LOL: Brother Koi, stop showing off!

Chapter 216 Get rid of it!

Chapter 216 Get rid of it!

There is only one week left before the start of the playoffs, and Snake is preparing like other teams.

The training matches were intensive, and Snake did not dare to relax after the game on the 4th. Although the record was good, everyone was not sure of winning the playoffs.

This season is divided into East and West, and the playoff rules have not changed much from usual.

The No. [-] player in the Western Conference still only needs to win two knockout rounds to get the MSI spot.

It is difficult to determine who the opponent is now.

"Lin Weixiang, is Sword Girl fun?"


Lin Weixiang replied to Liu Qingsong, ignoring the other person's 'ridicule', and instead asked Flandre: "Holy Spear, let's change positions. You will play AD, and I will take the solo role."

"This newly revised version of Irelia is so easy to play and even more beautiful to operate."

He kept clicking his tongue.

Flandre chuckled and raised her arm to touch Chris next to him:
"Coach, this guy has a mental problem."

Chris smiled and said:

"The version has changed a lot recently. Speaking of Dao Mei, I looked at TheShy's Rank record and it's obvious that he is practicing."

Chris naturally regarded IG as his imaginary enemy.

Despite defeating IG in the last round, no one dares to underestimate this team.

Sweeping the Eastern Conference is full of gold.

The talents displayed by the Trident and their strong personal strength have made many teams fearful. The geniuses who can realize their talents are really scary.

Chris is very worried that a player will suddenly appear among IG's three Cs who can realize 100% of his talent. That is almost Li Jin's level.

To know.
After the last two teams played, IG seemed to be inspired and became stronger.

Li Jin, who was sitting in the middle, could see what Chris was thinking, and he diverted everyone's thoughts aside.

"The practice time is too short. We still need to test the strength. If you are curious about the new version of Sword Girl, just rank it and play for fun. There is no need for Xuanjun to waste time to practice."


Flandre believed in Li Jin's judgment, which meant that he didn't take the information seriously.

Chris looked at Li Jin with some curiosity.

When the other party talked about IG, he actually felt confident.

"Brother Jin, if we fight on IG, do we have anything to say?"

"Just play normally."

"Don't put so much pressure on everyone. Follow the regular season plan. Once you are familiar with the 8.7 changes, you can perform at your normal level."

Except for the stupid chicken, the other three have little competition experience.

Let alone ranking in the World Championship, I didn’t even touch the floor.

With this in mind, Li Jin took the time to give them some chicken soup.


"Whether we are first in the Eastern Conference or first in the Western Conference, there are always variables in the knockout round. If we only look at the paper strength, the trophy should be awarded to Snake. After all, we have the best record."

"The mentality in the knockout rounds is completely different from the regular season. Everyone has to pass their own level first. I have seen too many examples of this in one World Championship after another."

Li Jin smiled gently:
"In the past two days, Xiangzi, Qingsong, and Xuanjun, I see that you have practiced until two or three o'clock at night, and you are curlier than me. You have a great attitude, but there is no need to be so tight."

"From 2015 to now, I haven't won a few games in the playoffs."

Flandre changed her joking attitude and expressed her true feelings, which made him feel a little depressed. Then she cheered up and said, "Brother Jin, this time is very important."

There is a chance to win the championship and a chance to enter a bigger stage.

Who wants to be the leader of a hacking group?

Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang said "Me too".

Stupid Chicken was watching the show on the side, and like everyone else, he turned his attention to Li Jin.

Obviously, he is the backbone of everyone.

The stupid chicken narrowed his eyes slightly.

It seems that I have discovered another difference between Koi and Sang Hyuk.

Koi is more of a leader than Sang Hyuk, and it seems very practical to rely on him at critical moments.

With achievements as a foundation, another very important point is probably personal charm.

In the eyes of stupid chicken, Li Jin always has a calm temperament. When you are upset, having such a person by your side can really calm you down.

Flandre and others also understand that they are rookies in the competition.

But in just a few months, gathering around Li Jin, they have grown a lot.

With Snake's current level of attention, this number of fans, and with people observing every game with a magnifying glass, Lin Weixiang's performance is enough to make people sit up and take notice.

Back then in SKT, Mr. Hou was not very impressed by Xiang He.

Stupid Chicken made a substitution.

If the current Li Jin were replaced by Xiang He at that time, would EZ Monkey be convinced?

Koi is more like a team leader.

He has more leadership qualities than Sang Hyuk.

After thinking about it, Benji secretly said, "I'm sorry, Xianghe."

I was so influenced by Li Jin that I secretly spoke ill of Sang Hyuk.

Isn't this just a backstabbing of brothers?
While he was stunned, Li Jin started chatting with Flandre and the others again.

Zuo Wu and Chris had already done psychological homework before and fed them plenty of chicken soup. Li Jin's words of encouragement now were similar to what Zuo Wu and the others said, but the effects were completely different.

Li Jin not only talks nonsense, but is also someone everyone relies on on the court.

In the discussion before the playoffs, everyone was frank and open-hearted, which eliminated most of the psychological difficulties and enhanced team cohesion.

Everyone's belief in attacking Msi is getting stronger.

