Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 3 Got it, let’s go and marry Uozhika Retsu!

Chapter 3 Got it, let’s go and marry Uozhika Retsu!

As Araki opened his system, a line of data appeared directly in his mind.

[Daily task: Entertaining a customer has been completed, and 1000 experience points have been obtained. 】

[Daily training task: One thousand slashes completed, 2000 experience points gained]

[Main mission: Go to serve in the [-]th Division of the Seireitei Gotei. 】

[Note: The amount of rewards for the main mission depends on the position held by the host in the Thirteenth Division of the Seireitei Gotei. 】

Araki calmly looked at the tasks displayed on the task panel in his mind.

Except for the new main quest...

Araki has successfully completed the two daily tasks that the system will refresh regularly every day.

In this regard, Araki's eyes were clear, and he used his thoughts extremely skillfully to receive the task rewards of the two completed daily tasks.In an instant, the blue-lit daily task panel in Araki's mind turned gray.

"Character attribute template, open."

After Araki successfully received the experience gained after completing daily tasks, he immediately switched his system's daily task templates to his own personal character attribute templates.

Character: Araki

Title: 'Yuanliu'

Perfection Technique: The Flower That Will Never Die (Awakening Conditions Not Achieved)

Spirit drive: LV1 (+)

Zanpakutō: Yakushi Glass Light (first solution)
Lingwei: third level (+)

Spirit body: LV10 (+)

Swordsmanship: LV10 (+)

Free hit: LV10 (+)

Shunpo: LV1 (+)

Breaking the Road: LV1 (+)

Binding Dao: LV1 (+)

Reply: LV1 (+)


Knowledge (Advanced)

Armed Color (Advanced)

Overlord color (advanced)

Devil Fruit Abilities:

Fruit of surgery (awakened)

Experience Points: 1000001890
After Araki opened his personal data panel, he looked at the long string of numbers in his experience column and gradually fell into contemplation. The long string of numbers had ten digits. In other words, it was enough One billion experiences!Who knows how many years it took Araki to accumulate so much experience? !
Without any nonsense, Araki directly found the spiritual pressure column on his character panel, and used his mind to press lightly on the (+) behind his third-level spiritual power.

"The system adds points to me!"

As Araki added points, the ten-digit experience value on his character panel was instantly reduced to 1890, and Araki's spiritual pressure also successfully reached the second-level spiritual power.

Yes, although Araki's ability in the system can give him powerful power every time he improves it, the experience consumed is also extremely exaggerated.

The experience required for each upgrade is ten times the experience required for the previous upgrade!
After Araki spent 10 experience points to unlock his spiritual pressure and obtain the innate tenth-level spiritual power, Araki spent a total of more than [-] million experience points to allow his spiritual pressure to reach the third-level spiritual power. , which is the level of the standard captain-level death god pressure in later generations.

Since then, Araki has been relying on his daily [-] points of experience to accumulate. It was only today that he finally accumulated [-] billion points of experience. He raised his spiritual pressure to the second level and started the main mission of the system.

According to the standards of Soul Society's original Gotei [-]th Division, Araki's current spiritual pressure has officially entered the realm of captain-level Shinigami...

Yes, compared to later generations, a certain spirit pressure that could reach the third level was appointed as the captain by the Soul Society, so that it was regarded as a unit of measurement for combat power. Rukuchukenxilai was unwilling to reveal his name too much. Said that the first-generation Gotei [-]th Division had stricter requirements on captains, and at the same time the captains became stronger!

After all, this is the original Gotei [-]th Division where all members were killed!Every captain of the [-]th Gotei Division was bathed in blood and killed in battle after battle!They are completely different from the greenhouse flowers cultivated in Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy in later generations~
With Lingwei finally reaching the second-class level!Araki felt a little emotional for a moment.

"How many years has it been?! Now my spiritual pressure has finally reached the second level..."

Araki himself can't even remember how many years he has been in this world.

He only remembered that he was playing a passionate open-world game with the theme of "One Piece". Two and a half days after he played the explosive game, every time he opened and closed his eyes and then opened them... he felt warm from his I came to this remote Wandering Street in my bedroom!
At first, Araki didn't take it seriously...

After all, it was not just him who traveled through time, but also the powerful character data that he spent a lot of money and time to create in that "One Piece" themed game!

A super swordsmanship that has been upgraded to the level of a full-level swordsman.Powerful physical skills mastered in all six forms.Even if you are fatally injured, you can still regain your original super resilience through good work and rest.Even if he fights for three days and three nights, his body will not be exhausted at all.All have reached the highest level of three-color domineering.The surgical fruit is powerful and awakening...

