Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 59 I just don’t know who is stronger, Lu Bu or me, a weak counselor!

Chapter 59 I just don’t know who is stronger, Lu Bu or me, a weak counselor!

Zhang Chao is dead? !
Zhang Miao is also dead? ! !
Was Zhang Cheng killed with some militiamen? !

If Zhang Chao's death was somewhat acceptable to Chen Gong.

The death of Zhang Miao, the governor of Chenliu, made Chen Gong feel even more outrageous!
How is this possible!
How can it be? !
That Zhang Cheng took Chen Liucheng down with just one person and a dozen people?
He even killed Zhang Miao, the governor of Chenliu, on the spot?

And I heard that there were more than a dozen people.But in fact, after Zhang Cheng and his guards took down the city gate, the dozen or so people just guarded the city gate.

Only Zhang Cheng and his big bodyguard went into the city to charge.

It can be said that the two of them completely captured Chenliucheng, and Zhang Miao died as a result.

Later, just two of them were able to frighten many soldiers and horses of Chenliu County. They did not dare to make any move and were surrendered by them.

This... what kind of news did I hear? !
how could it be possible!
how can that be? ! !

Even a smart man like Chen Gong prides himself on being well-informed.

But at this time, after hearing the news reported by this person, I was still completely deceived.

When I think about this, I feel that it is very ridiculous and unrealistic.

Even if you are making it up, you can’t make it up so outrageously, okay?
When doing things, you always have to pay attention to some logic, right?
But the reality is so cruel.

Novels and the like.You need to talk about logic, but reality often doesn’t give you any logic.

After the initial shock, there were repeated inquiries.

Even if Chen Gong didn't believe it, he still had to accept the fact that brothers Zhang Chao and Zhang Miao were dead.

Chen Gong only felt that he was dizzy and had the urge to faint.

The whole person's energy and energy were gone all of a sudden.

It was as if he had been drained of all his strength in an instant.

"Zhang Cheng and Zhang Gao will do it!"

"Zhang Cheng and Zhang Gao will do it...!!"

He kept mumbling the name in his mouth.

Isn't this man just a farmer?
Not a scribe?

Although I heard that he is better at fighting, can't be so outrageous!
Also, what on earth was this guy thinking?

Since he has such strong martial arts, why not hold a military position in Cao Cao's army?
Instead, you want to go to Fengqiu to farm?

Are you still doing farming so well?
Is this guy still a human being?
After thinking like this in despair for a while, an idea suddenly popped into Chen Gong's mind.

It made Chen Gong look a little bad!

He thought of a possibility, maybe...maybe a few months ago.

Cao Cao had already anticipated that there would be such an action on his side!

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence.

He didn't want to put that piece of work somewhere else.

Only Fengqiu, a place close to Chenliucheng, was used for farming.

This is definitely an intentional arrangement!
The reason why I hold back is actually to let myself and others jump out on their own initiative.

Cao Cao took this opportunity to conduct a general purge.

This puts Yanzhou in a better position in his hands.

Otherwise, the scenes in front of us would never appear. .

As for Zhang Cheng's so-called militia, I'm afraid it's not just a militia.

Perhaps, Zhang Cheng did have some militiamen, but they had been secretly replaced by elite soldiers and horses by Cao Cao.

And Zhang Cheng's farming in Fengqiu was just a cover...

The more he thought about it, the more reasonable it seemed to Chen Gong, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he felt.

At the same time, there is also a strong sense of frustration, constantly rising in my mind.

It turned out that the so-called sophisticated planning of myself and others had long fallen into the eyes of Cao Cao's thieves.

What I and others thought was a brilliant plan had long been seen through by Cao Cao!

The funny thing is that I and others were completely kept in the dark.

I don’t know anything and I think it’s top secret.

I feel that after taking action, I can definitely give Cao Cao a heavy blow.

As a result, as soon as they took action, brothers Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao both died.

Zhang Miao is the real leader. With his death, this place will inevitably be leaderless.

And he also believed that since Cao Cao had already noticed their plan.

Then there are definitely more back-up plans waiting for them.

Thinking about it this way, while feeling extremely frustrated, I couldn't help but be shocked.

At this time, Cao Cao was invisibly promoted a lot in Chen Gong's imagination!

"That Zhang Cheng is now heading towards Dongjun with his troops and horses.

