Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 86 The professional cheater Tsunayashiro Tokinada!

Chapter 86 The professional cheater Tsunayashiro Tokinada! (Fourth update)


As Araki's words fell, the three people present fell silent. They were not brats who didn't understand anything. Naturally, they couldn't answer Araki's questions quickly. However, Araki's words had firmly penetrated into their hearts and pierced their hearts. root……

"Let's go! I'll take you to a good place~"

Araki said, deciding to take the three brats in front of him to skip class.

Well, the teacher took the lead in skipping class...

"Where are you going?!"

Shunsui looked at Araki and asked.

"Going to a good place! Anyway, you just come with me..."

Araki said, already walking out of the classroom.

"Go! Follow the past and have a look..."

Shunsui was the first to follow Araki out of the classroom. He has always had an adventurous spirit.


Ukitake sighed. Although skipping class was a bad thing, even the teacher in class was gone now. He couldn't learn anything useful even if he stayed in the classroom, so he might as well follow him and have a look.


Shitan's face was gloomy. He had always been so bitter and resentful, with many and complicated thoughts.

When Nada saw Araki, Shunsui and Ukitake all leaving the classroom, he thought for a moment and then used Shunpo to follow them...

"Ha ha……"

Araki looked at the three people behind him and smiled softly.

If you want to reform Soul Society, the first thing you can't get around is not the 'Central Room 46' but the aristocratic group headed by the 'Five Nobles'...

It is unrealistic to completely destroy the five nobles. After all, their inheritance has been passed down for more than a million years, which is longer than the history of Soul Society. It is uncertain what kind of back-up force the family has~ Therefore, Araki decided to destroy the five nobles. 'The power is firmly in your own hands...

The Shifengin family is controlled by his apprentice Sayoichi. As moral pacesetters, the Kuchiki family will strictly abide by the 'laws' they have made, so there is no need to worry about them at all!As for that family with ties to Hell, they are not interested in the changes in Soul Society...

As for the Shiba family, even if Araki doesn't intervene, they will gradually decline. This is their family's destined 'fate'!As the male protagonist of "Bleach", Kurosaki Ichigo, although he has the blood of the Shiba family in his body, he is obviously not interested in being the head of the Shiba family...

Next came the Tsunayashiro family, the most ambitious family among the five nobles, and also the mastermind behind many events in Soul Society. Araki decided to let this evil kid who was not favored by the family and wanted to seek the truth take control. …

Tsunayashiro Tokinada in the original work is definitely not a good person. He seems to be involved in many tragedies, but it doesn't matter. At the moment, Tsunayashiro Tokinada is just a brat, and he can educate him well.

Of course, Araki didn't want to change Tsunayashiro Tokinada's nature or anything like that. Changing that kind of thing is unrealistic in itself. Araki only needs Tsunayashiro Tokinada to be afraid of him. As long as Araki is still in Soul Society, Tokinada will not be afraid of him. It's enough to dare to cause trouble~
When he thought of this, Araki had already led the three people behind him to the team building of the [-]th Squadron...

The team building is still under construction, but most of it has been built. Under the ingenious hands of the craftsmen of the Sifengyuan family, the entire [-]th Division has been given a brand new look...

Whether it is the 'artificial garden' that reveals luxury everywhere, or the 'fountain' or 'swimming pool', they are not things that a squad should have. They are more like facilities that are only equipped by an entertainment club~
"Captain Araki!"

When the members of Division [-] guarding the gate saw Araki, they immediately saluted respectfully and said hello to Araki.

"I'm going to use the swordsmanship dojo now. Let the team members inside go run around outside first."

Araki gave orders to the team members guarding the door in front of him.

"As ordered!"

Without saying a word, the team member immediately ran towards the team building.

After a while, the soldiers of the [-]th Division, led by the chief officer, ran towards the outside of Seireitei...

Yes, what Araki meant by running in a circle outside was to run around the entire Seireitei.

"You three, follow me~"

Immediately afterwards, Araki led Shunshui and three others and pushed open the door to the swordsmanship dojo of Division [-].

"This is?!"

When Chun Shui and Ukitake saw the spacious dojo, their eyes instantly lit up.

Even Tokinada looked at the dojo and nodded repeatedly. To be honest, he was used to the luxurious scenes outside the [-]th Division!The Tsunayashiro family has no less money than the Shifouin family...

Compared to the 'fountain' or something like that, he was more interested in the huge dojo in front of him. Although their 'Tsunayashiro' family was prosperous, there was not much need for such a huge training dojo...

"Teacher Araki, is it really okay for you to bring us here?!"

