Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 76: Can we be a little more disciplined?

Chapter 76: Can we... have some moral integrity? (Five in one, a big chapter of [-] words)
The army rolled forward and began to retreat from Xuzhou and returned to Yanzhou.

Along the way, there were many people, eating pots of pulp and saying goodbye to Cao Cao and others.

Some people even cried outright, unwilling to let Cao Cao and others leave.

They were worried that after Cao Cao and others left, the policies here in Xuzhou would change.

Xuzhou will change again.

I had just lived a good life for a while, but it was gone again.

Cao Cao sat on his horse and kept raising his hands to these people.

Promise them that Xuzhou’s policies will not change.

He left, but left many soldiers and horses to guard Xuzhou.

We will not let people from other places come to Xuzhou to cause damage.

The policies he left behind will still be implemented here in Xuzhou...

Liu Bei took Guan Yu and Zhang Fei with him as Cao Cao returned to Yanzhou.

Watching such a scene, I felt very complicated in my heart.

This is the scene that he longs for extremely much, and it is also the scene that he has always wanted to achieve through his own efforts.

But none of these were achieved, but they were seen in Cao Cao.

This was deeply touching for Liu Bei, who always demands himself with benevolence and uses benevolence as a weapon to arm himself.

He thought of Zhang Cheng again.

If it weren't for Zhang Cheng and Zhang Gaojiu, Cao Cao would never have made such a big change!

The scene in front of me will never happen.

This made him determined to see Zhang Cheng after coming to Yanzhou.

No matter what, he wanted to see Zhang Cheng!
Look at this person, who is he?
However, Liu Bei's mood was complicated and he was envious.

Regarding the scene in front of me, I felt a little happy to see it.

He also hopes that the lives of these people can become better.

Of course, if possible, he would prefer to do it by his own hands.

Let these people's lives have a huge change.

Rather than through the hands of Cao Cao.

Following Cao Cao's army on its way back to Yanzhou.

Liu Bei's feelings were extremely complicated. At this time, he thought of Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong who returned to Jizhou to attend the funeral because of the death of his brother.

When he came to Xuzhou with his troops and horses, he was preparing to rescue Tao Qian.

I discovered that Cao Cao unexpectedly implemented benevolent government in Yanzhou.

Zhao Yun once told him to stop rescuing Tao Qian and directly submit to Cao Cao and work under Cao Cao.

At that time, due to various considerations, he verbally rejected Zhao Yun and did not listen to Zhao Yun's opinions.

As a result, now, after such a big change, he still came to work under Cao Cao.

Although they are both working under Cao Cao, the difference is huge.

It would have been much more honorable to work directly under Cao Cao than it is now.

If he had known that this would be the result, he might as well have listened to Zilong's opinion.

After such thoughts arose in his mind for a while, Liu Bei shook his head again.

If he had it to do over again, he would still make the decision to lead troops to Xuzhou.

Will not surrender directly to Cao Cao.

Because, if he didn't go through such trouble, he would really not be willing to do it, and he would regret it just thinking about it.

Although the ending is not good now, but thinking about his experience during this period, he has no regrets. At least he tried...

After the soldiers and horses moved forward for another seven or eight miles, a small episode occurred.

In this little episode, a white-haired old man appeared in front of Cao Cao's army.

Holding the wine jar, he insisted on inviting Cao Cao to drink a bowl.

There were many people watching on the side, and they all wanted to offer Cao Cao a glass of wine.

After seeing this scene, Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai both looked a little worried.

Because Cao Cao usually doesn't eat food outside.

Not to mention, under the current situation.

No one can guarantee whether there is poison in this drink.

It was really poisonous. If Cao Cao was poisoned and sent away, it would be too much fun.

But if he doesn't drink this wine, under such circumstances, it will appear that Cao Cao is petty and unpopular with the people.

If one situation is not handled well, Cao Cao will easily lose face.

Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia quickly looked at each other, and both of them were ready to step forward.

Instead of Cao Cao, take over this matter.

So, although it is still somewhat inappropriate.

But compared to the other results, it is still much better.

As a result, it is not possible to wait for others to take action.

Unexpectedly, Cao Cao stepped forward first, reached out and took the wine from the old man's hand.

And kindly asked the father-in-law to stand up straight and stop being so polite.

Such a scene immediately stunned Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia.

