Chapter 96 Aftermath
Even if a meteorite hits the sea, it will take a long time for the huge waves to reach the land.

Jing Zhaoyin, You Fufeng, and Zuo Feng Ling are collectively called the three assistants. They are almost one body. Even the official position of the highest local official is named after the place and is not called the prefect.

Therefore, the Chang'an court was the first to receive the news.

Fortunately, Xu Jiashu is clearly a member of Cai Yong, and now the Cai family has also absconded, making it easier for them to push out all the responsibilities.

Situ Wang Yun's attitude was very tough, and he quickly issued a document to Yousi expelling him from office and questioning him.

If Xu Zimao is captured, he will be killed on the spot without interrogation.

For him, there is basically no other choice - the person must be caught, otherwise it will not be enough to win Dong Zhuo's trust, and the mouth must be silenced. Otherwise, if Xu Zimao bites back, even if Dong Zhuo doesn't believe him, he will fall short.

In addition to the fierce reaction of the leader of the Dongdong Group, the real backbones had other opinions.

These people were originally recruited by Xun Shuang. Although they would obey Wang Yun's orders, they maintained relative independence and had no direct reporting relationship with each other.

Zheng Tai, Xun You, He Yong, Zhong Ji and Wu Fu met urgently because of this matter. Dong Zhuo was likely to return to Chang'an in anger, and he needed to seize the time to discuss the next step.

"I didn't expect Xu Zimao to be so courageous!" Zheng Tai, who was born as a ranger, was almost obsessed with hearing such assassin stories, "I can't wait to replace him with my own body!"

City Gate School Captain Wu Fu also nodded in agreement, "We want to let the world know about Dong's evil deeds!"

For these two people, it was undoubtedly a very happy thing. Not only did they get rid of the Dong family's only grandson who was full of evil, but he also did so in a way that pronounced the crime in front of the world.

This was the first time since Dong Zhuo entered Luoyang that he had suffered such a big loss.

"What a righteous man!" Although He Yong was also happy, he felt worthless for Xu Jiashu, "I don't know if I can escape the clutches of Thief Dong this time."

Seeing that Xun You was silent next to him, he couldn't help but ask: "Why doesn't Gongda say a word?"

After coming back to his senses, Xun You held his head and whispered softly: "I have so many thoughts, I don't know where to start."

So wrong.

When he visited that night, Xu Zimao clearly told him that it was not for the invitation. With the relationship between the two of them, there was no need for him to lie. It would be fine to just tell the truth.

But today's reality is that he does not want to become famous, but he will soon become famous all over the world!

In Chang'an City alone, everyone attributed the reason to Dong's excessive bullying. Xu Zimao was forced to kneel three times and kowtow nine times before he killed someone in anger. His reputation changed from "a man with a cheap hand" to "a man with a generous lament". , came a huge reversal.

When word spreads, I don’t know how many anti-Dong scholars will praise me!
Counting the heroes of the world, except for Yuan Shao and Dong Zhuo who drew swords against each other and raised troops in the Bohai Sea, no one can compare with his deeds.

Zi Mao, Zi Mao, since it's not for fame, why on earth did you abandon your promising future to do such a thing?

Asking you to encourage me is not such an encouragement method!
Now that things have undergone such drastic changes, Xun You only feels that the fortune and misfortune are unpredictable.

The Dong thief's power seems to be huge, but in fact it is tied to him alone. Any other targets are just eggs in the nest and not worth mentioning.

Now that the only grandson has died in the family, I don't know how Thief Dong will react and what impact it will have on the overall situation.

Xun You just drank a few cups of tea in a hurry, then got up and went to Sikong Mansion to ask Xun Shuang for advice.
Just as the news of Dong Yu's death was rushing non-stop from Chang'an to Luoyang along the narrow Weihan Ancient Road, Xu Jiashu and his party had just walked out of Youfufeng's territory.

It is estimated that Dong Zhuo will not know the news until they leave Sili Xiaowei's headquarters.

Huan Jie felt that the car was crowded and hot, so he got on his horse and rode together with Xu and Gan. The three of them chatted about the past seven days.

"I originally thought that Zi Mao's career would suffer some setbacks, but I didn't expect that it would be over immediately." Huan Jie was quite sad. "It's such a pity that there is no Zi Mao in the temple!"

Of course, this does not refer to the little tricks of civil servants.

In terms of actual level, Xu Jiashu is outstanding among these ministers. He handles all political matters smoothly without any lag, which is the only thing Huanjie has seen in his life. Even the old ministers have trouble with things that still bother him.

"If you live high in a temple, you worry about its people; if you live far away from the rivers and lakes, you worry about your king."

Hearing this, Xu Jiashu subconsciously copied a sentence. Thinking of the people in the carriage, he couldn't continue to say such words to put gold on his face.

What kind of king is he worried about?

When the little emperor Liu Xiegang found out that his sister had regained her freedom, he would soon find that the building was deserted. At that time, he might even be tempted to challenge Xu Zimao for a duel.

Looking at the Langguan court clothes worn by himself and Huan Jie, he could only sigh and said: "The world is like water, unpredictable."

