Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 201 A weak counselor rushes into battle!

Chapter 201 A weak counselor rushes into battle!

Hearing what Wang Zhong said, Ji Yun stopped trying to stop him. After hesitating for a while, he looked at Wang Zhong and said, "In that case, then you should do this.

I will guard Sifang City well and support you to prevent Sifang City from falling into the hands of thieves.

Also, when you go out to do this, you must consider one thing.

That is, these people must not be allowed to follow you out of the city and then attack Sifang City.

Once this happens, it will definitely be a disaster for our side, and Sifang City will not be protected. "

At this point, Ji Yun became a little worried again.

Looking at him, he said: "Otherwise, you'd better not go out.

It's better to stay here in Sifang City and stay calm.

If he wants to bombard, let him bombard like this.

If we don't go out, the time we can hold on here may be a little longer.

Once out, with Zhang Cheng's terrifying power, if he accidentally takes over the Sifang City.

For us, it is even more uncomfortable and not cost-effective.

Moreover, it shouldn't take too long for my brother to lead his soldiers and horses.

At that time, a fierce battle will inevitably occur.

Zhang Cheng, the traitor, will definitely not be able to concentrate his forces to deal with our Sifang City.

At that time, it is time for us to attack Zhang Cheng.

We sent troops here and responded to each other with my brother, which was equivalent to joining forces to defeat Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng, the traitor, must have focused on one thing at the expense of the other. Our side has always been able to win.

If this is the case, our strength is at a loss.

Then, even if my brother really comes with troops and needs our cooperation to fight, it will become extremely difficult.

We want to cooperate here, but we don’t have much power to do so at this time.

So at this time, it’s better to save your strength first! "

After hearing what he said, Wang Zhong thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "Forget it, I won't wait any longer.

The longer we wait, the worse it will be for us.

Moreover, General Ji Ling may not be able to bring troops and horses in such a short time.

On our side, it’s better to do some things ourselves first.

Otherwise, the longer you wait, the lower your morale will be. "

Seeing that there was no way to convince Wang Zhong on his side.

Ji Yun said nothing more and let Wang Zhong do what he did.

Wang Zhong immediately came to the bottom of the city and began to organize his troops and horses, preparing to go out of the city to fight and destroy Zhang Cheng's trebuchet.

Ji Yun had some worries in his heart, always worrying that it would not be safe to do so.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is indeed necessary to go out and do some fighting.

Fortunately, it was Wang Zhong who insisted on going to fight, and he was not asking himself to go and fight.

As long as you don't go out to fight, you don't have to worry too much...

That very night, someone quietly came to Sifang City.

Then he was pulled up by the hanging basket on the Sifang City.

This person turned out to be the person Wang Zhong had sent to find Ji Ling before.

Seeing that this person returned at this time, the two of them couldn't help but be overjoyed and hurriedly asked him what the outcome was.

This person told him Ji Ling's reaction after hearing the news and the plan he made.

With that said, he took out a letter and handed it to Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong opened it and watched it with Ji Yun.

In this letter, Ji Ling said that he had learned about what was happening here, and that he was about to come with an army of [-] people.

Next, they will launch an attack on Zhang Cheng's side.

I ask you to act according to the situation here in Sifang City.

After launching an attack from his side, he also began to attack from this side. The two sides joined forces to defeat Zhang Cheng!

Zhang Cheng's troops and horses must be contained here.

After getting the news, Wang Zhong couldn't help but feel happy.

He decided immediately that he would not go to destroy Zhang Cheng's catapult in the future.

Instead, he was looking for opportunities and prepared to join forces with Ji Ling to deal with Zhang Cheng.

fortunately!fortunately!General Ji Ling came quickly!

Pass this news to yourself.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that some big disasters will really happen on my side! !
At this time, Zhang Cheng had already received the news.

Knowing that Ji Ling had already started moving in this direction according to his original plan, and the speed was even faster.

After Zhang Cheng got the news, he couldn't help but smile.

