Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 100: Stone hammer!That child belongs to Captain Yuan Ryuuzhai!

Chapter 100: Stone hammer!That child belongs to Captain Yuan Ryuuzhai! (First update)
"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

Quebu was a little panicked at this moment, with a look of 'fear' in his eyes.

Quebu couldn't believe that what Araki said was all true.

After all, if all this is true as Araki said, and that ridiculously powerful young man is really the illegitimate son of Genryusai-sama, his impact on the power structure of the 'Seireitei' will reach an extremely terrifying level.

When power reaches the level of Yuan Ryuuzhai...

Even Yuan Liuzhai's personal 'private life' is full of shadows of 'struggle' and 'politics'.

"It doesn't make sense! I have been following Lord Yuanliuzhai as early as a thousand years ago..."

"Even if Genryusai-sama really wants to go to 'Rukongai' to do something, he doesn't have the 'motive' and 'time'."

The famous detective Mr. Kabe discovered the clues. Without sufficient evidence, he categorically did not believe what Araki said.

"Suck it~"

Araki didn't explain anything to this, he just drank tea calmly.

However, the more calm and magnanimous Araki is, the more things are on his mind...


For a while, Takuchojiro and Araki sat in the leader's room of the '[-]th Squadron'. The two faced each other in silence, but the atmosphere in the leader's room became increasingly heavy.

Araki didn't speak because he was too lazy to explain. After all, the more explanations, the more confusing it becomes, and the more loopholes there tend to be!

To make up a lie, it often takes thousands of lies to cover it up!But as long as Araki doesn’t want to make things up, then just one lie is enough, and the rest can be solved by his own brain~

As for Takuchojiro, the reason why he remained silent was because he wanted Araki to explain. Unfortunately, Araki didn't even think about explaining. His plan was completely in vain.

After about a cup of tea...

"Araki, this matter is of great importance, are you really sure?!"

Quebu couldn't hold himself any longer at first. He looked at Araki and asked for confirmation.

"This is not a matter of certainty and uncertainty..."

"You have also seen the strength of that child Zaraki. Now there are rumors outside that he is my child."

"But I can be sure that Zaraki's child is not my child!"

"According to the research conducted by those nobles, the theory is that children born to people with stronger spiritual pressure will have higher talents!"

"Looking at the entire 'Seireitei', how many people do you think can be left in the Seireitei who are powerful enough to give birth to a 'gifted' child like Zaraki, after I have been eliminated?!"

"Besides, after this matter is fermented in the Seireitei, do you think more people believe that the child is my son, or do you think more people believe that the child is the son of Old Man Shan?!"

Araki looked at Chōjiro calmly, his tone calm.


Sparrow was shaken by Araki's 'calmness' and 'words'.

In fact, Araki's words are untenable at all. They are just a way of changing the concept. He did not clarify the meaning of the rumor, but pushed the protagonist of the rumor from him to Yamamoto Genryusai...

Rumors are just like 'memes'. They are the product of gossip. The purpose of their creation is to 'entertain'. Since they are a by-product of 'entertainment', of course the bigger the matter becomes, the more the audience will like it. ~
It is much more efficient to deal with rumors with rumors than to clarify them... Once Araki releases the rumor that Zaragi is the illegitimate son of Mr. Yama, who will pay attention to him as a little 'captain of the [-]th Squadron'? !
As for how Old Man Shan should clarify the rumors, it is actually simple. Araki has already thought of it for his good master!But when the time comes, Old Man Shan only needs to announce that Zaragi is the illegitimate son of the 'Spirit King', and then everyone will pay attention to His Majesty the 'Spirit King'. Who will care about him as a little 'Founder of the Gotei'? !
Well, given Old Man Shan’s character, there is a high probability that he would not do this...

It would actually be easy if he didn't do this. When the time comes, wouldn't Old Man Shan just recognize Zaragi and be done with it?
If you calculate carefully, Old Man Shan can be regarded as having a son from old age!
In this regard, Araki could only say to his dear and good master: "No thanks!"

