Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 71 Mr. Gaojiu, please be a human being!

Chapter 71 Mr. Gaojiu, please be a human being! ([-]-word chapter, please subscribe)
Zhang Cheng looked at Gao Shun and asked Gao Shun to surrender.

Dian Wei, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Zhang Cheng speak.

By the way, this is the first time since he followed his husband and started a war with others that he saw his husband persuade him to surrender.

No matter who he met in the past, he always acted neatly and without any sloppiness.

Now, this is setting a precedent for this person named Gao Shun!

But looking at Gao Shun's performance, he somewhat understood why his husband did this.

He also felt that Gao Shun could really afford his husband's personal persuasion to surrender.

If such a person can be used for his own use, it will indeed be a big help.

Hearing this, Gao Shun smiled proudly and said: "Who are you? You are worthy of letting me, Gao Shun, surrender!"

Stop talking nonsense and fight if you want. I, Gao Shun, will follow! ! "

Zhang Cheng looked at Gao Shun calmly and said: "If we continue to fight, you won't be able to defeat me.

Now you, as well as many of your subordinates, have fallen into a certain death situation.

Keep fighting, you are just making some unnecessary sacrifices.

Lu Bu and others have already left, why do you continue to lead people to fight to the death?
Your mission is accomplished, surrender.

To be honest, for Lu Bu, if you can do this for him, it is already the most benevolent and righteous thing.

Next, you need to think about yourself and the many brothers under your command.

Lu Bu is lucky to have a subordinate like you. "

Hearing this, Gao Shun looked at Zhang Cheng and said righteously: "Don't talk nonsense here and sow discord!
Marquis Wen treats me very well and is my shun benefactor!
I will repay you with death, it is the right thing to do! "

Zhang Cheng smiled when he heard this: "Lu Bu is really that kind to you?
If he is so kind to you, why is he so defensive about you?

You have trained yourself to fall into the camp. As a result, you can't even see the trapped camp on weekdays.

There is no way to control the trapped camp!

He handed over the control of the trapped camp to his brother-in-law Wei Xu.

Only in wartime, when your lives are needed, will you be allowed to lead the camp.

He has already treated you like this, and you still say that Lu Bu treats you extremely well?

Trust you a lot?

I have never seen anyone trust someone like this! "

Zhang Cheng's words made Gao Shun remain silent.

Dian Wei, who was standing next to him, originally thought Zhang Cheng was just talking nonsense.

After all, he has been farming in Fengqiu with his husband these days.

I don’t know much about what’s going on outside.

What my husband said just now was obviously something secretive about Lu Bu.

My husband shouldn't know.

But judging from Gao Shun's reaction at this time, his husband was not just talking nonsense, but actually got it right? !

While he was shocked that his husband knew so many things, he was also shocked by Lu Bu's operation.

In other words, judging from these interactions over time, Gao Shun is impeccable in terms of loyalty, personal bravery, and leading troops in war.

For any person, it is definitely a blessing to have a subordinate like Gao Shun!
Will be treated well.

But when I arrived at Lu Bu's place, everything changed.

Lu Bu was actually very wary of generals like Gao Shun?

Even Dian Wei didn't know what to say.

Gao Shun was silent for a moment and said: "Don't talk nonsense here!

Marquis Wen naturally had his reasons for doing this! "

Zhang Cheng laughed loudly: "The difficulties? The difficulties are nothing!

Gao Shun, don’t comfort yourself here and deceive yourself!

Then Lu Bu just doesn't trust you!
Just to be on guard against you!

For such a person, what you did before is completely worthy of him!
You don't owe him anything!
Before, you lived for Lu Bu, but now you need to live for yourself! "

With that said, Zhang Cheng pointed to Gao Shun's side. The remaining 400 soldiers were all covered in blood and looked extremely tired, but they had a high fighting spirit.

“In addition to yourself, you also have to think about the subordinates around you.

If you don't want to live, I can understand.

But what about them?
They were all trained by you, could you bear to watch them die? ! "

Zhang Cheng's words made Gao Shun become even more silent.

He turned his head towards the soldiers trapped in the camp beside him, his resolute expression showing a slight wavering.

After being silent for a while, he suddenly said: "We belong to the trapped camp! Listen to my orders! Put down your weapons and surrender immediately!!"

Hearing Gao Shun's words, Zhang Cheng showed a smile on his face.

