Chapter 78 Father and Daughter
"When will father return to Luoyang?"

Lu Lingqi was sitting in the yard, swinging her long legs on the stone table.

"There's still something to do." Lu Bu said with a frown.

He also wanted to kill the remaining fifty members of the Yuan family. This was something Dong Xiangguo had specifically warned before leaving.

Normally, he would stand guard as a bodyguard for him, but occasionally he would dig up imperial tombs and kill women and children. This was what Lu Fengxian, the dignified Marquis of Tingting, did.

It sounds really cowardly.

"Oh -" Lu Lingqi didn't ask much. Her father had his own reasons for doing things. She was more concerned about other things, "Then can you take me back with you?"

The answer was only four words.

"Don't fool around."

"What nonsense are you talking about? My father knows about my martial arts and archery skills!" She stopped shaking her legs and argued loudly: "How can ordinary men be my opponents?"

This is actually quite modest.

Not to mention ordinary men, even the generals of the Bingzhou Army, except Zhang Wenyuan, had suffered losses under her hands.

Lu Bu rarely missed the days of herding and hunting, when a dead eagle could make his daughter grin for most of the day.

Now I'm talking to myself about going to the battlefield.

The old father felt very sad.

It's also his fault that he gave birth to his daughter too early. Before joining the army, the main way to raise his children was to play with Lu Lingqi, which led to the formation of such a relationship that was more like brother and sister than father and daughter.

How about getting married as soon as possible?

Lu Bu was thinking.

"I want to follow my father and kill the enemy!" - This may be Lu Lingqi's biggest wish.

After all, he was her biological father. No matter how bad his reputation was, to her, he was still a marquis who had worked his way up from a herdsman to a purple ribbon and gold seal. He was the world's greatest hero.


Lu Bu tried his best to put on a good face.

"Oh," Lu Lingqi said, lying on the stone table with her lips pursed, as if she was hopeless.

Trying to awaken father's love.jpg
"There are many talented people in Chang'an, go and make some friends," the old father said earnestly, "Don't stay at home and practice archery and martial arts every day."

Look at this boy, with this strange power, which young man from aristocratic family would dare to marry him?

Really sad.

"They are all idiots, how can they have any talent?" Her muttering voice came from the stone table.

At this time, the aesthetics of the Wei and Jin Dynasties were beginning to take shape. Although He Yan, who was the first to break the Five Stones San, was still a child, the custom of applying powder and lipstick had long been popular among the children of aristocratic families.

Some people even "don't take off their makeup, just look at their shadows while walking" and are ready to touch up their makeup at any time.

Looking around, there is no one who can fight.

"You can't say that." Lu Bu racked his brains, thinking of Xu Jiashu who made a big splash at yesterday's banquet. "That Xu Zimao is pretty good, he seems to be able to get things done."


"Him?" Lu Bu's eyes widened angrily, and he reached for his halberd - he asked his daughter to make friends, but he did not allow others to take advantage of her.

If you put the cabbage on Lu Fengxian's head, you think your life will be long, right?
At this time, Xu Jiashu, who was being beaten far away in the outer city, suddenly felt a trace of murderous intent. As soon as he was distracted, he was punched by Gan Ning again.

It turned out to be an illusion.

"No, you just looked at me twice." Lu Lingqi raised her head and explained, and stopped a murder in an instant, "Just beat him up."'

Then he lay down and pretended to be dead.

The old father had no choice but to put down his rolled-up sleeves, "Sister, what do you want to do?"

"Go back to Luoyang with you."

"This is absolutely not possible." He himself would not get a chance to go to the battlefield, let alone a woman. "Other fathers would agree to it."

"Then leave your personal guards to me."


After the words were spoken, Lu Bu could only hold his nose to recognize them, "Okay, I'll leave them all to you."

Anyway, I will probably work as a bodyguard for Dong Xiangguo when I go back. I would rather keep these dozen personal guards for nothing than use them to make my daughter happy. "I heard it!" Lu Lingqi stood up like a carp, "It's a deal!"