Mobilization before the war was already in place.


On the night of April 4, Benji took a night tour of the Snake Team base. In the early morning, the moonlight entered the house.Looking for the koi carp, the koi carp hadn't slept either, so they walked into the kitchen. The kitchen table was empty of cups and plates, with sausages and grilled meat lying on top of each other, and the leftovers covered with rice.

Benji heated up a piece of barbecue, and Li Jin poured two cups of hot water.

Benji proposed to open two barrels of beef noodles, but Li Jin refused.

"What's the matter, are you worried?"

"As you can guess, it's the message I received today. I feel like I didn't do a very good job before." Stupid Chicken looked a little melancholy.

Li Jin knew he was talking about Li Guapi.

After defeating KSV 2:1, BBQ Stalls lost to KT 3:1 in the second round of the knockout round and missed the third and fourth rounds. It lost its MSI spot in the LCK for the first time since 2015 and ended the competition against the regional leader. Three years of absolute rule.

In other words, the barbecue stall is over.

Especially in this round against KT, after SKT won the first game, KT immediately replaced Rush and let the old captain Score appear.


The big devil was unable to support himself and watched his team being destroyed.

Benji and Li Guapi have a very good relationship, so when he received a message from Faker, the big devil wished him to enter MSI, Benji's mood fluctuated so much.

Li Jin listened to him again.

"Did I show off too much before? Sang Hyuk was in a very bad situation at the time, and he must be very disappointed inside."

"How could Shanjiu be so outrageous?"

"He is a male, you underestimate him."

Li Jin comforted him: "The messages you sent will only stimulate his fighting spirit. SKT's lineup configuration this season is not good to begin with. He even kneels like that in the regular season. He is too exhausted to make it to MSI."

"If he's sulking, he won't encourage you."

"So, if you have any questions, it's best to go back and talk to him with the MSI championship, or buy him a drink."

Patting Benji on the shoulder, Li Jin made a promise:
"After all, we are all good friends."

"You treat him to a bottle of Hallasan and persuade him to confess his love as soon as possible. I'll pay for the soju."

Looking at the generous koi, the stupid chicken finally couldn't hold back his smile.

You are very bad.

However, he was looking forward to it.

When it came to returning to South Korea, Benji asked again: "Does Li Jin want to go with me?"

"Forget it now, I've been with you to your hometown Daegu. Let's wait for the summer competition. I want to go there with a quota for the World Championship."


The stupid chicken praised: "Come on, have a drink."

They touched each other with hot water cups, and the memory seemed to return to the 2015 season.

"However, I'm still a little confused."


"You keep asking Xiang Hyuk to confess, why are you still single now? I heard from Xuanjun and others that you are as popular among the female hosts in the LPL as you are in the LCK. By the way, Jin Wen, I asked you about it last time , and sister Li Xianjing.”

"Damn it, you are really handsome."

Li Jin laughed when he saw his jealous look.

"Let me tell you, I don't have any feelings for those female hosts."

Stupid chicken scratched his hair naively, feeling that Li Jin was not joking.

He also knew that someone had said that staying single was the secret to Li Jin's strength.Keep your mind focused, or keep your hands fast.

He thought for a moment and picked up a piece of barbecue:
"False support is born at the peak, and devout believers are witnessed at dusk."

Li Jin half-agreed with what stupid chicken said.

They were eating and chatting when they suddenly heard rapid footsteps.

Zuo Wu opened the kitchen door. Originally, he was going to scold him for not having a good dinner and having a supper in the middle of the night!
He caught Flandre and Liu Qingsong stealing food last time, and they made a mess in the kitchen. The next day, the chef, Aunt Susan, was dissatisfied.

His reprimanding words were already in his throat, and his emotions were brewing.

At this time, a face in the kitchen turned to look at him.

Zuo Wu's expression changed instantly, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Brother Jin, are you hungry?"

"Would you like me to cook some vegetables for you?"

"don't don't"

Li Jin quickly waved his hand. He did not dare to compliment Zuo Wu's cooking skills.

Last time I ate his roasted rice cake, my teeth were almost knocked off by the sand.
This night, when stupid chicken is touched, he can still find someone to talk to.

But there is a certain person in Seoul who is alone and unable to find like-minded people.

Hide on bush is online again.


On April 4, the first round of the LPL playoffs started between RNG and WE.

Facing the three heroes from the East, even if it was just the third brother, the 60e guys also had a bad feeling.

The sense of solidity I had in the past is gone!
The WE players on the field fought tenaciously and finally won a small victory over RNG, saving a little bit of face for the defending champion.

"WE with Koi can break out of the LPL and win the world championship."

"WE without Koi fell in the first round of the playoffs."

After this round of playoffs, what 60e people discussed most was not the game process.

After experiencing the feeling of falling from the clouds, the 60e people are thinking more about last season.

A large number of people also ran to support Snake.

On the second day of the playoffs, BLG swept JDG.

By April 4, the competition venue was overcrowded.

Pig and dog fight!

The carnival moment of Yujianmen came, RNG allowed one to chase three, and defeated EDG 3:1.

Qi Jiang played two games and was happy to mention 1/8.

