West Coast American Iai

Chapter 55 AR15: Dual Wielding

Chapter 55 AR15: Dual Wielding

When the time came to seven o'clock in the evening, Luo Su walked out of the police station.

At this moment, the police car parked in Luo Su's parking space suddenly flashed its headlights, and the car window opened at this time, revealing Selena's head: "What did you and Williams talk about?" ?It actually took so long?”

"You haven't left yet?"

Luo Su walked forward, bent down and looked at Selena in the car and said.

"What are you going to eat while I'm gone?" As Selena said, she also took a box from the passenger seat with her right hand.

"You often go to that pizza place."

"Get in the car, I'll take you home."

Since Luo Su did not drive his white pickup truck today, the two of them could only take a police car home.

"You want to turn that guy into an undercover agent?" As soon as Luo Su got in the car, Selena turned to him and asked.

The Ruger pistol on Besley's body was exactly the same as that of the two gunmen. Although the guy did not fire a gun, the probability of being a gunman was definitely higher than that of a passerby.

But what Selina just heard from Mobley was that Luo Su seemed to be going out of his way to exonerate the gang member, and even wanted to let him go the next day.

In Selina's opinion, allowing Luo Su to do this only meant that the gang member was Luo Su's informant, or was about to be developed into an informant.

"Yes, this guy is easier to control and is suitable to be an informant." Luo Su has been observing Besley for a few days. In his opinion, this guy can betray anyone for profit. This characteristic also makes the other person on the line There is still some future development on this road.

As for whether Besley would betray him, Luo Su was not particularly worried. After all, once the traitor's name was exposed, Besley would be greeted by endless pursuit.

"Suitable to be an informant?" Selina didn't know Baisley well, so she was a little confused about Luo Su's ability.

However, although Selena doesn't know much about Besley, she still has quite a lot of experience in being an undercover agent, "But to be honest, being an undercover agent is really good."

"We don't have to write a report after shooting, we don't have to face Lowry and Williams, we don't have to worry about being reported, and there's no administrative leave. Isn't this a perfect position for us?"

"Also, wages are being paid as usual, which is perfect."

Selena seems to be very eager to become an undercover agent. After all, she has to deal with too many things every day.

While Selena was still talking, Luo Su's eyes lit up. He had never thought that becoming an undercover would have so many benefits.

If you become an undercover agent, wouldn't you be able to shoot at will?

No matter whether you are a Crip Gang, a Blood Gang, or an Aryan Brotherhood, every bullet fired must become your own justice value.

But after all, Luo Su had been a patrol officer of the Long Beach Police Department for a long time, and he was familiar with Cannella, Ismail and others. He even appeared on Los Angeles TV because of the Irvine University incident.

Such exposure also makes Luo Su basically no possibility of becoming an undercover agent.

"Hey, Luo, what are you thinking about?" Selina asked Luo Su quickly when she saw Luo Su in the passenger seat holding the pizza box without moving for a long time.

"Oh, nothing."

After Selena broke the silence, Luo Su also turned his head to look at the other party and said, "I'll rest for a while. Call me when you get there."

"no problem."

Following Selena's reply, Luo Su leaned directly on the back of the passenger seat, closed his eyes and entered a nap state.

[Name: Luo Su
Occupation: Long Beach police officer
Age: 21
Abilities (gain 1 skill for each level):

Car driving level 1 (requires 36 points to upgrade)
Pistol Mastery Level 2 (requires 200 points to upgrade)
Submachine gun proficiency level 1 (requires 55 points to upgrade)
Rifle Mastery Level 1 (requires 62 points to upgrade)
Close combat level 2 (needs 200 points to upgrade)
Sniper Rifle Mastery (not yet obtained)

Tank driving (not yet acquired)
Skill: Iai Colt (your hit rate will reach 10% within 100 meters, and the drawing speed is 0.15 seconds)
Right swing fist: Within 1 step, 100% stun when hitting the jaw (within 200 kg).

Justice Execution (Passive): You can see criminals and convert the crime value of arrested and killed criminals into allocated points. 】

Just when Luo Su closed his eyes, a string of white words appeared in the pure black world.

