I just messed around, how could I become the number one in the world?

Chapter 204: Death!Gu Chen's command turned danger into disaster!

Chapter 204: Death!Gu Chen's command turned danger into disaster!

EDG got three kills in the early stage!
This made both Miller and Doll a little unreal for a time.

Is this EDG?
EDG's opponent is SKT!
Facing SKT, EDG was actually able to exert such suppressive power!

Let’s not talk about whether we can win this game or not, but the momentum has already been unleashed! !

And EDG still has an advantage in the early stage! !
When the Cat God had a fever, the early rhythm was all led by the Tsar alone!

In the eyes of many people, the Tsar is just a brush in the early stage. As a late-stage hero, he needs at least a two-piece or three-piece set to stand out.

As a result, the Tsar pushed people in two waves and gained a considerable advantage. With three heads and two dragons, the lead was already huge.

At the same time, the entire network was in an uproar.

Countless netizens have seen this wave of operations.


"Cat God!!"

"Damn it, Cat God!!"

"Aren't the three brothers pig, dog and cat too fierce?"

"You think this is the Cat God? The Cat God is really awesome, he can beat SKT!"

"This operation, 66666666666! What is God? This is God!"

"No wonder the Cat God is called God, he is really a God!!"

After a wave of operations, the barrages in the live broadcast room were all sending 6666.

But there is not a big economic gap between EDG and SKT!
Because Faker's Victor's last hit was already ahead of Gu Chen!
Gu Chen provided all kinds of support, but his development was not as good as Victor's.

Although Victor also came to support this wave, Victor still took an extra wave of lanes, and EDG's bottom tower was also demolished by Gnar.

Gnar's development is a little too good!

However, the overall rhythm is completely controlled by EDG!
EDG has two dragons in hand!
Next it’s time to grow.

Gu Chen's Czar ran to the top lane and faced faker.

In the middle, UZI and meiko are still suppressing their opponents.

Aguang and duke are facing each other in the bottom lane.

Now that we have reached the mid-term development period, there is nothing to do for the time being, and it is also difficult to seize the opportunity to recruit people.

EDG's lineup is still relatively powerful in team fights in the later stages, but it still lacks damage in the mid-term and needs a long time to develop.

Moreover, EDG plays a Athlon system, and this game is about Athlon!

As long as you control the four little dragons first, the battle will be easy!

And the third little dragon is a fire dragon! !

Now EDG has a fire dragon and a water dragon in hand. If they get this fire dragon again, they will have two fire dragons!

Two fire dragons are a qualitative change!If there were three fire dragons, the damage would be directly blasted through!

Just don’t be a wind dragon!
Fortunately, the dragon in this brush is pretty good!

Meiko said: "Listen to me, let's develop now. As long as we can develop, then control the dragon, make the vision good, everyone buys the real vision, then we will slowly develop the vision, and slowly operate with SKT , as long as we also eat troops and wild monsters, our economy will not be worse than the opponent!"

To put it bluntly, why do many teams have trouble improving their economy when they play against top teams like SKT, and even when they are ahead in numbers, their economy will be overtaken by SKT.

The economic source of this game is very simple, including soldiers, wild monsters, killing people, and defense towers.

Many teams competed with SKT because they lacked troops during operations, or the wild monsters were countered, resulting in the embarrassing situation of being ahead in numbers but lagging behind in economy.

Meiko said: "We, the policewoman and the tsar, are getting worse as we go into the later stages. As long as we control the dragon, we have a great chance of winning!"

The teammates were all communicating, but Gu Chen didn't say anything and concentrated on the operation.

He leaves the command to his teammates, and he won't speak unless necessary.

If they develop on the wing, Faker has no intention of fighting with Gu Chen. Both of them are clearing troops.

The two sides are now splitting their last hits [-]-[-]!
Gu Chen rarely encounters a mid laner whose last hit is similar to his own.
Faker's development is also too stable, and he doesn't give any chance at all. It's very difficult to catch him.

Abu and Maokai were watching the game in the background, both of them were very nervous.

To gain an advantage in the early stage, you have to stabilize it.

When playing against SKT, one mistake could lead to a comeback.

EDG can't make mistakes now!

SKT is too strong. The laning, operations, team fights, and coordination are almost impossible to solve.

So when playing against SKT, be careful every wave!
If you are not focused, you may not be able to win even if you are [-] gold ahead.

Unconsciously, the set has reached 19 minutes.

The third dragon has been refreshed!

After Xiaolong was refreshed, everyone in EDG came to Xiaolong!
Four people from SKT also came to Xiaolong!

Duke's Gnar is still leading the troops on the sideline, and he is gathering anger at the same time.

SKT wants to pick up this team!

Because this little dragon cannot be released to EDG!
Faker said: "You can pick up the group, don't let them get too comfortable with Xiaolong."

Duke said: "I can T! My anger is almost right, and I also took down a tower on the opposite road."

