Chapter 64 Who is the general? !
After hearing what Xi Zhicai said, Cao Cao and Guo Jia couldn't help but be stunned.

I didn't expect Xi Zhicai to say such words at this time.

By the way, now they know that there is no trouble in Yanzhou.

So now, isn't the most important thing to do is to stop the troops and return immediately and continue the fight here in Xuzhou?

How can you make fun of Zhicai but still say that you will continue to withdraw troops?
However, both of them were smart people. After being stunned for a moment, they immediately understood what Xi Zhicai meant.

"Yes! We will continue to withdraw our troops from Xuzhou!"

Cao Cao said with great interest.

They were also withdrawing their troops, but at this time, Cao Cao's mood was completely different from before.

Guo Jia also nodded, expressing his agreement with Xi Zhicai's opinion.

After the few people finished speaking, they looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Everything was said without saying anything, and I felt very happy.

"Brother Zhicai, it's your quick thinking that actually made you think of such a wonderful move in an instant."

Guo Jia looked at Xi Zhi and said.

Xi Zhicai waved his hand and said:

"What am I?
Compared with Fengxiao, who a few days ago could predict that Gao would very likely do something that would surprise us and others, I am still far behind.

If it weren't for Feng Xiao, you suggested waiting for another three days.

Then we are really withdrawing our troops this time.

From time to time, the consumption will be huge.

We won't take it easy.

Having said that, Gaojiu and I met earlier than Fengxiao.

As a result, when it comes to understanding Gaojiu, I am not as good as you. "

Hearing what Xi Zhicai said, Guo Jia shook his head and said:

"My ability is not that big of a deal, Brother Gao Jiu is the real one.

Who would have thought that in such a desperate situation, he would kill him in a very short time.

This ability is far beyond our reach.

Compared with brother Gao Jiu, the difference is really far. "

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Xi Zhicai couldn't help but nod along.

Expressed his agreement with what Guo Jia said.

Zhang Cheng's performance this time was truly beyond their expectations.

They were truly amazed.

Listening to the words of Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai, Cao Cao couldn't help laughing and said:
"You three are all my humerus ministers.

It is my great fortune, Cao Mengde, to have you waiting under my command!

There are so many talented people at my disposal.

How can Zhang Miao and others be my enemy?
How could Xuzhou have no reason to win? "

Next, Cao Cao informed Xiahou Dun, Xia Houyuan, Cao Ren and others of the information about Yanzhou that Xun Yu had passed to him as quickly as possible.

After these people learned this information, they were both surprised and happy.

At the same time, my heart was filled with shock.

I am very excited and admire Zhang Cheng's actions to turn the tide.

To be honest, if they were put in Zhang Cheng's position, under the same conditions, they would have no chance of making a comeback.

Being able to keep Yanzhou intact is the limit of what they can do.

I want to be like Zhang Cheng and complete the counterattack in a very short time.

It is simply impossible to turn the situation around.

While feeling admiration, there was also some frustration in my heart.

By the way, it is obvious that they are the generals.

Why are these generals so bad compared to Mr. Zhang Cheng and Zhang Gao?

Who is the real general?
Of course, these frustrations were immediately replaced by strong surprises.

Everyone realizes that things are different now.

Next, they can continue their massive offensive in Xuzhou.

Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Cao Renlejin and others all asked for battle.

They expressed their willingness to lead troops and continue to attack Xuzhou.

Capture more places in Xuzhou.

But Cao Cao said that he would continue to retreat.

Cao Ren looked a little puzzled and said:

"My lord, since there is no worries over there in Yanzhou, why do we continue to retreat here?

Wouldn't it be best to continue attacking Xuzhou at this time? "

Hearing Cao Ren's question, Cao Cao showed a smile on his face.

Xiahou Dun, who reacted quickly, already understood Cao Cao's intention.

Cao Cao said:
"Tao Qian was definitely aware of our previous retreating actions.

And he was able to get news of the unrest in Yanzhou very quickly.

In this case, there must be something in mind.

Tao Qian has been beaten so hard by us recently that he can't hold his head up.

Faced with a golden opportunity at this time, do you think he can bear it?

If we continue to attack Tao Qian at this time, he will only retreat into the city.

At this time, I am waiting to withdraw from the army. Faced with such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I think it is basically impossible for Tao Qian to resist taking action.

Tao Qian who was away from the protection of the city was much easier to fight than Tao Qian who was huddled in the city with his head hidden. "

After hearing Cao Cao's words, Cao Ren suddenly realized and understood Cao Cao's intention.

I couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Cao Cao and said:

"My lord is tall! Really tall!"

The gesture of giving a thumbs up to praise someone was something he and Zhang Cheng learned.

When Cao Cao heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

Others who did not understand what Cao Cao meant suddenly realized at this time.

But there were some people who understood what Cao Cao meant from the beginning.

When Cao Ren asked Cao Cao, they felt that Cao Ren was inferior and seemed too stupid.

After meeting Cao Cao at this time and being so happy, the feeling in his heart suddenly became a little different.

They looked at Cao Ren, confused for a moment.

Before Cao Ren asked Cao Cao, did he really understand or pretend to understand this matter?
Who is the idiot?

The mood of everyone on Cao Cao's side has changed greatly.

Then, according to Cao Cao's order, the army still began to retreat in an orderly manner.

And he also deliberately made it look like he was extremely hasty when he retreated...

Cao Cao was riding on his horse and couldn't help but look towards the location of Tao Qian's Tan City.

Yanzhou has undergone such a drastic change since it was blocked. I just don’t know if Tao Qian can hold back and not take action this time...


Donghai County, Tancheng, where Tao Qian is the seat of Xuzhou.

Tao Qian's face looked extremely ugly and withered.

The whole person was extremely weak,

From time to time, he would cough and feel weak.

Tancheng was Tao Qian's administrative seat in Xuzhou.

However, Tao Qian doesn't really want this office anymore.

Want to move to Xiapi.

Because with Cao Cao's continuous attacks, Tancheng, which was originally the center of Xuzhou, was now about to become a front line.

Cao Cao's army kept pressing forward, making Tao Qian feel great pressure.

As a result, at this moment, someone came in a hurry.

Reported very good news to Tao Qian.

"Report! Lord, Cao's army suddenly retreated!"

Cao Cao suddenly withdrew his troops? ! !
Tao Qian, who was still lying on the hospital bed and felt that he was not going to die soon, found the strength to sit up straight without knowing where he came from.

"Tell me, what's going on?

is that true? "

Tao Qian asked eagerly.

"Lord, it is indeed true!
Just last night, Cao Cao suddenly had all his troops set up camp and began to retreat.Soldiers and horses everywhere also began to retreat.

Very hurriedly.

In fact, even the food and luggage in some places were not completely taken away. "

After Tao Qian learned the news, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then endless doubts arose in my heart.

He didn't understand why Cao Cao suddenly retreated at this time.

After all, the powerful offensive shown by Cao Cao and the current balance of power between the enemy and ourselves.

Judging from the support of many people, Cao Cao has gained a huge advantage.

They are at an absolute disadvantage.

Moreover, Cao Cao came to attack Xuzhou this time, but he showed his determination to capture Xuzhou.

Why is it that now that the situation is so good, he is retreating?

Tao Qian was puzzled.

"Quick! Go and fetch Mr. Yuan Long.

correct!Call Liu Xuande over and discuss the matter together. "

Tao Qian kept giving orders, and he himself became energetic.

Ask someone to support him and hurry up to the front to wait for Liu Bei and others to arrive.

Not long after, Liu Bei, Chen Deng, Xu Dan, Cao Bao and others came to Tao Qian one after another.

Xu Dan and Cao Bao are two generals under Tao Qian, and they are called Zhonglang Generals.

The soldiers and horses under his command are also among the most elite soldiers under Tao Qian, the Danyang soldiers.

These two people are from the same hometown as Tao Qian, so Tao Qian trusts them very much.

But at this time, Tao Qian's Danyang soldiers had also suffered a lot of losses after the previous attack against Cao Cao, and their vitality could be said to be severely damaged.

Tao Qian didn't hold back. After a few people arrived, he immediately informed everyone about Cao Cao's withdrawal.

Ask everyone, what does this mean?
Everyone present was greatly surprised when they learned that Cao Cao suddenly withdrew his troops.

Because in their opinion, under this situation.

No matter what, Cao Cao should not retreat.

Since the troops are withdrawing at this time, there must be something very strange about this matter.

This point appeared in everyone's mind almost instantly.

“Lord, this is very abnormal.

Normally, this kind of thing would never happen, but now it has happened.

Is this... is this a trick that Cao Cao specially made to lure the enemy?
Seeing that our side is holding on to the city and not fighting him.

It would be too expensive for him to attack by force, so he wanted to use this strategy to lure us out of the city.