"But if that's the case, why haven't there been rumors that this child is the illegitimate son of Master Yuanliuzhai?!"

Quebu was still stupid at this moment, looking at Araki innocently and asked.

"Isn't that nonsense? Because I haven't spread it to the public yet!"

Araki rolled his eyes when he heard this. Of course, he couldn't say this.

"I think you should also know, Quebu. With Old Man Shan's current status, how many pairs of eyes are watching him make mistakes? As a disciple of Yuanliuzhai, how can I bear to watch my master make mistakes?"

Araki began to play the emotional card.

"Hiss! Araki, you mean to say that the rumors about you outside were spread by you yourself in order to help Mr. Genryusai clear the suspicion in advance?!"

Quebu took a breath, he didn't expect Araki to be so selfless.


When Araki heard this, he put on a posture that he would not hesitate to sacrifice his own innocence for the sake of his good master.

As for who this rumor came from, it no longer seems so important at this moment...

Of course, if Araki knew who this rumor came from, he would definitely walk over with a smile and stab the gossip to death.


At this moment, Quebu finally felt Araki's "deep concern".

"But I still don't understand..."

"Since that child is really the heir of Master Yuanliuzhai, then why did Master Yuanliuzhai ask me to ask you whether this child is your illegitimate child?!"

Quebu was confessing at this moment. He looked at Araki's words with all his confusion.

"Ha ha……"

In response, Araki just smiled lightly.

"Quiebu, think about it carefully. Are you sure that what Old Man Shan asked you really means?"

Araki first looked at Sparrow and smiled mysteriously, and then asked back to Sparrow.


When Quebu heard this, his pupils shrank slightly.

"By the way, are you sure that Sir Genryusai's question has no other profound meaning? Or is it that I failed to understand what Mr. Genryuzai meant?"

Quebu talked to himself in his heart. He kept asking himself, reflecting on whether he had missed anything and failed to understand the true meaning of Genryusai-sama.

At this moment, Quebu didn't notice that his thoughts were being led by Araki.

"Quiebu, please think about it carefully. Did Mr. Shan say anything suspicious to you before he sent you to my place?!"

Araki put down the tea cup at this time and continued to guide Sparrow.

"Suspicious words..."

After hearing Araki's words, Quebe was stunned, because after thinking about it carefully, he found that it seemed to be true.

Quebu suddenly remembered that what Old Man Shan said to him before sending him here did sound suspicious.

"At that time, Mr. Genryusai said to me, if it is really Araki's child, then bring him to me! From today on, I will personally educate that child! This time, I don't believe that the child will still go astray. ', I will definitely train him to be the best 'Death'!"

Quebu frowned and murmured what Old Man Shan had said to him back then.

"Wait a minute, why did Mr. Genryusai have to educate the child himself once he was sure that the child was Araki's heir? And he said that this time I don't believe that the child will still take the wrong approach?! This 'this time' and this 'or will' are rather suspicious now that I think about it~"

Quebu kept analyzing, and as he analyzed bit by bit, there were more and more beads of sweat on his forehead.

"I see! I understand, I understand everything!"

After Quebu was stunned for a short time, he suddenly showed a look of enlightenment. He had understood. He had understood everything.

"Araki, thank you very much for waking me up. I understand everything."

Quebe looked at Araki and thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

"What do you unserstand?"

Araki narrowed his eyes slightly and asked the bird tentatively.

"I understand, Araki. Master Genryusai seems to have asked me to confirm to you whether that child is your heir! However, all this is just an appearance!"

"Actually, Master Yuanliuzhai asked me to come to you to confirm whether that child is his illegitimate child! This is the truth beneath the surface..."

Quebu spoke to Araki in a calm tone, as if he had seen through everything.


Araki heard this and thought silently in his heart.

"Araki, this incident involving Genryusai-sama is all thanks to you!"

"Without you, I'm afraid the entire Seireitei would be in chaos right now..."