Cao Ang looked at Zhang Cheng and said, "Mr. Gaojiu, are you really a mastermind?
After saying that Ji Ling would come to the rescue, Ji Ling came to the rescue.

It's like the order you gave him, sir. "

Hearing what Cao Ang said, Zhang Cheng couldn't help laughing.

"This is not that magical. The main thing is that Ji Yun is Ji Ling's younger brother.

I heard that the two of them have a good relationship. Now that I know that Ji Yun is in trouble, how can he not save him?

Next is Sifang City. For Jiujiang County, the location is very important.

Second only to Dongcheng Pass, and Dongcheng Pass is already in our hands.

If the Sifang City is not protected, then our troops can go directly to various places in Jiujiang County to attack without any worries.

Therefore, whenever Ji Ling has some ideas, he will definitely start a war against us at this time and here, and will not let it go. "

Hearing what Zhang Cheng said, Cao Ang nodded solemnly, wishing he could take out his notebook on the spot and write down all the words his husband said.

He knew that these were very valuable experiences.

Many people want it but cannot get it.

Mr. Gaojiu said this matter is simple, but in fact it is not easy to make such a judgment.

It is necessary to analyze, summarize and make decisions from various aspects before we can draw this conclusion.

"Now that Ji Ling is here, we have to make some moves here, and we can't do anything without showing any signs of it.

Otherwise, it would be a bit rude. "

Immediately he said: "Zhongkang, come with me to fight against Ji Ling.

Let Ji Ling take a look at our style. "

Then he looked at Dian Wei and Zhao Yun and said, "Awei Zilong, you two are leading troops in Sifang City.

Next, Sifang City will definitely move accordingly.

Prepare to work together with Ji Ling to deal with our side.

Then it won’t take too long next time.

The defenders here in Sifang City will no longer be shy. Someone will definitely come out from inside to prepare for Ji Ling.

That's when you take action.

If these soldiers and horses from Sifang City dare to come out, you will take the opportunity to capture Sifang City. "Originally, Zhang Cheng's side has already surrounded the Sifang City side very well.

The person Wang Zhong sent to contact Ji Ling was able to return to Sifang City safe and sound.

It's not that he's very capable or has great stealth abilities.

Instead, Zhang Cheng let him go.

The purpose is to allow them both to have a good exchange.

This will be more conducive to Zhang Cheng's side to do something.

If he hadn't let the water go, it would have relied on that person's ability and the tight security on his side.

How could he enter Sifang City so quickly and easily?

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Xu, Chu, Dian, Wei and Zhao Yun couldn't help but get excited.

They all stood up, clasped their fists at Zhang Cheng and said, "I have the order!"

They have been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

Although I only stayed here in Sifang City, I only stayed for two or three days.

But they felt that their days felt like years.

At this time, they were finally able to lead the troops to fight again, so they were naturally extremely excited.

Afterwards, Zhang Cheng began to act quickly.

Make all preparations and start hunting!
I want to eat Ji Ling and capture Sifang City.

Next, Jiujiang County quickly captured him, and then went straight to Shouchun to chop off Yuan Shu's head.

Yuan Shu's head was very valuable to Zhang Cheng at this time.

Ji Ling led his troops and horses towards Sifang City.

At the beginning, the march was quite fast.

But after approaching Sifang City for thirty or forty miles, Ji Ling slowed down the march and began to organize his troops and march slowly.

I don't dare to rush like before.

The reason for this is that it is natural to be prepared for possible attacks from Zhang Cheng's side.

Although there are many soldiers and horses under his leadership, there are not particularly many elites among them.

For such a large-scale march, it is still okay to march slowly.

Once the speed increases, chaos can easily occur, which must be avoided.

Otherwise, if there is a real fight with Zhang Cheng, he will suffer too much and be too passive.

Just as he was thinking about this, a scout horse rushed back from the front and reported the news, saying that there was a large group of soldiers and horses in front, and they were coming this way, numbering no less than [-].