'123 points, where should I use them? '

When Luo Su killed two gunmen in the morning, he successfully obtained 45 justice points. In addition to the 15 points he obtained during the last raid on the blood gang, and the 3 justice points left from his usual check-in, he now has It already has a full 63 points of justice.

Now Luo Su relies on his "Justice Execution" passive to be able to judge the justice value points that the criminal can provide him from the black energy on his body.

Of course, this black energy can only be fully released when the opponent shows enough hostility.

For example, Cannella, the leader of the Cripple Gang, usually showed no hostility towards Luo Su.The only time the other party showed his infinite evil was when Luo Su took out a revolver and put it on the other party's forehead.

At that time, a large black fog appeared behind Cannella, and in Luo Su's eyes, it even obscured the Crip Gang members behind him.

'63 points, seems like just enough rifle proficiency. '

At this time, Luo Su already had the Colt Iaijutsu and the right swing punch that could knock out the opponent with one punch, so Luo Su didn't have much need for these two skills.

Now the only thing Luo Su needs to improve is his long-range spear skills, and the justice value of 63 points just covers the upgrade requirements for proficiency in spear skills.

Thinking of this, Luo Su didn't hesitate at all and directly used all his justice points on rifle proficiency.

[Level 1 of Spearmanship Mastery is full and is being upgraded. 】

[Your marksmanship proficiency has reached level 2, and you have obtained the skill 'AR15·Dual Wielding. '】

[AR15·Dual-wielding: When you use two AR15s at the same time, their recoil will be reduced by 80%, the lower limit of hit rate is 20%, and the reloading speed will be increased by 100%. 】

Dual-wielding AR15, this thing looks very fierce at first glance.

Somehow, the first person that came to Luo Su's mind was Stallone.

However, judging from the description of this skill, when Luo Su uses two AR15s, it is even easier than using two pistols.

The recoil is reduced by 80%, allowing Luo Su to hold the gun with one hand without being greatly affected.And the lower limit of the hit rate allows Luo Su not to worry about the hit rate of shooting. As long as he shoots at the enemy, there will be no traces.

You can buy two AR15s.

In the Los Angeles area, officers in each police station are allowed to purchase their own equipment. This is why Luo Su was able to directly equip four Colt revolvers before.

"Hey, Luo Su, we're here."

When Luo Su was still thinking about how to use his new skill with his eyes closed, Selena's voice sounded in his ears again.

When Luo Su opened his eyes, he found that the police car had indeed arrived in front of his house, and even his sister Avril was already standing outside waiting.

"Hey Garcia, Selena."

Avril called Luo Su and Selena's names and walked over quickly, "A gunman appeared in your police station today? I heard that Williams was also shot?" "Yes, both gunmen have been Shot to death by Luo Su." Selina looked at Avril, who was already lying on the passenger door, and introduced the situation in the morning.

"Oh, God, why is Long Beach so chaotic these days?"

Avril said this mainly because Luo Su had experienced too many things in the past two days.

From the shooting at Irvine University, to the raid on a Bloods gang stronghold, to today’s shooting of a police sergeant and deputy at the Long Beach Police Department, it didn’t even last more than a week.

"Well, it's definitely a bit messy."

Although Selena is a police officer with the Long Beach Police Department, she has to admit that the security in Long Beach these days does not seem to be very good.

"But don't worry, as long as I'm here, the problem will be solved soon." When Luo Su got out of the car, Selena, who was in the driver's seat, did not forget to boast a few words.

Hearing Selena's words, Avril rolled her eyes angrily and said, "Okay, just take care of yourself."

"Okay, I'll leave first. You can go back."

Since it was too late, Selina was not prepared to stay too long. After leaving a word, she stepped on the accelerator and drove away in the police car.

"Is Williams okay? Sophia called in the afternoon and said she would go back to Long Beach tomorrow." After her brother was assassinated, Avril and Lavigne's mother, Sophia, still planned to come back from New York.

