Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 202 Aizen: Zaraki, when did you have the illusion that you are at the same level as me?

Chapter 202 Aizen: Zaraki, when did you have the illusion that you are at the same level as me?

"Fun?! You think fighting me is fun?"

Aizen looked at the confident Zaraki Kenpachi with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"Of course it's interesting~" Zaraki Kenpachi nodded lightly, looked at Aizen and shouted: "Aizen, since you are a disciple of Mr. Araki like me, you should also know very well in your heart that you are the same as Aizen. What an interesting thing it is to fight against powerful players of the same level~"

"You mean the same level?!"

Aizen looked at Kenpachi Zaraki who was making wild remarks, and the look of disdain on his face became heavier.

"Ever since Araki-sensei defeated Genryusai Patriarch and became the new captain of the Gotei 13, I inherited the 'Eleventh Division', known as the combat division, from Araki-sensei. Together with Kenpachi The name of this most powerful god of death~"

"I thought that after I became Kenpachi, I would be able to kill like Araki-sensei in this world! In front of me, there will be infinitely powerful enemies, and by my side, there will be infinitely powerful enemies. A powerful opponent..."

"But in the end, I was disappointed. I didn't expect that this 'Seireitei' is so big, but it's hard to find an existence that can compete with me! Most of the people around me are trash fish that are worthless and useless." !My opponent is not even as good as a miscellaneous fish. Maybe it’s been so long since I met the miscellaneous fish that I have forgotten that the last time I was injured was hundreds of years ago..."

Zaraki Kenpachi sighed to himself.

"It was boring like this for hundreds of years until I met Ichigo Kurosaki who came from the 'real world' and invaded the 'Soul Society' as a traveling disaster..."

Zaraki suddenly mentioned Kurosaki Ichigo.

"That guy Kurosaki Ichigo was originally a miscellaneous fish!"

"But it contains an extremely huge power that I can't ignore! Fortunately, I noticed Kurosaki Ichigo's potential in time and released the power of Kurosaki Ichigo! This made me That has cooled my heart and made it hot again..."

When Zaraki said this, he showed a look that was very witty.

"Honestly, the battle with Kurosaki Ichigo was the most satisfying battle since I inherited the title of Kenpachi!"

"I felt at that time that Ichigo Kurosaki was definitely a reward given to me by God. He was a toy given to me by God because he saw that I had endured it for hundreds of years without revealing anything~"

"Suddenly I felt that my years as captain of the '11th Squadron' were worth it! I am willing to trade a hundred years of peace for an opponent I can fight with~"

When Zaraki said this, a twisted and happy look appeared on his face.

"So what do you want to express? Zaraki Kenpachi~"

On the contrary, Aizen, who was standing in front of Zaragi, seemed like he could no longer listen to Zaraki Kenpachi's crazy words that seemed to him to have no logic~ So, Aizen took the initiative to speak, interrupting Zaragi. Mu Jianba asked coldly.

"The answer is very simple! Aizen..."

"You should be like me, you haven't met an opponent for a long time, right?"

"I know best the feeling of having no one around me who can walk side by side with me since I was born! That feeling of loneliness and almost despair..."

"If Mr. Araki hadn't been there, I might have sealed myself away! So that I could become as ordinary as an ordinary Shinigami~"

"So, to be honest, I've never been angry about your rebellion!"

"In my heart, I only have the pleasure of fighting with strong men of the same level~"

Zaragi looked at Aizen and roared.

"Zaraki Kenpachi, you seem to have made a mistake..."

"Don't talk like you understand me..."

"Because from the very beginning, there was a difference between you and me!"

After listening to Zaragi's arrogance, Aizen smiled with sharp eyes.


Zaragi looked at Aizen's gesture that seemed not to take him seriously, and frowned tightly.

In Zaraki's view, Aizen, like him, is all hindered by his powerful talent. If he hadn't met a good teacher when he was young, there would only be two paths in front of him~

The first one is to become a betrayer of Soul Society like Aizen, but he never thought of standing in the sky! He will only become a murderer who holds a Zanpakutō and kills all existences in the Soul Society~

Or, Zaragi will choose to seal himself, hide his talent in his body, and transform himself from an absolute genius into an ordinary person. As long as he is as ordinary as the other people around him, he will not Will feel hopeless because of loneliness...

"Zaragi! Since when did you have the illusion that you and I are on the same level? I have said that from the beginning, we were not on the same level! So we must be on the same level! Stop talking, it seems like you understand me very well. What you know about me is just a boring fantasy in your walnut-sized brain~"

The moment Aizen finished speaking...