Although he can't go to the battlefield yet, he has more than a dozen veterans under his command. This is a very critical step in becoming a general!
As expected of me!

It's so bad, put your hands on your hips for a while.

"But you have to promise me a few things." The old father tried to make a three-part agreement.

"No problem." Lu Lingqi smiled, revealing two pointed tiger teeth, "Father just said so."

After all, after he leaves, won’t the Lu family have the final say?
"You can't lead them to cause trouble."

This is what Lu Bu cares about most. After all, he is not at home, so he still doesn't feel at ease.

"walk slowly!"

"These personal guards are all descendants of Bingzhou. They must be taken good care of and never be injured in vain."

"no problem!"

In fact, Lu Bu also wanted his daughter to learn some poetry, calligraphy, etiquette and music so that she could get married later.

After thinking about it, forget it - Lu Fengxian's daughter can do whatever she wants. As long as she manages to get along well, her daughter will naturally have no worries about getting married.

"Any more?"

Lu Lingqi's wish came true. She is still very talkative when she is in a good mood, "It's a rare opportunity."

"And", looking at her sullen look, the old father couldn't help but stretched out his hand to ruffle her neatly tied hair, "take care of my grandma for me."

Lu Bu knew that he was greedy for money and lustful, and he had met many women after his rise to prominence, but he always had a mutual affection for Yan, his wife when he was poor and humble.

A young couple keeps company with them all the time, and no woman, no matter how beautiful, can compare with them.

"I know, I know." Lu Lingqi knocked off his bear's paw, "Put it on me!"

Lu Bu picked up the halberd and was about to go to Yuan's house to do something, but suddenly he put it down again.

Don't worry, there are still people who haven't been beaten yet.

Under his daughter's confused gaze, he walked straight to the chancellor's desk. When he saw a chancellor crouching at his desk, writing, he asked, "Is Xu Zimao here?"

When Huan Jie saw that Lu Bu was wearing a purple ribbon and was extremely majestic, he still had the courage to ask him why he wanted to see Xu Jiashu.

"I am his friend's father," Lu Bu explained, pointing to the food box he left half for dinner, "I met Zi Mao at the banquet last night."

"That's it." Huan Jie nodded.

Yes, he had also heard about Zi Mao's limelight last night, and he must have been appreciated by the Marquis.

He smiled and told Lu Bu where Xu Jiashu went to the outer city - Zi Mao, Zi Mao, if it weren't for me, Huan Boxu, you would have almost missed a big opportunity!
You have to pay extra. No, you have to add meals!

Lu Bu nodded and turned to leave.

While leaning against the well and chatting with Gan Ning, Xu Jiashu suddenly saw the highly recognizable figure and took the initiative to say hello: "How come it's such a coincidence that I see Junhou here?"

"It's indeed a coincidence." Lu Bu smiled honestly, "What are you two doing?"

"My brother and I were sparring in martial arts." At least he didn't say that he had been beaten for a long time. "It just ended."


Lu Bu gave a long response, "I wonder if I can join?"

That's fine. I'll go find the third brother from Taoyuan first. Isn't that what you are asking for?

Xu Jiashu was about to say that it was time to go home, but he saw Gan Ning beside him burst out with a strong desire to fight.

What a strong opponent!
Gan Ning admired in his heart, he didn't expect there to be such a hero in the world.

"Of course," Gan Ning eagerly agreed, "It is my honor to compete with you!"

"You misunderstood", Lu Bu shook his head, "I mean, you two come together, I am in a hurry."

The Yuan family is still waiting.

It's very rude to be late at all times.

"Are you serious, Junhou?" Gan Ning was a little worried about losing the Junhou's face, "I'm going to punch you pretty hard."

Lu Bu took off his ribbon and coat and said, "Let's get started."

(End of this chapter)

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