Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 9 I am a weak counselor and let Dian Wei be my guard. Is this reasonable?

Chapter 9 I am a weak counselor and let Dian Wei be my guard. Is this reasonable?

Speaking of this guarding matter, I don't blame Cao Cao.

After all, Zhang Cheng himself was extremely brave, so he subconsciously forgot about it.

I don't think it's necessary to provide Zhang Cheng with any kind of personal protection.

With Zhang Cheng's martial arts skills, who would dare to provoke him without opening their eyes?

If the moment of danger really comes, Zhang Cheng will have to protect his personal guards.

Only then did he understand what Zhang Cheng said when he heard Zhang Cheng say it.

It wasn't just the way Cao Cao looked at Zhang Cheng that was dull.

The rest of the people present, such as Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu and Xia Houdun, learned what Zhang Cheng said.

Everyone was stunned.

There is a feeling of being caught off guard

This... what is this saying?

Are you the only one who still needs protection? !

Cao Cao cleared his throat, looked at Zhang Chengdao:
"Gaojiu, with your force, there is no need for this public guard at all..."

Zhang Cheng shook his head when he heard this.

"Lord, why can't I use it?

I am also a weak counselor. How can I succeed without the protection of guards around me?

I don't feel safe at all.

My lord, you can't surround other scribes with guards, but you can differentiate yourself when you come to me.

Lord, you must treat everyone equally! "

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Cao Cao couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Weak counselor?

I have never seen such a weak and weak counselor!

Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren and others didn't want to talk for a while.

I always felt that what Zhang Cheng said was a bit too exciting.

People like him are weak counselors, so who should they be?
I really don’t know how this guy opened his mouth like this!

A man who is more powerful than these generals, but he is called a weak counselor!

I really want to stand up and beat him up, I have never seen such a shameless person!
Considering the terrifying combat power of this weak counselor.

Xiahou Dun and the others had no choice but to endure the anger in their hearts.

"Okay, I will equip Gaojiu with 20 personal guards to protect your safety."

Cao Cao didn't want to continue arguing on this issue.

He pinched his nose and admitted the fact that Zhang Cheng was a weak counselor.

When Zhang Cheng heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

He solemnly thanked Cao Cao and said that with these guards protecting him, he finally felt safe and could sleep well.

Hearing these words, Cao Cao's face twitched again.

"My lord, now is the time for my lord to employ people.

There are various battles to deal with, and you need to have elite soldiers by your side.

My lord does not need to send any more elite troops to my bodyguards.

This really delays the Lord's next major event.

It's up to me to personally find some people to serve as personal guards. "

Zhang Cheng looked at Cao Cao and expressed his thoughts.

Cao Cao didn't say much and nodded in agreement.

After all, in his opinion, it is completely unnecessary whether Zhang Cheng has personal guards and what the quality of the personal guards around him is.

If he stood there by himself, he would be safer than how many people were protecting him.

Zhang Cheng was actually quite happy in his heart not to ask his side to send elite soldiers and horses to protect him.

I think his Zhang Cheng is indeed very good, and he is always thinking about him.

Next, he will begin to prepare for the attack on Xuzhou.

There is indeed a need for elite soldiers.

Of course, if this new counselor under him can conquer Xuzhou later.

Marching with him would be more effective than many elite soldiers.

But judging from his appearance, he seems to be very resistant to military duties. This matter needs to be considered in the long term and done slowly.Cao Cao believed that he would always find a way to let Zhang Cheng, a weak counselor, go with him on the expedition and sweep across Xuzhou's troops.

After a banquet, it was already late at night, and Cao Cao and others dispersed.

Zhang Cheng also returned to his residence.

On the second day, Zhang Chengcheng set off from Zhencheng and headed towards the county.

He is going to find his own guard.

He has already made a decision in his mind about the candidate for his personal guard.

Not to mention the rest, Dian Wei is a must.

And through understanding, he already knew that Dian Wei had not yet come to Cao Cao.

Extrapolate based on what he knows, some knowledge.

Then there is a great possibility that Dian Wei will serve as a soldier under Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu.

Later, after some tossing and turning, he finally came to Cao Cao's side as a guard, and then was given away by Cao Cao.

Previously, he asked Cao Cao for personal guards and said that Cao Cao did not need to equip him with them and that he would choose them himself. In fact, he came here for Dian Wei.

There is no one more suitable to be a bodyguard than Dian Wei!

Of course, in addition to these thoughts, he also wanted to change Dian Wei's fate.

In the Battle of Wancheng, Dian Wei's death was so aggrieved.

It's really not worth it for such a general to die for Cao Cao's special preferences...

Three days later, Zhang Cheng returned to Zhencheng from Chenliu County.

While walking, there was an extra person beside him.

This man has a strong body, a strong back, a tall body, and is exceptionally strong.

Standing there is like an iron tower.

Follow Zhang Cheng and walk back with Zhang Cheng.

This person is Dian Wei.

Zhang Cheng went to take Dian Wei by his side this time, and it turned out to be surprisingly smooth.

Originally, he thought that a strong general like Dian Wei should be somewhat famous over there.

It may not be easy for Zhang Miao to release him.

But when he got there, he realized that he had thought too much.

Zhang Miao had no idea who Dian Wei was.

It took a lot of effort to find Dian Wei.

When we found Dian Wei, he was still fighting with the team leader who was in charge of him.

One person beat up his team leader and three other people in the same team.

The reason for beating people was because they didn't give Dian Wei enough to eat.

Of course Dian Wei's appetite is relatively large.

It is also an indisputable fact that one person can eat more than three people.

Dian Wei was a real thorn in the side of the army.

Many people hated him deeply, but they couldn't defeat him.

Now I know that Zhang Cheng is here to get rid of the thorn in Dian Wei's side.

After being hired as personal guards by his side, these people were so moved that they almost cried.

Without making Zhang Cheng wait any longer, these people took action immediately, completed the corresponding procedures at the speed of light, and sent Dian Wei and Zhang Cheng out of the camp.

The way they looked at Zhang Cheng was like looking at a reborn parent.

Dian Wei, the thorn in his side, is finally gone!

Finally, I am no longer suppressed by Dian Wei!
Putting all this into his eyes, he didn't know how to express his feelings for a while.

However, Zhang Miao's uselessness can be seen through this incident.

It's because Zhang Miao's side considers everything based on family background and relationship.

A peerless general like Dian Wei was only a pawn and didn't even have enough to eat.

There is nothing surprising about Zhang Miao's subsequent defeat.

"General, after I become a bodyguard with you, can you really let me have enough to eat?"

Dian Wei's voice rang out. This was already the eighth time his No.20 asked the same question.

(End of this chapter)

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