Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 88 Kirin Temple: What?I'm the clown myself?

Chapter 88 Kirin Temple: What?I'm the clown myself? (Second update)

On the third day, Araki's training for the Kyōraku trio changed again.

Because they exercised too hard yesterday, Kyoraku, Ukitake and Tokinada's arms can no longer hold the sword, so Araki led the trio outside the Seireitei...

"Today is leg training! Everyone wraps up sandbags and runs from 'Qingliu Gate' (east side) to 'Baidao Gate' (west side)!"

Araki stepped on a four-wheeled cart and spoke calmly to the 'Kyōraku', 'Ukitake' and 'Tokinada' used to pull the cart in front.


"You can't run from Qingliu Gate to Baidao Gate even if you don't have a sandbag on your legs, right?! What's more, you have to pull a car while holding a sandbag?!"

Kyoraku was indeed the first to resist Araki.


Then he received a whip from Araki on his butt.

"it hurts……"

Kyōraku's butt swelled up a lot at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

"Who has an opinion?"

Araki sat on the chair of the four-wheeled vehicle and asked the three people pulling the vehicle in front.


Almost the moment Araki finished speaking, the three Kyoraku lowered their heads at the same time.

"Then let's go..."

Seeing that the three little ones were all convinced, Araki spoke coldly to the three of them.


Jingraku glanced at Araki, who was like an uncle behind him, and cursed angrily, but he still had no choice but to become a human-powered cart puller and began to pull the cart for Araki.

"The principle of 'shaving' is actually similar to that of Shunpo, but if you combine it and step on the ground multiple times while the souls are gathering towards the footsteps, it might make Shunpo faster."

"The 'iron block' controls the flow of spirit particles in the body and strengthens the defense in a certain direction. Only people who are sensitive to spirit particles can do this! Oh, if you can train it to the level of instinct, It's quite close to the Quincy's 'Static Blood Equipment'..."

"'Zi Hui' actively controls the number of spirit particles in the body to 'reduce' or 'increase' weight. When the 'spirit particles' are reduced to the limit, they can move with the wind like light paper. This way Any slash can be easily dodged..."

"As for the subsequent 'Moon Step', 'Arashi Kick' and 'Finger Spear', to put it bluntly, they all involve the manipulation of spirit children! In this way, even if I reproduce the 'Six Styles' according to the rules of this world, these moves are only Skills that can only be used by 'geniuses', but fortunately all my disciples are geniuses."

After days of studying Taijutsu knowledge, combined with his understanding of the 'Six Forms' and his knowledge of the 'Quinki', Araki seems to have drawn the prototype of the 'Reiatsu Version of the Six Forms' …

It's just that the entire 'Six Styles' all involve 'controlling one's own spirit'. To put it simply, this is a technique that only geniuses can use. But the good thing is that there are no stupid people under Araki's disciples.


Just when Araki was sitting on the 'four-wheeled vehicle' thinking, the vehicle under his feet suddenly shook.

This made Araki put down the book in his hand and look at the three people running in front...

I saw that the three people who were still keeping pace with each other had obvious differences. Kyoraku was sweating profusely and his face was red. Although his physical strength was exhausted, he still held on with his neck stiffened. Tokinada was a descendant of the Tsunayashiro family. The best among people, this bit of exercise is nothing to him. Among them, Ukitake has the biggest problem. He is physically weak and can no longer keep up with the pace of the three people around him.

"Look at your companions around you. Keep the three of you breathing in the same pace. If the car beneath me shakes, the three of you will be punished together."

Seeing this, Araki spoke coldly to the three of Kyōraku.

"Huh? Why?"

Araki's words obviously made Kyoraku feel dissatisfied. Even Tokinada frowned, while Ukitake lowered his head in shame because he had dragged his companions down.

"I don't think cooperating with other people is also a kind of exercise. Since everyone has different paces and different foundations, they should use different exercise methods!"

Tokitan gave his own opinion.

"If you think you can defeat me who is known as the 'strongest' by yourself, then you can untie the rope and train alone!"

"But if you think that you can't defeat me, who is called 'Kenpachi', by yourself, then follow the pace of your companions and complete this training."

Araki looked at Kyoraku and Tokinada and said calmly.


As Araki finished speaking, both Kyoraku and Tokinada shut up.