During the handshake session after the game, the little fat man faced the ancestor of Seven with a smile on his face.

The next day, the second brother from the Eastern Conference faced BLG in a six-to-four match.

This group of people who had been retained from IM were almost upset, and were only one step away from defeating the second team and the third team.

RW had the last laugh.

In the top half of the top four, IG will face RNG, and in the second half, Snake will face RW.

The three heroes from the east are surrounding the big brother from the west.

During the offseason, which was four days apart, the LPL forum was involved in heated discussions, with the vast majority of people supporting IG and Snake.

Inside the IG base.

While the Golden Pig coach was studying Snake, their game against RNG started on April 4st.

What many people can't imagine is...

RNG fans who were waiting for the sword to be broken suddenly found that the sword was not broken!
Everyone was stunned, watching the RNG fans reveling in the player seats, and seeing Rookie crying bitterly on the IG side next door.

The knockout rounds have more cruel rules.

The tragic IG can only accept this fact.

Backstage, Su Xiaoluo looked at the Golden Pig with a speechless expression. Wasn't he studying how to beat Snake? !
As a result, RNG has never been beaten!

Damn it!
Get rid of it!Thorn with Golden State!
I had some doubts about Golden Pig before, but now I stabbed "unreliable" directly in his face.

Su Xiaoluo immediately threw the blame and made a phone call:
"Principal, there is something wrong with Jin Zhu's thinking. He was studying Snake and said he had reserved his ultimate move, but he didn't even see Snake's face."

"I didn't let it go either."

"Yes, I think the only thing you can do is recruit koi, and nothing else is worthy of belief."


RNG's upset victory over IG caused a stir in the league.

If the third brother can overturn the eldest brother's table, then the second brother should be able to overturn the eldest brother's table too!

RW rush!

The rebel who kills snakes becomes a hero!
For a moment, Avengers fans were in high spirits.

4 minutes on the 22nd.

RW faced off against Snake.

As it turns out, Avengers fans are only in for a day of rejoicing.

From five o'clock in the evening, the only thing left in Supermarket Square was the cheers of Snakes fans.

It's not even eight o'clock.
Mid laner Koi scored two consecutive superb records, and Snake swept RW 3:0 to advance to the finals!

Snake's state this round is quite scary.

The entire team unleashed a level of pressure not seen in the regular season, suppressing RW almost across the board. Snake led the tempo in all three games.

RW, who was almost overturned by BLG, was already in an unstable state, and was directly scattered when they encountered such a brave Snake.

Six to four and the semi-finals made RW feel the intensity day by day.

Road's command in BLG is not even close to that of Snake's godfather.

The moment the game ends.

Officials rushed to award Li Jin the spring regular season MVP after the game. For a time, the momentum and public opinion reached a climax.

"I thought Snake would win, but I didn't expect it would be a sweep."

"It's too strong. Brother Jin won't perform in the playoffs, right?"

"Big B is unwilling to lose. If he hadn't met Brother Jin himself, I feel that he, the bankrupt version of Koi, is worthy of anyone this season."

"The scary thing is, I don't know how many things Snake still has."

"RNG is in a state of transcendence after killing IG. The final is exciting!"


There was endless chatting in the forum.

Snake did the same thing as RNG next door on the day after the semi-finals, and set off for the 2018 Spring Finals venue, the Chengdu Rubik's Cube Performing Arts Center.


South Korea, KZ base.

The Korean Spring Split schedule is shorter than the LPL. KZ, which defeated AFS, has already won the LCK Spring Split championship.

On the 23rd, when Snake left for Chengdu, they were led by head coach Hirai to review Snake's game again at the base.

Smeb, Peanut, Bdd, Pray, GorillA, this lineup is almost a replica of the Tigers, and this time they played Happy Esports again.

And sang all the way to the spring championship.

It seems that in an era when barbecue stalls are withering, half a tiger can rule the LCK.

In addition to praising the talent of this group of people, fans couldn't help but think of the 2016 Tigers team.

Looking at it now, I feel extremely terrifying.

The Tigers players were all in their prime at the time, plus the terrifying TheJin!

This topic has been widely discussed on the LCK's Inven forum.

I didn't know exactly how strong TheJin was back then, but now I understand.

If that Tiger team hadn't disbanded, I'm afraid now we would have established a three-game Tiger dynasty.
"Brother Fan Xian, who do you want to win in the LPL?"

"you still need to ask?"

Gorilla looked at Bdd with a smile: "Of course it's RNG!"

what? !

Bdd was surprised at first, then smiled: "Isn't it TheJin you discuss the most? Don't you want to get together with your old teammates at MSI?"

"Hey, you kid."

Smeb put his arm around Bdd's shoulders, "Although that is a nice talk, it is not a good thing."

Little Peanut laughed.

The Rat King looked at Bdd with admiration: "Pucheng is very good!"

Bdd is waiting for him to continue.

The Rat King continued:
"Young players cannot be discouraged. What they need is the courage to challenge everything."

"Even if the opponent is the most ferocious tiger"

Gorilla agreed:
"Pucheng, I'm optimistic about you~!"



(End of this chapter)

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