We are preparing to attack you, so please make an early decision to deal with Zhang Cheng. "

The person who came to report the news said this to Chen Gong and reminded him.

When Zhang Cheng's name was mentioned, the man couldn't help but tremble.

Zhang Cheng's record has already left a psychological shadow on him.

Thinking of Zhang Cheng's invincible figure among the rebellious army, I felt the urge to pee my pants.

What should I do next?
Many people focused their attention on Chen Gong, waiting for Chen Gong to make up his mind.

Chen Gong, not long ago, was a man who was full of confidence and had an invincible aura.

Now everyone is in panic, and they are shocked by the sudden appearance of Zhang Cheng.

Chen Gong is not a quick-witted person.

He always thinks things over slowly.

Of course, although he is slower to think about strategies.

But generally speaking, any strategy he mentioned was very practical.

Facing everyone's gaze this time, he forced himself to calm down and did not speak.

Instead, he squatted on the ground and thought here.

This went on for nearly an hour.

Chen Gongcai stood up, the panic in his eyes disappeared.

He said:

"Everyone, follow me and turn around immediately. I can't wait to attack Dong'a. There is no need at all.

Everyone, please come with me to find Lu Bu.

We can't stay here in Dongjun any longer. If we stay here any longer, the situation will get worse. "

After hearing Chen Gong's words, everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

In other words, after learning how terrifying Zhang Cheng is, they really don't want to meet Zhang Cheng.

They were really worried that Chen Gong would insist on staying in Dongjun and fight to the death with Zhang Cheng.

Or then attack Dong'a.

Now Chen Gong gave them such a choice, which made them overjoyed.

After making the decision, Chen Gong didn't dare to stay here.

Because judging from the various information given by the people who came to report the news.

Zhang Cheng is a person who is particularly good at rapid marches.

If he delays here for too long, he might not be able to leave.

Chen Gong and his men hurriedly left Dongjun and took a detour to meet Lu Bu.

Before leaving, Chen Gong looked back at Dongjun, feeling extremely complicated and full of frustration.

At the same time, I also deeply remembered Zhang Cheng’s name.

At this time, Zhang Cheng, together with Dian Wei and others, had already approached Dongjun...

Zhang Cheng and Dian Wei came to Dongjun with their people.

Immediately go to the place where Chen Gong is stationed.

When they got there, they got news that Chen Gong had already left first.

Later, after some inquiring, we learned that Chen Gong did not go to Dong'a, but took a detour.

Judging from the information obtained, Zhang Cheng already knew that Chen Gong must have learned about what he had done with Chen Liu.

So I was frightened and ran away early.There was only a difference of two hours between before and after.

This made him feel a little annoyed, and he had the urge to go back and kill Guo Gong, the governor of Yuzhou again.

If it weren't for this guy, he would have just arrived in front of him.

It took some time to let myself kill him, but Chen Gong will definitely not be able to escape this time!
Zhang Cheng immediately led people to chase him, not wanting to let Chen Gong go.

Chen Gong is not walking very far now. If he catches up, there is a great possibility that he can capture Chen Gong.

But after catching up for a while, new problems soon emerged.

That's when Chen Gong began to divide his troops.

Judging from the traces left by Chen Gong, he divided his troops into four groups, and the number of soldiers and horses in each group was about the same.

Suddenly, a huge problem appeared in front of Zhang Cheng.

"Sir... this Chen Gong is too cunning.

Four people were found at once, which one he was in? How could anyone guess?
Why don't you, sir, and I each take some people and pursue them in two directions? "

Dian Wei scratched his head and looked at Zhang Cheng with confusion.

“It’s just that, in this case, there are still two routes that no one will pursue.

Chen Gong is still very likely to escape. "

Zhang Cheng did not speak, but analyzed quickly.

After a while, he shook his head and said:

"Awei, we can't divide our troops."

Because he has few troops here, if he divides his troops again, it will be easy for Chen Gong to use his tactics and defeat them one by one.

After finishing speaking, he pointed to a road leading to the west and said:

"Awei, just follow this road!"

Hearing this, Dian Wei glanced at Zhang Cheng in surprise.

I don't understand why my husband is so sure that Chen Gong will escape along this road.

After all, in his opinion, these roads are all the same.

Chen Gong may take any path.

The reason why Zhang Cheng was able to come to a conclusion so quickly.

