West Coast American Iai

Chapter 81 100 Bullet Dodge

Chapter 81 100% bullet avoidance
Although Selena herself exists as an action commando most of the time, her favorite thing is e-sports.

Compared to shooting in reality, Selina thinks video games on the computer screen are more interesting.

It's just that although Selena invited Luo Su many times, Luo Su always rejected her because she was too busy and she never played a game with him in a team.


Just when Luo Su got into the passenger seat, the cell phone he had kept in the car rang.

"I came at the right time." After Luo Su complained, he directly picked up the phone.But when he saw the other person's name, it was his uncle Williams.

"Hello? What's the matter?" Luo Su asked Williams on the other end of the phone as soon as he answered the call.

As soon as the call was connected, Williams, who had just watched the live broadcast, began to introduce the current situation to Luo Su, "Your actions have been broadcast by reporters from the Los Angeles TV station. Did you know?"

"Reporter, I saw one. I don't know the whole live broadcast."

Luo Su really didn't know about the fact that it had been broadcast live.Because he had focused all his energy on the gang members just now, he really didn't see the intern reporter behind him who was filming in the corner.

"Now that the footage of you killing so many gang members directly outside an abandoned warehouse has been spread to various social platforms, the impact of this incident will be very large. I think the special operations may be affected."

According to Williams, the more stealthy the action, the greater the chance of success and the greater the harvest it can bring.

And now Luo Su's actions have been broadcast live across the United States, and the video of him pulling out his gun has even become the focus of everyone's discussion.This is actually not a good thing for Williams and the entire operations team.

"Besides, you killed too many people. I think you will be complained about or even prosecuted later."

The main reason why Williams said this is that he has a lot of experience.

Based on his more than 20 years of experience as a police officer, Williams said that if Luo Su kills gang members without restraint, even if the gang members do not take action, some perpetrators will prosecute him.

Don't take any special actions at that time. Luo Su and Williams may even be investigated.

Of course, such a possibility is not actually high, but since there is such a possibility, Williams has to guard against it.

So after thinking for a moment, Williams continued: "You'd better not be too public in the next two days, and act as covertly as possible."

"No problem." Luo Su also agreed to Williams' suggestion.After all, what the other party said does make sense. If the whole thing was broadcast live, the scene of him shooting a gang member would not only become a propaganda of heroism, but also be portrayed as a tyrant.

Seeing that Luo Su agreed, Williams said directly: "Okay, let's talk about other things after you return to the scenic spot."

"it is good."

After a simple response, Luo Su also hung up the phone directly.Along with Selina, they roared towards the police station.

At the same time that Luo Su left, Besley, who had just been shot in the conflict, was lying in a gap on the roadside, watching the white pickup truck gradually move away from him.

"Besley, are you okay?" Behind Besley, Chandler, whose hands were still handcuffed, glanced at Besley's arm, which was still bleeding out, and asked him.

Baisley didn't want to answer Chandler's question at all.

In Baisley's opinion, Chandler is definitely a fool. His right hand has become like this. How can he still be fine?
Chandler on the side saw that Besley didn't answer him, and knew that there might be some problems with his question, so in order to ease the embarrassment, he changed his mouth and said, "Are we, are we going to keep running?"

At this time, Chandler no longer had the high spirits and the feeling that he was about to get the little boss.

The reason why Chandler was so frightened was because what happened in the abandoned warehouse just now was too sudden and too bloody.The ability displayed by the god-like Luo Su made Chandler no longer want to become a small boss.

At this time, Chandler was thinking more about how to break away from the Blood Gang and stay away from the gang so that he could live longer.

"Run? Didn't you see the police car coming? If you go out at this time, do you think they will count you as surrendering?"

When facing Chandler, Besley rarely had some confidence.At least in his own opinion, Chandler should be inferior to him, at least that's how he performs now.

After Chandler heard what Besley said, he quickly stretched his head and looked outside.Sure enough, behind the white pickup truck, Mobley and other police cars from the special operations team followed one after another.

After seeing this scene, Chandler suddenly trembled.

If he had really walked out just now, he might have been shot several times and fell to the ground by now.

