Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 95 On Zhang Cheng’s Courage

Chapter 95 On Zhang Cheng’s Courage
Zhang Cheng stepped forward and, under the guidance of the etiquette officer, greeted Gan Mei.

Then he and Ganmei walked side by side towards the lobby in front.

Originally, Zhang Cheng thought he was going to hold Ganmei by himself.

But it turns out that all we need to do is walk side by side like this.

At that moment, he held back a little disappointment and followed them.

But his disappointment disappeared in an instant.

After all, Ganmei became his person from now on.

Doesn’t that mean you can hug me however you want?
Soon, the two of them came to the front of the hall surrounded by everyone.

Under the guidance of the etiquette officer, they saluted Gan Ji, Cao Cao, and Mrs. Ding, and then toasted to the three of them.

Ganji's lips were trembling with excitement and he couldn't speak clearly.

In the end, she only told Ganmei that she must serve her husband Zhang Cheng well from now on. After those words that she could not disobey, she could not say anything else.

When it was Cao Cao and Madam Ding's turn, it was naturally different.

Cao Cao and Mrs. Ding are both masters who have seen the world.

In addition, among the people present, they were all under his command, so the words were naturally different.

He gave some instructions and then gave some prepared gifts.

Cao Cao said:
"Okay, I've said what needs to be said. You can go back with Mei'er. Don't miss the auspicious moment."

Zhang Cheng responded and said goodbye to the three of them together with Gan Mei.

Zhang Cheng's feelings at this time were not too much.

But Ganmei couldn't. When Ganmei said goodbye to the three of them, especially when she said goodbye to Ganji, she couldn't hold back her tears and her eyes were red.

Then there were tears, and they couldn't help but flow down.

After all, this is her biological father!

The kind that depend on each other.

Ganji could not help but blush.

That's not to say.He was dissatisfied with this marriage, which is human nature.

"let's go!"

Ganji urged while wiping away tears.

Zhang Cheng took Ganmei and walked out of the courtyard together.

Outside the courtyard, there were already several carriages parked.

Among them, the one facing the door is the most luxurious and festive.

When arriving at the carriage, according to normal etiquette, Zhang Cheng needed to support Gan Mei and let Gan Mei board the carriage.

But Zhang Cheng felt that there was some trouble. After thinking for a moment, he hugged Ganmei directly. A princess hug came and he carried her into the carriage.

Gan Mei was still crying, but when she was hugged by Zhang Cheng, she was stunned for a moment.

The body also became stiff for a moment, and his face suddenly turned pink.

But there was not much resistance.

I just feel that my husband is too bold.

Under the watchful eyes of so many people, he did something that was against etiquette and law!

While she was still thinking about this, Zhang Cheng had already put her on the carriage.

At this moment, Gan Mei didn't dare to look into Zhang Cheng's eyes.

Zhang Cheng smiled. This feeling of warmth and warmth was indeed very good.

Originally, according to the previously established rules, after Zhang Cheng received Gan Mei into the carriage, the matter was over.

At this time, he only needed to ride on the red rabbit horse, lead the welcoming team, and return to Fengqiu in a mighty manner.

But Zhang Cheng did not do this.

After carrying Ganmei into the carriage, he returned again.

The people in the wedding team didn't understand and were very puzzled. The rest of the people didn't understand what Zhang Cheng wanted to do?
But soon, they knew what Zhang Cheng was going to do.

I saw Zhang Cheng coming to the back of the crowd, where Ganji was still wiping tears.

Compared with the festive scene at this time, it is out of place.

Full of loneliness.

Zhang Cheng came to him, knelt down on his knees and kowtowed three times respectfully.

Ganji quickly helped Zhang Cheng up, and Zhang Cheng said:

"Father-in-law, I will definitely treat Meier well from now on, please rest assured.

Thank you for raising Meier so big. Will you be my father from now on? "

In the carriage, Gan Mei looked out and saw Zhang Cheng bowing to Gan Ji.

My heart was instantly touched. I was both happy and touched. I also felt that I really didn’t marry the wrong person this time. Everything was worth it!

A pair of beautiful eyes, instantly filled with tears again.

The rest of the people nodded after seeing what Zhang Cheng was doing.

I think what Zhang Cheng did was really good, well-reasoned and very polite.

After doing this, Zhang Cheng said goodbye to Ganji and got on the red rabbit horse.

Amidst the praises of the ceremony officials, they rode horses and led people all the way towards Fengqiu.

The line was long, much longer than when he arrived.

The reason for this is because Cao Cao delivered a lot of dowries.

Of course, although Cao Cao also paid some money for the dowry, Mi Zhu paid more for it.

Along the way, on both sides of the road, there were many people watching.

Everyone sent their blessings to Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng also smiled and returned the gifts one by one, accepting their kindness.