Quebu then stood up from his seat and bowed slightly towards Araki, expressing his admiration for Araki.

"It's okay, these are what I should do! Who made me the apprentice of Old Man Shan? If I don't help Old Man Shan, then who else in this world can help Old Man Shan?!"

Araki heard this and smiled slightly at Sparrow.

Well, very good!It seems that Quebu has been successfully fooled by him~
"Then do you have anything else to ask?" Araki continued to look at Quebe and asked.

"No! I'm going back to report..."

Quebu shook his head. He no longer wanted to ask Araki about anything.

"You know how to report it, right?"

Araki looked at Quebe and asked worriedly.


"I understand, I understand everything!"

Quebu stood up and blinked at Araki.


Araki looked at Quebu's little movements and felt relieved.

It's not that Araki is worried about Sparrow...

Mainly because this kid, Quebu, has been focusing on being honest since he was a child.

What if, after returning to the first team building, Sparrow Department really said to that bad old man Shan, "Araki told me, then the child is not Araki's! It was you who stayed with me when you were young." Love debt outside!”

Then I'm afraid that the moment Quebu finished speaking, the old man carrying the 'Remnant Fire Sword' would have come over to kill him...

Therefore, in Araki's opinion, it is better to act steadily.


After saying goodbye to Araki, Quebu immediately returned to the first team building in a hurry.

"How to say!?"

Yamamoto Genryusai stood in the team leader's room and had been waiting quietly for a long time.

At this moment, Yuan Liuzhai, who was asking Quebu, felt extremely uneasy in his heart.

"Master Yuan Liuzai, everything is as you imagined!"

After hearing this, the Sparrow Department respectfully reported to Yamamoto Genryusai.

"That child is actually..."

When Yamamoto heard this, his pupils trembled suddenly.He knew that his apprentice was a little unruly and unruly, but he never expected that his apprentice could be so unruly!I really gave him a 'grandson'.

"Ha ha……"

Quebu looked at Genryusai, whose pupils were trembling fiercely, and the last trace of doubt in his heart was relieved. It seemed that just as Araki said, the child might really have a "close relationship" with Mr. Genryuzai.

"it is good!"

After Yamamoto Genryusai was silent for a long time, he softly said the word 'good'.

At this moment, Yamamoto had already made a decision in his heart. He planned to personally teach Araki's children. He was determined to educate his good 'grandson' into the best person in the world.

"I understand! I understand everything..."

After hearing what Yuan Liu Zhai said, Qiao Bu nodded repeatedly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Yuanliuzhai, I will do my best to assist the child."

Immediately afterwards, the bird was not cold, watching Yamamoto Genryusai preaching seriously.


Yamamoto's eyes flashed with surprise when he heard this. He didn't know what the fuss was about.

But Yamamoto didn't say anything until the end. He just nodded silently.

And Yamamoto's behavior made Takube more and more convinced that his judgment was correct.

the other side……

After Saito was chopped away by Zaraki with a sword, she fought Zaraki five times in a row...

However, it is a pity that these five battles all ended with Saito being beaten away by Zaraki. Saito can be said to have racked his brains and used all his methods!But there was no way he could take advantage of Zaragi at all!
At this point, Saito finally figured out that Zaraki and Unohana Retsu were both the same type of people. They were both born fighting machines, monsters with an 'unparalleled' keen awareness of 'fighting'!

Immediately, Saito gave up her plan to continue competing with Zaraki. She decided to start plan B, to cultivate a child more powerful than Zaraki, and then defeat Zaraki...


In response, Araki in the team leader room sighed helplessly.

Araki looked at the immortal Saito who was "defeated many times" and kept shaking his head. In Araki's opinion, Saito was still too one-minded. If he were Saito, he would never engage in a close fight with Zaraki...

Instead, he uses Saito's Zanpakutō ability to fly into the air, and then outputs a burst of damage to Zaraki on the ground. The damage does not need to be too high, it is enough to be able to threaten Zaraki, and then wait for Zaraki himself. 'Tired'.