Gnar has already taken down two defensive towers, and the one with the best development in SKT is Gnar!
Gnar directly TPs! !
Suddenly, a frontal 5V5 team battle is about to break out!
And EDG has already taken the lead in defeating Xiaolong!
Xiaolong's blood volume is declining rapidly!

If you fight for punishment, you may still be robbed. The blind monk's Q punishment kill line is very high.

Countless people were quite nervous.

This wave of little dragons is a bit dangerous!

Although EDG's economy has a slight lead, the head count is also 3-0.

But this Bonnar's anger is so good!
Gnar TP landed!

Gnar is about to get big! !

At the same time, the blind monk is already preparing to snatch the dragon!
faker said: "You can drive them!"

Bengi said: "I can see if I can grab the dragon. If we start them, this group has a chance to win!"

In terms of momentum alone, SKT's momentum is a bit scary!
Gnar is in the front, followed by Faker's Victor, and Bengi's Blind Sin!
At the same time, Bang's Jhin directly activated his ultimate move! !

Karma directly gave everyone in SKT a RE, and all five SKT players rushed toward EDG with shields!

Xiaolong's blood volume dropped rapidly!
At this moment, Aguang's Poppy made a big move! !

With this ultimate move, the blind monk who flew in the air and wanted to snatch the dragon was killed!
The blind monk flew away!
The factory director’s punishment came down steadily!
The dragon is here! !
EDG has three little dragons! !

Two of them are fire dragons and one is a water dragon!
Fill it up directly! !
Gnar was furious! !
A Gnar jumped up directly!

Buddha's Palm! ! !

boom! !

In a head-on battle, UZI's policewoman used her E skill and pulled away. All EDG members had no choice but to retreat immediately!

And Meiko was so big because of Jin!Then Flash was shot on the wall by Gnar's Flash ultimate move!
At this moment, the Tsar flashed, Olaf used his ultimate move to run away, and Poppy used W to speed up and run away.
meiko fell.

Gnar got the head.

The head ratio between EDG and SKT is 3-1!

Because the formation at the time was not very good, EDG was unable to take over the team immediately.

Facing a big-faced Gnar, EDG could only retreat first, but Meiko was still left behind.
The front now becomes 4 versus 5, so there is no need to join the team anymore. EDG's strategic goal has been achieved, Xiaolong is in hand!
Meiko had shouted just seconds before: "Sell me, sell me."

UZI said: "This SKT team fight is so fierce. When Gnar started the team immediately, we had no choice but to run."

The factory director shouted: "Nice, the little dragon has been taken down! We have three little dragons!!"

EDG made money this time!

Wawa said on the commentary desk: "This wave is not a loss. We controlled this little dragon at the cost of one head. SKT can't control the dragon now! It is definitely a profit to exchange one head for a little dragon, not to mention that we now have two I have a fire dragon in hand! And a water dragon!"

One fire dragon might not be a big deal, but two fire dragons are completely different!

The damage from the two fire dragons will explode!

The strongest EDG lineup is the Fire Dragon!

Because both the Tsar and the policewoman are heroes with long hands!

These two heroes go up to do a little bit of damage. With the power of the double fire dragons, EDG's damage output will explode! !
Miller said: "EDG has made a profit this time, but the cat god has not flashed. Be careful when it does not flash. Don't be hit by SKT. Now control the baron's vision. As long as SKT can't beat the baron, it will be fine." .”

Wawa was a little excited and said: "SKT's lineup is not fast at beating Baron. Their ADC is Jhin. As long as we have good vision, they don't dare to beat Baron so easily."

The key to this wave lies in A Guang’s Poppy!The ultimate move knocked away the jungler, so EDG successfully controlled Xiaolong!

The audience also got excited.

[Holy shit, is this the operation of EDG? 】

[EDG’s operations are getting better and better!This wave is really handsome!Aguang! ! 】

[Light, light, light, light! ! ! 】

[EDG seems to have a chance to win this one. There are three dragons, Wucao, and Uzi’s three-piece set! ! 】

[Wait for the three-piece policewoman suit, it will be explosive if you plan to do harm! ! 】

Next, we entered EDG’s operating mode again! !

The female police officer and female gunner went directly to the side road to lead the line.

Gu Chen, who didn't show up, led the line in the middle.

Because the middle line is short, it is difficult for Gu Chen to be caught leading the line in the middle.

EDG leads the economy by 1000 yuan!
The game has also reached 20 minutes!

It’s midterm!
In the mid-term, it depends on how the operations of both parties go!

The dragon has been refreshed, and both sides have to seize the view of the dragon pit.

But the good times didn't last long.
SKT began to actively look for opportunities! !
What EDG wants is to wait until the double C equipment is formed, and then wait for Xiaolong to pick up the team.

But SKT will never let EDG drag them behind without thinking.

Victor from faker went to arrest someone! !
Runner and Victor go directly to catch Poppy! !
Although Poppy is a tank, most of her items are armor and have very little magic resistance.