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others rode horses and walked with the team.

Feeling the excitement and the love Zhang Cheng received from many people, some of the thoughts in his heart became more intense.

Liu Bei was very envious of the relationship between Zhang Cheng and these many people.

This also strengthened Zhang Cheng's idea that he must learn from the future and love the people.

I feel that I can only learn some of Zhang Cheng's skills.

Then in the future, no matter where I go, I will definitely be loved by many people.

While thinking so in my heart.I also envied Zhang Cheng very much.

After all, in his opinion, Zhang Cheng is really young and promising.

Moreover, he had also taken note of Zhang Cheng's concubine's appearance before.

I have to say, this sweet plum looks really beautiful.

She is an extremely rare beauty.

Think about Zhang Cheng, who already had a concubine at the age of eighteen.

Think about yourself again, you are already in your thirties and you are still alone at this time.

In my heart, I feel a little uncomfortable and a little envious.

On the way forward, while thinking about these things, Liu Bei stretched out his hand from time to time and scratched his head.

These days, I don't know what's going on, but his head is always itchy.

I've washed it many times and it's still itchy.

Especially today, it seems more and more serious.

Otherwise, on such occasions, according to Liu Bei's character, he would never scratch his head.

After some walking, Zhang Cheng and others returned to Fengqiu.

After getting married, Zhang Cheng will not stay in Fengqiu for too long. He will take Gan Mei with him to Chen Liu to take up his post.

Therefore, I didn't buy any house in Fengqiu.

The new house is Zhang Cheng's original residence in Diannongzhuo.

But at this time, the house has been decorated with a brand new look.

At this time, the entire Diannong government office.They all looked extremely festive.

Now that he is at his own home, Zhang Cheng no longer observes etiquette like that.

He got off the red rabbit horse, opened the carriage curtain, and held one of Ganmei's hands.

Ganmei's body trembled for a moment, and then she wanted to get down by herself.

But Zhang Cheng hugged him directly.

Amidst the laughter of everyone, Zhang Cheng also laughed and hugged Ganmei, and ran all the way into the courtyard of the Diannong Office.

Dian Wei, Cao Hong and others originally wanted to have fun with Zhang Cheng.

As a result, Zhang Cheng ran so fast that they didn't even get a chance.

By the time they reacted, Zhang Cheng had already run to the backyard with Ganmei in his arms.

When Cao Hongdianwei and others saw this scene, they couldn't help but secretly exclaimed that Mr. Gao Jiu was so unreasonable that he didn't even give them this chance!

What a dog!
They thought that this gentleman would follow the set rules step by step!
They were still holding back their energy and were ready to wait until they were in the back before they started playing with Mr. Gaojiu.

As a result, he has escaped now!

It immediately caught everyone off guard.

After Zhang Cheng arrived at the backyard, he quickly placed Ganmei on the bed and closed the door behind him.

Immediately, the hustle and bustle outside was shut out.

They were the only two people left in the room.

The atmosphere instantly became different, a little subtle.

"Madam, just wait for me here. I'll deal with those people outside before I come back."

Zhang Cheng said and came to Gan Mei.

Ganmei nodded obediently, indicating that she understood.

When she thought Zhang Cheng was about to go out, she didn't expect that Zhang Cheng suddenly lowered his head, held her cheek, and kissed her on the red lips.

After a short pause, he let go of Ganmei and left with a smile.

At this time, Gan Mei was completely confused by Zhang Cheng's bold move.

There was a blank in the whole person's mind. It took a while before he finally came back to his senses.

My heart couldn't help but beat fast.

This...why is my husband so bold?
This this……

She didn't know how to describe her mood for a moment.

I just felt that my whole chest was filled with some strange emotions.

Unconsciously, she remembered what the servant girl who was responsible for imparting knowledge to her said before she got married.

She said that Mr. Gaojiu was alone and not too old. He probably had not experienced anything and did not understand this aspect.

On the wedding night, you need to be more proactive and lead Mr. Gaojiu by yourself.

But now, judging from the performance of her husband.

I'm just afraid... I'm just afraid that he is much more skilled than me...


Zhang Cheng succeeded in the sneak attack and came to the door.

Dian Wei, Cao Hong and others rushed over.

Recalling the scene just now, Zhang Cheng felt that his whole head was a little dizzy.

Even before I started drinking, I felt a little drunk.

It turns out that the feeling of electric shock mentioned in some later books was actually true.

After everyone came over, they still didn't let Zhang Cheng go.

Some fun was given to Zhang Cheng.

But these are not excessive, just some normal fun.

"Gaojiu, sir, I really have you, you are really good!"

At this time, Cao Hong seemed to have discovered something terrible.

Suddenly, he gave Zhang Cheng a thumbs up with a look of amazement on his face.

