Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 42 Yuha: Araki, please become my son!Araki: Damn you!

Chapter 42 Yuha: Araki, please become my son!Araki: Damn you!


Explosions and roars continued to sound in the Seireitei, and the endless firelight stretched the shadows of people, making the Seireitei, covered in haze and war, look increasingly weird.

"Kill! Don't be afraid, our Majesty guides us!"

The Quincys were like machines that were fearless of death. They roared and launched wave after wave of attacks against the gods of death.


It's a pity that as the sky filled with flames pierced the sky, no matter how many Quincy came, in front of Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, the captain of the Gotei [-], they only added a few more to the land of the Seireitei. Just a burnt corpse.

"Huh? What? Am I the first to arrive?"

When Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni held a 'Sword of Fire' and walked smoothly like chopping melons and vegetables, when he arrived at the gate of the Gotei [-]st Division building at the foot of Shuangshou Hill, there were a lot of people around him. There seemed to be no other shadow of death other than him.

Yuan Liuzhai frowned at his usual frown...


Just when Yamamoto was dissatisfied, a purple figure came behind Yamamoto Genryusai in a flash, and then made a gesture that seemed to be victorious, opened his arms and shouted to the sky.


Yamamoto looked at the visitor with a bit of surprise in his eyes. He seemed not to have expected that the person who came here after him would be this stupid...silly girl Saito Immortal.

"Idiot, you're the fourth one to arrive."

Before Saito could boast about his "glorious deed" of being the second to arrive at Yamamoto's gathering place, a dark figure suddenly sat up from the charred corpse on the side...

If the man hadn't suddenly stood up, relying on his 'special' skin color, no, but his powerful stealth skills, he would have truly become one with the night and the charred corpse.

"Ah! It's the damn Shifengyuan Senhi!"

"And even if you came here before me, I will be the third one to get here, okay?"

Saito looked at the visitor, and it was as if a basin of cold water was poured from her head, extinguishing all the enthusiasm that had just been ignited in her heart. This made Saito feel unhappy.

"Really? That's not necessarily..."

The person who came was naturally Shifengyuan Senhi. After listening to Saito's words, he glanced at the shadow in the distance. The one who had been squatting there and sneaking was the second one to arrive here in the true sense, and he was just the second one to arrive here. Only the third person to arrive here.

"You guys are so fast..."

Accompanied by a crunching sound like a branch being trampled to pieces, Shikatori Hatsuunsai, holding a naginata in his hand, cutely walked over the corpses of the Quincy, which were so black that they couldn't even see their human form. Stepping over and crushing the bodies of these Quincies.

The most important thing is that as Shikatori's strides gradually become longer, the huge 'evil' on her chest is rising and falling like a wave, grabbing everyone's eyeballs and hitting everyone's hearts.

"See no evil..."

However, Sifengyuan Qianni turned his head away after just one glance. Although he looked like a fun-loving person who went around looking for fun all day long, he was a family man.

"Your Shunpo is too fast! Save your energy! Save your energy!!"

"Where are the enemy troops? I didn't see the enemy troops?"

In the blink of an eye, the leader of the third division, Yan Yuan Jinlei, and the leader of the twelfth division, Zensadaji Yubi, were also killed by this double attack.

"Oh! It looks like we won!"

Saito saw that the first ones to arrive were the leaders of his Qingliumen group, and he immediately got into his waist, but she was so shocked.

"Master Shan, everyone, it seems you have arrived a long time ago!"

Just when Saito was feeling proud, the leader of the fifth division, Katanjiro, finally arrived at the gathering place where the leaders of the teams were meeting.

"I'm so tired! I'm dying! I really want to go back to sleep!"

"Hahaha, for an old man like me who is 'physically exhausted', such fast exercise is really too much~"

"Didn't you see any enemy troops? Is there a mistake in this gathering place?"

"That should be right! Look, everyone else is here, including Captain Yamamoto."

Behind Ohana Danjiro are the remaining four team leaders in charge of the Kuroro Gate, Shishima Tomogiri from the [-]th team, Niko Saizo from the [-]th team, Nobu Tsuna from the [-]th team, and Nobu Tsuna from the [-]th team. Long face well smoke iron.

At this moment, one of Shijima Chigiri and Nigoku Zaizou looked like they were exhausted, and the other looked like they were old and exhausted and had difficulty breathing, but there was not even a drop of sweat on their foreheads...

The executioner, Nobuzuna, put his hands on his brows and kept looking around for traces of the enemy, while Kumeni Entetsu pointed at Yamamoto Genryusai and behind Genryusai with a big exposed gold tooth. The first team member patted the executioner Nobutsuna on the shoulder.


"Oh, it seems we are all here~"

"No, there seems to be one more to go!"

Sifengyuan Qianni looked at the leaders of the Kureimen who arrived at the gathering place, and began to look for the shadow of the leader of the [-]th Division. He turned around and saw the figure who had quietly stood there at an unknown time. Behind Yuan Liuzhai, there is a pretty woman with disheveled hair and cold murderous intent in her eyes.

Then, Shifouin Senni made a fist with his right hand and hit his left hand hard with a hammer. He showed a smile and announced to himself that the leaders of the Gotei [-]th Division had arrived.Immediately afterwards, after Sifengyuan Qianri glanced at Uozhihualie, he suddenly remembered something and murmured softly.

"Sorry, I'm late! I kept you waiting for so long..."

Just as Shifengyuan Qianhi was talking, a figure wearing a bamboo hat belatedly arrived, running towards the crowd through the scorched black ground. The person who came was naturally the leader of the [-]th division, Tsukawa Yuuki.

"Ah, I forgot about this thing!"