Shunshui has always been very curious. Ever since he came to the [-]th Division, he didn't want to go back to school. But today he was inexplicably well-behaved and asked Araki.

"Why do you want to go back to school?"

Araki looked at Shunsui and asked.

"Not at all!"

Shunshui answered without hesitation.

"Then what are you asking?"

Araki said, tapping Shunshui's head lightly with the scabbard in his hand.

"Hey hey..."

Chun Shui touched the back of his head where Araki had hit him and smiled silly.

"How about you two?"

At this time, Araki looked at Ukitake and Tokinada on the side.

"Everything depends on the teacher's arrangements!"

Ukitake's answer was in line with Araki's thoughts.

"You asked us to come. If anyone holds us accountable, it has nothing to do with us~"

Tokinada's answer was very unpleasant.

"It doesn't matter. There is no one in the entire Seireitei who can hold me accountable."

Araki said, picked up the scabbard in his hand, and hit Tokinada on the head hard.

"it hurts……"

Tokitan touched his swollen forehead and saw the dissatisfaction and shed tears.

"You're talking big words! Even if you are the captain of the Gotei [-], you don't have the ability to resist in the face of real power!"

Tokinada watched Araki preach angrily.For a moment, Araki couldn't tell whether Tokinada did it on purpose or if it was the child's angry words!After all, this kid has always been petty and complicated, and the words he speaks, including the expressions he makes on weekdays, don’t count~
"Real rights? What are real rights..."

Araki wants to hear what real rights are in Tokinada's eyes.

"This rotten world lacks everything except those with power! We Tsunayashiro and other 'heads of the five great nobles', members of the Golden Seal Noble Council, members of the Noble Council, etc., etc.!"

"As the captain of the Gotei 46, you are indeed a person of power, but you just cannot touch the pinnacle of power. For you, 'Central Room [-]' is an insurmountable mountain!"

It seemed that the conversation came to a topic that Tokinada was interested in. He wrapped his arms around himself and looked at Araki as he talked.


In response, Araki waved the scabbard in his hand and hit Tokinada on the head again.

"it hurts……"

Tokinada covered his head and looked at Araki angrily, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"The members of the 'Noble Council' in Room 46 are all scared to death of me~"

Araki looked at Tokinada, whose face was unconvinced, and said with a smile.


Tokinada obviously didn't believe what Araki said.


Araki just smiled softly after hearing Tokinada's words.

"Go back and ask your father, he will tell you the answer."

Araki looked at Tokinada and smiled.

"Who gave you the confidence?!"

The young Tokinada didn't understand. He couldn't understand why Araki was so magnanimous.


Araki thought for a moment and gave Tokinada the reason.


Tokinada was stunned for a moment. Apparently Araki's answer was beyond his knowledge.

"When you are strong enough to eliminate all the rule makers and those who want to impose these rules on you, the rules no longer have any meaning to you~"

Araki looked at Tokinada and said calmly.After Araki finished speaking, he threw six wooden swords from the shelf where the wooden swords were placed to Shunsui, Ukitake and Tokinada.

"This is?!"

Chun Shui and others were stunned. They didn't understand why six swords were thrown to them.

"Two swords per person! Today I will teach you how to use two swords."

Before Shunshui and the other two could think more, Araki's words had already sounded in their ears.


Even though Shunshui and the others were still confused, they still picked up the wooden sword that Araki threw to them.

"Then the game begins!"

Araki said, assuming a 'two-sword style' posture.

"Look to your left!"

As Araki finished speaking, others came to the left side of the three of them like a breeze. Then the two wooden swords crossed together, and with the concentration of spiritual pressure, they swung a cross-shaped slash at everyone.


As expected, the three of them were directly beaten away by Araki.

"How do you block this thing?!"

At this time, everyone in Kyoraku Shunsui was dumbfounded. How could they stop this kind of slashing attack that directly condensed spiritual pressure and then swung it out? !

"Yeah, how do you block it? How about trying to imitate my movements and slash?"

Araki said, and the next slash was already directed towards everyone.

"If only we could do that!"

Hearing this, Kyōraku ran away with his head in his hands and yelled at Araki.

"Then don't blame me! I can only blame you for your inability."

Araki said as he slashed Kyoraku several more times.

"If you want to learn how to fight like others, you must first learn to get beaten!"

Araki looked at the three people who were beaten by him and rolled on the ground, and said calmly.


"It hurts, it hurts, it's disgusting..."

After Nada returned home at that time, there was no good flesh on his body. He could feel that Araki had swung the knife at him the most times, intentionally or unintentionally.