The power contained in these Araki plug-ins gave Araki the confidence to survive. He was confident that he could thrive in an 'unknown' world.

To Araki, who had not yet graduated from Chuunibyou at the time, this was simply an opportunity given to him by God, allowing him to go to another world and reappear "Over Lord"!Just watch him use his full-level trumpet and powerful special abilities to kill everyone in this unknown world!
Even if Araki travels to a highly dangerous world like "One Piece", Araki is confident that as long as he doesn't provoke top beings like the 'General' and the 'Yonko'.At the same time, if you don't provoke those damn Celestial Dragons, if you don't get discovered by the old Yim, if you don't send out the 'Knights of God' with unknown strength to hunt him down, or if you blow him up with Mother Fire, you'll have no problem finishing your life!
Then, Araki saw a being named 'Death' who was wearing a dark kimono called 'Death Outfit', with a samurai sword called 'Zanpakutō' on his waist, slowly walking in front of him. Walk through!In response to this, Araki's heart collapsed. He knew that he was probably dead and could not die anymore. Now he was afraid that he only had one soul left~
But the good news is that Araki doesn't seem to have to go to the underworld to talk and laugh with the judge, complain to the Lord of Hell about the many injustices in his previous life, and then drink a bowl of Meng Po soup before going to 'reincarnation'!The bad news is that there is no chance of reincarnation, and he will go directly to Soul Society as the number one.

At that time, Araki only had one sentence in his heart: "Gan! This is not One Piece, this is the world of Death!"

Yes, although Araki didn’t know why he was playing an open-ended game with the theme of “One Piece” during his lifetime!How did he finally travel to the world of "Death"?But he knew that it didn't matter whether he wanted to understand it or not!
The fact is that he traveled through time, and also traveled into a comic he had read in his previous life. The name of that comic was "Bleach", also known as "Death/Realm"...

After Araki gradually calmed down and confirmed that the world he traveled through was not "One Piece" but the world of "Bleach", the enthusiasm in his heart suddenly extinguished a lot... After all, the world of "Death", especially the one where Araki lives in Soul Society is much more dangerous than the world of "One Piece"!

To be honest, Araki has really traveled to the world of "One Piece", and he can live a peaceful life in the East China Sea, which is a symbol of peace in the world!After all, the strongest pirate there is just Creek...

However, Araki, who directly traveled to the Soul Society, seemed to have no other choice but to become a god of death... As for the 'god-defying' abilities of various villains that Araki had to face after becoming a god of death, they were simply powerful. Unreasonable!

First of all, let’s not talk about the final and strongest BOSS of the comic "Death", the 'son of the great Soul King' and the ancestor of the Quincy, Yhwach, who is unreasonable and directly 'changes the future'. …

Just say, Araki doesn't know how to deal with the fancy abilities of the group of little bosses under Yhwach, such as 'world reconciliation', 'enforcement', 'penetration of all things', 'lethal dose', and 'miracles'.

So Araki, who had just traveled through the world and was still in a confused stage, was wandering around the Soul Society while thinking about his future. After he spent several years in the Soul Society to make some names, he got into the Soul Society by accident. A swordsmanship dojo called Yuanzi School, and he became the master of Yuanzi School...

That was the most painful experience for Araki since he came to this world. After all, his teacher was really strict with his disciples and it was a bit scary~
However, the results are indeed gratifying!Perhaps because Araki has a foundation in the swordsmanship of the pirate world, he learned the swordsmanship of the Death World very quickly~ But in just a few decades, Araki learned all the swordsmanship of his teacher!
And at what is now known as the 'Graduation Ceremony', he carved a mark on the head of his master, who had a severely receding hairline and would be absolutely bald in the future, and who was the head teacher of Yuanzi School. Got a scar shaped like a turtle...

At the same time, he obtained the "Genryu" swordsmanship from his cheap teacher. At the moment when Araki obtained the "Genryu" swordsmanship, his game board, which was fixed by unknown factors, was finally updated.

Since then, Araki's game panel has been changed from the original One Piece world panel to the current character panel that incorporates the characteristics of the "Bleach" world.And what surprised Araki was that in addition to the ability of the God of Death, his body seemed to have the potential for the 'Complete Realization Technique' ability...

In fact, Araki has done some "in-depth" research on the comic "Death".

After the completion of the main manga, the plot of the official sequel novel "Can't Fear Your Own World", commonly known as "Death: The Five Nobles", was uploaded to Ah B. At the same time, Araki also read Ah B. Many uploaders have commented on the comic "Death" and its side novels.

