Chapter 81 The first time

"What do you want to do?" Lu Lingqi raised her eyebrows and walked up to the man and said, "If you dare to attack my father's personal guard, you must know that his painted halberd does not have eyes!"

So scary, so scary.

"Girl got it wrong"

Xu Jiashu looked aggrieved: "I am a doctor in the lower district. I am just acting on the orders of Wang Situ. Whether I arrest people or convict them, I have to present them to Wang Situ in the end."

The implication is that Lu Bu will not be able to blame himself if the time comes.

With Lu Fengxian's character, ordinary people would definitely have to pay a price for killing his bodyguard, but if it was Wang Yun, the most wealthy family in Bingzhou and the mediator of the Chang'an court, it would be difficult to say. There is a high probability that nothing would happen.

After all, Shizhihu's main focus is bullying the weak and clinging to the powerful.

"Let's start discussing," Xu Jiashu said with a smile, "Miss Lu couldn't wait just now."

Occasionally low quality is really refreshing, but wouldn't it be true if the quality is always low?
Your ideas are dangerous.

Speaking of which, even if Lu Lingqi wanted to give him a severe beating, she would not be able to do so considering the face of those dozen personal guards.

He had promised his father.

She secretly cursed that she was indeed from Luoyang, she was indeed despicable and shameless, these city people looked like dogs and had dirty hearts.

The two began to fight.

Xu Jiashu is in good physical condition, but he has been lacking a sparring partner with the same experience and level as him.

Gan Ning is still a bit too strong for him at the moment. The main reason is that this kid doesn't know how to hold back when he hits someone. To practice martial arts with him is to get beaten one-sidedly, and there is no sense of experience at all.
But Xu Jiashu discovered that Lu Lingqi, who deliberately kept her hands to herself, was a very good training partner - her strength and speed were slightly inferior to Xu Jiashu's, and she had to use some real skills if she wanted to not fall behind.

Moreover, Xu Jiashu can ask directly if he wants to know anything, and Lu Lingqi will not hide anything.

Under this deliberate suppression, the two of them turned out to be rivals in chess, and they met talented people, and they were inseparable.

It can't be said that it was a rivalry between rookies. It can only be said that they happened to be matched with equally matched opponents.

It would be great if the rankings on the ladder were like this, and all the games were planned to be beaten.

Lu Lingqi found that although this man was despicable, lustful, and unscrupulous, he was indeed not the same guy. From her experience, it was not uncommon for men to simply surpass her physically.

Of course, this did not affect Xu Jiashu's reputation as a shameless prostitute, so much so that every time Lu Lingqi saw his b-face, she had to hold back from punching him.

Half an hour later, Xu Jiashu's endurance advantage showed up, and Lu Lingqi gradually gave out.

He finally gained the upper hand, but he was also very troubled - as the saying goes, you don't hit someone in the face. If you don't want to create a deep hatred, you definitely can't punch a girl in the face.

But if you hit other parts, you won’t be able to pass the trial.
He had no choice but to aim at Lu Lingqi's limbs and beat her hard, and the two of them attacked wildly with their hands and feet.

There should be a sound effect here - OOLA OOLA!Wood big wood big wood big!

After training intensively with Xu Jiashu for a while, Lu Lingqixiang was dripping with sweat and felt that her body was sticky. She didn't want to continue the fight and went straight to her room to take a shower regardless of what he did.

When she came back after drying her hair, her pupils were trembling - her mother, Mrs. Yan, was sitting and laughing with Xu Jiashu!
Knowing that her daughter rarely had friends visiting her, Mrs. Yan hurried over to take a look.

The Lu family suddenly became rich and powerful from being a herdsman in the border area. The so-called transition from frugality to luxury is easy to say. Other things are easy to say, but the character of her daughter is the most troublesome problem for her. Lu Lingqi has no friends at all in these years. She spends all her time shooting targets at home. But her own men didn't care, or even Lu Bu couldn't control her.

As a result, when they met, the more Mrs. Yan looked at this young man, the more satisfied she became - it was rare for a boy to match her daughter in height and physique, and he was also a disciple of Cai Yong, a great scholar. In the future, he would develop well in his official career. If he didn't stand in the wrong team, at least Expect two thousand stone.

She knows her own family affairs well. In her opinion, with her husband's reputation, it is impossible to find a son from a high-ranking family for her daughter. It is almost impossible to find someone like Xu Zimao who can create a family in the future. After a few generations, In this way, he was completely cleansed from his background as a herdsman.

Thinking of this, she immediately ordered her servants to take Xu Jiashu to the wing to bathe and change clothes, and also found a pair of Lu Bu's regular clothes for him.

Lu Bu's clothes were not much looser on him. With his face, although not as majestic as himself, it added a certain amount of heroism.

Mrs. Yan's eyes lit up and she asked him: "How old is Zimao this year and where is he from?"

"Twenty to two."

Xu Jiashu had never seen such a posture before. He was obviously here for revenge!

But this Lu Bu's wife was gentle and polite, and he answered honestly, "People from Luoyang."

A closer look shows that Lu Lingqi's facial features do have many similarities with her mother, Mrs. Yan, but Mrs. Yan is a little older and has been pampered for a few years, so she has lost some of the boldness and vigor of a border girl.

Mrs. Yan nodded with satisfaction, but did not forget to ask: "Where are my parents and brothers at home?"


