Chapter 86: Lu Lingqi’s Noble Phantasm
Freely simulated props have special effects on simulated objects.

Well, this is Xu Jiashu's guess.

So far, the only example is the copybook obtained by Cai Yan during his free simulation.

Anyone who sees the painting "The Sapphire Case" will feel depressed. If you stay there for a long time, you may become depressed. For example, classmate Mao Daya, whom I haven't seen for a long time, was deeply affected by this.

Except Cai Yan himself.

Not only did it not work for her, on the contrary, Cai Yan liked it so much that she kept it like a treasure all day long.

As the saying goes, evidence alone cannot stand. In order to verify his guess, Xu Jiashu decided to try the effect of this thing.

After get off work that day, he hid the knife in his arms and took the initiative to visit her.

When he received the message from the concierge, Lu Bu was a little surprised - is this kid so anxious to get beaten?
I have never seen such a request in my life.
But the old father is happy to see the results.

"Let Xu Shangshu come in.", he ordered, not forgetting to give his daughter beside him a look asking for credit.

Learn what the real art of war is.

It is not something that ordinary people can do, and only smart people like your father can do it.

Lu Lingqi was bored, and when she heard the news, she was eager to give it a try.

"How come Zi Mao?" Lu Bu said with a kind smile on his face - he ran so decisively yesterday, since he took the initiative to come to the door today, he wouldn't put oil on the soles of his feet again, right?

"Ever since I have seen the skills of the king, I know that the sky is high and the sky is high." Anyway, if you want to be nice, you don't need money. "I really yearn for it and I can't help myself."

"." After pondering for a moment, Lu Bu could only sigh, "Zimao is eager to learn!"

After all, he would not hit the smiling man with his hand, but his face was thicker than the city wall, and he began to worry that his daughter would strike too hard.

The three of them walked to the courtyard.

According to Xu Jiashu's own guess, the outcome should be between [-] and [-].

He is four.

Not having a handle is the most critical variable, which is equivalent to missing a winning trump card, and having to face the complete Lu Lingqi directly.

However, the settlement reward includes a significant increase in fighting experience, and with this prop with unknown effects, the scene should, probably, not be too ugly.

While Lu Bu was watching the battle from behind, Xu Jiashu showed off the corner of his short sword from time to time, hoping to trigger some magical effect - such as the full value of favorability, Lu Lingqi's head bowing, etc.
Then, all he got was an idiot look.

Damn it, something is going to happen.

The situation changed and the winning rate became nine to one.

The simulator was entirely responsible. Xu Jiashu couldn't help but complain in his heart. If this prop had no effect, he might be beaten severely today.

When the fight officially started, due to his new fighting experience, he naturally assumed a defensive posture, covering his chest and face with his hands.

One is a vital part of the human body, and the other is a person who eats. They must be protected.

Lu Lingqi had never seen this kind of posture before, as if she came here specifically to be beaten. However, she remembered her father's warning not to hit him too hard, so she tentatively hit his defensive hand.

Even if he keeps his hand, he is still powerful and very threatening.

Xu Jiashu took a deep breath and prepared to receive the punch.
Have you started yet?
He looked at his opponent and saw that Lu Lingqi was already preparing for the next attack.

It has ended?
There are generally many reasonable explanations for this situation - "I'm not in a good state today", "I'm too nervous", "I was just warming up", "you're so beautiful".
But it seems that none of them can be used on Lu Lingqi.

If I had to describe Xu Jiashu's feelings, he thought that the big one was coming, but in the end the opponent just fired a flat a.
It doesn't hurt or itch. No matter how immoral it is, scratching the itch is not enough.


Not understanding the situation, he decided to continue to defend and let Lu Lingqi do what she did.

No, is this man made of iron?

After a few rounds, Lu Lingqi had such doubts.

At first, I was really embarrassed to go all out. After all, it was a guest invited by my father to come for a discussion, so a little lesson would be enough.

But this Xu Zimao was just posing and just defending. He didn't even take a breath, which was really annoying.

She decided to step it up.

A high kick, the target is still Xu Jiashu's raised hands. With these long legs, he can be said to be powerful and powerful.

Then she saw that the man opposite him was still as steady as a rock, and there was even a smile of unknown meaning at the corner of his mouth.

Deceiving too much!

This was the first time that Lu Lingqi was looked down upon like this. Few people in the huge Bingzhou Army dared to mock her like this.

She added a third of strength to her legs, rounded them out and kicked them again.

Still motionless.

The smile hidden behind his hands became more and more arrogant - of course it was not meant to be sarcastic.

It’s just that it’s really impossible not to laugh.

Constant damage reduction!