As he spoke, he pointed at Cheng's open mouth.

Only then did others react and saw a faint rouge color on Zhang Cheng's mouth.

Many of the people present were experienced drivers. Just by looking at the things left on it, you would know what Zhang Cheng had gone through just now.

This Mr. Gaojiu is indeed Mr. Gaojiu!
In just a short period of time, he was already talking!
It's really a break from the busy schedule.

At this time, Zhang Cheng already knew what Cao Hong was talking about.

He stretched out his hand and wiped it on his lips, and sure enough, a little rouge color was wiped off.

But he didn't blush or breath, and looked at ease.

Not only was he not ashamed, but he also laughed happily.

After all, in his opinion, this is business.

Liu Bei, who followed, also smiled after seeing such a scene.

Then, a look of envy appeared on his face.

It’s great to be young!This kind of unrestrained and uninhibited behavior is really enviable.

After doing this, Zhang Cheng followed everyone to the courtyard in front.

The entire compound was filled with the aroma of wine and meat at this time.

There are also many tables and chairs set up for the banquet.

at the same time.Outside the courtyard of the government office in Dianzhongsuo, a large area has also been cleared, which is also used to entertain guests.

There is still a feeling that there is no room for hospitality.

At this time, many people had come outside, including Xun Yu, Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai, Cao Renlejin and many others. Zhang Cheng's side was extremely lively.

Many prominent figures in Yanzhou are here!
Even if there were some people who couldn't make it outside, they were all sent corresponding gifts by someone else.

This scene is really lively.

Gao Shundianwei, Cao Hong and others all helped Zhang Cheng greet the guests.

The same is true for Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei.

It can be described as full house.

Such a grand scene made many people sigh in their hearts.

This is indeed Zhang Chengzhang's arrogance. He just took a concubine. This movement and scale are bigger than many other people's marriages!
Many people got married, but none could match the scale of his concubinage.

This piece of Gao won Cao Cao's heart, which can be seen from this.

Zhang Cheng was greeting guests here, but suddenly someone ran in, looked at Zhang Cheng and said:
"Um...Mr. Gaojiu, please go out and take a look!

Something happened and we didn't know how to fix it. "

"What happened?"

Zhang Cheng asked aloud.

Today is his big day, could someone still dare to come and cause trouble? !

After saying this, Zhang Cheng quickly walked outside without stopping.

He wanted to see what was going on!

Who dares to come and cause trouble when he is getting married!

After arriving outside, Zhang Cheng was stunned instantly.

Because what happened in front of him was fundamentally different from what he imagined.

It wasn't just anyone who came to cause trouble, but a lot of people came.

Some of these people carried a basket of eggs, and some held an old hen.

Others were carrying some smoked meat, some were holding piglets, and some were carrying a basket of extremely rare white-faced steamed buns.

Others were carrying baskets. At this time, especially here in Yanzhou, there is still a shortage of white rice.

Some are holding cloth...

Everyone came to give gifts to Zhang Cheng.

On Zhang Cheng's side, some people have already begun to refuse.

I don’t want what’s theirs, but these people don’t want it.

It turns out that the reason for calling myself out was because of this matter!

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment.

then.Dian Wei, who ran out after him, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu who ran out with a Zhangba snake spear and other weapons, Liu Bei, Cao Hong and many other people were also stunned.

The situation before them was completely beyond their imagination.

Originally, they all thought it was some audacious being who dared to turn a blind eye here.

At such an important moment, you are seeking trouble for yourself.

They were all ready to come out to fight and settle the matter.

Even Zhang Fei has always had some opinions on Zhang Cheng.

At this time, he was also filled with anger.

I want to do something and give these ignorant people a fight.

Although he has some opinions about Zhang Cheng, his status today is quite special.

She was invited to the wedding by Zhang Cheng, and corresponding arrangements were made.

Under such circumstances, he would naturally have to work hard.

But now, after seeing the scene in front of me and knowing what exactly happened.

The anger they were filled with suddenly disappeared.

Everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them.

These many people, carrying so many things, came to Zhang Cheng to send congratulatory gifts.

This is something they have never encountered before!

No one has ever won the hearts of the people like this!
Although Zhang Cheng took a concubine this time, it was more grand.

But there was absolutely no propaganda among these people.

I never thought that people would come to send gifts and congratulations.

Zhang Cheng himself had also never heard any rumors.

But now, these people are here!

And they also brought something extremely precious in their home.

Whether it was the chicken, duck, fish, eggs, or white rice they brought, they were all the best things for the people of this era.

He is the most prolific one in their family.

It's something they themselves can't bear to eat.

Only during the New Year and the holidays will I eat such a small amount, and even the food that I would not even bear to eat during the New Year and the holidays!

but now.But they all took it over just to give themselves a gift!
"Fellows and fellow villagers, I accept your wishes.

