Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 10 Saito is immortal: I was the one who came first

Chapter 10 Saito is immortal: I was the one who came first...

"Damn it! Could it be that my eyesight is deceived? How could that guy Araki fight with that evil guy Unohana Yasenryu in the Seireitei?!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible..."

Saito Immortal looked at Araki who was fighting fiercely with Unohana Yachiru, and felt a burst of disbelief.

She first gently rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand, then opened her eyes as wide as possible and tried her best to look at the two fighting in the distance.

Well, as Saito's senses were maximized, the faces of the two people fighting fiercely not far away did not change!
Yes, in Saito's field of vision, the only people waving swords in their hands in Seireitei are still Unohana Yasenryu and Araki...

At this moment, Saito finally understood why she felt something both familiar and strange about the spiritual pressure of the person fighting Unohana Yazenryu!
Because the person who is fighting Unohana Yachiru is the Araki she has been waiting for in the team leader's room! ! !
"Damn it, what on earth is going on?!"

"Why did that Araki get into a fight with Unohana?!"

"Is there some misunderstanding between the two of you?"

"No, I'm going to go find Araki and ask for clarification!"

Saito was quite irritable inside. She first rubbed her painful temples vigorously with her fingers, and then made a decision in her heart...

Since she couldn't figure out what happened between Araki and Unohana Yachiryu, she might as well go to Araki and ask for details!

With this in mind, Saito planned to rush forward and stop Araki and Unohana Yachiru who were fighting not far away.

"Hey! Where are you going? Kid!"

However, just when Saito Immortal was about to step forward, a rough big hand grabbed Saito's slender and snow-white neck from behind, and forcefully pulled Saito who was about to step forward. Vine stayed put.Immediately afterwards, a hoarse, deep male voice with endless vicissitudes of life sounded in Saito's immortal ears.

"Damn it! Don't get in my way!"

Saito struggled hard, but found that he could not free the palm behind him for a while.The powerful force coming from the palm was like a mountain, suppressing her!This made Saito's face become even more livid, and she vowed not to let her know who stopped her, otherwise she would make the other person look good!
"Shan, Captain Yamamoto..."

However, when Saito turned sideways and looked behind her, she froze on the spot.

Then Saito's whole body withered...

Yes, the person who stopped Saito from destroying the battle between Araki and Unohana Yachiryu was none other than the current captain of the Gotei [-] - Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto.

This made the anger that originally rose in Saito's chest gradually subside. Saito's main goal of immortality is to follow her heart, otherwise she would not be able to achieve immortality like her name...

"Captain Yamamoto, what do you mean?!"

"Why do you want to stop me?"

Saito Immortal slightly adjusted his violent heart and asked Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni softly.

"Kid! Just be patient and take a good look at it!"

"Don't hinder the battle between Araki and Unohana..."

I saw Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's hand holding Saito's immortal hand gently swinging back.Saito was like a little chicken, thrown back by Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni...


With a crisp sound of landing, Saito Immortal's butt landed on the ground, and she returned to the leader of the Gotei [-] behind Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni.


After Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni threw Saito Immortal back, he continued to look at the Araki and Unohana Yachi-ryu who were fighting in the distance without saying a word.

Yamamoto had no intention of explaining anything to Saito. As the captain of the Gotei [-]th Division, he did not need to explain the purpose of his actions to anyone in the [-]th Division, even if that person was the captain of another division... …

"Old man Shizhai, why are you so crazy today?!"

Saito stood up from the ground, first dusted off the dust on his butt, then walked to the side of Shifengin Senhi and whispered in a low voice.

"You should really call Captain Yamamoto that in front of him..."

"Instead of coming close to me and whispering~"

"I think Captain Yamamoto will definitely tell you the reason for the matter when he hears that you respect him so much."

Shifengyuan Senhi looked at Saito next to him, who was taking a cautious posture, and suddenly felt funny.

In this regard, Shifengyuan Senhi gently rubbed his chin and teased Saito.

"Without further ado!"

The anger in Saito's heart was once again ignited when he heard this, and Captain Yamamoto just took advantage of her...

Shifengyuan Senni, a mere gossip in the Gotei [-], dared to try to trick her into saying Saito was immortal? !Who does she think she is because Saito is immortal?
However, when she remembered that Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, the captain of the Gotei [-]th Division, was standing quietly in front of everyone, the anger in her heart gradually subsided.

Yes, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's intimidating power in the Gotei [-]th Division is so huge!
Just standing there, the lawless killers who were at the head of the original Gotei [-]th Division did not dare to make a mistake...

"Haha... don't be impatient, just listen to me slowly!"

"Actually, it's useless for you to ask me about this~"

"Because I don't know exactly what the situation is~"

"In fact, you are not the only one who is curious about the current situation~"

"Even I and the other squad captains are curious about the true identity of the guy who is fighting Unohana Yachiru~"

Shifengyuan Senhi looked at Saito who was completely irritated by him and smiled softly.