It was because in addition to the current information, he also knew some historical knowledge, so he was able to judge.

Under this situation, Chen Gong most likely went to meet Lu Bu.

After determining this, the choices suddenly became much less.

If you go down the road he is pointing in this direction, you can come to Lu Bu's side and meet Lu Bu.

Dian Wei scratched his head and expressed that he didn't quite understand.

“Sir, this…if he goes along this road, it’s not the closest.

If you want to find Lu Bu, you will be closer by walking in this direction.

Then since Chen Gong was anxious to find Lu Bu, why didn't he leave from here? "

Zhang Chengdao:
“If you walk from here, it’s too close to Chenliucheng.

I'm afraid that Chen Gong doesn't have such courage. "

Zhang Cheng stopped staying, got on his horse and galloped away!

Dian Wei scratched his head. To be honest, he didn't understand many of the analyzes Zhang Cheng and him just said.

Although he didn't understand it, he was still shocked.

As expected of a gentleman, he speaks clearly and clearly.

To be able to determine the location of Chen Gong in such a short period of time is truly amazing.

Zhang Cheng is also very confident in his judgment.

But half a day later, Zhang Cheng's confidence disappeared.

At this time, after running wildly, he and Dian Wei had already led their men to catch up with the soldiers and horses.

And with great speed, they defeated them and surrendered many people.

As a result, Chen Gong was not among the troops.

This made Zhang Cheng a little confused.

I just think it's impossible for this to happen.

His judgment was correct.

After some interrogation, Zhang Cheng knew the real reason.

It turns out that Chen Gong was indeed among the soldiers at the beginning.

But not long after marching forward, they took only three or two people with them and headed off to another place. Another golden cicada escaped from its shell.

After learning the news, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but marvel at Chen Gong's caution and determination.

You know, Chen Palace originally had five or six thousand soldiers and horses.

As a result, Chen Gong's series of actions were equivalent to giving up all these thousands of soldiers and horses.

He escaped with only a few close friends.

Apart from anything else, just having the courage to take it up and let it go is not something that ordinary people can have!

However, what Zhang Cheng didn't know was the reason why Chen Gong had such great courage.

It was Zhang Cheng who forced him to do things so decisively.

From the news he received, Chen Gong knew how terrifying Zhang Cheng was.

So I have been thinking about how to escape.

After thinking about it, I finally felt that I should use this method to escape.

It would be better to get rid of all the soldiers and horses and use the many soldiers and horses as a blindfold to cover his progress.

In other words, it was not easy for Chen Gong to gather these soldiers and horses, and he had a lot of hard work in them.

Being forced to throw it away at this time, Chen Gong was extremely reluctant to let it go.

But after learning the lessons of brothers Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao.

Chen Gong still felt that he needed to reluctantly give up his love.

When Chen Gong abandoned these soldiers and horses, Chen Gong's heart really ached.

If he had a choice, he really didn't want to be so bold.

This was all forced by Zhang Cheng.

If Zhang Cheng knew Chen Gong's thoughts at this time.

The feelings in my heart must be very complicated, and there must be a lot to say...

After Zhang Cheng thought for a while, he asked some of Chen Gong's subordinates to lead him to the place where Chen Gong had taken a fork in the road to escape.

Then he led Dian Wei and others in pursuit.

But under such circumstances, how can we catch up?
Chen Gong and others had already disappeared without a trace.

Zhang Cheng also knew that it was basically impossible to catch Chen Gong.

But I still want to try it after all.

After trying to no avail, Zhang Cheng thought for a while and took Dian Wei and others back to Chenliucheng.

Then he went south to join Cao Hong, preparing to deal with Lu Bu together with Cao Hong.

Although there are still many turmoils in Yanzhou today.

Many places are still under the control of those who rebelled.

But Zhang Cheng is not panic at all now.

He has already dealt with brothers Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao.

And Chen Gong has also escaped.

The remaining people are leaderless.

Next, he only needs to meet up with Cao Hong and deal with Lu Bu.

Then many of the existing rebellions in Yanzhou will collapse on their own.

Thinking of what he had to do next, Zhang Chengcheng couldn't help but straighten his waist.

He adjusted his scribe's robe and held the Black Tiger Overlord Gun in his hand.

I just don't know who is stronger or weaker than Lu Bu, a weak counselor like me?
(End of this chapter)

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