So you can do a good job and take me down here? "

Cao Bao was the first to speak, looking at Tao Qian and expressing his opinion.

Of course this is not Cao Bao. He is far-sighted and can immediately see what Cao Cao is thinking.

But because of Cao Cao himself, after the previous battle with Cao Cao.

His courage has gradually been broken by the people on Cao Cao's side.

Some don't want to fight Cao Cao anymore.

So for the sake of safety, at this time, I was the first to speak and said such words.

After all, as long as they are firmly established, Cao Cao will lead them out to fight.

Then they must do the opposite.

He will never go out of the city to fight Cao Cao.

In this way, he would not have to fight with Cao Cao.

Another lieutenant general, Xu Dan, also spoke up and expressed similar opinions to Cao Bao.

Liu Bei has always kept silent, but he still knows how to measure things.

After all, no matter what, he was not Tao Qian's confidant, he was just here to help.

At such a momentous moment, if he could not speak, then he should not speak.

After Cao Bao and Xu Dan both expressed their opinions, Chen Deng finally said:

"Mr. Tao, I don't think Cao Mengde is using the tactic of suspicion.

Perhaps, we really encountered some huge difficulties.

He had to give up the good situation in Xuzhou and return to the army in a hurry. "

"Mr. Yuanlong, I'm afraid this is impossible!
What kind of major event could make Cao Cao withdraw at this time? "

Cao Bao looked at Chen Deng and expressed his doubts.

Chen Deng said:
"That is naturally his home base, and there has been a big change in Yanzhou.

Otherwise, Cao Cao would never be so anxious. "

Is there a big change in Yanzhou?

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned.

If there are really big changes in Yanzhou, then it would be really justified for Cao Cao to act like this at this time.

Is it really possible for Cao Cao's lair to undergo huge changes so easily?

It is said that Cao Cao came to attack Xuzhou, and there will definitely be arrangements for the back.

And I heard that Zhang Miao, the governor of Chenliu.The relationship with Cao Cao is very good.

Friendship with Cao Cao who sacrificed his son for his wife.

Zhang Miao is deeply rooted there. With him sitting there, there will be no big changes in Cao Cao's Yanzhou.

The friendship between Cao Cao and Zhang Miao was baptized by the flames of war and can definitely be believed.

Chen Deng looked at Cao Bao and Tao Qian and said:

"This moment is the same as that moment!

Cao Cao was too independent in doing things.

They treat aristocratic families and celebrities very harshly.

The famous people in Yanzhou gave way to be killed by Cao Cao.

In addition, Cao Cao was too strong.

For various reasons, Zhang Miao may not still be sincerely loyal to Cao Cao.

Now Cao Cao has come to attack Xuzhou in large numbers, and his rear is empty.

It is reasonable for Zhang Miao and others to seize the opportunity and do something. "

Chen Deng was very confident when he said these words.

By the way, he originally had great hopes for Cao Cao.

If Cao Cao could treat the scholars well and not harm the interests of their Chen family.

Then father and son would not mind joining Cao Cao's command.

However, after Cao Cao came to Xuzhou, he settled the people in the fields and implemented various policies.

In this process, there was no preferential treatment for the nobles.

There is even some partiality for those at the bottom.

Under this situation, the expectations of the Chen family, Chen Deng and his son, for Cao Cao suddenly disappeared.

So he quickly made the decision to work hard to resist Cao Cao and protect Xuzhou.

As members of the same noble clan, the two of them could be said to have some sympathy with Zhang Miao, Chen Gong and others' feelings towards Cao Cao.

"Isn't this possible? Zhang Miao really dares to do such a thing?"

Cao Bao, Tao Qian and others still didn't believe it.

Chen Deng said:
"If we calculate the time, I should be able to receive news about the great changes in Yanzhou soon.

Once the news comes, we will know the specific situation in Yanzhou. "


In less than two hours, a fast horse came from Yanzhou.

Conveyed the news of great changes in Yanzhou to Chen Deng.

Tao Qian couldn't help but feel surprised when he heard this.

"Mr. Yuanlong actually guessed it! Mr. Yuanlong is really a great talent!"

Tao Qian said with an excited voice.

Cao Bao and Xu Dan looked at Chen Deng with admiration.

Liu Bei, who had never spoken much, also looked at Chen Deng with bright eyes.

"Mr. Tao, now the news has been confirmed that Cao Cao's withdrawal is indeed true.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you are not prepared, you are willing to lead troops to pursue Cao Cao! "

(End of this chapter)

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