Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 1: Is this going to kill a 1 in and 7 out?

Chapter 1: Are you going to kill someone with seven in and seven out?
In late summer and early autumn, heavy rain falls.

In Xuzhou, between Hua and Fei, there is an ancient temple.

It was late at night and it was raining heavily. A place like the ancient temple should be silent.

But now, this ancient temple is full of people and noisy.

There were shouts of killing, wailing, crying for mercy, and angry curses...all in one.

In the heavy rain, it spreads around.

Despair and panic spread among Cao Song and Cao Song's followers.

Who would have thought that Zhang Kai, the subordinate of Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian, would be so bold!
The person who was originally here to protect them now wielded a butcher's knife against them!

Someone took advantage of the chaos and escaped in the dark.

Not daring to stay, after identifying the direction, he fled in panic towards Yanzhou.

Go to Cao Cao and report the news.

In this night of killing and chaos, someone came riding a war horse.

This person wears a bamboo hat and a raincoat.

The rain falling from the sky fell on his body and flowed down along his bamboo hat and coir raincoat.

He held a gun in his hand, with the tip of the gun pointing down, and rainwater dripped from the tip of the gun.

Looking at the chaotic ancient temple in front of him, Zhang Cheng's eyes showed a hint of excitement.


finally come! !
I have been observing this area for ten days, and the scene in my memory finally arrived!
Your chance has finally come!
It has been more than half a month since Zhang Cheng arrived in the Three Kingdoms.

Along with him, in addition to an extremely powerful force, there was also a very strange panel.

The panel was very simple, only showing his name and two months of life left.

and ways to increase lifespan.

This method is to become a scribe under a prince.

After getting the news, he thought about it and decided to join Cao Cao.

Go there and seek a position as a scribe.

But after realizing where he was and calculating the time, Cao Song was going to be robbed here, he stayed.

Prepare to take action to rescue Cao Song, and then go to Cao Cao.

The great Han ruled the world with filial piety, saved Cao Cao's father himself, and then went to join Cao Cao.

Thinking about it, Cao Cao would definitely be extremely grateful to himself.

It is not difficult to find a job with Cao Cao.

Start higher than others.

After waiting for several days, this scene finally came as promised, and he was not disappointed.


Zhang Cheng shouted, urged his war horse, and rushed into the chaotic ancient temple.

There are more than twenty Zhang Kai's subordinates guarding the door.

Seeing Zhang Cheng suddenly rushing towards him, they all yelled.

Ask Zhang Cheng to retreat quickly.

Zhang Cheng turned a deaf ear to this and just rode his horse.

Zhang Kai's subordinates were furious when they saw this, and they all raised their weapons to kill Zhang Cheng, an ungrateful person.

Where did this idiot come from and dare to get involved in this kind of thing?

I really don’t know how to write the word “death”! !
Facing the weapons slashed by many soldiers, Zhang Cheng looked grim.

The speed of the war horse did not slow down, and the gun in his hand suddenly waved, bringing up a stream of rain.

With one sweep across the entire army, he struck out at these people.

The next moment, countless blood burst out in the night!

Someone fell to the ground clutching his neck.

Someone was whipped into the air, and there was a sound of bones breaking within the body.

And knocked down the person behind him and pinned him to the ground.

Zhang Cheng's horse rushed forward without slowing down, and swung another shot, causing four or five people to fall to the ground.

With just two shots, Zhang Chengcheng had already defeated those who blocked him!
He rushed into the ancient temple extremely forcefully.

In the chaos, he went to find Cao Song.

"Captain Cao, where are you?

Lieutenant Cao, I'm here to save you! "

Zhang Cheng shouted.

During this process, some thieves came to kill him.

Zhang Cheng swung the spear in his hand and killed them all.

In the midst of thousands of troops, it’s like being in a deserted place!
Cao Song was filled with despair at this time.

More than thirty Zhang Kai's subordinates have surrounded him.

The last guard standing in front of him was also hacked to death by Zhang Kai's men.

Blood spattered his face.

Cao Song endured his fear and bargained with these thieves.

It means that he can give them all the money he has with him.

As long as they could let him live.

"Haha... let you live?
It would be better to kill you.

Do it! ! "

As soon as the order was given, many people immediately waved their weapons at Cao Song, wanting to kill Cao Song.

According to this posture, Cao Song will turn into meat paste in the next moment.

Cao Song himself had already accepted his fate and felt that he would not escape death.

As a result, at this moment, Zhang Cheng's shout was heard.