Dian Wei, Cao Hong and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

In other words, they have all been impressed by Gao Shun's loyalty and bravery.

Some worry that Gao Shun will go all the way to the dark side and would rather die than surrender.

If this is really the case, it is really very regrettable.

This is not what they want to see.

"Ding ding ding dong..."

Following Gao Shun's order, many soldiers trapped in the camp, after hesitating for a while, dropped their weapons on the ground and surrendered.

Gao Shun looked at them and said: "You have done a good job, really good!
Mission accomplished!
Mission accomplished!

You should not continue to fight.

You also have wives, children, and children, and you are all living people!
So, live well! "

After saying that, he turned to look at Zhang Cheng and said, "General Zhang, right?"

Zhang Cheng shook his head and said: "I am not a general, I am a weak counselor."

Originally, Gao Shun had already brewed his emotions very well, but at this time, when he heard Zhang Cheng's words, he couldn't help but be stunned.

There was a moment of confusion, and the whole person felt a little bad.

You are so brave that you knocked Lord Lu Bu off his horse and snatched the red rabbit and horse.

He even said that he was a weak counselor?
How did you say this? !
How thick-skinned do you have to be to say this? !

Not only Gao Shun, but among the people present, except for Dian Wei, who had long been accustomed to his husband, the rest were also somewhat offended by Zhang Cheng's words about weak counselors.

People like you are still weak counselors, so what are the rest of them?
Could you please stop being so hurtful? !

However, looking at Zhang Cheng's serious expression and the blood-stained scribe's robe he was wearing, Gao Shun was stunned for a moment and had to reluctantly accept Zhang Cheng's statement that he was a weak counselor.

He took a breath, calmed down his mood, looked at Zhang Cheng and said: "General Zhang... Sir, the soldiers and horses under my command have already surrendered.

I also ask Mr. Zhang to treat them kindly in the future. "

Zhang Cheng nodded and said: "These people are all loyal and righteous people. If they can follow Duke Cao well in the future, Duke Cao will naturally not owe them anything.

Hearing this, Gao Shun nodded and said, "With Mr. Zhang's words, I feel relieved."

After he finished speaking, he picked up a sword from the ground with lightning speed and wiped it on his neck!

This sudden move immediately confused many people.

And many people can’t react.

After all, Gao Shun was still talking about surrender just now.

Everyone thought he was going to surrender, but who could have imagined that he actually asked the soldiers under his command who were trapped in the camp to surrender.

But he himself chose to commit suicide by wiping his neck!

puff! !

There was only a sound, and a stream of light flashed past, and when Gao Shun was about to successfully wipe his neck, it flew over.

It hit Gao Shun directly on the wrist.

Gao Shun's wrist was beaten until it was sore and numb.

I can no longer hold the sword in my hand.

Caught off guard, the sword fell to the ground with a clanking sound.

But it turned out that at the last moment, Zhang Cheng quickly threw the riding crop in his hand.

He hit Gao Shundao on the wrist with the handle of the riding crop and rescued Gao Shun.

Gao Shun was knocked out of his sword by Zhang Cheng, and he immediately lowered his head to look for other weapons again.

But there is no chance.

It was spread into a big foot, printed on the chest, and Gao Shun was kicked to the ground with one kick.

Before Gao Shun could struggle, he was pinned to the ground by Zhang Cheng and unable to move.

Gao Shun struggled hard and said vaguely:
"Let me go! I have no talent, I'm just an ordinary person.

Why do you want me to live?Want to conquer me?

You can stop me from dying now, but you can't stop me in the future! "

Dian Wei and others also came to their senses at this time.

I admire Gao Shun, but also seem a little helpless.

At this time, after hearing what Gao Shun said, Dian Wei and others also felt that it was very difficult to subdue Gao Shun.

It is true that if a person wants to die, it is really impossible to prevent it.

He thought about it in his mind for a while and felt that there was no good way to solve it.

He immediately looked at Zhang Cheng and said, "Sir, if not, let him die.

Anyway, he wants to die, no matter what you do, he will die.

It's thankless, so I might as well die now. "

Hearing Dian Wei's words, the corners of Zhang Cheng's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

As expected of Dian Wei, he handles things with a clear energy!

Zhang Cheng then quickly let Gao Shun and Dian Wei see that he indeed had a way to cure Gao Shun, a man who wanted to die.

