern capital. 】

[In the 12th year of Jian'an, before his death, Liu Biao ordered his son Liu Cong to submit to the imperial court, and Jingzhou was settled. 】

[In the first year of Yankang, the last separatist forces were destroyed, Sun Ce died in battle, and his younger brother Sun Quan entered Luoyang to ask for surrender with his flesh exposed and his face bound, holding a jade in his hand. 】

[After traveling around the world for several years with Lu Lingqi, Liu Ying, and Cai Yan, you settled in Jiuyuan County, Bingzhou. 】

"Mom," the little girl held down the dying goose with her fat hands, "Can this be eaten?"

"Don't eat!"

Lu Lingqi frowned - how come this child knows how to eat? He is nothing like me when I was a child.

What fun stuff!
Lu Bu picked up his granddaughter and comforted her, "Yingying, don't listen to your mother. Later, ask your father to make soup for you!"

"Okay," the little girl, still holding the wild goose in her hand, said with a smile, "I knew my father could do everything."

"Your father is just like that." Lu Bu, who took advantage of his vacation to visit his granddaughter, was a little jealous. "If my father hadn't made great contributions at the critical moment, how could he have stopped the coalition forces of Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Mengde?"

"Father!" Lu Lingqi raised her eyebrows, "Don't talk to children like this!"

"No more, no more." Lu Bu felt a phantom pain in his waist and said sarcastically: "This man is old and is easily afraid of his daughter."

[Simulation ends]

(End of this chapter)

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