"Tokinada, you're back!"

Tsunayashiro Tokinada's father, a middle-aged man whose appearance is somewhat similar to Tokinada, looked a little unhappy after seeing Tokinada return.

"How did you hurt yourself like this? Did you get into a fight with someone else? Did you win?"

Tokinada's father asked Tokinada coldly. He needed to know whether Tokinada had disgraced the Tsunayashiro family.

"Hit by a teacher!"

Tokinada rubbed his sore shoulders and spoke truthfully.

"The teacher from Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy dares to hit you?!"

When Tokinada's father heard this, he looked obviously startled, with a bit of disbelief in his eyes.

"Didn't you tell him what your last name was?"

Tokinada's father asked rhetorically.

"I told him, but he still hit me." After Tokinada finished speaking, he added more jealously: "He said he doesn't take our Tsunayashiro family into consideration at all!"

"court death!"

After hearing his son's words, Tokinada's father's eyes flashed with a fierce light. As a member of the Tsunayashiro family, he valued the name of his family the most. Now what he values ​​​​is actually a mere teacher from the Shino Spiritual Arts Academy. I was trampled on, it was unbearable.

But speaking of it, he has not taken care of the child Tokita for more than a year, and he doesn’t even know who Tokitan’s current teacher is!Therefore, before Tokinada's father went to find someone to argue with him, he was still very rational and asked his son: "Isn't that person Genryusai Yamamoto?!"


"He's just a nobody!"

Tokinada said to his father with certainty.

"Take me to see..."

"I want to see who this guy who doesn't take our Tsunayashiro family seriously is?!"

After Tokinada's father confirmed that the person who said these words was not Captain Yamamoto, he regained his confidence. With a bit of arrogance in his eyes, he planned to seek justice for his son.


Tokinada took his father to the Gotei [-]th Division team building.

"Tokinada, is your teacher from Team [-]?"

The moment Tokinada's father followed Tokinada to the [-]th Division team building, he felt something was wrong.

After all, the current captain of the [-]th Division is a peerless murderer.

The blood of the last guy who screamed with that peerless murderer hasn’t dried yet~

Tokinada said as he took his father into the team building of the [-]th Division.

Because the members of Team [-] knew that Tokinada was Araki's student, no one stopped the two of them.

This made Tokinada's father mistakenly believe that the aura of his Tsunayashiro family was causing trouble.

As everyone knows, any title of nobility has no meaning in front of this group of members of the 100th Division who have been fighting Daxu for [-] years...

"Teacher, my father wants to seek justice from you!"

Just when the alarm bells were ringing in Tokinada's father's heart, his good and filial son had already pushed open the door of the swordsmanship dojo of the [-]th Division and said loudly to Araki who was watching the training of the team members inside. road.


For a moment, Araki and the members of the Gotei [-]th Division simultaneously looked at the father of Tokinada who had come from afar.

"Tokinada, who is your teacher?"

Tokinada felt the oppressive gazes of all the people and asked his big boy.

"it's him……"

Tokinada stretched out his finger and pointed at Araki and preached.


Seeing this, Tokinada's father fell silent.

good!His great teacher is really this fierce god!

"What a sin! Why don't you apologize to the teacher quickly?!"

After Tokitan's father was silent for a long time, the first thing he did was to give his eldest son a big blow.

At the same time, he was still muttering in his heart: "Shitan, the evil star! You actually asked me to provoke this evil star! Do you really want your father to die quickly so that you can inherit our family's industry?"

"Sorry about that! Captain Araki, my child is not sensible, please be considerate."

Immediately afterwards, Tokinada's father looked at Araki and preached humbly.


Hearing this, Araki nodded slightly.

"Captain Araki, please be busy first. I'll take Tokinada back first~"

Seeing that Araki was still easy to talk to, Tokinada's father slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to preach to Araki respectfully.


In response, Araki just waved his hand casually.

"Look how I'll deal with you when I get back!"

Tokitan's father dragged Tokitan away, and at the same time made a decision in his heart that he would strictly discipline this boy Tokitan from now on!
At this moment, Toktan was confused. This was completely different from what he thought!

Before Tokinada could think too much, Tokinada's father's voice rang in his ears, nagging: "Remember to take Mr. Araki's classes seriously from now on. You will be considered a blessing to be able to become his disciple. It will also be a great help to your future!”


Tokinada was stunned when he heard this. If he said that, would he continue to take Araki's class?

In other words, Araki's beating was not the end for him, it was just the beginning...

 Another four thousand words ~ please vote ~
(End of this chapter)

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