Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 42 Liu Bei: Zhang Chengzhen is a great talent!

Chapter 42 Liu Bei: Zhang Chengzhen is a great talent!
Zhao Yun looked at Liu Bei with an inquiring look in his eyes.

Not only Zhao Yun, but also Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others looked at Liu Bei in a strange way for a moment.

By the way, didn't you always say that when Cao Cao comes to Xuzhou, he will definitely kill people.

What will happen to the people of Xuzhou?
How come the actual situation is exactly the opposite?

Not only did Cao Cao not go on a killing spree in Xuzhou.

On the contrary, they are still promoting various benevolent policies here in Xuzhou?

Cao Cao distributed fields to the people who had no land in the areas he conquered.

Now the people in many places in Xuzhou are hoping that Cao Cao can lead the army to them as soon as possible.

Some people dragged their families and headed towards the place occupied by Cao Cao.

In some places, people even took the initiative to rob the city and then dedicated it to Cao Cao.

Just to get Cao Cao's rule as soon as possible.

Let Cao Cao go to them and implement benevolent government...

The person who went to inquire about the information was obviously shocked by the information he inquired about.

So I didn't realize that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Still here, talking endlessly about the news he had found out.

After he finished speaking, he couldn’t help but praise loudly:
"Your Majesty, this Cao Cao is truly a benevolent and righteous man!"

This sentence shocked Liu Bei, who was in shock, and his defense was somewhat broken.

At this time, Liu Bei's expression was very exciting.

His eyes looked a little dull, full of extreme disbelief.

Especially after feeling the looks of Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei looking at him.

This feeling became even more intense.

Absolutely impossible! !

He knew Cao Cao relatively well.

Cao Mengde's attack on Xuzhou this time will definitely lead to a massacre in Xuzhou.

Even if there was no mass killing, it definitely shouldn't be as abnormal as it is now!
Not only did they not plunder the troops, but they also strictly restrained the troops.

And implement benevolent government here in Xuzhou, how is this possible!

This doesn't look like something Cao Cao could do.

"Did you make a mistake?"

Liu Bei couldn't help but look at this person and confirm out loud.

It wasn't that he couldn't bear it, it was just that the news he received was too unexpected and he couldn't accept it.

At this time, the man noticed the abnormality in Liu Bei's expression.

I feel like I said something wrong.

But that was the fact, so he still shook his head and said:
"Your Majesty, the villain...the villain was also very shocked when he got the news.

But it is indeed true. "

Hearing this, Liu Bei was a little silent for a moment and was speechless.

Especially after meeting Zhao Yun and looking at him.

This feeling became even stronger.

I had talked to Zhao Yun and the others all the way about how Cao Cao killed them so brutally.

As a result, after arriving here, Cao Cao actually appeared like this.

This made many of his plans come to nothing at once.

“There must have been some accidents in this matter.

I know Cao Cao too well, and he would never do this.

To make such an abnormal move now, something must have happened that we don’t know about!
Come with me to find out who was able to make Cao Cao make such a big change! ! "

The indifferent look on Liu Bei's face disappeared.

His voice sounded urgent, and he gave orders to the people around him.

When people around him saw Liu Bei being so excited, they didn't dare to delay and immediately went to check.

Liu Bei stood here, took a few deep breaths, and calmed down.

Then he looked at Zhao Yun and said with a smile:
“Zilong, things are a bit unexpected.

Cao Cao... this person is a bit surprising this time.

But this thief Cao is not a good person. "Hearing Liu Bei's words, Zhao Yun nodded and said:

"Your Majesty, you are right, I believe everything you say."

I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect or an illusion.

Liu Bei always felt that when Zhao Yun said these words, his attitude towards him was slightly different from before.

Why doesn't this traitor Cao Cao kill in Xuzhou?

Why did he suddenly change his gender?

Liu Bei couldn't help but curse Cao Cao secretly.

After scolding him, he quickly shook his head.

Put this thought out of your mind.

By the way, isn't it something that I should be happy to see if Cao Cao doesn't carry out mass killings in Xuzhou?

How could I be like this now?
Liu Bei's mood was extremely complicated.

It was also because suddenly, something like this happened.

Therefore, Liu Bei temporarily stopped his troops and stationed them where they were, instead of moving forward.

After preparing to find out the situation clearly, we can continue to advance...

"I have found out clearly that Cao Cao will not kill anyone in Xuzhou this time.

And uncharacteristically promoted various benevolent policies.

It was because he listened to the opinions of one of his subordinates, a counselor named Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng asked Cao Cao to stop massacres when he came to Xuzhou.

We must implement benevolent governance here in Xuzhou and gain the hearts and minds of the people of Xuzhou.

As long as we capture the hearts and minds of Xuzhou people, we will be invincible from now on.

Only then can we truly take Xuzhou into our hands.

Rather than the superficial kind of taking it into your hands..."

One day later, the person who went to inquire about the news hurried back all the way and looked at Liu Bei saying this.

After Liu Bei heard this, he couldn't help being stunned again.

Because this matter once again exceeded his imagination.

Originally, in his imagination, he could make Cao Cao make such a big change and be able to dissuade Cao Cao.

In all likelihood, it was Xun Yu and Xun Wenruo who were said to be talented as kings.

After all, Xun Yu was very famous and had a high status with Cao Cao.

I heard that Xun Yu was a very elegant person and kept himself clean.

The only person who could make such a big change in Cao Cao was Xun Yu and Xun Wenruo.

Who would have thought that the person who could persuade Cao Cao to stop was Zhang Cheng.

"What is the origin of this achievement?
He was able to propose such an upright and benevolent policy to Cao Cao.

More importantly, he was able to make Cao Cao obey.

This is really not something ordinary people can do!

Why haven't I heard of such a big figure on Cao Cao's side before? "

While these doubts arose in his heart, Liu Bei felt that Zhang Cheng's name seemed a bit familiar.

Then he remembered that this Zhang Cheng was the one who saved Cao Cao's father.

Originally, Liu Bei didn't pay too much attention to the man who saved Cao Cao's father.

But now that I knew what he had done, I suddenly felt that Zhang Cheng was not simple.

As a person who has always used benevolence and righteousness as his weapon.

Liu Bei was even more aware of the power and benefits that Cao Cao's actions in Xuzhou could bring.

"This is a great achievement for Cheng Zhang, he is truly a talent!!"

Liu Bei couldn't help but sigh.

"Your Majesty, this is indeed the case, after this inquiry.

I heard that Cao Cao's Yanzhou had a good harvest and the Dai Tian method was implemented by Zhang Chengzhang. "

Before Liu Bei could finish his emotion, someone came up to inquire about the news.

Once again, he gave a piece of news that shocked Liu Bei's mind...

(End of this chapter)

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