Now after what happened in the abandoned warehouse just now, Chandler was only thinking about getting shot and killed, and he didn't even dare to have any illusions about being captured alive.

But what Chandler didn't know was that a little guy like him didn't actually have much appeal to Luo Su.

Because he has never done any serious cases, the justice value he can provide to Luo Su is actually not much.The ones who can really provide huge help to Luo Su and bring huge justice are the leaders of the Blood Gang and the Aryan Brotherhood who were killed by him just now.

These two people alone have provided Luo Su with almost 50 points of justice.

Luo Su, who had gained a lot, was lying on his back in the passenger seat with his eyes closed, checking the justice points he had just obtained in the raid on the abandoned warehouse.

'107 is a great harvest. '

One round of action directly brought Luo Su 107 points of justice, which Luo Su himself had never thought of.

In this way, hundreds of points of justice can bring Luo Su another upgraded skill.

As for the next skill, Luo Su has already prepared for it, which is the basic skill he just acquired: crisis perception.

At this time, as Luo Su's actions were getting deeper and deeper, the hatred between the Blood Gang, the Aryan Brotherhood, and Brian was getting bigger and bigger.Coupled with the live broadcast on TV, it is impossible to hide his image.

In this way, Luo Su will only face more and more crises.Therefore, in addition to the skills used for attack, Luo Su felt that it was still necessary to consider his own safety.

[Upgrade crisis perception. 】

[Crisis Sense Level 1 is full and is being upgraded. 】

[Your crisis perception has reached level 2, and you have gained the skill 'Bullet Sense'. 】

[Bullet Sense: You can sense the direction of bullets fired at you, and can 100% avoid the first bullet fired at you every day. . 】

'The first bullet fired at you every day can be dodged 100%. '

'Bullet Sense', a skill that can dodge bullets, is simply an unexpected surprise for Luo Su.

Luo Su's main purpose in choosing this skill was to sense the dangers around him.But now this skill actually comes with a 100% dodge effect, which is of course great for Luo Su.

In this way, the first bullet fired at Luo Su every day, whether it was a pistol, rifle or sniper rifle, would not be able to harm Luo Su at all.

And with such a skill, at least that kind of sudden attack will no longer be a big threat to Luo Su.

'This is just a skill that has been upgraded to the second level.If these skills could be upgraded to the third level, what kind of skills would they bring? '

In Luo Su's opinion, a second-level skill with 100 justice points can be so powerful. So if you get a third-level skill with 200 justice points, how powerful will it be beyond Luo Su's imagination?
Of course, after paying 200 points of justice, you may gain skills with the same intensity as before.

As for what will happen then, Luo Su will have to check it out himself.

Thinking of this, Luo Su was not ready to use the justice value easily.He was going to collect two hundred points to upgrade one of the skills of No Pistol or Sense of Crisis to the third level and obtain a new skill to prove whether his idea was correct.

But if Luo Su wants to get more justice points, he must continue to declare war on the gang.But in this way, it goes against the reduction and concealment that Williams mentioned before.

More justice means more action, more shootouts, and more deaths.In this way, it is impossible for their special operations team to be linked to 'concealment'.

'It seems that we have to discuss it with Williams again. It would be best if we can transfer some more people to me. '

After having new experimental ideas, Luo Su seemed to be no longer satisfied with small-scale operations.

If possible, Luo Su would like to wipe out all the gangs in Long Beach City, and send them all to see God, including Mayor Brian.

Of course, this can only be Luo Su's idea.It is certainly unrealistic to completely crack down on gangs in America where gangs are rampant.

When the time comes, it won't just be Brian or the gang members who oppose him, there will also be opposing voices within the police station.

Sometimes, whether it's Long Beach, Los Angeles, or New York, the boundaries between black and white are actually not that clear.Under the entanglement of interests, many things cannot be easily solved.

The gang that cannot lose its tail is the reality, and it is also the current situation after compromise between the two parties.

It's okay to attack one, but if you want to attack them all, there are really too many things involved.

"Luo, we're here."

While Luo Su was still thinking about what to say to Williams, the white pickup truck braked and stopped at the gate of the Long Beach Police Station.

(End of this chapter)

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