Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 243 The king on the battlefield returns!

Chapter 243 The king on the battlefield returns!
The reason why the two of them had this reaction was mainly because the things Zhang Cheng described in the letter and the strategies he proposed were a bit too much and beyond their expectations.

In this letter, Zhang Cheng said that an envoy was sent from Jiangdong and sent Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao to him.

He planned to use Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao to poison him, but in the end, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao were both subdued by him and told everything.

"These thieves from Jiangdong are so shameless that they dare to use such methods to deal with Gaojiu!"

Hearing this, Xi Zhicai was the first to curse.

I feel that these Jiangdong thieves have gone too far.

He couldn't beat Ming, but he used such despicable methods!

It seems that these Jiangdong dog thieves have a way to die!

Hearing Xi Zhicai's scolding, Guo Jia couldn't help but nodded. He also felt that the Jiangdong dog thief was too despicable and shameless.

But when he saw Zhang Cheng subduing the two women, he couldn't help but laugh.

"As expected of a high achiever! What he does is make people feel extremely admirable.

With his help, the people in Jiangdong can be said to have stolen the chicken but lost the rice!

If he knew the truth, he would definitely be so angry that he would vomit blood. "

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Xi Zhicai, who was originally angry, suddenly became cheerful.

With that said, the two of them continued to read the letter written by Zhang Cheng.

Later, I saw Zhang Cheng preparing to use his trick and pretending that Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao had already succeeded and poisoned him to death.

The wishes of the people on Jiangdong's side were followed, and Cao Cao also needed people to cooperate, and the news was really dead.

Then he himself quietly appeared on the battlefield in Jiangdong, killing Sun Ce and catching Zhou Yu by surprise.

Use an unexpected gesture to deal with them!

While proposing this plan, he also said that he would prepare to lead people to level Jiangdong and other places within three months.

After several people read the letter, Cao Cao looked to Guo Jiaxi and Zhicai to ask.

"What do you two think about this proposal? Is it feasible?"

At this time, Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai already understood what Zhang Cheng was going to do.

In other words, the two of them were a little dumbfounded by what Zhang Cheng was going to do. They didn't expect that Zhang Cheng would do this.

But when I first saw it, I felt very bold.

But when I think about it carefully, I think it makes sense.

I think this can indeed be done, and I can use the trick to give the people in Jiangdong a big surprise.

Since Jiangdong can use such despicable and shameless methods.

So it's not impossible for them to go along with the flow and give them a hard blow.

After some thought, Xi Zhi took the lead and said: "Lord, I think this can indeed be the case.

If you calculate it carefully, the possibility of success is still quite high.

What's more, Gao Jiu took the initiative to propose this.

According to Gao Jie's ability, since he sent the plan to his lord and planned to do this, he must have been fully prepared.

And if Gaojiu can be succeeded, then the lord can pacify Jiangdong in one or two years in advance.

If an ordinary person dares to propose such a plan, and also says that the matter in Jiangdong should be resolved within three months as much as possible.

Both Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai thought this was fanciful and random bragging.

However, it would not be surprising if this kind of thing happened to Zhang Cheng.

They were really confident about this. After all, Zhang Cheng had proven this to them with his actions.

Zhang Chengcheng is a person who continues to create miracles.

Many things that are unbelievable to people of this era are nothing to him, and they will definitely be able to solve them.

Xi Zhicai also nodded in agreement.

Hearing this, Cao Cao said with a smile on his face: "In that case, let Gao do what he wants.

I also want to see if Gao Jiu can accomplish what he said.

Once done, it is a great achievement.

Many difficulties will be solved.

But here, I also need to leave Jizhou as quickly as possible.

The overall situation in Jizhou has been decided. After returning to Xudu, when Gaojiu takes action there, we can attack Liu Biao here.