I don’t know what Cao Cao is going to do.

After Cao Cao did this, it was no longer possible for them to step forward and stop the wine.

For a moment, both of them ran out of ideas.

However, Cao Cao's expression did not change. He held the wine bowl and thanked everyone loudly for their love.

After saying that, he began to reminisce in public again. This time he went to Xuzhou with the many soldiers who died in the battle. What he said was sincere.

When it comes to the emotional part, I shed two lines of tears.

After saying that, he poured the wine in his hand onto the ground solemnly.

Used to commemorate the many dead soldiers.

Three bowls of offerings were made in succession.

Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia were originally worried.

After seeing this operation by Cao Cao, I immediately felt relieved.

I couldn't help but admire Cao Cao's wit.

As expected of Cao Cao!
This operation is really amazing!
In this way, everything is saved.

No one could find any fault with it.

It can also give the soldiers who accompany the army a baptism.

Following Liu Bei from behind, Zhang Fei took in all this scene.

Infected by what Cao Cao did, he couldn't help but sigh.

"This thief Cao...Gong Cao, is really good at not forgetting the soldiers under his command!
No wonder many of his soldiers are willing to sacrifice their lives for him! "

After hearing what Zhang Fei said, Liu Bei shook his head and whispered:

"It's not that simple.

Yide, don't be deceived by his appearance.

He clearly didn't want to drink the wine brought by these people.

I'm worried that these people will poison the wine.

But it was hard to shirk it, so I had no choice but to make this decision.

In the name of offering sacrifices to the soldiers, all the wine was poured on the ground. "

Hearing Liu Bei's story, Zhang Fei was instantly shocked and dumbfounded.

And this kind of operation?

What are these people thinking, and why do they move so fast?
Also, obviously standing here, I have witnessed the whole process.

Why is it completely different from what my elder brother saw?
Seeing Zhang Fei's shock, Liu Bei himself was also quite shocked.


The meticulousness of Cao Cao's thoughts and the speed of his thoughts are really shocking.

And through this incident, he also saw Cao Cao's caution and suspicion.

Suddenly some worries and regrets arose in my heart.

I wonder if surrendering to Cao Cao and following Cao Cao this time is the right decision?

With Cao Cao's character, if he wants to secretly develop and accumulate strength in the future, it will be really not easy!



On the large campus outside Zhang Chengdian Agricultural Station, Gao Shun was training soldiers and horses here.

Zhang Cheng stood here and after looking at it for a while, he couldn't help but nodded.

I feel that training soldiers and horses depends on Gao Shun.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

Although Gao Shun took over the training of soldiers and horses for a short time.

But these people have changed a lot.

He has an elite temperament.

In the evening, after dinner, Gao Shun came to Zhang Cheng to see Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng was a little surprised by Gao Shun's arrival.

But he still smiled and stretched out his hand, pointing to the small stool next to him.

Let Gao Shun sit by himself, don't be too polite.

At this time, the weather was getting colder, and the brazier had been lit in Zhang Cheng's room.

At this time, Zhang Cheng placed an arched tile on top of the brazier, with a handful of soybeans placed on the tile.

After being roasted by fire, the soybeans give off a burnt aroma.

Beside him, there is half a bowl of simmered soybeans.

Pinch a soybean and take a sip of wine, and your life will be very comfortable.

The stool was made by craftsmen after Zhang Cheng drew the drawings.

As a person from later generations, Zhang Cheng deeply abhorred the kneeling practice that was popular in this era.

Sitting there on my knees was really uncomfortable.

After a while, I felt my legs were completely numb.

So he quickly asked someone to make a stool to free his legs.

It doesn’t matter if it’s etiquette or not!
Get comfortable first and then talk.

Besides, he is a farmer and a weak counselor.

The most important thing is brush life.

Living your own life comfortably is the most important thing.

There is no need to pay too much attention to the looks of other people.

Gao Shun was already used to this new seating arrangement on Zhang Cheng's side.

But there is a difference between him sitting on a stool and Zhang Cheng sitting on a stool.

Zhang Cheng sat on the stool, looking lazy.

And Gao Shun, even if he was sitting on a stool, still kept his waist straight and had a capable aura.

Zhang Cheng pushed the simmered soybeans towards Gao Shun, poured a bowl of wine for Gao Shun, and signaled Gao Shun to drink.