As for Saito's inner plan, Araki still doesn't know at this moment...

What really troubles Araki at this moment is that with the young boy Zaraki joining their team, his team building of Team [-] will probably become more lively in the future~
But these are not important right now. The most important thing now is to solve the rumor problem.

For this reason, Araki carefully selected among the team members of his team, and finally selected a few team members who were usually smarter and brought them to his team leader's room.

"I have noticed your daily performance! The reason why I came to you is because in my opinion, you are the smarter ones among our 'Team [-]'~"

"And today, I have a very important task that needs to be handed over to you! I wonder if you can handle it for me?!"

Araki sat in the team leader's room, looked at the several members of the '[-]th Squadron' he had recruited into the room, and asked with a smile.

"Captain Araki, please rest assured. No matter what the mission is, please trust us!"

When the members of the '[-]th Squadron' heard this, they agreed directly without thinking. In their eyes, working for Araki was the greatest honor.

"Ha ha……"

"In that case, I will tell you the detailed plan of this mission~"

"You all remember this. Once you hear the detailed plan of the mission, you will never have the chance to regret it~"

Araki had a "kind" look on his face at the moment, which made the members of the "Eleventh Division" in front of him feel less wary.

"Just tell me! We are all ready!"

"Even if we are asked to assassinate 'Central Room 46', we will not hesitate!"

The team members that Araki found were all old men from the '46th Squadron', and they were all people who had experienced the incident where the inquisitor of 'Room 46' came to look for trouble.They have never forgotten what "Room [-] of the Central Committee" did to them back then, and they still feel that they are "fresh in their minds"!Therefore, there is no awe at all for this so-called 'Soul Society's' highest law enforcement agency'.

"Haha, don't worry! It's not something extremely difficult like assassinating 'Room 46'~"

"I just hope that you can help me spread a message in this Seireitei..."

Araki chuckled lightly and continued to preach.

"This is too simple for us. Please tell us what kind of rumors we need to spread in this 'Seireitei'?!"

After hearing what Araki said, the team members pricked up their ears.

At the same time, some team members moved their bodies and leaned slightly forward in the direction of Araki. They seemed to hope that in this way, they could hear the upcoming mission more clearly.

"You guys think of a way to make the rumor that Zaraki's child is actually the illegitimate son of Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, the founder of the Gotei, resound throughout the Seireitei..."

Araki did not speak, but used the 'Tian Ting Kong Luo' on everyone in the room, directly sending the tasks he needed to give these people into their brains...

There is no way, Araki has always been steady in doing things.

"This... how about we go and assassinate the 'Central Room 46'."

When the soldiers of the 'Eleventh Squadron' heard Araki's words, their pupils trembled suddenly.

Rather than publicizing the fact that 'Zaraki' is actually the illegitimate son of Captain Yamamoto, they are still willing to assassinate 'Central Room 46'. At least with Araki Yasuo in 'Assassination of Central Room 46', they will most likely not be sentenced to death. At most, they will not be sentenced to death. Being imprisoned in the endless hell for a thousand or eight hundred years...

But if they publicize this news, the consequences they will face may not be as simple as being imprisoned!Needless to say, once this news spreads within the Seireitei, Captain Yamamoto will be furious...

All the members of the '[-]th Squadron' felt shuddering at the thought of Captain Yamamoto holding the 'Ryuen Wakahu' in his hand and completely going berserk.

"How's it going? As I said just now, isn't this task very simple?!"

Just when the eyes of the members of the "Eleventh Division" were twitching wildly, Araki's "gentle" voice slowly sounded in the ears of the members.

"Simple! Simple! It's really too simple..."

After listening to Araki's words, all the members of the '[-]th Squadron' nodded in agreement.

In fact, at this moment, all the members of the 'Eleventh Squadron' were almost cursing in their hearts.

However, Araki didn't care at all what these team members were thinking in their hearts. He only cared about whether his dear teacher Yamamoto could feel the deep kindness of his apprentice.

(End of this chapter)

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