A two-pronged approach, on the premise of reducing the pressure of high pressure, strives to capture Jiangdong and Jingzhou in one fell swoop, holding it in our hands!
In this way, the world can basically be said to be settled. "

When he said this, Cao Cao also seemed very happy and full of ambition.

In other words, he had the ambition to pacify the world before this, especially after destroying Yuan Shao, this ambition became even stronger.

But I didn't expect that this day would come so quickly!
Only a short period of time had passed, and Gao Ju and others were about to push themselves to attack Jiangdong.

That's fine, in this case, there is a great possibility that I can dominate the world in a shorter time and regain stability.

Next, Cao Cao soon told Zhang Cheng's people his opinions on this matter.

Let Zhang Cheng just go ahead and do it without having to worry too much...


A few days later, earth-shattering news suddenly came out from Chenliu County.

That was Mr. Gaojiu, who was suddenly poisoned.

Moreover, the poison was very powerful. In a short period of time, Mr. Gao Jiu was poisoned and died, and there was no way he could be saved!
As soon as the news came out, it spread rapidly around as if it had wings.

It soon caused a tremor like a major earthquake.

After all, by this time, Mr. Zhang Cheng and Zhang Gaojiu had unparalleled influence both in the court and among the people.

Zhang Cheng is Mr. Gaojiu who is extremely loved by many people.

Especially the many people who really love Mr. Gaojiu extremely much.

As a result, now, such bad news has appeared. How can they not be shocked?

People flocked to Zhang Cheng's mansion one after another, crying bitterly outside.

At Zhang Cheng's residence, a mourning hall was also set up, and the cries were loud.

The court shook.

The crown prince Cao Ang, who was staying in Xuzhou to supervise the country, came to Chenliu County from Xudu to pay homage to Zhang Cheng, crying all the way.

Even the emperor Liu Xie expressed his feelings. He sent people to Zhang Cheng and issued an edict to express his sorrow and sadness...

Suddenly, a sad atmosphere spread in Chenliu County, and quickly spread to many places under Cao Cao's rule.

Many people are sighing, and many people are crying.

After all, this is Mr. Gaojiu!
Mr. Gao Jiu has sought benefits for many of them.

Many of them have changed their destiny because of the many things they have done because of Mr. Gaojiu.

It was naturally painful to learn the news at this time.Moreover, there were still people who couldn't accept the news.

But as a lot of news came later, even Cao Cao, who was far away in Jizhou, had already rushed to Chenliu County after receiving the news.

Immediately, those who originally had some doubts no longer had any doubts.

A few days later, in Lujiang County, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, two people who had been paying close attention to this matter, also learned about it.

I suddenly felt extremely happy and excited.

After confirming this situation again and again, I confirmed that the news was true.

Sun Ce couldn't help but be overjoyed and stood up suddenly.

Looking at Zhou Yu, he said with a smile on his face: "Gong Jin! Gong Jin! It's done! It's really done!"

This is a thief who actually died!
Er Qiao made great achievements and took the lead.

Now that Zhang Cheng is dead, who else should I be afraid of in the world?

Even if Cao Cao has shown extraordinary courage at this time and has gained many places, what can he do? "

After learning about Zhang Cheng's death, Sun Ce, who was originally worried about him, suddenly became frightened.

Zhou Yu next to him was the same. He couldn't help but smile, and his mood was particularly cheerful.

The big stone hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Previously, he was worried about it, fearing that Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao would not be able to complete the task.

Something went wrong in this matter.

Who could have imagined that Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao really succeeded.

It would be great to actually accomplish this. It is really great!
Just thinking about it makes people feel extremely happy.

These two people are worthy of being the ones they chose. They are capable and responsible!

Once Zhang Cheng dies, then there will be many other people under Cao Cao's command. Although Zhou Yu will not not take them seriously, at least he will not be too worried.

For the rest, he felt he could handle it.

But when he thought of the two people he sent to Zhang Cheng's side, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, he couldn't help but feel pain in his heart.