It seems that Yoruichi Sihoin's behavior of teasing children is passed down from generation to generation in the Sihoin family~
However, Shifengyuan Senhi is also a very measured person. He knows that if he continues to tease Saito, I am afraid that their second team will never have peace in the future~
Therefore, Shifengin Senhi told the truth to Saito.

"Huh? What! So even you don't know? You are really useless!"

Saito Immortal couldn't help but frowned when he heard this.She originally thought that Shifouin Senhi, who was the number one in the Gotei [-]th Division, should have some understanding of the current situation, but it turned out that she overestimated him!

Sure enough, Sifengyuan Qianni is a guy with no abilities other than a sharp tongue!In this regard, Saito gave a definition to Shifengin Senni in his heart.

"Although I really don't know much about the current situation, I do know that there is someone who definitely understands what is going on~"

There was still a faint smile on Shifengin Senhi's face. Apparently he was not angry because of Saito's words. On the contrary, Shifouin Senhi planned to help Saito.


Saito Immortal looked curious when he heard this.

"This person is, Sparrow...Choujiro!"

With a faint smile on Shifengyuan Senhi's face, he whispered the name of Takuchojiro.

"Sparrow Chojiro?!"

Saito Immortal was stunned when he heard this.Yes, as a person who has been following Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, Takuchojiro must know everything about Yamamoto, and he must also know about Araki.

"Thank you~"

With this in mind, Saito rarely thanked Shifengin Senni.

"No need to thank you..." "Instead of you thanking me, I should thank you more~"

Sifengyuan Qianri shook his head gently when he heard this.

Because Shifouin Senhi also wants to know who the young man who is currently fighting Unohana Yazenryu is and what his relationship is with Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni~
It's just that as a member of the Shifengyuan family, it seems difficult for him to inquire about this matter. Although he just wants to satisfy his thirst for knowledge, it is also easy for others to cause unnecessary misunderstandings~
Therefore, Shifouin Senhi deliberately seduced Saito and asked the simple-minded Crazy Lolita, the most famous idiot among the captains of the Gotei [-]th Division, to help him get information~
"Suddenly I feel a little guilty~"

"Didn't you expect that I have fallen so low that even fools can take advantage of me?!"

In response, Shifengyuan Senhi looked at Saito's elated figure and shook his head mockingly.

the other side……

Saito, who was regarded as an 'idiot' by Shifouin Senhi, had already moved closer to Takuchojiro.

"Mr. Sparrow..."

Because of his request from Takube Chojiro, Saito Fujofu added the title of Mr. to Takube's surname.

"Huh?!" After hearing this, Chojiro turned his head slightly, looked at Saito Immortal with his doubtful eyes, and then asked: "Excuse me, Captain Saito, what do you want from me? Something?"

"Mr. Takube, do you know the relationship between Araki and Captain Yamamoto?"

"How did Araki get into a fight with that hateful woman Unohana Yachiru?"

"Also, why did Captain Yamamoto let Araki and that woman Unohana fight inside the Seireitei?"

Saito Immortal asked all the doubts in his heart to Takuchojiro.

"Well, you have too many questions..."

"Please allow me to answer it for you slowly!"

After hearing Saito's words, the corners of Chojiro's eyes twitched slightly. Just hearing Saito's questions made Chojiro's head feel big!
In this regard, Chōjiro first rubbed his tight temples, and at the same time spoke to Saito in a gentle and gentlemanly tone.


Saito Immortal nodded slightly when he heard this.Saito was extremely quiet at this moment. She was like a curious baby, waiting quietly for Chōjiro to explain to her.

"First of all, let me answer your first question..."

"How should I put it? Araki is actually the disciple of Captain Yamamoto! Of course, the relationship between Araki and Captain Yamamoto is not just as simple as apprentice and teacher! It is a deeper bond!"

"Honestly, Araki is one of the most talented people in swordsmanship that I have ever seen in my life! That is a talent that makes people unable to feel jealous or competitive! Even compared to what he is now Captain Maozhihua is no less generous!"

Jiro Chojiro first briefly explained the relationship between Araki and Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni.

"As for Araki's true identity..."

"Captain Saito, you must have heard that there was a man who received the 'Free All Rights Reserved' from Genji Juku, a swordsmanship dojo led by Yamamoto Chief Teacher, a few years ago, right? That man was Araki!"

Immediately afterwards, Takuchojiro talked about the 'brilliant' achievements that Araki had achieved.

"That guy Araki actually got the Genryu Kaden from Captain Yamamoto?! No wonder this guy is so strong! He's just like a monster! Wait, isn't that right? If Araki is really a disciple of that old man Jujusai... …”

"I mean, since Araki is the disciple of Captain Yamamoto, then he should stay in the Seireitei to help Captain Yamamoto. Even if Araki has no interest in the leader of the Gotei [-]th Division, he should still serve in the First Division. Is that right?! Mr. Zebu, you are not fooling me, are you?"