Cao Song was stunned for a moment and responded loudly:
"I'm here!!" When the voice sounded, Cao Song looked towards Zhang Cheng.

I saw only one person wearing a bamboo hat and a raincoat, riding a horse.

The joy that rose in Cao Song's heart suddenly fell to the bottom again.

Zhang Kai and others are the remnants of the Yellow Turbans.

There are many people, and they are extremely cruel.

Although the man in front of him looks brave, he is still just a human being.

He came to save himself at this time, but he couldn't save him.

He is still going to die, and so is the person who saved him...

These Zhang Kai's subordinates saw someone coming to save Cao Song at a critical moment.

They all became furious and took action against Zhang Chengcheng.

Zhang Cheng was not afraid of this and came with a gun on horseback.

The gun in his hand was like a wild dragon rising out of the sea, carrying a violent and unstoppable momentum.

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight aggressive thieves were stabbed to the ground by him.

A rain of blood burst out from the sky!
He was extremely powerful and killed the thieves who surrounded Cao Song.

He stretched out his hand to pick up Cao Song, put the stunned Cao Song on the horse, and rode out with Cao Song.

Seeing this admiration, many thieves stopped him one after another.

Zhang Cheng looked stern and turned a blind eye to this.

He controlled the horse with one hand and held a spear with the other.

Wherever he went, there was a bloody storm.

Those who blocked the road died one after another!

Just like that, in an instant, he led Cao Song out of the encirclement.

Escape from death with Cao Song.

Cao Song was extremely grateful to Zhang Cheng who rescued him at the critical moment.

Then Cao Song thought of his concubine again.

He hurriedly opened his mouth and said to Zhang Cheng:
"This strong man, please save my concubine.

My concubine was also surrounded by bandits.

If the strong man doesn't save her, she will probably be much worse than she is.

He also asked the brave men to work tirelessly to rescue him.

I, Cao Song, will definitely be grateful and will never forget the kindness of the brave man. "

Zhang Cheng originally didn't want to go back, but after hearing what Cao Song said, he thought about it and rode back to the ancient temple.

I was also a little curious about Cao Song's concubine.

I don’t know what this concubine looks like and how beautiful she is.

To think that Cao Song could never forget it so much.

In this situation, I was thinking of her.

Zhang Cheng went to the ancient temple, but there were also thieves blocking his way.

But they were all destroyed easily by him.

Intimidated by Zhang Cheng's extremely domineering and perverted force, in the end, not many of Zhang Kai's thieves dared to step forward to stop him anymore.

Under this situation, Zhang Cheng quickly found Cao Song's concubine.

After seeing Cao Song's concubine, Zhang Cheng's eyes couldn't help but widen.

It's not because Cao Song's concubine is too beautiful, but because Cao Song's concubine is really beyond his expectation.

In front of him was a middle-aged... fat woman in gorgeous clothes.

Looking at his physique, he should weigh no less than two hundred pounds! !
Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment, never expecting that Cao Song had such a hobby.

But now is not the time to be shocked by this.

Zhang Cheng was on the horse, bent down and reached out with one hand, and with a strong hand, he lifted the fat lady up.

Put it on the horse, and then rush out.

He was extremely strong and could lift the fat lady with one hand.

It was a bit painful to sit down on the horse.

There is such a huge thing, after suddenly coming to the body.

Zhang Cheng obviously felt that the legs of the war horse seemed to be a little weak.

Zhang Cheng used his gun to cut a bloody path and took Cao Song's fat concubine to Cao Song's hiding place.

After seeing his concubine, she was actually rescued by Zhang Cheng.

Cao Song couldn't help but be overjoyed.

The fat woman also hugged Cao Song and cried loudly.

After comforting the fat woman for a few words, Cao Song then remembered that his son Cao De was also trapped in the ancient temple.

Not rescued.

At that moment, he looked a little cautious again and looked at Zhang Chengdao:
"This strong man, I wonder... I wonder if he can go and rescue the dog?"

When he said this, Cao Song himself felt a little embarrassed.

This is really... a bit too difficult.

At this time, the ancient temple was in a dangerous situation.

This strong man went in and out twice, and rescued himself and his concubine, which was extremely commendable.

Now he wants to let him go to the ancient temple and save his son single-handedly.

Cao Song felt that he was a little too embarrassed.

But father and son are close to each other, and he doesn't want to see his son die.

Hearing Cao Song's words, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but sniff.

Good guy, are you planning to kill someone with seven in and seven out here?
(End of this chapter)

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