Gao Shun was not polite. He picked up a few soybeans and threw them into his mouth.

There is a crunching sound when chewing, and the aroma of fried soybeans fills your mouth.

After taking another sip of wine, I suddenly felt that life was pretty good.

After this feeling came to his mind, he quickly shook his head secretly.

Put this feeling out of your mind.

Tell yourself secretly, Gao Shun!Gao Shun!You can't do this!

You are loyal to the lord Lu Bu!

But after warning himself in this way, Gao Shun immediately threw two more soybeans into his mouth.

While chewing, I took a small sip of the wine. I felt that the soybeans were fragrant and the wine was also fragrant.

The fried soybeans are even more delicious when paired with wine.

Dian Wei was also sitting beside him.

Watching Zhang Cheng and Gao Shun eating soybeans and drinking wine, they were anxious and scratching their heads, feeling extremely envious.

By the way, Dian Wei also has a wine bowl in front of him.

But at this time, his wine bowl was already empty, with not a drop in it.

Dian Wei likes to drink, but because he lost a bet to Zhang Cheng, Zhang Cheng imposed a ban on alcohol and could only drink one bowl a day.

That bowl of wine, even though he felt that he had drank it very carefully, he didn't dare to open his mouth and drink it.

The effort was gone after a while.

My husband still has more than half a bowl of wine.

At this time, I watched my husband and Gao Shun eat two soybeans and take a sip of wine. It was so delicious.

Make him greedy and scratch his head.

After a while, Dian Wei finally couldn't stand it anymore.

He stood up, grabbed a large handful of soybeans and stuffed them into his mouth, chewing them while saying:

"I'm out on patrol!"

With that said, he walked away.

It's just that the pace is a bit fast, giving people a feeling of running away.

Dian Wei really felt like running away.

Because he felt that if he didn't leave, he would continue to stay here.

Maybe you can't help but want to grab some wine.

If Mr. is not strong in combat, forget it.

He started to grab the wine, and he would not be afraid even if he was punished by his teacher in the future.

But the key is, if you really do something to your husband, grab some wine.

Not only would you not be able to grab a drink, but you would also be beaten in vain by your husband.

This thing is too much of a loss.

Dian Wei wouldn't do it.

"Eat less soybeans, that's not how you eat fried soybeans.

Eating too much will cause bloating. "

Zhang Cheng spoke up to remind Dian Wei.

But at this time, Dianwei just wanted to get something to satisfy his craving.

Who would listen to Zhang Cheng?

Just press it hard into your mouth.

Looking at Dian Wei's back, Zhang Cheng felt that from tonight until tomorrow, he should stay away from Dian Wei to avoid being poisoned.

After Dian Wei went out, Zhang Cheng looked at Gao Shun and said:
"Boping is here now. Do you have anything to say to me?"

Gao Shun, who was drinking there, paused slightly when he heard this, looking a little surprised.

Sure enough, facing Mr. Zhang Cheng and Zhang Gaojiu, even this secret could not be hidden.

He felt that everything had been normal since he came here.

How come he noticed it?
Now that Zhang Chengdu has spoken, Gao Shun is no longer hiding anything, and immediately speaks:

“There is something.

I think Mr. Gao Jiu, your next days may not be easy. "

Unknowingly, Gao Shun's name for Zhang Cheng had changed.

Even Gao Shun himself didn't realize when he started calling Zhang to become Mr. Gaojiu.

Zhang Cheng didn't show any shock when he heard what Gao Shun said.

After throwing a fried soybean into his mouth, he looked at Gao Shun and nodded.

Indicating Gao Shun to continue, Gao Shun said again:

"This time, Mr. Gaojiu, you indeed fought a very good battle and made great contributions.

But there is one thing that Mr. Gaojiu shouldn't do. "

"Which point?"

Gao Shun said:
"That's Mr. Gaojiu, you shouldn't behead Zhang Miao."

Zhang Cheng looked a little curious and said:

"Zhang Miao was the mastermind of the rebellion and betrayed Duke Cao.

If he did such a thing, wouldn't it be natural for me to kill him?
If I kill him, I will only gain merit, but if it comes to your mouth, Boping, I will suffer disaster because of it. "

Gao Shun said:
“It stands to reason that it is.