Aizen, who was still standing opposite Zaragi, had disappeared without a trace from Zaragi's eyes. Before Zaragi could react, a sharp Zanpakutō swung directly from behind Zaragi, striking him. On his red neck with stretched veins.


Zaragi felt the cold blade on his neck, and his expression was suddenly startled! Without any hesitation, he directly picked up the knife in his hand and slashed at the person behind him...


Accompanied by a flash of silver light, Zaragi's blow caused endless sand to blow up in the 'Xuye Palace'. A huge knife mark appeared at Zaraki's feet, extending to the naked eye of ordinary people. The edge that cannot be seen...

There is no doubt that Zaraki's sword is an extremely powerful slash that can only be struck by a being who stands at the pinnacle of death! It was a proof of strength and strength~ But there was no trace of smile on Zaraki's face. He looked at the ravine in front of him, and there was only infinite solemnity in his eyes, just because the powerful sword he just wielded was empty~

This can only explain one truth...

Aizen has surpassed the limit of death and moved towards a higher level!

In other words, he Zaraki Kenpachi became a laggard.

"Do you understand now?"

Before Zaragi could think more, Aizen's voice slowly sounded behind him.


Zaragi turned around and looked at Aizen, who still had a smile on his face. He seemed to want to say something, but he didn't seem to know what he should say.

"Just as you thought Zaraki Kenpachi, my power has surpassed the limit of Death! Now I am no longer a simple Death, but a transcendent..."

Aizen said, gently lifting the collar on his chest, revealing the jade that was hidden under his coat and integrated with his skin. It was at this moment that Aizen's eyes lit up with gleaming luster...

"Have you fallen so far, Aizen, that you need to use foreign objects to enhance you?!"

Zaragi looked at Aizen who was fused with Bengyu and asked coldly.

"You are so arrogant Zaraki~"

"Bengyu has never been a foreign object! He and I have always been one, but your shallow mind has never thought of it, that's all..."

Aizen smiled softly. He originally didn't bother to explain anything to Zaraki, but when he thought that Zaraki and he were brothers in the same sect, he said one more thing.

"It doesn't matter! You now make me more worthy of fighting with you!"

Zaraki said, holding his Zanpakutō in both hands, he jumped up and struck straight at Aizen.

"Aizen, do you know? The power that can be exerted by holding a knife with one hand and two hands is completely different..."

Zaraki shouted loudly to Aizen while all the spiritual pressure in his hands was concentrated on his Zanpakutō.

"Of course I know..."

Hearing this, Aizen smiled faintly. He still held the Zanpakutō in one hand and collided with Zaraki's sword.

"Boom!!" For a moment, Zaraki and Aizen's Zanpakutos that they held tightly touched each other! With a roar, endless sound waves erupted! That terrifying air wave directly blasted all the glass products in the 'Xuye Palace' into pieces...

Even some of the nearby walls were shattered into countless fragments by the air waves erupted from the collision between the two knives.

Aizen, who had taken Zaragi's sword forcefully, had disappeared into the endless smoke and dust, as if he had been killed by Zaragi.


Zaraki looked at the unsightly dust in front of his eyes and couldn't help but said in despair.

However, before the smoke receded, an arm broke through the smoke and grabbed Zaraki's right hand holding the sword.


Zaragi's expression changed drastically, and at the same time, he wanted to break free from the hand holding his knife!

It's a pity that Zaragi's hand holding the sword, the slender palm tightly fixed, has a huge power far beyond Zaraki's imagination. No matter how hard Zaraki exerts his strength, he can't break free. It looks slender and slender. fingers.


Before Zaragi could think more, a strong wind blew...

The smoke that originally blocked Zaraki's sight had dissipated, and what was revealed from behind the smoke was Aizen Sosuke's unscathed face.


Zaraki looked at the harmless Aizen and said in shock.


Unfortunately, before Zaragi could think more, a silver light lit up...

Zaragi's chest was immediately opened with a huge gash by the knife held by Aizen in his left hand! For a moment, a patch of bright red emerged from Zaragi's chest, dyeing everything in front of Zaragi and Aizen red...

After Aizen slashed Zaraki with his sword, he slowly released his grip on Zaraki's Zanpakutō, allowing Zaraki to take a few steps back and kneel on one knee in front of him.

"Cough cough cough..."

After Zaragi withstood Aizen's knife, he coughed slightly.