So Araki also knows that the so-called ability to complete the art is not as simple as what the little boss Kūgo Ginjo said to the protagonist Ichigo during the chapter of the "Reaper" animation!
In fact, the ability of the Perfection Technique is not brought by Hollow. It is the power brought by the body fragments of the Soul King who supports the three realms. Therefore, the abilities of every Perfection Technique user have huge potential.

Therefore, from Araki's point of view, the fact that his body carries the ability of 'Completion Technique' is definitely good news!

At the same time, the top perfection ability is extremely powerful!In the words of a person who did not want to reveal his name and wanted to stand in the sky all day long, the power of some perfect techniques can even invade the realm of 'gods'.

Among them, Orihime Inoue, one of the protagonists of the manga "Bleach", her Perfection Technique Shield Shun Rikka and Hidekuro Tsukishima's Perfection Technique Ending Book are the best in Perfection Technique abilities.

For Araki, it would be great if he could directly awaken Shun Rikka or the Book of the End, a full-expression technique that is powerful enough to interfere with certain phenomena. This would give him a stronger ability to save his life. .

In response to this, Araki opened up the information about the Perfection Technique in his system with excitement in his chest...

Perfection Technique: The Flower That Never Fades (Unawakened)

Ability: Bind yourself and the life of the person who loves you deeply. As long as one party survives in the world, the other party will not die. No matter whether the two parties are attacked in any form, they can recover by consuming spiritual pressure. No attack can take the life of either party before the spiritual pressure is exhausted.

When Araki saw his ability to complete the "Eternal Flower" technique, he had an idea of ​​the strength of his ability.

"Magic skill! Although this ability has no offensive power, it is definitely a life-saving skill!"

"It is simply a combination of the abilities of the six prostitutes Futaro and Fallen Princess in "Hashira no Yaiba", and the swastika wind death noose of the Gotei [-]th Division deputy captain Hisagi Shuhei in later generations... "

"And according to what this ability says, as long as one of the two parties linked by this ability has not exhausted his spiritual pressure, then the damage suffered by both parties can be recovered, and the ability will disappear only when both parties linked to it die..."

"That is to say, the stronger the spiritual pressure of the target I choose to link to, the harder it is to kill, and the more powerful it is to me~"

After checking the effect of his Perfection Technique ability, Araki suddenly felt happy.

Although, in terms of practicality and playability, it is not as powerful as 'Book of the End' or 'Dun Shun Rikka'.

But in terms of life-saving, it is definitely the most powerful full-expression ability that Araki knows, and there is no one!

"Let me see the conditions for the awakening of the 'Complete Realization Technique' ability."

Araki thought so and clicked on the awakening conditions of the ability.

The conditions for awakening the ability of the Perfection Technique are all kinds of weird. Araki just hopes that the way of awakening his Perfection Technique is not too weird.

[Requirements for activating the ability: A person who has a favorable opinion of the ability user above [-] and is liked by the ability person. 】

Araki was slightly startled when he looked at the conditions for awakening his own full-bringing technique. Most of the conditions for awakening other people's full-bringing techniques are some kind of item, but the condition for Araki's ability to activate is a person? !

Can a human being be used as a condition for activating the Perfection Technique?

So, as an LSP, was Araki finally discovered by his full-bringing ability?
No, to be precise, Araki could deceive others as well as himself, but he could never deceive his pure heart.But this is not important. In Araki's opinion, as long as his full expression technique can be awakened and used!He is Araki!It’s completely a ‘strong party’~
"Furthermore, the ability does not indicate that it can only be bound to one person. In other words, as long as I 'play' well, then maybe I can be bound to multiple people..."

"Doesn't this ability make me a scumbag?! Damn it! Am I that kind of person? I'm a serious person!"

Araki looked at his abilities and fell into deep thought. He always felt that his abilities gave him some potential to be a scumbag.

In fact, he is an extremely pure and upright person, ahem...

In addition, Araki looked at the notes on his abilities.

[Note: The never-fading flower will gain ability correction based on the spiritual pressure of the person bound to it for the first time!The higher the spiritual pressure of the first bound person, the higher the level of the inherent skill of the Perfection Technique, Spirit Drive! 】

As if to respond to Araki's thoughts, the moment Araki began to think about whether his ability of perfecting the technique, the never-fading flower, could be bound to multiple people, he immediately got a system prompt in his mind.

"I see, that means the stronger the character I bind to for the first time, the stronger the power I will gain!"

"According to this, if my full expression ability 'Eternal Flower' is bound to the most powerful woman in Soul Society, wouldn't I be invincible?!"

"I understand, I'm going to marry Retsu Uozhika first!"

Araki raised his eyebrows.

After Araki figured out his ability to complete the art, he immediately had a firm idea in his heart.

The first thing to do when traveling through time is to marry Mao Zhihualie!
(End of this chapter)

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