But Mr. Gaojiu, you have overlooked one aspect.

That is the relationship between Zhang Miao and Cao Cao.

Even if Zhang Miao made a sneak attack on Cao Cao this time.

But in the past, Zhang Miao's relationship with Cao Cao was at stake here.

Mr. Gao Jiu beheaded Zhang Miao.

Cao Cao will still feel a little uncomfortable when he thinks about it in the future.

There is a high possibility that Mr. Gaojiu will be angered by this.

After all, killing Zhang Miao would somewhat damage Cao Cao's reputation.

Of course, according to Mr. Gao Jiu’s achievements this time.

Although Cao Cao is a little dissatisfied with you, he won't be able to express this matter, but will keep it in his heart.

But just keeping it in mind is enough.

If you have a knot in your heart, it will burst out sooner or later. "

Gao Shun was deeply touched by this.

After all, when he was under Lu Bu, he was often jealous of Lu Bu.

Lu Bu also made some secret jabs at him.

Because Gao Shun has a say in this.

It is also because of this that Gao Shun feels that Zhang Cheng is in danger next and it will be difficult for Cao Cao.

After all, this was something he had personally experienced with Lu Bu.

After hearing Gao Shun's reasons for his speculation, Zhang Cheng thought for a moment and shook his head secretly.

He did not agree with Gao Shun's statement.

In his opinion, if he successfully eliminated Zhang Miao, Cao Cao would not only not be angry with him, but would also thank himself.

If he really kept Zhang Miao, Cao Cao would be dissatisfied with him.

That is what really creates a problem for Cao Cao.

After all, Zhang Miao did those things again during the rebellion.

It is reasonable to kill him myself.

But if Zhang Miao is really left to Cao Cao for disposal.

How should Cao Cao deal with it?
If Zhang Miao is not killed, it will be difficult to convince the public, and the tone in his heart will not come out.

But if Zhang Miao is killed, the original relationship between the two of them will remain there.

Even if Zhang Miao did these things and Cao Cao killed Zhang Miao, the facts would still be true.

He killed Zhang Miao and solved this problem directly.

Cao Cao had to thank himself instead.

Cao Cao is not Lu Bu, and he is not Gao Shun.

So Zhang Cheng was not worried at all about Gao Shun's reminders.

Zhang Cheng felt that a pure soldier like Gao Shun could not understand these relatively complicated things well.

However, Zhang Cheng did not say these words.

After all, there are some things that you just need to understand in your heart.

You don’t have to explain everything clearly.

He nodded solemnly to Gao Shun and expressed his gratitude to Gao Shun for saying this to him.

I accepted his kindness.

Although Zhang Cheng did not agree with Gao Shun's proposal at all.

But this does not affect Zhang Cheng's gratitude to Gao Shun.

From Gao Shun's behavior, he could feel a lot of things.

Gao Shun has really become different.

Gao Shun didn't expect that Zhang Cheng would listen to his words so quickly.

Facing Zhang Cheng's thanks, he seemed a little embarrassed.

Gao Shun said again:

"I can only give you a warning, Mr. Gaojiu. I don't know what to do specifically."

Zhang Cheng smiled and said:

"That's enough."

After talking here for a while, Gao Shun drank all the wine in the wine bowl.

He quickly said goodbye and left Zhang Cheng's place.

Before leaving, Zhang Cheng looked at Gao Shun and said:
"Boping, you should stay away from Awei tonight and tomorrow to avoid being accidentally injured."

Gao Shun seemed a little confused about Zhang Cheng's reminder.I don’t know why Mr. Gao Jiu suddenly said such a thing to himself.

At the same time, he was also thinking about how he could be accidentally injured by Dian Wei.

Could it be that this guy from Dianwei has any opinions on him?

Thinking this, he shook his head and felt something was wrong.

Ordinarily, if you have an opinion, you should have an opinion on this guy Dian Wei.

He took over the task of training soldiers and horses that originally belonged to him.

Now that guy is living a very happy life.

I am suffering here.

How dare he have an opinion against himself?

After thinking for a long time, Gao Shun still didn't understand what Zhang Cheng's words meant.
But wait until the next morning, when I see Dian Wei again.

He then understood what Zhang Cheng meant by staying away from Dian Wei to avoid being accidentally injured by Dian Wei.


