Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 52: Conquer Jijijiba and the first-class spiritual power! !

Chapter 52: Conquer Jijijiba and the first-class spiritual power! ! (Third update)
The moment the monk's discarded Ejijiba touched Araki's Zanpakutō, a glaze-colored light suddenly illuminated the entire "monk's true name" palace...


Facing the great glazed light in front of him, the fake monk's expression changed drastically and he stepped back. He pulled the 'Sword God' Niemaya Wang Yue in front of him, blocking the overwhelming light.

"Hey, hey! There's no one like you..."

Wang Yue protested.

"Haha, you know that! This thing is very scary to me, so I can't prevent it!"

The monk smiled awkwardly. The compatibility between him and the Araki Zanpakuto was really bad.

"Haha, I remembered! I remembered everything!"

On the other side, in a piece of glazed pure land, a white giant that was as big as Mount Everest suddenly laughed crazily, and his laughter was filled with the joy in his heart.

"I'm not called Jiji Sijiba! I won't be called Jiji Sijiba! My real name is..."

He has opened his mouth and made a loud sound like a bell. He wants to announce his true name to the whole world.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz..."

However, just as he was roaring, ancient bells one after another suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Who's ringing the bell?!"

Jijijiba was furious. He looked around and shouted angrily.

The sound of the bell made him feel very irritable!A violent emotion surged into my heart.

"Idiot! You're obsessed!"

Just as Siji Sijiba was looking for him, a 'Holy King' emitting endless rays of light and covered with glass sat quietly on the lotus platform at some point and appeared in front of Siji Sijiba.

"Little guy, don't hinder me..."

Jijijiba looked at the small 'ant'-like existence in front of him, with a hint of disdain in his expression.

"Idiot, since you have seen me, why don't you take refuge in my 'Buddha'?!"

The 'Holy King' saw that he was stubborn and refused to understand, so he had no choice but to persuade him.

"Buddha? Where is the Buddha?!"

Jijijiba looked around, but he did not see the Buddha in front of him that the 'Holy King' was talking about.


When the 'Holy King' heard this, he did not answer Jijijiba's question, but stretched out a finger and pointed directly at the sky.


Jijijiba followed the finger of the 'Holy King' and looked towards the sky, and then his pupils trembled slightly.

In the boundless sky, there is a 'formless' 'Buddha' sitting upright. It is not that the world surrounds the 'Buddha', but the 'Buddha' holds the world with his hands...

Compared with the "invisible and formless" "Buddha", the body shape that Jijijiba is proud of is like a drop in the ocean. The sand at the bottom of the Ganges River is too small.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How can there be such a huge existence in this world!"

At this moment, Ji Jiba felt an infinite sense of inferiority in his heart. His proudest body shape was too small in front of that "formless" and therefore "infinite" existence. That was no longer the gap between humans and ants, that It's a gap between dimensions, not the same level. "Roar!!"

Having restored his name and strength, Jijijiba roared at the 'Buddha' in the sky, and then red flashes of light gathered in his mouth. This is the skill that every Daxu has, and it is also the most primitive skill of Daxu. ——Virtual flash!
In Jijijiba's view, it is just a shadow. There is absolutely no such immeasurable thing in this world!

Facing the attack of Sijiba, the Buddha's face showed no joy or sadness, showing solemnity. Facing the scarlet flash, he just slowly raised the hand holding the flower and moved towards Sisiji. The bat fell down.


Accompanied by loud noises, it was like the sky was falling!

Already, he was looking forward to the huge glazed palm and kept roaring at the sky. He used all his strength to push towards the palm, but unfortunately it was like a 'mayfly shaking a tree' or a mantis using its arm as a cart!

Following the endless roar, he crawled to the ground under the palm of the Buddha, no longer as arrogant as before.

"I give you a name - Gong Piluo!"

After Siji Sijiba put away his arrogance, a sound like a loud bell but endless and illusory came into Siji Sijiba's ears.

"I will obey the orders of the Holy Lord."

Jijijiba said that there was an extra pig crown on his head.

At this point, Jijiba was unable to tell his real name until the end, but none of this seemed to matter. From today on, his real name is Gongpiluo.

outside world……

The sword with "Ji Ji Ji Ba" that was thrown by the monk on the "Yakushi Glazed Light" suddenly stopped moving. This made the monk's pupils shrink slightly, and he looked at each other with Wang Yue, the second man next to him.

"What a terrifying power! It can still exert such a powerful power even though it has no master. This knife is far more powerful than I imagined..."

The monk looked at the Zanpakutō in front of him, beads of sweat hanging on his forehead.

Suddenly, the monk felt something in his heart. If Araki became stronger, instead of competing with Yhwach, he would use the 'Medicine Master Glazed Light' to save him!Will he convert then?Or convert? !
Thinking of this, the monk secretly said: "Not good!"

Then he looked at Wang Yue of Ermeiya beside him and said: "Wang Yue, I'll leave this to you! I'll take a step back first! If Araki comes out, tell him to go to the Spirit King's palace to serve the Spirit King. Gone! I don’t plan to see anyone for 100 years, no, for 1000 years!”

The fake monk said and disappeared from the spot.

"Ah this..."

Wang Yue's eyelids twitched slightly when he saw the fake monk running away, "Isn't that right, big brother!"You have the ability to deceive others, but you don’t have the ability to take responsibility? !
Just when the fake monk took the opportunity to escape, Araki's body was also undergoing a transformation. As the fake monk said, the power of the Soul King can help him reshape the power in his body. With the help of the true 'omniscience and omnipotence' power of the Soul King , Araki's 'Armed Color' Haki, Overlord Color' Haki and Reiatsu slowly merged together...

Next is the 'Knowing Color' Haki. The three-color Haki gives Araki's Reiatsu three characteristics: 'predicting the future', 'internal destruction' and 'Knowing and Killing'. At the same time, it enhances the 'oppression' that Reiatsu already has on the enemy. Deterrence', and wrapping yourself around to enhance your 'defense', 'attack' and other abilities.

"not enough!"

However, the power of the three-color high-level Haki was still not enough to promote Araki's spiritual pressure from the second level to the first level. The rewards he received after defeating Yhwach and the second-level experience package he received after becoming the captain were all dissolved at this moment. After exerting his strength, he helped Araki rush to a higher level.

However, there is still something lacking...

At this time, Araki's Zanpakutō 'Yakushi Glass Light' moved!The power in Jijiba's body that he had subdued was continuously replenishing towards Araki at this moment!

Jijijiba, to be precise, it is now called Gongpiluo, which is very embarrassing!

However, all the hard work finally paid off. With the combination of 'reiatsu', 'experience' and 'dominance', and with the help of pharmacist Liuliguang's wool collected from Jijiba's body, Araki's spiritual pressure It’s finally done!
At this moment, the attributes in the spiritual pressure column of Araki's character panel clearly read - First Class Spiritual Power!
 According to what everyone said, reduce the attributes of the pirate as much as possible, and from now on it will be the spiritual pressure with the three-color haki effect!After finishing it, I didn’t do it blindly. I had thought about it when I was perfecting the swastika from the beginning. Anyway, although it’s a little late, it’s late but it’s here. I’ll give it to you in the third update!The preparations for the Team Zero Chapter are over, and now the Hueco Mundo Layout Chapter will begin!Finally... everyone, please vote for me because of my hard work!

(End of this chapter)

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