Especially Tokinada's expression changed again and again. He had absolutely no confidence that he could defeat Araki, who even the contemporary head of the Tsunayashiro family claimed to be invincible.

As for Kyōraku, Kyōraku cannot understand why as long as one person has a problem, others must also be punished!But now he understands...

At this moment, with the help of Araki, both Kyoraku and Tokinada intentionally helped Ukitake share a certain burden.

"Thank you!"

In this regard, Ukitake's eyes are determined. His foundation is the weakest among everyone, but he will never admit defeat. He will prove that he is definitely no worse than others.For this reason, Ukitake decided to train more every day than Kyoraku and Tokinada to make himself stronger!

When the breathing of Ukitake, Kyōraku and Tokinada were almost in sync, there was a mysterious force pushing the three of them to take steps continuously, "one step", "two steps" and "three steps", even though the three of them had already exhausted their physical strength. Exhausted, but the body is still moving forward!
When night fell, Ukitake, Kyōraku, and Tokinada finally saw the shadow of the 'Hakudomon'.

1000 meters, 800 meters, 500 meters, 300 meters...

"It's almost there! It's almost there!"

The three of them looked excited. They felt as if they had defeated a 'Vastrod' at this moment, and they were extremely excited.

……100 meters!

They seemed to be only 100 meters away from the Baidao Gate!Victory is already at hand.


However, at this moment, a huge amount of spiritual pressure came from behind the three of them.


In an instant, the expressions of Kyōraku, Ukitake and Tokinada all changed. The weight of the wooden cart they were pulling behind them continued to increase at this moment. It was not like they were pulling a wooden cart, but more like they were pulling a Gundam. The thousand-meter mountain peak, for the three people now, every step forward seems to be torture.

"Is this the end?!"

Kyoryu's eyes were dull, he really couldn't exert any strength at all.


Blood spilled from the corner of Tokitan's mouth, and he could feel that his body was almost reaching its limit.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Ukitake no longer had the strength to speak.

"That's it?!"

Araki, who was sitting in the car, looked at the three people who were already dying. He used his Zanpakutō to heal the 'hidden wounds' on the three people, and then mocked.


Kyōraku had fallen to his knees, but he didn't want to give up. Whether he was kneeling forward and crawling forward, or lying on the ground and crawling over, no matter what, he had to keep moving forward.

"It doesn't look like me!"

Tokitan gritted his teeth and kept laughing at himself. According to his character, he should have given up right here.

But seeing the 'idiots' and 'sick men' around him still insisting on giving up these four words, he really couldn't say it!
"After spending so much time with stupid people, even I become stupid!"

Tokitan commented on this.


Ukitake was speechless, but his eyes still didn't give up.

In a short 100 meters, Ukitake, Tokinada and Kyoraku struggled until midnight before finally arriving at the 'Hakudomon'!

After reaching this point, the three of them finally fell to the ground from exhaustion and could no longer get up.

"Are you hungry?!" Araki looked at the three people who fell to the ground and asked.


Before the three of them could speak, their stomachs had already answered Araki's question on their behalf.


Division [-] 'Hot Springs'.

"It's so cool!"

Kyoraku was soaking in the hot springs, eating ramen made by Araki himself, with a 'refreshing' look on his face.

"Suck ~ suck~"

Ukitake and Tokinada didn't say anything, they just kept asking for noodles.

"Don't come here at this time! It will really cause trouble for me."

Kirinji Tenshiro muttered as he leaned against the hot spring and ate a big mouthful of noodles. This was already the fifth bowl he had eaten.

"Teacher Araki, the noodles you make are so delicious, right? Do you have any secrets?"

Kyoraku looked at Araki and asked.

"Secret? There is no such thing. Maybe practice makes perfect, right?"

Araki looked at Kyōraku and replied, "Anyone who has been selling noodles for 100 years will be able to make noodles at a legendary level."

If Araki's ramen-making level can be seen on Araki's panel, he must have reached the full level 10.

After half an hour...


"I'm so full that I can't eat any more!"

Kyoraku burped and lay motionless on the edge of the hot spring pool, seemingly falling asleep. As for Ukitake and Tokinada, they had already fallen asleep. They were really too tired today.

Araki didn't bother seeing this.

"Brother Araki, are these three your apprentices too?"

Kirinji put down the bowl, wiped the soup from the corner of his mouth, and asked Araki.