Listening to the beautiful sounds coming from behind Dian Wei.

Smelling the smell again, Gao Shun retched.

Looking at Dian Wei with disgust, he immediately ran a thousand miles away from Dian Wei.

Dian Wei now also has a look of annoyance on his face.

At the same time, I was full of embarrassment, and I felt like I wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Although he has a thick skin, he usually doesn't care if he farts or anything like that.

But it didn't work today. Today there was a series of farts that kept coming out.

Even a thick-skinned person like him couldn't bear it.

By the way, he didn't want to just keep venting the gas, the key was that he couldn't hold it in!

At this time, Dian Wei had a look of regret on his face.

If I had known better, I would have eaten less fried soybeans.

I regret not listening to my husband’s kind reminder.


Yanzhou, Zhencheng, Cao Song and his fat concubine.

We got on the carriage together.

Carrying a lot of gifts, under the protection of many guards, he was preparing to go to Chenliu County

Cao Song brought a lot of things with him this time.

And when he came to Fengqiu this time, he naturally came to Zhang Cheng.

"Grandpa! It's not too peaceful in Yanzhou now.

How about... how about we wait for a few days before going to Fengqiu?
Or you can wait here in Zhencheng.

Just ask someone to send the news to Fengqiu and ask Mr. Gaojiu to come.

Mr. Gao Jiu has outstanding military strength. He is absolutely safe on the road from Fengqiu to Zhencheng. No one dares to provoke him.

If there is really a blind person who provokes him, it will also give him some credit. "

Cao De was beside Cao Song, constantly trying to persuade him, with some anxiety.

He really didn't want Cao Song to go away like this.

Because of Zhang Cheng's strong rise, the situation in Yanzhou has indeed undergone a shocking reversal.

The turmoil was almost extinguished with the efforts of Xun Yu and others behind them.

But thinking of the previous turmoil, Cao De still had lingering fears.

He was reluctant to let his father go outside in case he would be in danger.

And he also felt that with his father's status, he didn't have to go to Fengqiu in person if he wanted to see Zhang Cheng.

All you need to do is send someone to pass the news and ask Zhang Cheng to come to Zhen Cheng to see his father.

When Cao Song heard this, he glared at Cao De and said:

"Mr. Gao Jiu can be said to be the great benefactor of our Cao family. He saved your father and me twice.

Mr. Gaojiu cannot save you.

This time the Yanzhou Bureau was in such a critical situation, and it was Mr. Gao Jiu who stepped forward to turn the tide and save Yanzhou.

I also saved your eldest brother’s legacy!

At the same time, it also saved the lives of you, my father and my son.

Under such circumstances, what would happen if I went to see Gao?
This is what Mr. Gaojiu deserves.

Mr. Gao Jiu was not afraid of thousands of troops.

Now that I have so many people protecting me, and I am walking in Yanzhou, what do I have to be afraid of?

If you are afraid and don’t want to go, then don’t go, I will just go! "

After being reprimanded by Cao Song, Cao De immediately did not dare to say anything more.

He shook his head hurriedly and said that he didn't dare to think that way.

I have always kept in mind Mr. Gao Jiu's life-saving grace.

Hearing what Cao De said, Cao Song snorted and let Cao De go.

Get on the carriage and order people to go to Fengqiu quickly.

He couldn't wait to see Zhang Cheng and adopt Zhang Cheng as his adopted son.

Cao Song couldn't wait to go and adopt Zhang as his adopted son.

After all, he had already thought about this matter.

It was just because Zhang Cheng had already gone to Fengqiu to take up a post.

He had no choice but to endure it first.

I thought about waiting until Zhang Cheng returned to Zhencheng before proceeding.

As a result, Zhang Cheng stayed with Fengqiu and never came back.

Moreover, there were successive wars, and there was great turmoil in Yanzhou. The war was in chaos, and it was even more difficult to do this.

Now Yanzhou has finally calmed down.

Although the pacification was not complete enough, Cao Song couldn't wait any longer.

Not willing to wait any longer, he wanted to adopt Zhang Cheng as his adopted son as soon as possible and confirm this relationship.

This is not just because Cao Song is very grateful to Zhang Cheng.

I also wanted to express my respect for Zhang Cheng and repay Zhang Cheng through such an action.