But please take the things away and don’t leave them behind.

This is just me taking a concubine, not taking a wife.

If you give them all as a gift.

If I want to get a wife or something from now on, I will give you too much, and I will have to make you poor! "

Zhang Cheng tried his best to speak more humorously.

His words indeed caused some laughter.

But among these people, no one was willing to take away their things.

"Mr. Gaojiu, just accept it!"

If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be living the life we ​​are living now.

Because of you, my life now has been much better.

We people usually receive too much care from you and don’t have anything good to give you.

I usually give you something, but you don’t accept it.

Now it happens that you are getting married, so of course we have to express it.

Otherwise, wouldn't we be called a white-eyed wolf and ungrateful? "

One of the common people who was relatively eloquent said at this time.

The rest of the people also nodded.

Zhang Cheng waved his hand and said:
"We can't accept it, we really can't accept it!"

But these people didn't care. They threw the things they brought on the ground and turned around and left.

Zhang Cheng, on his side, quickly stepped forward to persuade them to stay and asked them to stay for dinner.

But these people refused to say anything.

Don't want to trouble Zhang Cheng.

They just threw the gifts here and left immediately.

The key is if there are just one or two such people, then forget it.

This is true for many people.

All together, there are more than a thousand people!
All these people have left.

Just stay in place.There were so many chickens, ducks, fish, and all kinds of other things.

These things are actually not very precious to the dignitaries present.

But Zhang Cheng's mood was extremely complicated and he felt that this thing was heavy.

It is heavier than the money given by others.

Liu Bei put all this into his eyes, filled with emotion and envy at the same time.

This made him even more convinced that he would learn from Zhang Cheng in doing things in the future.

"Mr. Gaojiu... what should we do now?"

Dian Wei came to Zhang Cheng and asked Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng smiled bitterly and said:

"What else can I do?
Now that things have come to this, we can only accept them all. "

At the same time, Zhang Cheng has also decided that after finishing his work, he will have some gifts sent to people's homes door to door.

We cannot take these things from the common people in vain.

Because he knows what their life is like.

These definitely account for a large share of their original assets.

After dealing with these matters, Zhang Cheng and the people present turned back.

Things go on.

But the expressions of many people seemed a little different.

Obviously, he was shocked by the scene that happened before, and he has not yet completely recovered.

After some pleasantries, everyone was tired.

On Zhang Cheng's side, the chef had already been arranged, prepared the dishes, and officially started serving them.

Among the dishes served this time, there are more traditional dishes.

At the same time, there are also several dishes made by Zhang Cheng himself.

However, he did not cook it himself, but the professor gave it to the cook.

Among them, there are two dishes made with pork.

One is braised pork, and the other is small crispy pork made from pork.

Zhang Cheng specially chose these two dishes at this time.

The purpose is to break everyone's prejudice against pork.

Especially those with higher status are prejudiced against pork.

This time, he held a wedding here, and many people who came were high-status people.

He wanted to take this opportunity to push the pork out.

Compared to the people at the bottom, these people come.They are the main force eating meat in this era.

Whether pork can be popular will determine whether pork consumption will grow rapidly in the future.

In fact, it’s more about looking at the people in front of me.

As long as they can change their prejudice against pork.

Then in the future, they will definitely eat more pork.

In this way, there will be a market for pork.

even.The price of pork will also rise!
Only people who raise more pigs can increase production and income.

However, Zhang Cheng did not tell everyone at the beginning that these two dishes were made from pork, lest some people would have psychological effects and misunderstand these two dishes.

It wasn't until the banquet was over that Zhang Cheng told everyone that the two dishes were made from pork.

While some people felt uncomfortable, many others were extremely shocked.

After all, during this banquet, they felt that these two dishes were the most delicious.

But who would have thought that the dish they think is the most delicious is actually made of pork! !
After being surprised.It just feels a little incredible.

Zhang Cheng took advantage of the trend and promoted a wave of pork.

It can be said that Zhang Cheng's behavior this time was very useful.

After his promotion this time, these people were able to eat it themselves.

Many people inside felt that they would try to eat some pork after returning here.

Just follow what Zhang Cheng did.

Many people's prejudice against pork has dissipated a lot with Zhang Cheng's meal.

After eating, drinking and socializing, Zhang Cheng finally relaxed.

But it was already evening.

Zhang Cheng doesn't drink much, but he drank a lot today on his special day.

Even though he had a good drink capacity, he was still a little tipsy at this time.

He washed his face and came to his new house with some staggering steps.

When he opened the door, his eyes fell on Gan Mei's face, and he grinned involuntarily.

Next, came the unforgettable moment for him!
(End of this chapter)

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