Chapter 40 What a great success!

Hearing the staff around him say this, Tao Qian was somewhat relieved.

He knew about Cao Cao.

He knows a lot about Cao Cao.

According to Cao Cao's character, the situation mentioned by his staff is very likely to happen.

Once this happens, many people under his rule will certainly die as a result.

However, he will inevitably strengthen his confidence and resist Cao Cao with himself!
It is simply impossible for Cao Cao to gain a foothold in Xuzhou!

As a result, the two of them were chatting lively here, and they were swearing by what they said.

But urgent information was delivered.

He informed Tao Qian of all the actions Cao Cao had committed in the five counties of Langye County.

After learning what Cao Cao did over there.

Tao Qian and the staff around Tao Qian were stunned.

The mood that had just relaxed a little bit disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Unbelievable emotions arose in my heart.

This is Cao Cao?

Is this what Cao Cao can do? !

Is this guy Cao Cao kicked in the head by a donkey? !

While shocked and confused, I learned what the real reaction of the people in Xuzhou was.

Tao Qian also had this feeling of powerlessness rising in his heart.

Cao Cao was already a strong man, and he had many elite soldiers and generals.

When he came to Xuzhou at this time, he changed his previous style and implemented benevolent government in Xuzhou.

In the future, his chances of winning will become even less.

"Cao Cao, the thief, why did his personality change suddenly?!
There was no massacre here in Xuzhou!
Why didn't he kill? ! "

Tao Qian lost his composure.

He reached out and grabbed the collar of the person who came to report the news, and asked.

If many people in Xuzhou were to know that Tao Qian, the Xuzhou Shepherd.

I was actually dissatisfied because Cao Cao didn't massacre people in Xuzhou, and I didn't know what it would be like.

The staff around Tao Qian also stared closely at the person who came to report the news.

He also couldn't accept that Cao Cao suddenly changed his temperament and made such an abnormal behavior.

There must be something going on here!

"I heard... I heard that it was a counselor named Zhang Cheng from Cao Cao's side who gave Cao Cao the idea.

When Cao Cao comes to Xuzhou, he must not massacre, but must practice benevolence and gain the hearts and minds of the people of Xuzhou.

In this way, there will be no disadvantages. "

"Zhang Cheng?"

Tao Qian was stunned.

"Why is it this one again?"

He had heard of Zhang Cheng's name before.

After all, the general under his command, Zhang Kai, was killed by Zhang Cheng.

But isn’t this man said to be as brave as any man?
Why at this time, he suddenly changed into a counselor and gave advice to Cao Cao.

And he also directly gave this kind of upright strategy.

The blow was extremely precise, hitting his root!

The staff around Tao Qian were also shocked and kept mumbling.

"Zhang Chengzhang Gaojiao?"

"Zhang Chengzhang Gaojiao?"

"What a great success!!"

"What kind of talent does this person have that can actually persuade Cao Cao to change his mind?"

At this moment, Zhang Cheng's name was firmly remembered by Tao Qian.

While he was angry at Zhang Cheng for planning such a strategy, Cao Cao also lamented in his heart why he didn't have anyone like Zhang Cheng under his command...



"My lord, my subordinates feel that my lord should take action at this time to stop Cao Cao from raising his troops to Xuzhou.

Although Cao Cao was a eunuch, he looked like someone out of the ordinary.

At this time, we have established a foothold in Yanzhou. I heard that this time there is a bumper harvest in Yanzhou.If he is allowed to occupy Xuzhou again, he will definitely become a major threat to the lord in the future.

Before the others could speak, Tian Feng spoke first.

But it turned out that it was Yuan Shao who, after receiving the letter from Cao Cao and the message from Cao Cao asking for Tao Qian, gathered many of his counselors.

Ask them for their opinion on this.

“My lord, I don’t think we should interfere with Cao Cao’s attack on Xuzhou.

On the one hand, the lord is still fighting fiercely with Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan in the north is the biggest threat.

It is not appropriate to distract yourself from dealing with other people at this time.

Secondly, Cao Cao and Cao Mengde were allies with their lord, and they were resisting Yuan Shu in the south.

The lord stopped Cao Cao from taking Xuzhou at this time, which would be tantamount to attacking his own ally.

Third, Tao Qian assassinated Cao Cao's father. It was only natural for Cao Cao to raise troops to avenge his father at this time.

The lord stepped in to stop him without any proper reason.

Moreover, Cao Mengde always looked up to his master.

So it is better not to stop Cao Cao from attacking Xuzhou. "

Guo Tu stood up and expressed his opinion.

Hearing Guo Tu's words, Shen Pei couldn't sit still.

"Lord, don't listen to what this person says!

Although Cao Cao is the only one who obeys his master at this time, he has great ambitions.

Although he is a eunuch, he is still different from others.

In my opinion, the person who will compete with the lord in the future must be Cao Cao.

If we don't take advantage of Cao Cao before he grows up, he will be killed.

Then once he is allowed to grow up, he will definitely become a serious problem for the lord in the future.

The Lord will definitely suffer from this. "

Guo Tu glanced at Shen Pei and said:

"What do you mean?
Could it be that the members of the Yuan family, the master of the family, are not even comparable to Cao Cao, a eunuch?

After becoming a eunuch, what can I do if I have talent? "

Several people were arguing endlessly. Yuan Shao sat at the top and had no idea of ​​his own for a while.

Then he turned his attention to Xu You who had been silent and said:
"Ziyuan, what do you think about this matter?"

After hearing Yuan Shao's personal inquiry, Xu You, who had been silent until now, finally spoke:

"At first, I felt that Ah Ma was still the same Ah Ma.

At this time, we should go north first and then south, and use all our strength to deal with Gongsun Zan.

Get Youzhou and other places in your hands as quickly as possible. "

After finishing speaking, he said:

"This time Ah Ma sent a lot of money and food to this office.

From here we can see Ah Ma's original intention. "

Address Yuan Shao in front of everyone, instead of calling him lord, just calling him Benchu.

The only person who could do this was Xu You and Xu Ziyuan, who had known Yuan Shao and Cao Cao for a long time.

Hearing Xu You's words, Yuan Shao laughed.

"According to Ziyuan's words, we will go to war with Gongsun Zan with all our strength.

As for Cao Cao, if he wants to attack Xuzhou, let him do it!
After defeating Xuzhou, he should face Yuan Shu directly. "

Yuan Shao made a decision.

After Guo Tu heard that Yuan Shao had adopted his and Xu You's opinions.

He couldn't help but straighten his waist, squinted his eyes, and looked at Tian Feng and Shen Pei.

As for Xu You, he stood proudly and looked down upon Guo Tu, Tian Feng and Shen Pei.
As the counselor who has been with Yuan Shao for the longest time, Xu You is qualified to do this.

Yuan Shao took everyone's reactions into consideration.

He did not stop this, but allowed it to happen.


"Brother, are we really going to rescue Tao Qian?"

In Pingyuan County, Zhang Fei held a Zhangba snake spear and looked at Liu Bei to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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