More importantly, he also wanted to use this method to completely bind Zhang Cheng, a talented man with both literary and military skills, to his son Cao Cao.

The more eye-catching Zhang Cheng's performance was, the more Cao Song worried that a talent like Zhang Cheng would go elsewhere.

Of course, in addition to this, part of the reason is because Cao Song heard some not-so-good words.

In other words, Zhang Cheng turned the tide this time, and it can be said that he achieved an incredible feat.

Some disharmonious sounds also sounded.

Some bitter people are secretly making excuses about Zhang Cheng's background.

It is said that Zhang Chengzhong is highly skilled in martial arts, no matter how powerful his strategy is, and no matter how great his achievements are, there is still a flaw in his background and he is a Guizhou leader.

Now Cao Song went to Fengqiu to adopt Zhang Cheng as his adopted son, just to give Zhang Cheng a status.

Through practical actions, we can shut up all those bitter people who secretly say these things.

Cao Song didn't dare to wait any longer!
If he waited any longer, he would be a little worried about a talent like Zhang Cheng.

Because of hearing these rumors, some not-so-good thoughts will arise in their hearts and they will leave in anger.

Once something like this really happens, it will be a huge loss for them.

Although he felt that the possibility of such a thing happening was very, very small.

But Cao Song didn't dare to gamble. If it really happened, they would really lose money.

There is no one who can be treated like this by Cao Song.

Zhang Cheng can be said to be the first.

According to Cao Cao's status and Cao Song's status.

Being able to become Cao Song's adopted son is naturally a great honor.

What's more important is that Cao Song is different from those who particularly like to have adopted sons by their side, thirteen guardians, or even dozens or hundreds of adopted sons.

Until now, he has not even accepted an adopted son.

There are also many people who want to worship Cao Song.

Recognize Cao Song as his adopted father.

But Cao Song never agreed.

As a result, now, Cao Song got on the pole himself and went to collect Zhang and become his adopted son.

And I was worried that if I went too late, something unexpected would happen.

From here we can see the noble status of Cao Song's adopted son.

And Zhang Cheng's status in Cao Song's heart.

"Um... Grandpa, I got news that my brother has led a victorious army and is coming back from Xuzhou soon.

That's what happened in the past two days.

Now, Mr. Wen Ruo and others have begun to prepare to welcome my brother's triumphant return.

You see... why don't you wait two days to meet your brother and then go to Fengqiu to meet Mr. Gaojiu?

It is not too late to adopt Mr. Gao Jiu as his adopted son.

Anyway, so many days of waiting have passed, not to mention the last two days. "

Cao De was still here trying hard to persuade Cao Song to wait for two days before going.

He felt that after he stated this reason.

His grandfather will definitely slow down his schedule and wait until he meets his brother before going.

After all, his brother returned victorious this time, and gained such a great victory and such great glory.

In Grandpa’s heart, it must be very important.

The reason why Cao De is like this is that on the one hand, he feels that Yanzhou will be able to completely settle down after Cao Cao returns.

If his grandfather goes to Fengqiu to meet Zhang Cheng again, there will be no more dangers on the road.

On the other hand, he also wanted to share the joy from his brother with Zhencheng.

Take a look at the glorious scene of your brother leading his troops in triumph.

As a result, Cao Song said:

“Ah Mao came back victorious, he came back victorious!
As an old man, why should I go and greet him?

How could it be more important to meet Ah Ma here than to go to Fengqiu to meet Mr. Gaojiu and adopt Mr. Gaojiu as his adopted son?

What I'm doing now is business. "

After saying that, he asked people to drive the carriage and start setting off.

Cao De heard his grandfather's unexpected words.

He was suddenly shocked and stunned.

This...what does my grandpa think?

It’s too amazing!

Even his own brother, returning with a victory with a large army, is not as important as him going to Fengqiu to accept Mr. Gaojiu as his adopted son?
This...he hasn't recognized his adopted son yet!

Why does it seem that his status is already higher than that of his biological son?
He is also taller than his biological son, his brother!
Then if Mr. Gao Jiu is really adopted as his adopted son.

Wouldn’t it mean that the salary will become higher?
Cao De really wanted to ask his grandpa.

Who is your biological son?

Since Cao Song could not be persuaded, Cao De had no choice but to follow Cao Song to Fengqiu.