In this game, Aguang's development is actually relatively average, and his equipment is not very good. There is no two-piece set in 20 minutes.

On the other hand, Faker's Victor, all Hextech has evolved!

Victor is already in need of a two piece suit in 20 minutes! !

EDG saw that they had no choice but to directly put pressure on SKT's defense tower from the front!

Aguang's Poppy, with a big move, wants to take Faker's Victor away!
As a result, Faker's Victor, with a slight twist, directly avoided Poppy's ultimate move!
Then Gnar on the side got Bobby's head!


The front EDG cannot be opened!
But Gu Chen demolished SKT's top tower on the top lane!
The middle lane also demolished SKT's first tower in the middle, and was still forcing the health of the second tower in the middle!
A Guang was caught to death, but fortunately EDG demolished two towers!On the contrary, the economy is still expanding!
Wawa said: "No matter what, we demolished two towers in a row!! And we are still approaching their second tower! But there is no one to guard our second tower in the bottom lane."

The doll's commentary is still not a loss, after all, this wave of EDG has made money!
The situation changed too quickly!

Three people from EDG's middle lane approached the second tower in the middle lane, but they just hit the tower with A!

The situation is not right!

Dual TP of faker and Duke, directly around the back! ! !
The TP position of the two people is right in the middle of the middle!

Just three people who want to keep EDG!

As long as they keep this wave, SKT can beat Baron!
If anyone from EDG is caught in this wave, SKT will be overturned!

Killing three people + a dragon is unthinkable.

Even if you don't kill three people, as long as you kill one person, SKT can beat the dragon!
The situation changes too quickly!
SKT's ability to find opportunities is too exaggerated!
Just now, Wolf placed a back ward, which was for SKT's duo TP!
Gu Chen had just finished demolishing a tower on the road. When he saw something was wrong, he immediately shouted: "Let's go, let's go from this position and be careful of their double TP!!"

Gu Chen quickly gave the bid!

At this time, if the three EDG guys still retreat under the middle defense tower, they will definitely be trapped!
Gnar also has a big move! !

Victor's Q skill can also accelerate, as well as his W skill, not to mention a Karma, blind monk and Jhin's ultimate move!

completely annihilated!

In an instant, EDG was on the verge of life and death!

Miller yelled: "The situation is wrong, EDG should be careful, SKT has double TP! Victor and Gnar are going to cover it! The three EDG people haven't even noticed it yet!"

The doll also shouted: "It's over, this wave is a bit dangerous!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was heartbroken when they saw this scene.

This is SKT's ability to find opportunities. They are a bit too scary!
[It's over, it's over. 】

[Oh, it’s about to be overturned. 】

[No more. I can’t run away. 】

Gu Chen watched the five people from SKT trying to take over, but there was nothing he could do.

He can only return to the city to replenish equipment first!
This develops him very well, and he has a two-piece set when he returns to the city!
As long as we play in a group later, we have a chance to win!
But now I can only look at my teammates!

Gu Chen gave three teammates the direction to escape!
Although Gu Chen had a fever, his brain was not burned out and his consciousness was still online!

Seeing the three EDG guys going to press the second tower in the middle, Gu Chen immediately realized that there would be double TP on the opposite side!

So these two sentences from Gu Chen also gave the three teammates time to escape!

Even if he didn't see Victor and Nar, Gu Chen told them to run away immediately!
At this time, the military line is coming!

Everyone saw Victor and Gnar's TP!

And the three people from EDG ran away directly from the left side of the second tower in the middle to the direction leading to the three wolves and the blue buff!

Bang's Jhin activated his ultimate move!
He thought that the three players in EDG's middle lane would retreat in the middle lane.
But who would have thought that these three people ran to the left!

He can only be a great policewoman!
The female gunner and Olaf ran away immediately!

As long as R reaches the policewoman, there will be a deceleration effect!Then Karma can go up and keep the female police officer!

Keep the policewoman and they can fight the dragon! !
Just wait until faker and duke come over! !

As a result, Jhin's ultimate move was dodged by UZI's turning back! !
Then UZI used his E skill to dodge the second big move! !
In the end, Jhin's third ultimate move was dodged by UZI's flash!
In this way, UZI also ran away!
The three EDG guys made a miraculous escape!

Gu Chen’s tsar also rushed over immediately to help him!
SKT still can't beat Baron, Aguang has TP!
SKT's wave of offensive was resolved by EDG!

This time, EDG was going to explode this time!
As a result, Gu Chen's command brought EDG back to life!

It’s time to start a head-on battle to force the team!
If no one dies in this wave, it’s all about blood!
Even if the head ratio is 3 to 2, EDG now has two fire dragons and a water dragon.
Xiaolong will be refreshed soon!

The next little dragon is a fire dragon! !

Now EDG has an advantage in team play! !

In a head-on battle, EDG can be said to be much easier to beat than SKT! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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