Saito Immortal opened his big eyes and looked at Chōjiro and asked.Although Saito is not very smart, it does not mean that she is really stupid. Saito still has the basic logical relationship.

"This is..."

"In short, there are too many things involved in this matter. Even if I explain it to you now, I won't be able to explain it clearly at the moment!"

"Captain Saito, it's enough for you to understand one thing now! That is, Araki has planned to return to the Gotei [-]th Division to help Captain Yamamoto~"

Chojiro didn't want to talk more about the matter between Araki and Yamamoto. He quickly ended the topic without explaining too much.


When Saito Immortal heard this, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"As for why Araki is here to fight Captain Unohana..."

"I think it's because Araki is eyeing the title of Captain Unohana 'Kenpachi'!"

"Araki must want to prove by defeating Captain Unohana that Genryusai-sama's sword skill 'Genryu' is the strongest swordsmanship in Soul Society!"

As Chojiro spoke, he looked at Araki with some inexplicable reverence in his eyes.

At this moment, Chojiro's admiration for Araki was as endless as the waves of flowing water!
Chojiro admired him in his heart: "Araki is truly worthy of being Lord Yamamoto Genryusai's most proud disciple!"

"No one would have thought that the first thing Araki did when he entered the Seireitei was to challenge Captain Unohana, who is known as 'Kenpachi'! I think Araki must have wanted to use the sword in his hand to prove that Ryu' is the strongest swordsmanship in Soul Society! Use this to maintain the dignity of Yamamoto Genryusai-sama! Sure enough, I am still immature compared to Araki!"

Jiro Chojiro thought this and shook his head helplessly. As expected, people are so infuriating. Compared with Araki, his loyalty to Genryusai-sama is far from enough!
If Araki, who is fighting Unohana at this moment, hears what Chojiro said, he will definitely laugh out loud and say to Chojiro: "You are so smart, Tsube, you have discovered all this~ That's right! I Araki wanted to prove his loyalty to that bad old man Genryusai, and to prove that the 'Genryu' swordsmanship was the strongest, so he went to fight with Unohana! It's not the body of Unohana at all, and it's not the same as mine. The full expression technique has nothing to do with it~"

"Araki, he is so enlightened!"

Saito Immortal's eyes widened immediately after hearing Takuchojiro's explanation. She didn't expect that Araki had such a far-reaching intention behind challenging Unohana Yachiru.

"When Araki defeats Captain Unohana, he can become the first descendant of 'Genryu'! He will be named 'Kenpachi'! And he will be the captain of the Gotei No. 11 Division, and he will serve Genryu from then on. Everyone around you, Mr. Ryuzai, will do your best for Mr. Yuan Ryuzai~"

There was endless emotion in Jiro Chojiro's words, and he was very excited at the thought that he would continue to serve Yamamoto Genryusai together with Araki from now on.

As for whether Araki accidentally lost to Unohana Yasenryu or something...

Chojiro has never thought about it this way. Chojiro has full confidence in Araki!
At the same time, based on Chojiro's understanding of Araki...

Now that Araki is here and has challenged Unohana, Araki will never lose!
Araki never fights an unprepared battle!In Takuchojiro's memory, as long as Araki participated in the battle, the final outcome, without exception, ended with Araki's victory!
This is the man who single-handedly forced out Genryusai-sama Yamamoto Genryusai-sama with all his strength, and thus gained recognition from Genryusai-sama Yamamoto, and passed the final assessment of the 'Genji Juku' and received the 'Genryu Fusho Kyden' - Araki!

"Wait a minute, Mr. Takube, did you just say that Araki will stay in the Gotei No. 11 Division and take over the position of that vicious woman Unohana and become the captain of the Gotei No. 11 Division?!"

As Sparrow's words fell, Saito's immortality was like a 'blind birth', and he suddenly discovered the 'flower point'.

"Of course~"

"Since Unohana has been defeated, her character will naturally hand over the name of 'Kenpachi' to Araki and the position of captain of the Gotei No. 11 Division to Araki."

Chojiro looked at the flustered Saito with a smile and spoke calmly.

"What? Why is this happening?"

"Obviously I came first..."

When Saito Immortal heard this, his eyes that were originally as bright as stars turned into a pool of dark stagnant water.

She had obviously planned that from now on, Araki would take over the position of deputy captain of their sixth division, but why did it backfire in the end? !

For a moment, Saito Immortal fell into deep contemplation for the first time.

There's good news right now, and bad news.

The good news is that Araki seems to be joining the Gotei [-]th Division soon and becoming a member of the [-]th Division~
The bad news is that Araki cannot go to the Sixth Division to meet her, but will take over the position of the bad woman Unohana Yachiru and become the captain in charge of the Gotei No. 11 Division...

 A big chapter of 20170910130245769 words~Thanks to book friend 500 for the [-] reward~
(End of this chapter)

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