He didn't dare to really stay in Zhencheng and not follow Cao Song.

Let Cao Song lead his men to Fengqiu.

As Cao Song walked forward, the joy on his face never disappeared.

He is full of expectations for the next trip.

I can't wait to see Zhang Cheng and adopt Zhang Cheng as my adopted son.

When he thought of a wonderful person in the world who was capable of literature and martial arts, he became his adopted son.

From now on, he completely sided with the Cao family.

Cao Song felt extremely excited in his heart.

To be honest, this is much more important than meeting Ah Ma.

After all these years, Cao Song had never looked forward to seeing Cao Cao as much as he did now.

It really echoed what Cao De said.

Cao Song was even more excited to see Zhang Cheng, his godson, than his biological son.

What's more... what's more, Zhang Cheng hasn't become a godson yet.

My own father was really too impatient and in too much of a hurry...


Yanzhou Cao Cao led the army all the way back.

Thinking back on the many things he did this time.

As well as everything that happened in Xuzhou, and the huge changes that happened in Yanzhou.

He was filled with emotion and extremely excited at the same time.

Then I thought of the big gift I was planning to give to Zhang Cheng and Mr. Zhang Gaojiu.

Cao Cao's joy became even deeper.

I am even more looking forward to returning to Yanzhou and meeting Mr. Gaojiu soon.

This time, Cao Cao wanted to give Zhang Cheng a big gift, which was to marry his daughter to Zhang Cheng.

Let Zhang Cheng become his son-in-law!
Cao Cao was very proud of his wonderful move.

According to her daughter's status, she is a perfect match for Mr. Gao Jiu, which does not insult Mr. Gao's status.

Even if you don't talk about talent and the like, just talking about status, your daughter will still marry Mr. Gao Jiu.

At least in the eyes of the world.

And this is exactly what Cao Cao wanted.

In this way, he can just show that he attaches great importance to Mr. Gao Jiu.

It is better to use it to commend Mr. Gao Jiu for his great contributions and his great kindness to the Cao family!
What's even better is that through this move, Mr. Gao Jiu, a talented man with both literary and military skills, can be turned into a member of the Cao family.

In this way, you will not be afraid of those who are too high-minded and do not agree with you.

There is no need to worry about Mr. Gaojiu being won over by others in the future.

Or maybe she is worried that Mr. Gaojiu will abandon her.

Or maybe someone else spread rumors that Mr. Gao Jiu has dissatisfaction with him.

At the same time, this is also an important incentive for the meritorious people under his command.

It is a good publicity and attraction for those capable people and strangers who have not yet come to work under them.

Mr. Gao Jiu, such a person of ordinary origin, came to his side, and he was able to be so reused and valued by himself.

Then when they come under his command, even if they are not as good as Mr. Gaojiu due to their talents and martial arts skills, they will definitely not be too bad as long as they have the ability.

This is called buying horse bones for a thousand dollars!
Of course, in addition to preparing to betroth his daughter to Mr. Gao Jiu, Cao Cao also prepared other things to reward Zhang Cheng.

Cao Cao sat on his horse and led his army towards Zhencheng.

The closer he got to Zhencheng, the better his mood became.

The more I feel that this is a good idea...

Going forward for a while, we are still nearly twenty miles away from Zhencheng.

There were already people arranged by Xun Yu to greet him here.

Congratulations to Cao Cao on his triumphant return.

After walking another ten miles, they met Xun Yu, Cheng Yu, Cao Hong and other people who had stayed behind in Yanzhou, and came out of the city to greet them.

Congratulations to Cao Cao on his triumphant return.

Cao Cao kept smiling.

I am very happy about this welcome ceremony.

After seeing everyone, he immediately scanned the people greeting him, eager to see Zhang Cheng's figure.

The result was not found.

After asking, I learned that Zhang Cheng was busy farming in Fengqiu and handling some affairs.

Moreover, Fengqiu is a bit far away from Zhencheng, and Mr. Gaojiu is not willing to delay practical matters because of such trivial matters.

So he didn't come.

After someone heard this, they couldn't help but sweat for Zhang Cheng.

There are also some lemon spirits who claim to be very knowledgeable about people and the world, and feel very sour for Zhang Cheng's achievements. At this time, they feel so good in their hearts.

Everyone felt that Zhang Cheng was seeking death.