Zhang Chengdao:
"Okay, you can die if you want, but all the more than 400 subordinates under your command will die with you.

As long as you dare to die, I will send all of them to you without leaving any one behind. "

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Gao Shun, who was struggling violently, immediately stopped moving.

"you can not do that!

You are also a scribe, how could you do such a despicable and shameless thing? "

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng smiled and said:
"Who told you that scribes should do things with dignity?

Have you never heard of how evil-minded scholars can be? "

"No! Don't you dare kill them!

These are more than 400 people, and they have all surrendered.

Killing a prisoner is such a big crime, you can't afford it! "

Zhang Cheng smiled when he heard this.

"Do you think I care about this?
How did you figure out that I couldn't do it?
Also, I allowed them to surrender and decided to give them a way out for your sake, Gao Shun.

Now that you, Gao Shun, are going to die, what's the use of keeping them here? I'll just kill them all. "

Think back to Zhang Cheng's previous performances, and then listen to what Zhang Cheng says now.

Gao Shun really couldn't fathom Zhang Cheng's thoughts.

He didn't dare to bet, because judging from everything he saw, Zhang Cheng was really not a soft-hearted person.

Zhang Cheng let go of his hand and stood up, no longer holding Gao Shun down.

He straightened his scribe's robe, took out the feather fan stained with some blood, and shook it slowly.

Looking at Gao Shun said:
"Well, I've made it very clear to you. It's up to you how to choose."

Gao Shun looked at this picture and was speechless.

I feel that Zhang Cheng is simply a villain, an extremely shameless person.

To threaten him with the lives of so many people!
But Gao Shun still likes this very much.

This is his weakness.

Although at this time, he very much wanted to commit suicide by wiping his neck with a sword to maintain his loyalty.

But he really couldn't harden his heart and watched as more than 400 people were killed by Zhang Cheng.

If he dies during the battle, he dies.

But now, the battle is over, and it would be a great loss if he dies again.

So after a moment of silence, Gao Shun sighed.

He threw the sword in his hand anyway.

Looking at Zhang Cheng, he said helplessly:

"Why are you doing this?
My Gao Shun's heart has already died. It's meaningless for you to use this method to force me to live.

Don’t you smell the sweetness of a twisted melon? "

Zhang Cheng said nonchalantly:

"The twisted melon is not sweet, but it is enough to quench your thirst."

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Gao Shun was speechless for a moment, and he didn't know what to say.

Gao Shun's eloquence was not good and he was not an eloquent person.

Now that I have met Zhang Cheng, a counselor who seems to have an extremely flexible bottom line, it is even more difficult.

So I could only swallow my anger and keep scolding Zhang in my heart for being a shameless person.

But there was nothing he could do against Zhang Cheng.

Cao Hong, Dian Wei and others were stunned when they saw how easily Zhang Cheng had taken advantage of someone like Gao Shun.

I have a new understanding of Zhang Cheng's methods.

As expected of Mr. Zhang, his words and deeds are different.

After seeing this scene, many of the soldiers who were trapped in the camp brought by Gao Shun had a good impression of Zhang Cheng.

Because they really don't want their general Gao to die.

After dealing with Gao Shun's matter, the next step is to clean the battlefield and count the harvest.

This battle was fought beautifully and the harvest was many.

Here at Lu Bu, a lot of food, grass and baggage that was too late to be taken away were left here.

"Mr. Gaojiu, we really belong to you! It's up to you, Mr. Gaojiu, to take action.

If it doesn't move, that's it. If it moves, it will be a thunderous strike. "

After counting the goods received, Cao Hong came here and looked at Zhang Cheng and said excitedly.

He was in high spirits, and his title of Zhang Cheng changed from Gaojiu to Mr. Gaojiu.

And the honorific "you" also appeared.

This happened to Cao Hong, but it was really not easy.

After all, Cao Hong has major character flaws, he is very arrogant and will not be easily convinced.

Especially for some of Cao Cao's counselors, generally speaking, he didn't have too much respect.

But now, he, who had never been very fond of counselors, admired Zhang Cheng and spoke of Mr. Gaojiu.

From here we can see how much the power of Zhang Cheng's battle touched Cao Hong.

It can be said that Cao Hong was really impressed.

Faced with Cao Hong's praise, Zhang Cheng sighed.

Cao Hong was a little confused by Zhang Cheng's sigh.