"Zaragi, as you said, the power that can be exerted by holding a sword with one hand and holding a sword with two hands is completely different! They are incomparable! But why did I see you holding the sword with both hands and attacking me? , but I still hold the knife with one hand? The answer is simple, because I who hold the knife with one hand have surpassed you who hold the knife with both hands..."

Aizen looked at Zaragi who was chopped down by his sword and smiled.

"This isn't over yet!"

Naturally, Zaragi retreated from the battlefield without Aizen's casual sword attack.

I saw him pointing his Zanpakutō at Aizen and roaring: "Swallow it, Nosei!"

As Zaraki finished speaking, the Zanpakutō in his hand immediately changed...

The Zanpakutō, which originally looked ordinary from the outside, was transformed into an ax so huge that it required both hands to hold the handle...

Aizen didn't need to compete with the giant ax in Zaraki's hand. He just looked at the shape of Zaraki's Zanpakutō's giant ax and the spiritual pressure released by Zaraki after he released the Zanpakutō!

He knew that the Zanpakutō in Zaraki's hand at this moment was extremely powerful! Even for him now, it is still a big danger...

"Aizen, use your Zanpakutō abilities quickly!"

"If you are defeated by me like this, don't say I bullied you!"

Zaraki held the handle of the giant ax and shouted to Aizen.

"You mean, let me use my Zanpakuto ability on you, right?"

"That is to say! You want me to release my Jing Hua Shui Yue, right?"

"Then you can rest assured! Because my Jing Hua Shui Yue was already in use the moment you saw me~"

"You are asking me to free the Zanpakutō now. Is it because you didn't notice that I used Kyoka Suigetsu?!"

Aizen heard this and spoke in a slightly mocking tone to Zaragi in front of him.


Aizen's words made Zaraki Kenpachi's pupils shrink slightly while his heart trembled.

If Aizen had been using Kyoka Suigetsu from the beginning, then Kenpachi Zaraki could not be sure that the person who appeared in front of him swaggering at this moment and was constantly fighting with him must be the real Aizen Sosuke!

According to "Soul Society"'s research on Aizen's Zanpakutō and Kyoka Suigetsu...

Currently, there are only two ways to crack Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu~

The first one is like Araki, whose own spiritual pressure is powerful enough to nearly crush Aizen! Plus a Zanpakutō that has the ability to defeat Aizen Kyoka Suigetsu~

In addition, the second way is to be like Genryusai, who has never been hypnotized by Aizen Zanpakutō for various reasons~

So far, Niruri and Urahara Kisuke have only found these two solutions when facing Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu, which cannot be called a solution...

Originally Zaraki wanted Aizen to use Kyoka Suigetsu, because he planned to rely on his beast-like intuition and develop a third method to crack Kyoka Suigetsu based on Urahara and Niryuri's research! But if Aizen has been using Kyoka Suigetsu from the beginning, then it means that he has failed without realizing it from the beginning...

"What's that expression on your face?"

"Are you afraid that I will use Mirror Flowers and Water Moon?"

"Don't worry! I won't use Mirror Flowers and Water Moon..."

"Because my sword can defeat your sword from the front..."

"In other words, Zaraki Kenpachi! The powerful advantage you established in front of me because of your Zanpakuto's powerful offensive performance has disappeared with my evolution..."

While Zaraki Kenpachi was hesitating, Aizen Sosuke's form suddenly changed dramatically. His body was suddenly wrapped in countless white colors, and turned into a posture like a silkworm chrysalis~ With this At the same time, Aizen's spiritual pressure also underwent tremendous changes at this moment, gradually moving towards a higher level...

"This is?!"

Zaragi's pupils shrank slightly as he looked at Aizen's appearance.

"Don't be surprised! What I look like right now is just a small change from before I completely transformed and ascended~"

Aizen looked at Zaragi who looked surprised and spoke calmly.

"Then Kenpachi Zaraki, try to touch my blade!"

After Aizen finished speaking, his figure flickered again.

This time, although Zaraki had tried his best to observe the trajectory of Aizen's actions, he still failed!

Aizen is too fast, beyond his understanding of speed...

"Don't be surprised! I haven't used Shunpo yet, it was just my walking speed, that's all..."

Aizen came behind Zaraki at some point and spoke in a calm voice.

"Or is it that you, Zaraki Kenpachi, who is confident that you are at the same level as me, can't even detect the trajectory of my walking?!"

Aizen's voice continued to echo in Zaraki's ears.

 Four thousand, I’m a bit busy today~There will be another chapter in a moment~



(End of this chapter)

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