This is equivalent to Longzhong having both, but Uncle Liu turned around and chose to fall into the trap and become a hero.

Suddenly I came to the Water Margin crew.

Although he will not regret it, the loss is real.

How easy is it to leave everything in the past and start from scratch?

Choosing to run away to Liangzhou was also a helpless move - Luoyang happened to be to the east, and they would definitely not be able to outrun the messengers carrying the message. They were afraid that Dong Zhuo would kill them all before they reached the coalition's control area.Liangzhou is not only a shorter distance, but also easier to travel, which can slightly smooth out the speed disadvantage and gain more time difference.

It can be said to be the only way to survive.

Moreover, the situation in Liangzhou is complicated, and the large and small forces are intertwined, which is just suitable for people like me to hide and grow.

But this chosen land still has some shortcomings, such as.
"Speaking of which," Xu Jiashu asked the other two, "Which of you has been to Xiliang?"

"Xiliang is located in the west. It's always cold and cool." Huan Jie shook his head on his horse and said, "There are countless rebels. Who can go there?"

Putting aside Huan Jie's ungrateful character, what he said is indeed correct.

Today's Xiliang is not a good place for serious people.

The veteran rebel Han Sui has been waging rebellion for so many years, and finally ushered in a golden age - Dong Zhuo, a regular soldier with upright roots, was busy defending the power he had obtained, and had no time to pay attention to his defeated general;

The imperial court was at its weakest since the founding of the Later Han Dynasty.

It can be said that the only person who may affect his ability to fulfill his dream of becoming the Tu Emperor is Ma Teng, the second Tu Emperor.

As Yan Zhong, a famous scholar who was forced to be the leader of the rebels, died of illness, the entire Liangzhou was now in chaos with no one paying attention.

Han and Ma are just two relatively powerful rebels. How can they command the whole territory?
In the huge Liangzhou, it can be said that heroes are everywhere in troubled times. If you have a gun, you are the grass-headed king.

Regarding this question, Gan Ning simply shook his head - he was from Bajun and of course he had never been there.

However, unlike Huan Jie, he was very optimistic about the prospect of going to Liangzhou.

"Bo Xu is too worried. No matter how many rebels there are, one kill in 20 years is enough."

Gan Xingba's strategy has always been simple and direct.

It is divided into three steps in total.

Rush into Liangzhou, kill all the dissenters, and call it a day.

Only Xu Jiashu was still worried.

It's not his fault. Even if compared to Cao Cao, who was at the lowest point in his life, he was far inferior - no matter how depressed Boss Cao was, he still had a group of relatives of the Xiahou family and five hundred soldiers in his hands. He couldn't Touching porcelain.

The situation is complicated and the place is unfamiliar.

Think again about your plug-in that is just a decoration unless it touches the simulated object.

It's really hard to do.

In the carriage.After Old Man Cai learned that Xu Jiashu had beaten Dong Zhuo's grandson to death, although he was still angry at the disciple's behavior of bullying his master and destroying his ancestors, he gradually calmed down - Chang'an was worried that there was no scapegoat for Dong Xiangguo to vent his anger on. At this time, he sent Going to the door, there is absolutely no reason to survive.

Anyway, this was not the first time to avoid disaster. Cai Yong was familiar with the road and slept in the carriage most of the time. Occasionally he came out to see the great rivers and mountains in the west of the motherland. His mentality was actually the most stable among the group.

It is worthy of seeing the world.

Lu Lingqi's hands and feet are still tied, and now she is the only one enjoying this kind of treatment.

She was riding in the same car as Liu Ying and Cai Yan, and she usually watched them play chess and bicker. Now she was trying to please Her Royal Highness the eldest princess. Maybe when she was happy, they would let her go.

In her opinion, there is no doubt that the real leader of this team is this noble daughter of the late emperor.

"Your Highness, Princess." As soon as she opened her mouth, she saw the two people who were frowning in thought turning their heads at the same time, signaling her to be silent.

Do you understand why the newcomer is so unruly and silent while watching the game?


Lu Lingqi had no choice but to be patient and watch the two of them go back and forth.

Not long after, Cai Yan spoke to break the silence.

"So it turns out that Her Royal Highness the Princess only knows this kind of mediocrity?" She felt that the overall situation had been decided, and couldn't help but said sarcastically: "Excuse me for being rude, this is really disappointing."

Cai Yan is not afraid of Liu Ying at all. Don't forget her identity.

He was ordered to enter the palace to teach Qin art and calligraphy.

If we really want to talk about it, this eldest princess should respectfully treat herself as a disciple!

Hearing this, Lu Lingqi, who was watching the battle, opened her mouth wide - she didn't expect that someone would dare to speak so rudely to Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess!
This woman's courage is no less than mine!
"You can give it a try," Liu Ying said confidently, "If you can't see through it at this level, Miss Cai is short-sighted."

good chance!
Lu Lingqi was about to help Liu Ying when the two of them turned their heads at the same time, signaling her to be silent.

Has Miss Lu ever suffered such grievances?