I wonder why Mr. Gao Jiu sighed because they had just won a big victory here and everyone was excited?

Shouldn't we be happy now?

Faced with Cao Hong's confusion, Zhang Cheng sighed and said:
"What a pity that Lu Bu ran away this time!
This makes this campaign somewhat unsatisfactory. "

After hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Cao Hong's face couldn't help but twitch.

People also seemed quite shocked.

It turns out that Mr. Gaojiu sighed because of this matter.

He wanted to say to this, Mr. Gaojiu, please be a human being!
You have already beaten Lu Bu so miserably.

Lu Bu's red rabbit and horse were snatched away.

He also surrendered Lu Bu's general Gao Shun.

The strong general Hao Meng was beheaded.

In this battle, Lu Bu lost his helmet and armor, and also lost a lot of food and equipment, leaving him with broken muscles and bones.

Just like that, you still feel a little regretful?
You are showing off properly and inciting hatred!

I've never seen you like this!
This is Lu Bu!
Known as the best general in the world!
I've been beaten like this in front of you, and you still feel dissatisfied?

Facing Zhang Cheng's sorrow, Cao Hong didn't know what to say.

Sure enough, this person's pursuits and ideas are different from person to person.

If he were allowed to do such a thing, he didn't know how happy he would be.

As a result, Mr. Zhang Gaojiu succeeded in this work, but he regretted that he did not give full play to his work.

This is so hurtful!
However, after thinking of some things he had learned recently, Cao Hong's thoughts suddenly changed.

He heard people say that this time when they attacked Lu Bu, Mr. Gao Jiu led his men, but they directly hit Lu Bu's Chinese army camp.

He rushed straight towards Lu Bu's wife and daughter, very bravely.
If Lu Bu hadn't arrived in time and stopped Mr. Gaojiu.

So according to Mr. Gao Jiu's courage, Lu Bu's wife and daughter will never have to run away!

It will be taken down by Mr. Gaojiu.

Could it be that... what Mr. Gao Jiu regretted was not that he could not kill Lu Bu.

But regret that Lu Bu's wife and daughter slipped away from under your nose? !

The more he thought about it, Cao Hong felt that his idea was very reliable, and it was probably the truth.

I heard that Mrs. Lu Bu was a beauty with excellent looks and a bit of wildness.

Lu Bu's concubine Diao Chan is even more famous and is not an ordinary woman.

Her daughter Lu Lingqi has also grown up and looks heroic in military uniform.

If Mr. Gao Jiu can capture them, everyone will indeed enjoy the blessings.

He can become a father immediately.

In the end, they were allowed to slip away right under their noses.

This is indeed a shame.

As soon as he thought of this, he immediately understood Mr. Gao Jiu's state of mind at this time.

Looking at Zhang Cheng, he showed a clear look.

At the same time, I was thinking in my heart that I would tell my brother about this matter after he returns from Xuzhou.

See if you can ask your brother to think of a way to find a partner for Mr. Gaojiu.

After all, Mr. Gao Jiu has made such a great contribution this time.

It is the right thing for the Lord to find a companion to accompany Mr. Gaojiu.

Moreover, this can further tie Mr. Gao Jiu to his brother.

Mr. Gao Jiu is a rare genius with both literary and military skills.

This kind of people must not be missed!

Zhang Cheng didn't know what he was feeling.

It actually attracted Cao Hong, who had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and had so many thoughts in his heart.

If he knew, he would definitely say that Cao Hong misunderstood him a lot.

He had led his troops straight to Lu Bu's wife and daughter before, and he didn't have so many thoughts.

Just thinking about it.Crush Lu Bu's side as quickly as possible, that's all.


That's true!


After cleaning the battlefield, Zhang Chenggong took Dian Wei and others and left from here.

Because his mission has been completed, kill Zhang Chao and Zhang Miao.As well as Guo Gong, the governor of Yuzhou, now defeated Lu Bu again.

The crisis in Yanzhou has been completely resolved.

There was new information on the panel, showing that he had shattered Zhang Miao's conspiracy, successfully defended Yanzhou, and had reached the end of his one-year lifespan.

Now Zhang Cheng has almost four years to live.

It instantly made him feel happy.

Although it seems that four years is not a long lifespan, it can increase the lifespan if you can't stand it!

While other people's lives are shorter, his life is longer.

In the long run, it is really exciting.

