Chapter 3 Objection
The unfinished meaning of this sentence caused a storm on the bridge. Even Fujimaru Ritsuka was shocked by Sevita's too cruel thoughts. He turned around in shock and stared at Sevita carefully.

During this brief confusion, Konrad Coates narrowed his eyes unhappily:
These were not words that Iago Severtarion would say.

Fujimaru Ritsuka cast a confused and questioning look at Conrad Coates amid the chaotic argument - this was only the third truly meaningful interaction between the two of them after they got to know each other, but the latter Miraculously, he understood what the former meant and shook his head quietly:
He was not the one who asked Sevatar to say these words.

This is indeed his domain, a certain illusion built based on his memories, but the control is almost completely out of his hands.Although he can hide himself in these illusions and pass through walls, he cannot make any substantial interference in what happens in the illusion. This illusion is not a test for him, so the real controller of the illusion is The emperor did not give him the corresponding authority.

But Sevatar would never say such words himself.

Konrad Curze knew what kind of person his first company commander was.It is true that in the real past, when he ordered the burning of Nostramo, it was Sevatar who, as the overseer, pulled the trigger of the crime for him.While doing this, that Savita even came up with a set of logic to convince himself, but this does not mean that he himself would make such a judgment without any basis - although his first company commander was in various There are some reasonable arrogances in all aspects, but they are definitely not so arrogant that they think they are qualified to decide the fate of a Primarch's home planet.

Besides, that's his home planet.Nostramo may not have made a good impression on him, but Konrad Curze knew that Sevatar had always loved the sinful planet.

Obviously, Fujimaru Ritsuka is fully aware of this.After a brief period of shock, she immediately returned to the crowd and started to stop the chaos in front of her. Everyone did stop and quiet down as instructed, but the atmosphere of uneasiness and anger still permeated the air.

"This is not something you would say, Severtarion." The girl who temporarily took the position of the primarch said, "If you are serious, I want to hear your reasons."

"Nostramo has sinned, Primarch. It has repeatedly ignored your edicts, destroyed your laws, rebelled against your institutions, polluted your legions with liars, scum and scoundrels. She has sinned, sinned should be sanctioned.”

"Even so, this does not constitute a reason to destroy the entire planet." Fujimaru Ritsuka frowned, "It's not like everyone on Nostramo is a criminal. Letting punishment implicate innocent people cannot be called An act of justice.”

"There are no innocent people left on that planet." Saiveta said, "Even among the most ordinary people, mothers will be happy that their sons can stay at home, and friends will be happy for their partners in the gang. They celebrated not being drafted, and the scum and scum happily replaced those who really should have become legionnaires under the operation of the family. This is a crime of the entire society, and everyone is an accomplice."

"...This is not like something you would say for no reason, Savita Leon." Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly said with certainty, "You must have been affected by something outside the legion recently."

"No, Primarch, I've just been thinking about this for a long time."

"That means you have turned a deaf ear to many of the conclusions we have reached before, including our discussion of the scale of law enforcement targets and the boundaries of law enforcement actions, and most importantly, the issue of sentencing." Fujimaru Ritsuka was changing the topic, and Kang La De Coze could see this, "I won't do that - and it seems you need to catch up on your lessons again, Savitarion. Now is not a good time to go into a long speech. I suggest you go to Sigis later. Let’s talk to Mondstadt.”

...Sigismund?What does this have to do with the Imperial Fists?
Konrad Curze was not the only one to see that the emphasis was being artificially deflected. Sevatar was also aware of it: "You are changing the subject, Primarch. I ask you not to do so."

"And you are pursuing a proposal that is obviously excessive and irrational, First Captain Severtalion." Also without applying or obtaining permission, another Space Marine present - from his position It seems that it may be another Primarch Acolyte, but the logo on the shoulder armor is another symbol that Konrad Coze has never seen before. Perhaps it is some special position created by Fujimaru Ritsuka himself - interception Taking advantage of Sevita's words, it seems that this behavior of speaking freely has already formed a trend in this meeting of the Night Lords Legion.

In that subtle pause between the Space Marine's words, Konrad Curze began to realize that the voice sounded vaguely familiar.The Primarch's memory was so outstanding that it remained intact even after he died in a physical sense. He was very sure that he had heard this voice before, but it did not belong to a descendant of his own legion.

"The original body has clearly rejected and tactfully criticized your suggestion. You should stop your arrogant behavior." As he said this, Konrad Coze was surprised to realize that this The Space Marine wearing the Night Lord's armor is Sigismund, who belonged to the Imperial Fist in the original history. "So far, your stupid behavior is still within the scope of what can be solved in the confinement room. If you insist on continuing, I will have to sentence you in accordance with the relevant provisions of Chapter 3 CXXII-IV or CXXIV-II Supplementary Regulations of Legion Laws."

"It's up to you, you stern idiot, I don't care." Savita spread his hands.Obviously, what he wanted to show with this action was not only his disdainful attitude, but also his pair of red-painted gauntlets. "Anyway, this is not the first time I have led the army."