Xu Jiashu roared in his heart, invincible!
I want this sky no longer able to cover my eyes, I want this land no longer able to bury my heart, I want all living beings to understand my meaning, and I want the author to complete the 20-word book!
Just kidding, Xu Jiashu was just happy with this powerful power.

He lowered his hands in front of him.

Face danger with a smile.jpg
Xu Jiashu was thinking about what kind of lines would be more polite next.

Boxers, boxers!still
That's it?

Lu Lingqi put her hands on her knees and almost collapsed on the ground from exhaustion. She had exhausted all her martial arts skills and could not fight anymore.

Seeing this, the old father who had originally planned to see the joke had to come out to smooth things over. If he didn't stand up, it would be his daughter who was the one making the joke.

"I didn't expect Zimao to make such rapid progress, it's really a thousand miles!" Lu Bu boasted.

Hearing this, Xu Jiashu frowned.

Why do you feel like you have heard this before?
Feeling that he was already invincible, he wanted to try the effect of this short sword. Looking around, it was strange that only Madam Yan could match him!

Xu Jiashu decided to choose an opponent with enough weight - the guy wearing marquis clothes is so cool?
come out!

Lu Fengxian, let’s settle old and new scores together!

look at me!
To put it mildly, [Bu readily accepted the challenge. 】

Frankly speaking, Lu Bu couldn't figure out what this kid was up to, and he just agreed out of strong self-confidence.

Xu Jiashu's performance just now was amazing, he was so resistant to being beaten!

Even Gan Ning yesterday would definitely not be able to stop his daughter's fierce attack without fighting back.

Could it be that this person really didn't dare to take action against him yesterday, instead of being cowardly?

Lu Bu decided to be cautious.

He took a step forward and tried a little, but he used some real skills - at least harder than hitting Gan Ning.

With just one punch, Xu Jiashu collapsed in the yard.

Unlike Gan Ning who was cheating and not standing up, he really fainted.


Lu Bu was confused, and he was very sure that he did not attack with all his strength.

This is unreasonable.
This kid should be no worse than his brother, or even much better!
When Mrs. Yan saw her guest lying on the ground, she couldn't help but blame him, "It's rare for my daughter to have a friend here, but you injured her."

In response, Lu Bu could only make fun of it with a haha.

Hiss - Could it be that he just wiped out the entire Yuan family and is too murderous?
Xu Jiashu slowly woke up.

He found Lu Lingqi sitting very close to him, and the girl's fragrance and tiger teeth were faintly visible.

He immediately closed his eyes and continued to pretend to be dead.

"Don't pretend," Lu Lingqi rolled her eyes at him, "The breath is so undulating that it's not even possible to pretend to be dizzy."

"I'm afraid of you."

Some scumbag who was trying to breathe the air around the beautiful girl casually threw the blame on the innocent old father.

"Father, it's true. He obviously invited you here." Lu Lingqi frowned, "But it's okay. I will protect you from now on."

Except for the uncles of Bingzhou Army, few people could sustain her attack for such a long time.

The generals of the Bingzhou Army suffered too much and gradually moved around her. Now that they had such a high-quality sandbag, I mean as a sparring partner, she was in a good mood.

At least I don't have to be bored at home every day.

Xu Zimao must be in pain, she was very sure of this, but there was no emotion on his face!
What do you mean by the art of war?
Those who have thunder in their chests and faces as flat as a lake can worship the general!
So, maybe this guy has something.

After a hearty battle, before I knew it, that little bit of anger had dissipated.

It's not impossible to let him come more often in the future.

"Why don't you say anything?" Lu Lingqi was a little dissatisfied. "Is it because my father beat me and made me afraid to come?"

"No." Xu Jiashu denied immediately.

Lu Lingqi asked again, "Then you don't believe what I said?"

"I believe it." Xu Jiashu didn't know where his seriousness came from, "I believe you."

"That's not bad," Lu Lingqi stood up, "I've seen it, it's nothing serious, my mother still wants to keep you for a meal."

Mrs. Yan, she really made me cry to death.

However, considering that the Lu family's current reputation is at rock bottom, it doesn't seem to be an unreasonable move.

Unfortunately, there was still a eldest princess at home, so Xu Jiashu had no choice but to decline.

"I'll bother you again later," Xu Jiashu stood up and said goodbye, "Miss Lu, I'll see you another day."

Lu Lingqi nodded, turned around and handed him the short knife, which had fallen out when she was helping him to the couch.

"Why do you hide the knife in your pocket?", she asked curiously, "This obviously looks like a waist knife. It's so inconvenient to use it."

"It's a gift from an old friend, so keep it well."

"Oh", Lu Lingqi didn't know why, she just nodded and said, "Then you have to keep it well and don't be so careless again."

 information that can be made public.

  Guardian Blade: Greatly reduces damage to the protagonist, only for Lu Lingqi.

(End of this chapter)

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