As for Cao Hong, he stayed and advanced the front line dozens of miles.

Stay in that place and defend it.

Be prepared for some dangers that may arise.

Zhang Cheng took Dian Wei and the soldiers and horses he had conquered back to Fengqiu...


"It was not my original intention to lead the army in conquest.

I, Zhang Cheng, never like to fight, so I have no choice but to resolve the fight.What I like to do most is not to charge into battle, kill enemies, or compete with others.

I just like to have nothing to do, plow some fields, plant some land, raise chickens, and have a good sleep.

Plant a vegetable.

This is the ideal life..."

On the way back, Zhang Cheng was dressed in a scribe's gown, swinging his feather fan gently in his hand, looking elegant.

Said this to Dian Wei beside him.

When Dian Wei heard Zhang Chengzhi's words, he was a little drunk for a while.

You don't like to fight?

Don't like charging into battle?
When you rush up, even people like me look scared!
You don't like fighting. After this battle, Zhang Chao, Zhang Miao, Guo Gong, the governor of Yuzhou, and many others were all killed by you.

Lu Bu was defeated and all the red rabbits and horses were snatched away by you.

Lu Bu's powerful general Hao Meng was also killed by you.

I fought with you, sir, but I didn't catch many big fish.

All the famous big fish have been caught by you!
Now you say that you don’t like fighting or charging into battle, but you only like to cultivate the land and grow vegetables?

Sir, how did you say this?

Why are you so thick-skinned?
Don't you feel embarrassed to say this?

Dianwei people are so numb that they are too embarrassed to expose their own husband.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, sir, you are right.

You don't like fighting at all. Those people are seeking their own death and insist on hitting you with your gun. "

Dian Wei nodded repeatedly and expressed his agreement with Zhang Cheng's words.

Obviously, he didn't want to talk to Zhang Cheng about this matter.


In a place in Yuzhou, Lu Bu finally stabilized his position after fleeing for a while.

After counting the losses, Lu Bu's mentality, which was already broken, became even more broken at this time.

This time, he suffered heavy casualties, and his general Hao Meng died.

If Gao Shun stayed to stop the enemy, he might not survive.

The soldiers and horses were killed, some surrendered, and some fled, and more than half of them were lost.

The losses in terms of grain, grass and baggage were even more severe.

More importantly, his red rabbit horse was also snatched away by Zhang Cheng's thieves.

That's his red rabbit horse!
Thinking of this, Lu Bu felt uncomfortable all over. He was filled with depression and had nowhere to vent.

If he had known that this would be the result, he would never fight Zhang Cheng again no matter what he said.

At that time, we should have just led the troops and left without any further entanglement.

I don't want to think about regaining my position or anything like that.

“Brother-in-law, it’s all Chen Gong’s fault!
This person obviously has no ability, yet he brags about it.

If it weren't for him, he would give random ideas to his brother-in-law.

According to the abilities of my brother-in-law, there is absolutely no way there would be such a big loss! "

Wei Xu looked at Lu Bu and said this.

Hearing Wei Xu talk about Chen Gong, Lu Bu's eyes immediately stood up, and a lot of anger arose!

"Has Chen Gong been tied up?"

Wei continued: "Don't worry, brother-in-law, he can't run away!

It has been tied up tightly! "

Hearing this, Lu Bu made a clanging sound and drew the sword from his waist.

"Let's go! Join me and chop this man alive!"


"Chen Gong, I will kill you now!
I will dig out your heart and liver to pay tribute to my many soldiers who died tragically.

You can take it!Anything else to say? "

Lu Bu held the sword in one hand and his eyes widened.

Looking in front of him, Chen Gong, who was tied to a tree and unable to move, shouted.

Lu Bu was filled with murderous intent and his eyes were blood red.

This disastrous defeat against Zhang Chengshi dealt a huge blow to Lu Bu.

It made him feel particularly uncomfortable and filled with anger, unable to vent.

At this time, everything fell on Chen Gong.

If Chen Gong hadn't given him some blind ideas, even if he was defeated, he would never have been defeated so miserably.

I really believed in Chen Gong's evil deeds, so I was crushed by Zhang Cheng again and again!
Facing Lu Bu's shouts and questions, Chen Gong remained silent.

It wasn't until Zhang Liao on the side stepped forward and pulled out the rag stuffed in Chen Gong's mouth that Chen Gong's voice sounded.