That flying flag should be Zhang Cheng personally leading his troops.

After Ji Ling heard the news, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Although I was a little surprised, I didn't think it was a big surprise.

After all, this was expected.

I feel that there is a high possibility that Zhang Cheng's side will attack his side as soon as possible after his troops are dispatched.

He also made some arrangements for this.

Immediately, a series of orders were issued, causing the army to stop.

They began to form a formation quickly, waiting for Zhang Cheng's troops to arrive.

At the same time, the soldiers and horses on the left and right wings also began to move, preparing to eat Zhang Cheng.

At the same time, people move quickly towards Sifang City, convey their orders to Sifang City, and let the people in Sifang City take action together.

Since Zhang Cheng was so arrogant, he took action against himself as soon as he arrived.

Then give him some color here and let him see his abilities.

Don't think that you are easy to bully, think that Zhang Cheng can be invincible in the world.

A chilling atmosphere began to gather.

Not long after, Zhang Cheng's army appeared in front of Ji Ling and others.

Zhang Cheng didn't have anything to say here. After arriving here, he directly led his people towards Ji Ling without stopping.

Naturally, Zhang Cheng ignored Ji Ling's soldiers and horses surrounding him on both sides, looking extremely arrogant.

After Ji Ling saw Zhang Cheng's action, he couldn't help but sneer on his face.


This is a thief, he is really arrogant!
He only brought 5000 people with him. He brought 7 to [-] people, which was more than ten times his number.

He actually dared to ignore the two winged soldiers and horses that were moving on both sides at this time, and instead came directly towards his own battle.

Is this guy planning to defeat his main formation?
If the soldiers and horses on his two wings gather around him, they can attack the back of the soldiers and horses led by Zhang Cheng.

It only takes just over a quarter of an hour to complete.

Once completed, Zhang Chengcheng will be surrounded by two sides and will be attacked crazily by his own side.

This guy is fighting like this to die.

As for whether his own troops can hold on for more than a quarter of an hour... Ji Ling smiled at this.

How could he not be able to hold on for more than a quarter of an hour with so many people in his own army?

The traitor Zhang Cheng is here to die.

Originally, Ji Ling was very worried, fearing that he might suffer a loss after meeting Zhang Cheng this time.

But judging from the current situation, his worries are really unnecessary.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived, Zhang Cheng launched a death-like charge towards him, which was simply asking for his own death.

As soon as they met, he was given such a big surprise.

For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Now that Zhang Chengdu has delivered this big surprise to himself in person, he wants to deliver the head.

Then Ji Ling was naturally not polite.

Next, it's time for him to show off his power and let everyone in the world know about his reputation as Ji Ling.

Let these people who look down on themselves, especially their unlucky protagonist Yuan Shu, take a good look at who is the real hero and can take on big responsibilities.

It seemed to Lu Bu that Zhang Cheng, who was irresistible, had no ability to resist him at all.

You can only sink into the sand and let yourself be at your own mercy!
With this thought in his mind, he couldn't help but become energetic.

At the same time, some orders were also conveyed, asking people to defend desperately and withstand Zhang Cheng's offensive.

As long as these attacks can be resisted.

Then it won't take long for Zhang Chengcheng to be annihilated by them.

Ji Ling was excited, he was really excited.

The situation on the battlefield was better than anything he expected.

He has been able to determine that the next step is when he will become famous all over the world!
Zhang Cheng rides a red rabbit horse, holds a black tiger overlord gun, wears a scribe's robe, and wears a helmet on his head.

The helmet also wore a visor, covering his entire face and only exposing his two eyes, making him look a bit nondescript.

He rode his horse and held a gun, heading straight for Ji Ling's main formation without any hesitation.

Not long after, they were approaching Ji Ling's main formation with a rumble.

At this time, there was a loud shout from Ji Ling, and many arrows were fired at Zhang Cheng and the soldiers and horses led by Zhang Cheng like locusts, overwhelming them!
(End of this chapter)

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