In other words, if a daughter is married, is she still married?

Such a child with unlimited looks and promising future, and who would not let her daughter be bullied, Mrs. Yan became even more excited, "Then"

Lu Lingqi's face turned red with embarrassment when she heard it outside the door - Auntie, the Lu family will be embarrassed by you!

Why wasn't Lu Lingqi's face humiliated?
Because Lu Bu is not at home, her face is the face of the Lu family!
"Ahem!" She coughed twice and walked in, "Zimao's martial arts are indeed good. My father was indeed right about the person."

She had already admitted defeat and told Xu Jiashu to leave quickly.

But when these words fell into Mrs. Yan's ears, even her own men were optimistic about this young man.What else is there to say?

"Has Zimao ever been married?" She asked a slightly direct question regardless of her daughter being beside her.

"Auntie," Lu Lingqi suppressed a big fake smile, "I just found a mouse when I was taking a bath. Go and have a look."

"Let the servants go." Madam Yan continued to look at Xu Jiashu without looking back.

Kai Wanxi was at the critical moment to inspect her future son-in-law. How could she be in the mood to see a mouse hiding in the bathroom now?

"Go ahead," Lu Lingqi almost begged her mother not to embarrass the Lu family again, "go and have a look."

this child.
Mrs. Yan stood up helplessly. She married Lu Bu at a young age. She was a weak girl at heart. When her husband was not at home, she was used to listening to her daughter.

"Then remember to get along well with Zimao and don't make others angry." Mrs. Yan turned around and warned Lu Lingqi in a rare and serious manner: "I will be back soon."

Lu Lingqi clasped her hands together.

Come on, I'm really begging you.

"Huh..." After Mrs. Yan left, Lu Lingqi's upright kneeling posture suddenly collapsed - this was more tiring than practicing martial arts.

Seeing her like this, Xu Jiashu burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing? I'll beat you up if you laugh again!" Lu Lingqi was halfway through her threat. She remembered that she still had leverage in his hands and turned away.

Xu Zimao, you are so despicable!

Originally, Xu Jiashu thought this mother-in-law style of questioning was a bit embarrassing, but seeing Lu Lingqi's reaction, he decided to tease her.

"I'm grateful for your maternity's hospitality," Xu Jiashu looked at her provocatively, "It's really refreshing."

Lu Lingqi's body that had just softened immediately straightened up, like a four-legged hairless beast with exploded fur.

This guy is really disgusting!

"Can you let go of my father's personal guards now?" Her mother will be back soon, and Lu Lingqi will not follow him around. "They have no intention of attacking Yi She."

If you are not full and full, who would go to grab things from the hungry people and steal the northwest wind?

"When I came, I had already sent the case back to Zhi Jinwu." Xu Jiashu's warm smile seemed extremely sinister to her. "Marquis Lu is my elder, how could his bodyguard be some powerful and crazy person?"

Xu Zimao, you are so insidious!

Lu Lingqi quietly clenched her fists, wanting to fight him seriously again, but then she had no choice but to let it go - her mother was coming back, so hold on.

Let's do it next time.

"Zimao and I are equal in chess, let's come and compete next time."

She took the initiative to extend the invitation and would go all out next time to beat him until he was full of teeth.

As expected of me!

Lu Lingqi thought she had a trick, and unconsciously revealed two pointed tiger teeth at the corners of her mouth.

"Miss Lu looks beautiful when she smiles." Thinking of her little cotton-padded look when she smiled at Mrs. Yan just now, Xu Jiashu couldn't help but said: "It would be better if you smile more."

If you don't laugh, I want you to take care of it!
Lu Lingqi's face was so serious that she could lift an oil bottle with her chin.

"Thank you, Miss, for teaching me," Xu Jiashu stood up and said goodbye, "It's not too early, I have to go home."

"Hey", Lu Lingqi stood up after him, "You haven't promised me to come again next time!"

How can it be so easy to leave?

Counting the time at Cai Mansion and this time, we have at least two accounts to settle.

Lu Lingqi thought to herself that she would have to hit him hard twice, no, three times.

"There will be a chance." Xu Jiashu replied, and then left.

[After a while, you did not go to Lu Mansion again, but concentrated on rectifying Chang'an. Under your governance, "Those who are loyal and beneficial will be rewarded even if they are punished, those who break the law and neglect will be punished even if they are close, and those who admit their crimes and lose love will be severely punished." "Explanation, those who use clever rhetoric will be killed even if they are trivial; good deeds will not be rewarded, and evil deeds will not be demoted." The government and the public decided that he was the best candidate for the future court captain or imperial censor. 】

[In May, Sikong Xunshuang died of illness. Lu Lingqi appeared at the funeral, but she didn't see you, so she left disappointed. 】

[In the second year of Chuping, Dong Xiangguo returned to Chang'an and once again enfeoffed the ministers. At this time, personnel changes were frequent, and the placement of cronies would not cause alarm.Since your contribution during the governance of Chang'an has been sufficient and the opportunity is rare, Wang Yun would like to take the opportunity to promote you. 】

It is still the chancellery.

"Since he was a young man whom Xun Ciming valued during his lifetime, and he has made great achievements, this minister of [-] shi is no longer worthy of Zi Mao." Wang Yun asked quietly, "I wonder what Zi Mao's ambition is?"

"My lifelong ambition," Xu Jiashu paused, "I only want to imitate Ban Dingyuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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