"There is nothing to dissatisfy. It is reasonable for you to kill me."

Faced with Lu Bu's shouts and the gleaming sword, Chen Gong did not flinch and looked calm.

By the way, this time, it was not only a huge blow to Lu Bu, but also a huge blow to Chen Gong.

Chen Gong is also a proud and arrogant person.

Very confident in his own strategy.

This time, Zhang Miao welcomed Lu Bu to move into Yanzhou. He helped to formulate many things.

Originally, he passed the plans he made according to what he thought.

He will definitely give Cao Cao a hard blow.

Lu Bu can also capture Yanzhou.

As a result, it was completely destroyed by Zhang Cheng, a sudden rise of the army!
He came to Lu Bu and gave him advice, but made mistakes one after another.

Zhang Cheng did not act according to his inference at all.

This time, it was Zhang Cheng who robbed the camp and severely broke his plan, throwing him to the ground and trampling on him hard.

Chen Gong felt extremely frustrated.

He never thought that one day he would have such an aggrieved moment when he was being plotted against and targeted at every turn!

This series of blows is not a big deal for a smart person like him.

So at this time, Chen Gong really didn't want to live anymore.

Lu Bu heard this and said angrily:

"You are quite self-aware!
If that's the case, then I'll take out your heart and liver first!

Then chop off your head to commemorate the many innocent and tragic deaths of my soldiers.

do not blame me!It's because you have no ability yourself, yet you still like to give advice to others!

After killing so many people, you have to pay the price! "

After saying that, Lu Bu said no more, stepped forward, and personally took off Chen Gong's clothes, exposing Chen Gong's chest.

Holding the sword, he was ready to take out Chen Gong's heart.

But Chen Gong stood here without any fear on his face.

Facing all this with calm eyes, waiting for death to come.

"My lord, wait a minute, if you want to save Chen Gongtai's life, don't kill him.

At this moment, Zhang Liao's voice rang out, speaking out to dissuade Lu Bu.

When Lu Bu heard this, he frowned and said:

“Wenyuan, what does this mean?

Chen Gong killed so many people, including me, and caused us a miserable defeat.

If you don't kill him, how can you be worthy of the souls of many soldiers in heaven? "

Zhang Liao said:
"My lord, Chen Gongtai does have to bear a lot of responsibility for this matter.

But you can't blame him entirely.

After all, in our opinion at the time, his idea was indeed a good one.

This failure cannot be said to be due to Chen Gong's incompetence.

It can only be said that Zhang Cheng is too difficult to deal with.

Both wise and brave, very terrifying.

Next, we don’t need to fight Zhang Cheng anymore.

Then Chen Gongtai might be able to play a greater role if he stays with his lord. "

Hearing Zhang Liao say this, many people, including Lu Bu and the tied up Chen Gong, were said to have lost their defense.

Although they didn't want to admit it themselves, they had to admit that Zhang Liao was very right in what he said.

That is, it's not that they can't do it, it's that Zhang Cheng is too strong.

After being silent for a while, Lu Bu's expression turned cold.

He turned his hand over and slashed Chen Gong with the long sword in his hand!

No mercy at all!
The next moment, only a pop was heard.

The rope that bound Chen Gong was broken every inch.

"Just as Wen Yuan said, spare your life!
From now on, stay with me and give me good advice. "

However, Lu Bu decided to let Chen Gong go, but Chen Gong was unwilling to follow Lu Bu.

Chen Gong said:
"As talented as I am, I won't be embarrassed by Wen Hou."

When Lu Bu heard this, his anger suddenly rose again, and he glared.

"If you don't embarrass yourself here, I will chop you up immediately!"

Facing Lu Bu's death threat, Chen Gong stood up straight
"If you want to chop me down, go ahead and do it. I don't want to live anymore."

Lu Bu was immediately furious, feeling that Chen Gong was working against him.

At that moment, he raised his sword and killed Chen Gong.

Seeing that the two of them were at a standstill, it was Zhang Liao who once again stood up to smooth things over at the critical moment.

"Mr. Gongtai, victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists.

According to Mr. Gongtai's ability, how can we be willing to lose to Zhang Cheng?
Such self-destruction is not what a man would do!
In my opinion, a true man should not be arrogant when he wins and not be discouraged when he loses.

If you lose at the hands of one person, then you will think of a way and rack your brains to defeat the opponent and regain your position.