She silently moved to the corner, pushed open the curtain of the carriage with her head, and looked at the flat road in Guanzhong and Chang'an gradually receding.

So tired and homesick
During the fight, the group of people ran straight towards Chencang.
Another few days.


"Wenyou, Wenyou!"

Dong Xiangguo's voice resounded throughout Bi Guiyuan (don't read it as Country Garden).

The allied forces in the east had not made any big moves for a long time. Dong Zhuo had just relaxed a little, but he heard such bad news again!
His son died in his prime, and he had always raised Dong Yu, his only grandson, as his own son.

Who would have thought that after not seeing him for a long time, he would die at the hands of a man whose name he had never even heard of!

Li Ru walked into the camp tremblingly.

"That Xu Zimao, I want him to die!" Dong Zhuo seemed to be surrounded by a layer of low pressure, and his voice was as dull as thunder, "Die now!"

"My uncle can tell the world," Li Ru had already prepared, "Whoever takes off Xu Zimao's head will be made a marquis!"

"Liehou?" Dong Zhuo shot several cases at once, "I will give you another state pastor!"

Although only half of Sizhou was left under actual control, Dong Zhuo had the strongest troops and the most loyal official title - at least it was far superior to those childish self-promotions.

Liu Biao used his appointment to achieve his highlight moment of riding into Xiangyang alone in anonymity.

Although the main reason is that Liu Jingsheng has the reputation and means, it at least proves that even if it is an empty title issued by Dong Zhuo, it may not be impossible to become real as long as it is done properly.

Therefore, this Zhou Mu, even for the princes, is enough to make them flock to him.

Li Ru nodded in agreement.

Anyway, it's not really a cession of land. If Liu Xie, the worker who excuses me to stamp it, takes action, of course he has to follow the wishes of his father-in-law.

But the next moment, what he was worried about happened.

"My mother also fainted. I want to go back to Chang'an," Dong Zhuo murmured to himself, "I want to go back to Chang'an."

He had backed down last time, and now that there was a fire in the backyard, he was even more desperate to return.

"Uncle." Li Ru swallowed. The words in his mouth seemed to weigh a thousand pounds and were difficult to say. This may be the biggest challenge he faced in his career as a counselor, but he still said, "It is not appropriate to retreat now!"

In order to prevent Dong Zhuo from interrupting, he knelt on the ground and spoke in one breath: "Now the two sides are facing each other. Although the coalition forces are doing nothing, they still have a tiger general like Changsha Sun Wentai. They should not be underestimated!"

"If there are a few more reckless people like Cao Mengde chasing after us, we may not be able to escape unscathed!"

"For the present plan, it is better to wait until they are in trouble. If my uncle insists on returning to Chang'an, it will give them an opportunity!"

Li Ru could only hear the faster and faster heartbeat in his chest, and stared at Dong Zhuo's feet, waiting for his fate to be pronounced.

If it were the former Dong Zhuo, he would not necessarily be in such chaos, and he would not be so afraid, but now he is facing the same heroic man who traveled across Xiliang and pacified Bingzhou and Liangzhou?
What destroyed Dong Zhongying was not only the supreme power, but also the increasing age.


Dong Zhuo's feet finally moved, but like an ordinary helpless old man, he slowly approached, hugged his son-in-law and cried bitterly.

"Let me go back"

His fat body made a pleading sound, and Li Ru just stretched out his hand and struggled to reach his father-in-law's back to caress him gently.

His aunt was still there, but she was bound by this body and wailing.

Just bear with it a little longer.
When Lu Bu entered the tent to pay his respects, Dong Zhuo had already regained his composure of not being angry and self-respecting, and he secretly admired this accomplishment.

"Father!" But Lu Fengxian couldn't do the same thing. He also knelt on the ground, "The child asked to capture Xu Zimao, and his head will be taken back!"

Originally, you Xu Zimao just killed members of the Dong family for fame, but you also kidnapped my daughter of the Lu family?

Is there any king law?
Are there any laws?
No one else needs to take action to get this justice, Lu Bu will get it himself!

Dong Zhuo heard this and readily agreed.

After crying a lot, his mind was indescribably sharp - with Lu Bu leaving, he only lost one bodyguard by his side, but he was able to take the opportunity to fully control the military power of the Bingzhou Army.

Even though I knew that this adopted son was very brave, I had to keep him by my side because I was afraid that he would be difficult to cure due to his high abilities.

Now it’s delivered to your door!
"Just go ahead." Dong Zhuo suppressed his pride, but his face was expressionless, "Take off the thief's head, avenge your nephew, and your adoptive father will give you the position of county governor!"

Lu Bu is not Liu Biao. If he exchanges the title of a state pastor for the military power of annexing the state, he will definitely make a profit without losing anything.

"Thank you foster father for fulfilling everything!"

Hearing this, Lu Bu was overjoyed.

At this time, the first ripples of the troubled times spread, and except for Xu Jiashu, who was at the center, all parties made their own responses.

It is worth mentioning that behind the convoy heading towards Chencang, there was a skinny horse that was almost exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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