The atmosphere solidified with his unsparing statement. Sigismund, who had somehow become the Night Lord in the illusion, was already reaching for the hilt of the sword, but Fujimaru Ritsuka stretched out a hand at this moment. With one hand, he stopped the conflict that was about to break out.

"It seems that mere opposition cannot convince you, Savita Leon." She said calmly, "It doesn't matter, the Nightfall is very big, and it will take some time for Shen to complete the mission. We can talk at this time. chat."

She studied Sevita standing in front of her for a few seconds, and then suddenly asked an unrelated topic: "Do you still remember what you were doing before joining the Legion?" This question was obviously beyond Sevita's expectations.He hesitated for a moment, as if he wanted to ask something back, but finally answered: "At that time, I was living in Quintus's lair. I was one of the countless gangsters who joined the gang, doing some stealing and robbery. He has also killed people through stupid things like showing off his power. Just like any Nostramo with sound limbs and some ability."

He paused and added: "You've always known this."

"Yes, I know." Fujimaru Ritsuka said, "I also know that you are now a Space Marine of the Empire, the First Captain of the Night Lords, and one of my most powerful siblings. The black armored guards standing next to you now , your fellow brethren, more than four-fifths of them had very similar experiences to you in their early years, and they are now all glorious warriors and law enforcers worthy of respect."

"...This is just because you specially organized a large number of Nostramo soldiers for this operation, otherwise the ratio would not be so high."

"But the point of the matter is not actually the proportion, but 'there are such people, and there are many of them'. Moreover, the Terran people in the legion were not noble people with both morals and virtues at first." Fujimaru Ritsuka calmly said There was no emotion or anger in his tone, "You know, Severtarion, I have always hoped that you can remember what you were like before you joined the Legion, when you were still an ordinary person. This is not just to let you remember that you were not born wearing a coat. The purpose of being a tenacious super soldier is to allow you to look back when needed and still see your origins and the traces along the way."

"...Forgive me for being stupid, I don't understand, Primarch."

"Well, strictly speaking, this is a wide-ranging philosophical question... Let's just talk about the part related to the topic for now: I ask you, Savitarion, if you could go back in time, would you ask those who were still working as gang thugs? If you tell me the current situation, do you think you would believe it at that time?"

“…I think that’s a hypothesis that makes no sense.”

"Don't be so nervous. Just treat it as a casual chat and tell us what your first reaction was."

Sevatar had become impatient with this series of irrelevant conversations, but because he was facing his original body, he chose to hide his impatience well.Conrad Coates could see this.This was first because he was also very familiar with some of the subtle body movements of Yago Severtalion (the first company commander he knew well), and secondly because he was beginning to feel impatient with it.

It's a pity that he is not qualified to interfere in this illusion. He can only watch Sevita take a deep breath and continue to answer: "I won't believe it, and I will give a strong slap to the face of anyone who dares to entertain me like this." Fist, tell him to go somewhere else to peddle his fantastical fairy tales."

It’s hard to say whether it was because of Savita’s wording or because he got a satisfactory result. Fujimaru Ritsuka showed a faint smile because of his answer: "You see, you know it yourself. Because you have gone through these years On your journey, you have already undergone earth-shaking changes that even you would not believe. I guess some of the people standing around you now will have similar emotions if they look back on the past. Do you want to confirm?"

"No, Primarch, I believe you are right." Sevatar's approval came without hesitation.

He probably guessed what the Primarch wanted to illustrate through this example.

This is an undisputed reality, so Savita is not going to make a meaningless struggle on this issue, but to attack from another angle: "But you also know that these changes all stem from a very low probability. An opportunity. The vast majority of Nostramos do not encounter such an opportunity, and those who do encounter it are not all... deserving."

"However, you can't deny that as long as there is such an opportunity, some people can transform into a better direction." Fujimaru Ritsuka pointed out, "I hope that Nostramo can provide everyone with this opportunity for transformation equally. To this end, I established order and laws. I admit that I was too naive to think that most people would yearn for light in the eternal night and change for the better under the order... This made me fail several times. But as long as this The possibility still exists, and I won't give up on the planet completely."

Maybe people are photophilic, but those on Nostramo are not.These words made Conrad Coates almost laugh out loud.For those insects that are born and die in the night, light is like a poison that corrodes bones.If you give them light, they will not be grateful. Instead, they will try every means to block the light again and return the environment to the darkness they are more familiar with, more comfortable with and prefer, deceiving themselves that everything is no different from before. Then continue to live in a state of intoxication.No matter how you try, you will find that they are like a virus that is difficult to kill, with amazing brains and adaptability in this matter. The only way to end it all is to destroy the entire planet.

Just like Conrad Coates once did.Midnight Ghost is so determined that Nostramo has no future in his eyes.

Then he quickly realized that Fujimaru Ritsuka, who had failed several times on this issue, still didn't think so.

(End of this chapter)

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