Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 73 Why don’t you thank Captain Araki quickly? !

Chapter 73 Why don’t you thank Captain Araki quickly? ! (fifth update)
After encountering a strong enemy, everyone seemed extremely tired...

"Everyone moved the body back in an orderly manner. Next is rest time~"

Araki, the well-known "heartless" captain of Soul Society, landed from the sky in front of all the team members and said with a smile.

"Finally can rest."

When the soldiers of the [-]th Division heard this, they were so moved that they almost cried.

Obviously everyone felt Araki's good intentions for them...

"Take the body back!"

For a moment, a group of team members moved the remains of Daxu on the ground in an orderly manner towards the outside of the 'Forest of Daxu'.

"Captain Araki, when Daxu invaded just now, I wonder where you went?!"

Just as Araki looked at the hard-working members of the [-]th Division with a smile, Shishima Chigiri came up to Araki and asked expressionlessly.

"Huh? What did you just say? It was so windy that I didn't seem to hear clearly..."

Araki looked at Shishima Chigiri coming over and smiled softly, then put his right arm on Shishima's shoulder.


Shijima looked at Araki's left hand stroking the Zanpakutō at his waist, and there seemed to be beads of sweat overflowing from his forehead.

"Actually, I don't have anything important to do, so I won't bother Captain Araki..."

Shijima looked at Araki's hand on the handle of the knife. After he fell silent for a while, a rare smile appeared on his always gloomy face.

"Are you nervous?"

Araki did not let Shijima leave. He continued to put his hand on Shijima's shoulders and asked.

"Don't be nervous. You are here. What should I be nervous about? Are you right? Captain Araki."

Shidao's mind was spinning rapidly and he answered one after another.

"I see that your face is pale, and you still say that you are not nervous?"

Araki was still smiling, looking like a gentle captain.

"I'm really not nervous..."

Shijima said, but his eyes kept staring at Araki's hand on the hilt of the Zanpakutō.

"What did you ask just now?"

Araki suddenly asked Shijima.

"I don't, I mean there's nothing wrong with me..."

Shijima subconsciously wanted to say that he was not nervous, but luckily he changed his words in time.

"Really? In fact, I just went to protect our hot spring. I'm afraid the Daxu are coming for the hot spring."

Araki whispered to Shijima.


Shidao was stunned for a moment and then frowned, how could Daxu know about the 'hot spring'? !

Besides, if Araki is guarding the hot springs, what is Kumeni Futetsu doing?Build a castle out of sand from the ground? !

"Actually... I have always suspected that there is an undercover Daxu in our team."

While Shijima was in a daze, Araki's voice continued to sound.


The moment Shijima heard Araki's words, he felt his heart skip a beat, and even the air around him seemed a bit colder.

"You said... could this undercover agent be you?"

Just as Shijima was panicking, Araki's voice continued to sound.

"When, of course not..."

Shijima already felt his neck getting cold at this moment.

"I think it could be..."

Araki didn't give Shishima a chance to say more, and spoke in a low voice.


Shidao was really panicking at this moment. He could only hear his heart beating wildly in his chest. At this moment, his life was hanging by a thread.

"Haha, it's just a joke. It scares you! How could you be a spy?"

Before Shijima could react, Araki suddenly chuckled and dismissed the matter as haha.

"Yes, a joke, a joke."

Shijima felt that he was almost exhausted at this moment, and Araki's words changed too quickly.

"Then do you think the spy could be me?"

Before Shijima could relax, Araki asked again.

"How is that possible! You are the captain of the Hueco Mundo Crusade Team. You will never have any problems. Even if something does go wrong, it will be the team's fault..."

Shijima was so frightened by Araki's words that he looked at Araki and kept preaching.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not just joking with you. By the way, you are very smart, so I would like to remind you to pay more attention to the movements of the people in our team and see who is the spy... "

Araki spoke to Shijima earnestly, looking very optimistic about Shijima. "I don't think there are spies in our team."

Shishima said firmly.

"Do you really think so?"

Araki asked again.


Shidao's attitude was firm, and he was more firm than ever at this moment.


Araki said nothing this time, but let go of Shijima's shoulders, turned around and followed the team forward.

"Why don't you quickly thank Captain Araki?!"

Just when Shijima was at a loss, Nigu Zaizou came to Shijima and stabbed Shijima's spine hard with the handle of the knife in his hand.

"Thank you Captain Araki!"

At this moment, Shijima suddenly understood and thanked Araki.


Araki didn't say anything, but strode forward.