Well, ever since Araki fixed his hair, he has considered Araki as his big brother...

Therefore, although Kirinji thought it would be troublesome to open the hot spring in the middle of the night, he still prepared everything in an orderly manner for Araki.

"That's right~"

Araki nodded slightly when he heard this.

"These three brats are very talented."

Kirinji glanced at Kyoraku, Ukitake and Tokinada, and instantly deduced that the talent level of the three of them was not inferior to Yoruichi.Even in terms of strength alone, the three Kyōraku are much stronger than Yoruichi, who is younger than them...

"It's so-so~"

"It's mainly because Old Man Shan entrusted it to me."

Araki said this in Versailles.

Well, compared to Aizen and Ichigo, the talents of these three are indeed average, ahem...

"Oh! From the looks of it, these three people are the team members assigned to you by Captain Yamamoto?"

Qilin Temple was easy to understand, and I understood something instantly.

"Then should I toast our future captain first?!"

Qilin Temple said that he was about to take out the good wine that he had treasured for many years.

"Hi! When the day comes when I really become the captain, it won't be too late to respect me~"

Seeing this, Araki stopped Qilin Temple directly.

"Compared to this, I have something more important to tell you..."

After Araki stopped Kirinji, he preached to Kirinji.

"what's up?"

Hearing this, Qilin Temple sat next to Araki and asked.

"Do you know why I want Lie and you to cultivate back to the Dao?"

Araki looked at Kirinji and asked.

"Isn't that right? You don't plan to kick me out of the Gotei [-], do you? Do you want Unohana to replace me as the captain of the fourth division? Unohana is a big swordsman, I understand. This shitty medical treatment? How can I help her?"

At this moment, Qilin Temple was really panicking. What is this?I sat up in shock while dying of illness, the clown was actually me?He didn't react before, but now he understands.

Kirinji also knew the principle of "one emperor, one minister", but he thought that he and Araki were so familiar with each other. He affectionately called Araki brother. When Araki became the captain, he would have to look at the two. In terms of personal friendship, it is only right to keep him, but the current situation does not seem to be the case...

"I really plan to kick you out of Team Thirteen..."

"But it's not because you're not easy to use, it's because you're so easy to use, so I plan to help you get a promotion!"

Araki looked at Kirinji and said with a smile.


Kirinji raised his eyebrows when he heard this. He didn't quite understand what Araki meant.

"What do you think of Team Zero?"

Without waiting for Kirinji to speak, Araki spoke bluntly.

"'Team Zero'?! Hiss..."

Hearing this, Qilin Temple took a deep breath.

"Brother Araki! No, brother Araki, if you can introduce me to Team Zero, you will be 'Omi's' living parent!"

Qilin Temple began to speak incoherently at this moment, and it was difficult to speak clearly.

"Haha..." In response, Araki just smiled softly and said to himself: "This is your 'wealth' in itself. I just gave your 'wealth' back to you. In the end, you have to call me Brother Araki." ! This will make me feel very guilty~"

"The members of 'Team Zero', including me, are all people who have made certain contributions to Soul Society. The naming of 'Monk', Wang Yue's 'Knife', my 'Ability' and... Kirin Temple Your 'hot spring'!" Araki said and drew a picture for Kirin Temple: "But your hot spring needs improvement. The current hot spring is not worthy of the specifications of the 'Spirit King'! Look at how we built two pools. One pool is used to drain out the blood and broken souls, and the other pool is used to flush the updated souls into it, so that the injured can recover to the maximum extent no matter how serious the injury is."

"The balance of yin and yang leads to endless life! I understand, I understand everything!"

Kirinji looked at the pictures drawn by Araki and looked like he had an epiphany.

"Ha ha……"

Araki just smiled when he heard this. The picture he drew was not that high-end, but it was based on the mandarin duck pot in his previous life.

"Then, after Kirin Temple meets the criteria for promotion to the Zero Division, monk, can you continue to cling to heaven?!"

Thinking of this, Araki looked at the stars in the night sky and murmured to himself.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"You want me to go down, which itself does not exist!"

The monk is naturally aware of everything happening on the ground.

In this regard, the monk said that he sticks to his original intention and plans to create a bright and prosperous world and a peaceful and prosperous age!
It's impossible to go down, it's impossible in this life...

(End of this chapter)

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