Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 32 Cao Cao regretted not listening to Zhang Cheng’s words

Chapter 32 Cao Cao regretted not listening to Zhang Cheng’s words
The reason for this is that when Zhang Cheng first implemented some new agricultural measures such as thinning methods and retting fertilizers in Fengqiu and other places under his rule.

I once wrote a letter to Cao Cao, suggesting that this be implemented in all military and civilian villages in Yanzhou.

He also suggested that certain people be selected from military and civilian villages throughout Yanzhou to come to him to learn this new farming method so that it could be promoted in various places.

And he said that if he really does this, then the food production will definitely increase greatly!

Faced with Zhang Cheng's proposal, the leaders of Cao Cao's various military and civilian villages, after some discussion, finally decided to put it down for the time being and wait and see what the situation was.

Although the curved shaft plow produced by Zhang Cheng is very easy to use, and the Daitian method is also very easy to use.

But these two things have been verified, so Cao Cao can use them boldly.

However, Cao Cao did not dare to use the thinning method mentioned by Zhang Cheng and other novel farming methods.

It would be great if it could be implemented throughout Yanzhou. If not, he was worried that it would greatly affect his food production, and he didn't want to take the risk.

As for the military and civilian villages in other places, they all instinctively resisted after learning that Zhang Cheng had used such novel, even seemingly absurd, methods to plant and care for crops that seriously violated their common sense.

I feel like Zhang Cheng is just messing around.

Although the Quyuan plow made by Zhang Cheng is indeed very useful.

But when it comes to growing crops, Zhang Cheng is a layman.

Compared with people like them who often deal with crops, they are far behind.

With the arrival of autumn grain into the warehouse and the emergence of grain production in various places, those who originally questioned Zhang Cheng were shocked.

Then, they all regretted it.

How much food was lost in this moment!

Every military and civilian settlement would be farmed according to the methods taught by Zhang Cheng.

There are all grain outputs in military and civilian villages under the leadership of Zhang Cheng.

Then how much food will he get this time! !
Cao Cao's heart ached especially when he thought that hundreds of thousands of stones, or even more food, were missing because of one of his decisions.

Even when he was alone, he wanted to slap himself twice.


"My lord, when you come to Gaojiu this time, you must have a good meal.

I heard that Gaojiu's cooking skills were unparalleled, and Fengxiao and Xi Zhicai ate the food, and they didn't want to come back.

After the two of them came back from Fengqiu where they were employed, they couldn't eat any other food.

I'm really not convinced. This time I have to taste the food made by Gaojia. What does it taste like?

I always feel that the two of them are talking big words. "

While walking, Cao Hong said this to Cao Cao.

When Cao Cao heard this, he nodded in agreement.

He also held the same idea.

"That's right, let's take a look and see if Zhang Cheng's cooking skills are really as good as Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia said!"

"Zhang Gao knew that his lord would be very happy to see him in person at Fengqiu.

Preparations must have been made now, as it was still twenty miles away from Fengqiu.

I'm afraid it won't be long before I see Gaojiu. "

Cao Hong said with a smile.

With the pacification of Yanzhou, Cao Cao's reputation grew.

The people under Cao Cao were naturally extremely respectful to Cao Cao.

When meeting Cao Cao on weekdays, he is usually very solemn.

Not to mention that Cao Cao is now going to meet someone in person.

This is rare and is an incomparable trust and honor.

Faced with this kind of thing, no matter who it is, they will definitely take it seriously and make some preparations.

Only in this way can you show your loyalty and loyalty to your master.

In Cao Hong's view, Zhang Cheng is no exception.

However, what happened next made Cao Hong stunned.

Because along the way, I didn't meet anyone from Zhang Cheng's side who was greeting him.When the group of them arrived at Zhang Cheng's camp, they saw no trace of Zhang Cheng, and it was deserted.

This shocked Cao Cao, Cao Hong, Guo Jiaxi and Zhicai, wondering what was going on.

"Could it be...could it be that there was a mistake in the date that my lord told Gao Jiu before?
We arrived early. "

Cao Hong said doubtfully.

Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia looked at each other at this moment, and they could see deep shock and consternation in each other.

No way?
If you can't do this... Zhang Gao will go to the fields again, right?
After being shocked, they all shook their heads, thinking that such a thing would never happen.

Zhang Gao is such a smart person who can clearly understand the priorities of things.

The last time the two of us came to visit without informing him, he was working in the field.

This time, it’s the lord Cao Cao!

And we have already informed you in advance when you arrive.

It would be unreasonable for him to go to the fields to farm again and not greet his lord here.

Which is lighter and heavier, at a glance.

But the news they received next confused both Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia.

"Mr. Zhang is in the fields, plowing the land with the people.

He said that after Mr. Cao comes, you can do what you want.

After he finished his work, he came to see Duke Cao. "

In the diannong office, there were Zhang Cheng's subordinates who stayed behind. They looked at Cao Cao and said tremblingly.

As he spoke, he secretly observed Cao Cao's expression, for fear that Cao Cao would suddenly become angry.

After learning the news, everyone looked stunned.

Even Cao Cao couldn't hold himself tight.

This... plowing the fields is actually more important than seeing myself?
What did you think of this height?

Cao Hong was anxious and felt that it was inappropriate for Cao Cao to be treated like this by Zhang Cheng.

Immediately he jumped up and said:
"Lord, I'm going to the fields to find Mr. Gao when he comes back!"

He was a little worried that Cao Cao would blame Zhang Cheng for this.

As soon as Guo Jiaxun and Yu saw this scene, they felt something bad was happening.

He also quickly stood up and said to Cao Cao:

"Lord, Gao is such a person.

He cares most about farming, and is very serious and meticulous in his work. He is not very familiar with etiquette, and he also asks his lord to calm down.

I will immediately find Gaojiu and meet my lord. "

After the two of them opened their mouths, Xun Yu also opened his mouth to intercede for Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng came to Cao Cao's command not long ago.

But there were so many important people interceding for him at the critical moment, which can be said to be no small miracle.

Ordinary people don't have this kind of treatment.

Facing the nervous pleas from everyone, Cao Cao laughed.

"You don't have to be like this, Gaojiao is a man of true nature.

He is dedicated to his duties. I can only wish for such a person, so how can I blame him!

Come, come, come with me to the government office to see what good things the boss has prepared for us! "

Hearing Cao Cao's words, Xi Zhicai Guo Jia and others breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the subordinates who were stayed by Zhang Cheng to receive him, they felt like they had been reborn.

He was really worried just now.Cao Cao would take his anger out on him and make him a scapegoat, and he was also worried that Cao Cao would blame Mr. Zhang.

He quickly bent down and invited Cao Cao and others to come to the government office.

Then he took out some things that Zhang Cheng had prepared in advance to entertain Cao Cao and others...

(End of this chapter)

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