After Niugu Caizang watched Araki leave, he also walked forward slowly and leisurely. Before leaving, Niugu didn't forget to secretly scold Shijima as "stupid". At the same time, he thought silently in his heart: "Do you really think that other people Can't people see what's going on? Have you ever seen a "xu" in your life that let the god of death refuse to eat it? Just keep some things in your heart, and don't say some words out for the rest of your life, otherwise one day I don’t even know how I died.”

I can only say that ginger is still spicier...

'Void Night Palace'.

"Your Majesty Balegang, we have failed to live up to your high expectations for us. We have been defeated..."

A group of Yachukas knelt down in front of Bailegang. They lowered their heads and did not dare to look up at their 'moody' king.

"You guys played well~"

"Very good, I'm very happy..."

Unexpectedly, Bailegang did not blame any of his subordinates this time, but seemed quite happy.


This made all the 'Yachukas' who were already preparing to die were stunned. When did their Majesty become so easy to talk to? !Under normal circumstances, shouldn't their Majesty be furious, then smash them losers into dust, and then rush to the battlefield in person to completely crush those blind gods of death? !
"Now throw all the Daxu corpses you collected back into that pool! Once the liquid is produced in it, you can soak them all in..."

Balegang continued to order to his subordinates.

"I will obey the king's orders!"

Naturally, Balegang's subordinates did not dare to refute him. In the eyes of these Yachukas-level masters, what Balegang, the king of Hueco Mundo, said was "the destiny".


As a large number of corpses were thrown into the 'evolution pool', countless green bubbles suddenly appeared in the water.


Even though this 'evolution pool' looks very strange, the Daxu people still jumped into it under the power of Bailegang.


When this group of injured Daxu soaked into the evolution pool, they were all stunned.

"what happened?"

Bailegang frowned upon seeing this and asked aloud.

"It's so comfortable...I feel like my body is full of power!"

"Even the bottlenecks we've been stuck in for a long time seem to be loosening."

After hearing this, all the Daxu people showed comfortable expressions. They felt that their original fatigue was swept away, and the power in their bodies was slowly increasing. But what really made these Daxu people feel crazy was that they had been embarrassed just now. Most of the Daxu corpses in the pool belong to Killian. In other words, as long as they have this pool, they don't need to continue to hunt Daxu of the same level in order to evolve. Hunting 'Killian' can also achieve their goals. The effect of evolution…

Although 'Kilian's' spiritual pressure is limited, far less than the power that 'Yachukas' corpse can provide them, the advantage is that it is safe and there is no need to risk being hunted by a great void of the same level.

"It's really amazing..."

Bailegang showed a bit of envy when he heard this. To be honest, he was a little envious of these Yachucas. You must know that when he was still Yachucas, he did not have such unique conditions as them. The reason why he Being able to evolve into a high-ranking Daxu depends entirely on his own efforts and his unique ability to 'age'.


On the other side, outside the Great Void Forest...

The Shinigami soldiers who were soaking in the hot springs did not feel as nervous as the group of 'Yachukas'. After defeating the Daxu, they all showed satisfaction on their faces and sang "Soaking in the Hot Springs" While singing, they recovered from their injuries. At the same time, they also discovered the benefits of this hot spring in helping practice.

Although the Shinigami team members cannot directly absorb spiritual pressure like 'Hollow', they can strengthen their 'spiritual body' through this hot spring to achieve the effect of enhancing spiritual pressure!The difference between the two hot springs is here...

The 'Evolution Pool' of 'Void' is to pour spiritual pressure directly into 'Void''s body, which is equivalent to pouring water directly into the container, while the 'Hot Springs' of the Death God team is to help the Death Gods expand the water containers, so that The Shinigami Soldiers can absorb more spiritual seeds to increase their spiritual pressure...

When the members of the Gotei [-]th Squadron and the Achiukas of the 'Kyuya Palace' recovered from their physical injuries and exhausted all the spring water and evolutionary fluid in the hot springs, they felt in their hearts At the same time, a thought arose, that is: "Hunt Killian!"

In response, Killian said: "Ho! Roar!!"

By the way, ordinary Kilians have no intelligence, so they don't know how to protest at all!

Based on the theory that if you can't protest, you just don't want to protest, a 'Killian' hunting operation seems to have begun where the 'Intermediate Daxu' and the 'Reaper Team' join forces...

As for whether this matter is too cruel, Professor Araki, a famous Daxu researcher and author of the encyclopedia "Killian's One Hundred Ways to Die," said this: "The lower Daxu Killian is a kind of person with no They are creatures of the heart, so they don’t understand cruelty! As for whether Killian is afraid of pain, please allow me to quote a famous saying of my idol Ace, Killian has no feeling of pain! So feel free to start!"

(End of this chapter)

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