All the team leaders looked at the 'late' Wang Tuchuan Yuxuji and turned their heads. They almost forgot about Wang Tuchuan Yuxuji.

"Actually, it didn't take long..." Regarding this, Sifengyuan Qianni looked at Wang Tuchuan Yuxuji with a smile on his face and said. After all, the person everyone was waiting for was not Wang Tuchuan Yuxuji at all, so why did he wait so long? reason? !
"You didn't have to wait long!"

At this moment, Wang Tuchuan Yuxu Ji didn't realize that he was ignored. Seeing that he was not late for too long, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Hahaha, is that guy Araki late? He was obviously the fastest to leave, but he ended up being the last to arrive?"

At this time, Saito Immortal suddenly burst out laughing. Maybe it was because she finally defeated Araki once, so she finally found a place to laugh at Araki. She decided to use this incident to laugh at Araki for 100 years... ...No, it should be to laugh at Araki for 1000 years, 1 years.

"That's impossible! The reason why we chose to gather here is because Araki told me that he detected a large number of enemy troops here..."

Before Saito could say anything more, Yamamoto Genryusai interrupted the other party and told Saito the reason why they chose to gather here.


Saito's pupils shrank slightly when he heard this.

"Since Araki came here first...then where is he now?!"

For a moment, Saito's heart skipped a beat, and she began to worry about Araki's safety.


Genryuzhai was silent when he heard this. There were only a handful of people in the enemy army who could fight Araki head-on, and among them, the one who could make Araki unable to get away, or even force Araki to leave the place where he originally gathered, Yuan Liuzhai. Liu Zhai only has one name in his heart.

"The enemy is coming!"

Before Genryusai and the captains could think too much, there was a burst of explosions, and like a flood pouring in from all directions, the Quincy in white knight uniforms began to move towards the captains of the Gotei [-]. They surrounded and suppressed them.


Genryusai didn't say much when he saw this. He simply pulled out the Zanpakutō from his waist, and endless flames surrounded his body.


The leaders of the Thirteenth Division standing beside Yuan Liuzhai did not hesitate at all, and they were already charging towards the endless soldiers under the moonlight!For a moment, it was like a tiger had joined the flock of sheep!Countless 'blood' spilled on the earth, and 'broken limbs and remains' flew into the sky!
"Remember to chop off these Quincy's heads or break their limbs~"

"Otherwise they will still use a strange ability (disguising themselves as heavenly puppets) to stand up~"

Nikoku Saizo already knew the Quincy's abilities very well. With a sinister smile on his face, he kept reminding the captains around him, but obviously Nikoku Saizo's reminders were of little significance...

Because these captains have no feeling of pity at all, they have no intention of leaving anyone alive, and they rush to kill the enemy as soon as they strike. They either choose to cut the enemy's neck directly, or chop the person and body in half.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"Araki, where have you been! Don't die!!"

Saito's Zanpakutō is in his immortal hand. "The sword is bloody" and "the sword is deadly" constantly vents the anger in his heart.


As for Unohana Retsu, her expression remained normal, simply because she never thought that a man who could defeat her head-on would be defeated by a mere Quincy.

However, in fact, the most difficult to kill on this battlefield are Araki, Unohana and Saito.

at the same time……

It was about thirty miles away from the Gotei [-]st Squadron building.

Araki was confronting a man wearing a dark cloak.

The man has dark and slightly messy long hair, riding on a white horse, looking down at Araki from a high place from a superior perspective, and surrounding the man are several ranking stars wearing white knight uniforms. The Quincy of the Knights of the Cross.

“This is really a jackpot!”

Araki watched as a few drops of sweat appeared on the visitor's forehead.

At this moment, the system panel in his mind quietly launched two tasks.

[Sudden mission: Defeat Yhwach! 】

[The final reward depends on the battle between the host and the Quincy Emperor Yhwach. 】

[Main mission: Kill Yhwach! 】

[Let Yhwach be sealed in the Soul Palace with his father! 】

[Final reward:? ? ? 】

Yes, the man who dared to ride a horse for a leisurely walk in Soul Society's Seireitei was none other than him!
It is the Emperor of the Empire of Light who rules the 'Empire of Light' and is called 'Your Majesty' by countless Quincy, the ancestor of the Quincy, and the final boss of "BLEACH", Yhwach!

And the current Yhwach is not at his peak!In Araki's view, if the Yhwach at this moment is just a replica of Yhwach's level in the Bloody Battle Chapter, then he still has some fighting skills and can at least reap some benefits from the 'unexpected mission'.Continue to accumulate enough strength for yourself...

"Araki! I have been waiting for you. You have the same power as us in your body. You should not be on the side of the God of Death!" Before Araki could say anything, Yhwach, who was riding on the horse, took a step ahead of Araki. He spoke, "Araki, now I give you a chance to choose! Give up the Zanpakutō in your hand and join our ranks of Quincy! Become my son! Join forces with me and dedicate you to eternal peace. Use the power within your body! You will become the most dazzling cornerstone that symbolizes peace!!"

"Huh? You fucking white beard!!"

Araki's eyes twitched slightly when he heard this. Doesn't Yhwach know what happened to the last guy who went around trying to collect his son? !That's half the head knocked off!

"K·ROOM·Piercing Wave!!"

Araki didn't waste any time and directly activated the fruit awakening ability.

"咴咴~" Then there was a wailing sound of a white horse, and an angry shout: "How dare you! How dare you kill His Majesty's horse?!"

 A little late, but late but arrived!By the way, please vote!These chapters will explain all the main plot clearly, and the male protagonist's abilities will also be gradually explained clearly, and the male protagonist's cheats are not given randomly, but for an interesting development.

(End of this chapter)

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