"What the hell is she doing over there in New York?"

When Luo Su opened the door of his house, he suddenly asked Avril.

"I don't know either. I just heard that she was hanging out with an Italian. Who knows what she is doing." Avril didn't want to care about Sofia's affairs. After all, they hadn't lived with Sofia for a long time.

"Are you going to the police station tomorrow? I saw on TV that you shot two gunmen directly. Are you going to be on administrative leave?"

Avril has always been looking forward to Luo Su taking an administrative leave and taking her to Miami again.

"No, there will be no administrative leave at this time."

"I won't even take a break. I have important things to do tomorrow."

"You can go out."

Early the next morning, Luo Su drove his white pickup truck to the police station and brought out Besley, who was detained in the police station.

"Can I really go?"

Besley, who had been taken to the police station gate and had his handcuffs loosened, still felt that everything that had happened in the past two days was too fantasy.

He had participated in the assassination of the police chief and deputy chief, so why was he let go by the Long Beach Police Department?
Could it be that he really acted too perfectly?
Just when Besley was immersed in his own world, Luo Sucai dragged him outside the police station and said, "Are you still unwilling to leave?"

"Yes, yes, of course."

Of course, Besley would not let go of the opportunity to leave the police station directly. After all, he had already made up his mind to die on the spot or go to jail. Being let go now was simply beyond his expectation. , how can you refuse at this time?

"Be careful when you go back."

When Luo Su sent Besley to the side of the street, he reached out and patted him on the shoulder, whispering a reminder to the lame little gangster.

Be careful when you go back?
Besley was stunned when he heard this. Because Luo Su's words were so special, Besley suddenly had an ominous premonition, "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing, go back."

After Luo Su finished speaking, he turned around and walked back into the police station without giving Besley a chance to continue asking questions.

Besley looked at Luo Su walking further and further away, and did not dare to go into the police station again to ask, so he had to walk towards his home with this doubt in his mind.

'be careful? '

'What's the meaning?Is someone trying to deal with me? '

'Cannella? '

Besley's inner drama has always been rich, but Luo Su's simple words made the Crip Gang member start to think endlessly.

'Damn it, isn't Canela planning to silence me? '

Besley felt that he had no intention of walking out of the police station alive, and Cannella certainly had no intention of doing so either.

In this way, his release from the Long Beach Police Department became a huge accident, an accident that allowed Cannella to kill him.

'Damn, what to do? '

Besley was confused when he thought of this. He didn't even dare to return to his home now, just like he was forced to sleep on a bench in a wealthy area a few days ago.



While Besley was still thinking, a motorcycle roared nearby. When Besley heard the sound and looked sideways, he happened to see Mike, a black man, looking at him with a smile on his face in the car.


When Besley saw who it was, he stopped immediately because he knew that this guy must be here for him.

"Where do you want to go? Cannella wants to see you, come with me." Mike put his right foot on the ground and stared at Besley with his head wearing sunglasses and said.

For Mike's invitation, Besley instinctively wanted to refuse, because he knew that he would definitely not get any favors by going to Cannella's tavern this time.

A guy who was sent to assassinate the Long Beach Sheriff actually came back unscathed. Even Baisley himself found it too absurd.

"Can I not go?" Besley froze on the spot and suddenly said something to Mike.

"Huh?" Mike, the black man, really didn't expect that Besley would dare to disobey Cannella's summons. For a moment, Mike didn't even think of how to reply.

After a brief daze, the black man Mike suddenly tilted the motorcycle to the left, put down his legs, and walked towards Besley angrily, "Damn it, do you know what you are talking about?"

Of course Besley knew what he was doing, and he had even thought about the inhuman treatment he would encounter when he returned to Cannella's bar.

Thinking of this, Besley turned around and ran towards the police station again.

At this time, Besley suddenly felt that the police station was not so scary.At least compared to Cannella, the police station is much more civilized here.

 I recommend a friend's book, "In this life, I won't even talk about love dogs."

  In this life, love dogs don't even talk about it!

  Wang!woof! !
(End of this chapter)

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