This is the real man! "

After hearing what Zhang Liao said, Chen Gong finally stopped fighting with Lu Bu.

Decided to stay with Lu Bu and assist Lu Bu...


"I think Wen Hou should not go to Huainan to seek refuge with Yuan Shu.

First, Yuan Shu is not very capable.

Second, Wen Hou has a better place to go.

This place is Xuzhou!

Tao Qian is very old and may not live long.

I heard that Liu Bei arrived in Xuzhou and helped Tao Qian resist Cao Cao.

I have heard of Liu Bei, and he is a fairly capable person.

At this time, Marquis Wen came to Xuzhou and joined forces with Liu Bei, Tao Qian and others to fight against Cao Cao.

You can even ask Yuan Shu for help and join forces to fight against Cao Cao.

In this way, there is a high possibility that Xuzhou can take advantage of the chaos and obtain considerable benefits.

Establish a foothold in Xuzhou. "

Chen Gong quickly came into play as a counselor.

Help Lu Bu here and plan his next route.

However, he didn't know that Tao Qian was dead yet.

After listening to what Chen Gong said, Lu Bu thought for a while and decided to follow Chen Gong's plan and go to Xuzhou.

To be honest, he himself was quite resistant to going to Yuan Shu's place.

After all, he had worked under Yuan Shu before this.

However, due to some things, he was unhappy and eventually left Yuan Shu.

First he abandoned Yuan Shu, and now he goes to work for Yuan Shu, which is really a bit of a waste of time!
Now Chen Gong has given him such an opinion, which is in line with his wishes.

Soon, Lu Bu took the remaining troops and headed straight towards Xuzhou.


"Don't... don't Zhang Cheng, don't!!
In the darkness, Diao Chan shouted, her beauty pale.

The voice sounded very panicked.

Lu Bu, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by Diao Chan's voice.

I thought there was an enemy attack, but Zhang Cheng came again!
I was also panicking in my heart.

In an instant, he stood up and reached out to take Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand!

"Where is Zhang Cheng?!"

He shouted loudly.

By the way, the battle with Zhang Cheng also left a certain psychological shadow on him.

After shouting loudly, they suddenly realized that at this time they were close to Xuzhou and far away from Zhang Cheng.

How could Zhang Cheng come here again?
With this thought in mind, he quickly went to see Diao Chan.

I found that Diao Chan was not awake yet at this time.

He was still shouting things like "Zhang Cheng, no".

Lu Bu felt very uncomfortable when he heard his woman calling Zhang Cheng's name in her dream with such a frightened expression.

I feel a little strange.

He quickly stepped forward and shook Diao Chan awake.

When Diao Chan woke up, she was still shouting for Zhang Cheng in panic.

After shouting several times, I gradually realized that it was just a dream.

The person in front of her is her husband Lu Bu!

Immediately, he rushed into Lu Bu's arms and hugged Lu Bu tightly.

The body is still shaking slightly.

Obviously he has not yet come out of the shadow that Zhang Cheng brought to him in his dream.

"Have another nightmare?"

Lu Bu patted Diao Chan on the back and looked at Diao Chan asking with some concern.

Diao Chan nodded with lingering fear.

She was soaked with sweat.

At this time, Diao Chan looked like a scared kitten shivering.

Lu Bu comforted Diao Chan and said, "Don't worry.

At this time, we had already reached a safe place, and Zhang Cheng couldn't get through.

Even if it really comes, I will kill it!
The last time, I was just careless and suffered the murderous hands of the thief.

Now that I am on guard against him, he dares to come again.There will be no return for him! "

Lu Bu's voice was extremely domineering and sonorous.

In the past, Diao Chan would feel unusually at ease when hearing Lu Bu say this.

But now, thinking of Zhang Cheng's invincible and fierce appearance in the military formation, and thinking of her husband Lu Bu, who was also defeated by Zhang Cheng and almost died, Diao Chan didn't quite believe Lu Bu's words.

However, in order to reassure Lu Bu, she still nodded vigorously, saying that she felt relieved that Lu Bu was here...

Lu Lingqi was not asleep at this time either.

At this time, the person she was thinking about was also Zhang Cheng.

All he could think of was Zhang Cheng riding up with a gun and appearing invincible in the military formation.

Especially when Zhang Cheng was in Zongheng, he was still wearing a scribe's robe, with a certain elegance on his face.