A typical person who takes credit and is arrogant, has no etiquette, and doesn't know how to behave.

A person like him, no matter how talented he is, no matter how good he is at fighting, no matter how many contributions he makes, he will never last long.

Will be angry with Cao Cao.

The greater the contribution you make, the more miserable your end will be in the future.

His contribution is great, can it be compared with Han Xin?

Does Han Xin have more credit?
Can Han Xin fight?
But what was Han Xin’s final result?
Liu Bei, who was in Cao Cao's team, had a strange look in his eyes after hearing the news.

He hadn't thought that Zhang Cheng would have such a personality!
Missing such an important moment.

And the reason is actually like this, which makes people feel...perfunctory!
I don't know if this is the nature of Zhang Cheng, or if he is really unsophisticated, or if he is just arrogant.

After being surprised, I couldn't help but feel some joy in my heart.

Judging from what Cao Cao has shown before, this Cao Cao is definitely not a very ambitious person.

At least he is not lacking in suspicion.

If Zhang Cheng did this, he would be jealous of Cao Cao.

If Cao Cao is jealous, doesn't it mean that his opportunity has come? !

Cao Cao pushed Zhang Cheng outside and pulled him into his arms.

In this way, there is no need to worry about people like Zhang Cheng not being able to serve under his command.

According to Zhang Cheng's talents, Liu Bei felt that Zhang Cheng, not to mention Zhang Cheng, just had such a small problem.

Even if the fault is bigger, he will tolerate it and be happy with it.

Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai were also worried about Zhang Cheng.

He was busy preparing to speak and explain to Cao Cao for Zhang Cheng.

As a result, Cao Cao laughed.

"Mr. Gao Jiu, his temper is still so upright.

I just like Mr. Gaojiu’s innocent heart! "

Upon hearing Cao Cao's words, everyone present was stunned.

I always feel that these words are a bit strange coming from Cao Cao.

Mr. Cao, think about it with your conscience, have you ever been such a person? !
Why did everything change when we arrived at Zhang Cheng's place?

Can we have a little more moral integrity?

Can you not treat Zhang Cheng so favorably?
Of course, some people think that Cao Cao means what he said.

Some people think that Cao Cao just said this to avoid embarrassing himself and to show his magnanimity.

In fact, Zhang Cheng has already been firmly remembered in his heart.

I am very dissatisfied with Zhang Cheng's actions and will settle the score with Zhang Cheng sooner or later.

After this small episode, Cao Cao took everyone back to Zhencheng.

He felt a little regretful for not being able to see Zhang Cheng in the first place.

At this time, in Zhencheng, under the careful arrangements of Xun Yu, a banquet was held to welcome the wind and wash away the dust.

Prepare to welcome Cao Cao and others and celebrate their triumph.

Cao Cao liked this very much and immediately decided to drink three hundred cups today.

To show the joy in my heart.

After a while, I suddenly felt that someone was missing.

This person is his father Cao Song.

Although he returned victorious this time, Cao Song, as Laozi, did not have to go outside to greet him.

But he has been back for so long, but he still hasn't seen his grandpa show up, which is a bit strange.

Not only Grandpa, but also his younger brother Cao De was nowhere to be found.

Cao Cao immediately began to ask where his grandfather had gone.

"Mr. Cao, the old lady took a carriage the day before yesterday and went to Fengqiu, Chenliu County, to see Mr. Gao Jiu."

After hearing this answer, Cao Cao was stunned for a moment when he learned that his grandfather actually took his brother Cao De and others to Fengqiu to meet Zhang Cheng.

Then he showed a satisfied smile.

I feel that my dad is worthy of being my dad.

Something will happen!
He is not in Yanzhou. As his father, he really needs to go to Fengqiu to entertain Mr. Gaojiu for himself.

In fact, because of his status, if he stepped forward to recruit for him first and got closer to Mr. Gaojiu, the effect would be better than going there himself.

But then, after he understood what his grandfather was doing when he went to Fengqiu to see what Zhang Cheng was doing, Cao Cao's joy disappeared in an instant!

He was frightened.


What did you say? !

Grandpa, he went to Fengqiu to adopt Mr. Gao Jiu as his adopted son? ! ! "

Cao Cao suddenly stood up with a look of shock on his face.

Very emotional!
(End of this chapter)

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