Especially when I think of Xiao Qiao, I feel even more uncomfortable.

After all, Xiao Qiao is really in line with his wishes.

Whether it's appearance or figure, Yi or the way he behaves, etc., it can be said that everything has grown into his heart.

But in the end, it was him who personally sent her into the tiger's mouth and gave her to Zhang Cheng. Thinking about it made her extremely uncomfortable.

However, after such thoughts persisted in his mind for a while, he suppressed them deeply.

Force yourself to forget about Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, and forget about these humiliations.

Then return these ten times and a hundred times to Cao Cao to guard Jiangdong.

He even counterattacked Cao Cao in order to avenge Xiao Qiao and Da Qiao so that they deserved their death.

"Pass my order to Zhou Tai, Han Dang! Cheng Pu, Huang Gai and others to immediately start acting according to the original plan and try their best to capture Lujiang County!
Then he took control of Lujiang County and attacked Cao Cao's traitorous Xuzhou in one fell swoop.

Let Cao Cao Dezi feel the power of our Jiangdong side!
Give him some, a little shock!
Let this thief know that we are not easy to mess with. "

Sun Ce issued the order, his emotions were intense, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time!
Following his order, the messengers immediately went out.

His order was quickly conveyed to the general.

Then they began to take action and launched an attack towards their previously established goal.

They began to attack Cao Cao's people who were stationed in Jiujiang.

Even Sun Ce himself led his troops to the front of the formation.

At this time, Sun Ce was really high-spirited and full of ambition.

I feel that the world is big and there is a lot to do.

Without Zhang Cheng as a constraint, why would Cao Cao even care?
However, what he didn't know was that a group of people had quietly arrived at the forward position of Lujiang County.

The leader among them was none other than Zhang Cheng, who was already 'dead' at this time.

At this time, Zhang Cheng had already used the golden cicada's escape plan and suddenly came here.

However, his true appearance was not revealed.

Only Xiahou Dun, the highest general stationed here, knew Zhang Cheng's identity.

After seeing Zhang Cheng, Xiahou Dun was particularly surprised and even shed tears.

Having learned of Zhang Cheng's death before, Xiahou Dun was really anxious and heartbroken.

If it weren't for the emergency situation they had here, he wouldn't have been able to leave.

At this time, I had already gone back in person to express my condolences to Zhang Cheng.

At the same time, I also felt a little headache about the powerful offensive displayed by Jiangdong at this time.

Who would have thought that in just a few days, a huge surprise would suddenly come.

Mr. Gao Jiu, who had been dead for several days, actually came to him at this time?

Appeared in front of himself and others.

This is truly a joy to behold.

"Mr. Gaojiu, you...are you really okay?

This... this is really great. "

Xiahou Dun held Zhang Cheng's hand. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

After calming down a little, Xiahou Dun immediately figured out many things.

Right!With Mr. Gaojiu's intelligence, how could he not see that the Jiangdong rats had evil intentions in sending the two women? How could they be easily deceived and let those two succeed?
It must be Mr. Gaojiu who specially came to take advantage of the situation and then blew him up to death.

The people on Jiangdong's side were easily manipulated.

Let the people on the other side of Jiangdong think they have a plan.

In fact, everything was carefully planned by Mr. Gao Jiu.

Everything is under his control.

Zhang Cheng smiled and said something to Xiahou Dun.

Then he asked Xiahou Dun to take charge of military affairs without paying too much attention to him.

He will choose a more suitable time to reveal his identity.

This gave Sun Ce, Zhou Yu and others a big surprise.

Tell them that Zhang Cheng is back and not dead!
When Xiahou Dun heard this, he immediately did what Zhang Cheng said.

Originally, he was still a little worried about the powerful offensive organized by Sun Ce and others.

But at this time, there was no hesitation at all.

On the contrary, I felt that Sun Ce and others were just sending themselves to death! !
(End of this chapter)

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