But what he did was not elegant at all.

Such a huge contrast brings a strong sense of impact to people.

Lu Lingqi has a very clear understanding of how strong the soldiers trained by her grandfather are.

Moreover, she is also very proficient in martial arts.

It is precisely because of this that I can understand more and more how strong Zhang Cheng is when he can do this!
Not to mention, even her invincible grandfather was defeated by Zhang Cheng!

Who is Zhang Cheng?

How come you have such courage? !

Recalling Zhang Cheng's figure approaching on horseback, she seemed a little frightened and had some special feelings.

She felt that she might be able to improve her martial arts skills in the future and one day defeat that Zhang Cheng! !

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Lingqi remembered Gao Shun, who stayed behind to cut off the queen for them all, and saved her and all of them.

I don’t know what happened to Gao Shun when he was cut off from behind.

According to that Zhang Cheng.The ferocity shown, as well as the loyalty and bravery Gao Shun has always shown, I'm afraid... there will be more danger than good.

Lu Lingqi felt even more uncomfortable when she thought of this matter.

After all, it is such a pity that such a loyal and brave general like Gao Shun died like this...


The next day, Lu Bu received information and learned that Gao Shun was not dead.

Instead, he surrendered to Zhang Cheng.

Lu Bu couldn't help being furious.

“Why don’t you die, that thief Gao Shun?!

Why did you betray me?Surrendered to Zhang Cheng? !

Just like that, he still said that he had no different intentions? !

It seems that I made a very wise decision by not letting him lead the camp on weekdays!

If not, I'm afraid he would have been killed by this thief! "

Lu Bu was furious.

He had some opinions about Gao Shun. After learning what Gao Shun had done, he was filled with anger and couldn't help it.

If Gao Shun was in front of him at this time, he would definitely make Gao Shun look good!

Lu Lingqi breathed a sigh of relief after learning that Gao Shun was not dead.

When he heard what Lu Bu said, he said: "Master, General Gao has fulfilled his duty and completed his mission.

Saved us all.

When he was trapped in a desperate situation where he was certain to die, there was nothing wrong with him surrendering.

Moreover, the information obtained did not mean that General Gao was about to commit suicide at that time, but that he was forcibly saved by Zhang Cheng.

And he threatened the lives of more than 400 people who were trapped in the camp, so General Gao had to compromise.

General Gao can't really be blamed for this matter. "

When Lu Bu heard what Lu Lingqi said, he snorted and said, "I think Gao Shun did it on purpose!
It seems that he is very loyal and brave, and wants to stay and wait for me to die.

At this time, it seems that I am afraid that he has already had a dissatisfaction with me and wants to take this opportunity to break away from me and go to the more powerful Cao Cao.

Its heart is awkward!

In the past, I didn't realize that Gao Shun had such a deep scheming mind! "

Hearing what Lu Bu said, Lu Lingqi was speechless.

I don’t know how to evaluate my grandpa.

Putting yourself in his shoes, it is really rare for Gao Shun to be able to do all this!
Lu Lingqi was here again, persuading Lu Bu for a while, and told Lu Bu not to talk about Gao Shun like that in front of other people, especially his generals.

Otherwise, it would be easy for the generals under Lu Bu to feel disappointed.
Facing Lu Lingqi's explanation, Lu Bu thought for a while and reluctantly nodded.

I agree...


"Marquis Wen, are you feeling upset because of Gao Shun's affairs?"

Chen Gong is a smart man. No matter how well Lu Bu hides it from outsiders, he still sees some clues.

Lu Bu nodded.

Chen Gong said: "According to what I see, maybe Marquis Wen doesn't need to be so upset?"

Lu Bu frowned when he heard this.

"Why, you also want to intercede for Gao Shun?"

Chen Gong shook his head: "That's not the case, but I think that for Marquis Wen, this is not only not a bad thing, but may also be a good thing."

Lu Bu was very surprised and full of confusion.

What did Chen Gong say?

Gao Shun's traitor betrayed him, and Zhang Cheng, who surrendered, went to Cao Cao's side. Chen Gong actually said that this was a good thing?
Could it be that he was bullying himself for his lack of education and secretly mocking himself?
But what Chen Gong said next quickly caused a huge change in Lu Bu's mood.

I began to agree with what Chen Gong said...

(End of this chapter)

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