Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 54 Dian Wei: Let me show you a fancy show!

Chapter 54 Dian Wei: Let me show you a fancy show!
Zhang Cheng suddenly let out a roar that made many people's eardrums hurt.

At the same time, many people were stunned when they heard it.

His eyes couldn't help but look towards the place where Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu, was standing.

Before Zhang Miao, in order to boost morale, he wanted to be seen by more of his soldiers.

So I deliberately found a conspicuous position on the city wall and stood there to beat drums and cheer.

This also happened to lead to the fact that he was now nailed to the city wall and fell into the eyes of many Chenliu soldiers.

I saw Grand Administrator Chen Liu who was beating drums to cheer just now, but now he was condemned to die on the city wall.

After many Chen Liujun's soldiers and horses were shocked, the idea of ​​going into battle to kill the enemy was suddenly shattered.

In other words, many of them were infected by the courage shown by Zhang Miao, the governor of Chenliu, so they stayed here to fight.

Of course, more people were attracted by Zhang Miao's promise of a thousand gold rewards for killing Zhang Cheng.

Now Zhang Miao was crucified by Zhang Cheng.

Then naturally there is no way to receive the thousand gold he promised, so it will not be counted.

In this case, there is no need to fight anymore.

Coupled with Zhang Cheng and Dian Wei, the fighting power displayed by them is really super strong.

Therefore, the morale of the army suddenly disappeared.

Of course, among them, there are also some people who are loyal to Zhang Miao.

Seeing Zhang Miao's death, many people were shocked by this sudden incident. Their eyes were bloodshot and they shouted loudly.

"Avenge the prefect, don't retreat!!"

While shouting, he struggled towards Zhang Cheng and Dian Wei.

The situation that had just been stabilized suddenly caused some commotion again.

Zhang Cheng's eyes were like daggers in an instant, and he looked at Dian Wei.

Without his instructions, Dian Wei had already taken out a small iron halberd from his back and threw it with all his strength.

The iron halberd cut through the sky and directly nailed the man who shouted that he wanted to avenge Zhang Miao to death on the spot!

"Swish, swish, swish..." Dian Wei took action one after another.

In just a moment, six small iron halberds were thrown!
Every time an iron halberd is thrown, a person shouting to avenge Zhang Miao will die in response.

The people who had just been encouraged suddenly became quiet again.

No one dared to stand up and shout about revenge for Zhang Miao.

They were completely shocked by Zhang Cheng and Dian Wei's methods.

Zhang Cheng witnessed Dian Wei's methods and couldn't help but secretly praise him.

What Dian Wei did was really beautiful.

"Lay down your weapons and surrender immediately!
Those who surrender will not be killed!

I will not blame you in the future.

The blame this time lies mainly on Zhang Miao, not on you!

You have all been deceived by traitor Zhang Miao, and you will not be held accountable in the future!
If you dare to cause trouble again, the stubborn ones will be killed without mercy! ! "

Zhang Cheng's voice sounded at the right time.

As he said these words, there were still many people who were worried that they would not be able to eat good fruit in the future.

My heart suddenly became relaxed.

"Ding ding..."

Someone dropped the weapon in his hand on the ground, making a clanging sound.

"I surrender!"

"I surrender!"

After someone takes the lead, there seems to be a chain reaction.

Many of Zhang Miao's soldiers, who were still hesitant at first, began to drop their weapons one after another.

He squatted on the ground holding his head and surrendered, making a clanging sound.Zhang Cheng and Dian Wei stood here on the city wall.

Just the two of them directly surrendered more than 3000 soldiers and horses. This is really a miracle!
The dozen or so militiamen who came with Zhang Cheng and Dian Wei were determined to die.

Guard at the city gate captured by Zhang Cheng.

They are here to guard the retreat according to Zhang Cheng's order.

They were worried at first, thinking that their coming this time was basically an act of committing suicide, and they were already determined to die.

Who could have imagined that after this short and fierce fighting, the city would be captured.

Their gentleman, who used to be kind and gentle, and the guard who plowed the fields and worked very hard.

Two people actually captured the city?
Still subdued so many soldiers and horses? !
It’s really shocking!
The eyes looking at Zhang Cheng and Dian Wei were as if they were looking at gods!
Han Fei led the people and ran all the way. His legs were almost broken and he was panting.

But he didn't dare to pause.

Because he knew that his husband needed support from himself and others.

Han Fei was trained by Zhang Cheng and was a leader with outstanding abilities among the militiamen.

When Zhang Cheng led Dian Wei and a dozen militiamen who could ride horses, they rushed all the way to Chenliu City to seize the city.

He asked Han Fei to lead the remaining militiamen and quickly go to Chenliu City from behind.

At this moment, Han Fei felt that he was about to die from exhaustion.

But he didn't dare to relax at all, and kept urging people to go faster and faster.

So he quickly came to Chenliucheng to support his husband.

A dozen people dared to seize the city. Han Fei's scalp went numb just thinking about it!
In his imagination, even if his husband was not dead at this time, his situation would definitely be extremely difficult. Life and death only happened in an instant!
If they can rush over earlier, they can provide support to the teacher earlier and prevent him from dying.

To be honest, he and the militiamen he led did not want anything to happen to Mr.

Sir is so kind!

He is the best official they have ever heard of and encountered in all their lives!

Although he is so talented and holds a high position, he is able to get along with them.

Go to the fields to plow the fields in person and teach them farming experience.

If you encounter difficulties, go to your husband and he will actively help you and find a way to solve it for you.

It was precisely because of their husband that they had a bumper harvest, had full stomachs, and had a surplus of food at home.

This was something they never dared to think about in the past!
But because of the existence of Mr., everything has become real!
Such a good officer, such a good gentleman, they would risk their lives to protect him! !
During this period of time, Zhang Cheng was farming in Fengqiu, and his popularity among the people could be seen from now on.

Although he was running wildly all the way, marching at the fastest speed.

But their speed is still far inferior to that of war horses.

So by the time they arrived, it was already nearly an hour later.

Han Fei and others came to Chen Liucheng almost crying.

Because in their imagination, it took so long.

Their husband had already been overwhelmed by the fierce Chen Liu soldiers and horses.

When they came here, they were afraid that what they would see was the heads hanging on the city wall, including their husband and the guards.

In the end, when I really came to Chenliucheng, I saw the real scene.

With their eyes blurred from crying, they were instantly stunned.

This... this Chenliucheng has actually been defeated? !
Moreover, Mr. Dian and the guards, who were only a dozen of them, actually controlled Chen Liucheng! !
This is a miracle, right? !

God, this is so shocking! !
How could my husband do this? !
Deep shock was followed by ecstasy.

They couldn't wait to come here and meet Zhang Cheng.

After learning the specific situation that happened here.

Han Fei and others were even more respectful to Zhang Cheng.

When Han Fei and others arrived, Zhang Chengcheng had enough manpower to call upon.

Zhang Miao has been killed, so next, it is Chen Gong's turn!
(End of this chapter)

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