Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 49 Sir, please hold back and kill!Leave me 1 point!

Chapter 49 Sir, please hold back and kill!Leave some for me!

At this moment, not only Zhang Chao, but also the army led by Zhang Chao and the generals were shocked by Zhang Cheng's powerful combat power and the strong contrast between before and after!

Especially when he saw Zhang Cheng riding alone, with blood all over his body, fighting his way towards him, Zhang Chao felt his scalp numb!

I have the urge to turn around and run away immediately!

However, fortunately, he was also someone who had been on the battlefield, so he suppressed this impulse firmly.

He can't escape!
It's so embarrassing to be scared to death by someone!
"Kill! Kill this man!
Shoot the arrow! , shoot the arrow!

Everyone come forward!

I was waiting for so many people, but he rushed up alone with a guard. Isn't this a way to die? !

If you exchange one hundred for one, you can replace him! "

Zhang Chao shouted at the top of his voice.

And those Zhang Chao's subordinates who were frightened by the strong combat power Zhang Cheng showed just now reacted when they heard Zhang Chao's cry.


Although the person in front of me is brave, there is only one.

There was only one guard behind him, and they could be consumed to death even if they were forced to do so!

What's there to be afraid of? !
So they all issued orders one after another and prepared to fight.

Suddenly, hundreds of crossbowmen opened their bows and fired arrows.

Amidst the trembling sound of the bowstring, a barrage of arrows shot towards Zhang Chengcheng overwhelmingly!
Zhang Cheng mounted the horse, and the Black Tiger Overlord Gun in his hand was danced into a wheel.

Amidst the clanging sound, many arrows shot at him were blocked.

Even if one or two occasionally break through his defense and hit him, Zhang Cheng seems to be completely unaware.

This is not to say that he is not afraid of pain, but because he is wearing armor under his scribe's robe.

Zhang Cheng still cherished his life, and naturally he would not be stupid enough to go forward and fight with others wearing only a scribe's robe.

Otherwise, why would he bother to extend his lifespan?
Dian Wei, who was behind, also held a pair of iron halberds, dancing them into two wheels, and continuously knocked down the arrows aimed at him.

He charged behind Zhang Cheng.

Rushing and shouting.

"Sir, please slow down! Don't get too excited, just hold back and kill!"

Leave some people behind and let me practice my skills! "

Dian Wei was anxious, he was really anxious!

Judging from Zhang Cheng's performance just now, he was very worried about his husband, who had always said that he did not know martial arts. He was so eager to kill that he went all the way into the enemy's formation and chopped off Zhang Chao's head. .

In this case, he won't get anything!

There is no force left, and nowhere to use it.

Zhang Cheng galloped on his horse, and after a hail of arrows, others had already reached the front of Zhang Chao's army.

Zhang Chao's crossbowmen were not given a second chance to fire their bows.

He held the Black Tiger Overlord Spear in both hands and used it to sweep away thousands of troops with one move.

Suddenly, four or five of Zhang Chao's soldiers who were blocking the front were sent flying by him!

There was only a cracking sound and the sound of bones breaking. These people screamed, blood spurted from their mouths, and flew out upside down!

He knocked down Zhang Chao's bandit army behind him!
At this time, Zhang Cheng was like a killing god, and he instantly broke through the defense array deployed by Zhang Chao's troops.

Just kill him right in!
He was riding a horse, and the Black Tiger Overlord gun in his hand was constantly dancing, and there was no enemy wherever he passed!
A bloody storm, with broken limbs and arms flying all over the sky!
Although there are thousands of troops and horses, he feels like he is in a deserted place at this time!
"Thief, die!!"

One of Zhang Chao's generals appeared behind Zhang Cheng.

He roared, and stabbed Zhang Chengcheng with the iron gun in his hand!
He grasped the timing of his attack very well. It was just when Zhang Cheng knocked over two soldiers with one shot and had no time to take it back!
He felt that he would definitely be able to make a difference this time!
However, the next moment, Zhang Cheng let go of the hand holding the Black Tiger Overlord Gun.Under absolutely impossible circumstances, I held the barrel of the gun he had thrust!
With a smooth pull, an irresistible force was transmitted along the barrel of the gun.

Pulling him directly, he stumbled towards Zhang Cheng uncontrollably.

In his panicked eyes, Zhang Cheng let go of his hand on the barrel of his gun, and without taking any weapon, he slapped him in the face with a fierce slap!

Firmly, I gave him a big pussy!

Just hearing a bang, this guy's head was directly opened and turned into a circle by such a powerful palm!
The man lay softly on the ground without saying a word.

At this time, the two to three thousand militiamen led by Zhang Cheng were shocked when they saw that Mr. Zhang, who had always been gentle and gentle and taught them farming, was so brave, like a god descending from heaven!

After being stunned, they all felt that waves of blood were rushing to their heads!
Mr. Zhang, a scribe and scholar, is so brave and unafraid of death, charging at the enemy with such grace, how can they be so timid? !
The soldiers led by Zhang Chao are nothing more than this, and they will die even if they are slashed with a knife!
In front of Mr., I am not an enemy at all!
These militiamen who have not been on the battlefield have a deep-seated fear of fighting in battle.

But now, after seeing how Zhang Cheng fights with his own eyes, the fear in his heart is quickly fading.

"Come on!"


"Kill the enemy with Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang is a scribe. If this is the case, what do we have to be afraid of?!"

"Come on! We can't let Mr. Zhang fight alone in the front while we shrink our eggs from behind!"

These militiamen roared one after another, then held their weapons and began to charge towards Zhang Chao's soldiers and horses!
These militiamen, who had only undergone some training in the past and had not really experienced fighting on the battlefield, had now mustered up so much courage in a short period of time.

The fighting spirit is stronger than many veterans!

It was possible for these recruits to burst out with such strong fighting spirit in such a short period of time, rushing forward with swords and roaring to fight the enemy.

I have to say that Zhang Cheng has created quite a miracle!
Zhang Cheng was very satisfied with the response of these militiamen.

He is riding on a war horse, wielding the Black Tiger Overlord Spear, and is constantly advancing!
In front of him, corpses kept lying on the ground.

These are Zhang Chao's men.

At the beginning, there were still Zhang Chao's people who dared to step forward and stop Zhang Cheng without fear of death.

But with Zhang Cheng's merciless killing, the people on Zhang Chao's side were quickly killed.

Now, no matter how urged others are, not many people dare to stop Zhang Cheng from the front!

So this also led to Zhang Cheng quickly approaching Zhang Chao.

Zhang Chao was so frightened that he was out of his mind!

The way he looked at Zhang Cheng was like looking at a monster!

Originally, he thought that if he relied on people to pile up, he could kill Zhang Chengdu.

After he gave the order, he went directly to the rear of the army and hid.

Came to the safest place.

In this case, the one who laughs last is definitely you!
But what frightened him was that in an instant, Zhang Cheng broke through the siege and got closer and closer to him!
Zhang Chao, who before felt that Zhang Cheng was nothing more than this and could kill Zhang Cheng easily, no longer dared to show any slights.

He quickly hit his horse and fled towards the rear!

Now, he regretted very much why he didn't escape immediately after discovering that Zhang Cheng was very brave!

I have to stay here because I want to kill Zhang Cheng!

Zhang Cheng, armed with a gun alone and covered in blood, chased Zhang Chao.

His cold eyes fell on Zhang Chao, as if looking at a dead person.

Soon, he caught up with Zhang Chao, stabbed Zhang Chao with a convenient shot!
But at this moment, an accident happened.

Only a loud shout was heard, and suddenly: "Don't hurt my lord!!"

(End of this chapter)

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