The warrior Yu Xiaogang in Douluo

Chapter 31 The end of the technique!

Chapter 31 The end of the technique!


The girl murmured to herself.Somewhat unclear.Then he stared at Yu Xiaogang with his watery eyes and said doubtfully:

"Teacher, I am a beast spirit! I don't know how to use a sword!"

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's stunned look, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help laughing.Then he said.


"You can also call it 'Infinite Shocking Claw' or 'Liuying Lightning Flash'. It's just a name."

"Essentially, it is just a more advanced way of using soul power. An ultimate use of soul power!"

Finished.I poured myself a cup of tea and prepared to tell Zhu Zhuqing something off-topic in detail.

"When Tang San and Zhao Wuji stood together that day, how many tricks did you see?" Yu Xiaogang asked, intending to test this little cat.

"His pace is as outstanding as a ghost, and his short-distance dodge and flexibility are no worse than those of agility attack type soul masters. No, maybe even stronger!"

After thinking for a moment, Zhu Zhuqing spoke.

The second individual assessment was for Tang San to face the Soul Saint level Teacher Zhao alone.As a soul saint, he couldn't defeat him in a short period of time.

What about me?
I'm afraid I can't do it like Tang San, who can be as agile and quick as a nimble fly under that kind of pressure.

It is admirable.

"Tang San's blue silver grass martial spirit was actually cultivated to such an extent by him, and it was even able to combine with his own advantages.

When used in actual combat, they work together smoothly.I have never seen the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit be so powerful. "

"As a control-type soul master, whether it's strategy, tactics, or timing! This Tang San! Seems to be a perfect soul master!"

After this analysis, Zhu Zhuqing's expression became more and more solemn. Does the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit, such a weak Martial Spirit, make people feel so difficult to deal with?


"Tang San seems to be an all-powerful soul master with no obvious shortcomings, except that his frontal attack methods are slightly weak."

"But his hidden weapon methods are really terrifying. Not only are they extremely weird and as powerful as soul skills, they also make up for Tang San's weak attack."

You know, the last hidden weapon broke Teacher Zhao's defense, and its power still made Zhu Zhuqing feel scared.

"To be honest, I'm not even sure I can beat him, but teacher, I won't admit defeat! I will definitely surpass him! Definitely!"

To sum up, Zhu Zhuqing said.

I'm not boasting, I just don't want to lose!The determination in his eyes reveals an indomitable spirit and desire to win.

This Tang San is just a short hillside, but I want to become an invincible strongman like Teacher!
Goals throughout life!


Zhuqing, you are really strong, but if you don’t even have this courage and momentum, you are not worthy of being my disciple, Yu Xiaogang!

Yu Xiaogang felt relieved and very satisfied with this disciple.

Know that you are weak and not scary!
What's scary is looking at the backs of others moving forward and giving up, staying where you are and being afraid of failure.

Don’t have the courage to catch up!
I don’t have the heart to transcend!
"His Blue Silver Grass is not simple. Did you know that he also has a second martial spirit - the world's first martial spirit 'Haotian Hammer'"

After returning to his senses, Yu Xiaogang added.

"Twin martial spirits!? Clear Sky Hammer!?" Zhu Zhuqing was so surprised because he knew it.

The names of the three upper sects are known to everyone on the mainland, although the Haotian Sect has disappeared over the years because of offending the Wuhun Palace.However, it has not fallen out of the ranking of the seven major sects, and it is still very influential in the mainland.

"Do you know what are the conditions for the formation of twin martial souls? Human bodies have the genetic factors of martial souls from their ancestors and parents, and they devour and absorb the genetic factors of each other."

"When fused together, they may mutate, sometimes for good and sometimes for bad, and then appear as a dominant martial spirit."

"And 'Twin Martial Spirits' are two genetically identical bodies, but only Martial Spirits of the same quality and grade can compete with each other."

"And a balance must be maintained to make it possible for them to appear as 'manifest martial spirits' at the same time. Generally, martial spirits of the same type and the same attributes are easy to be born."

"Whether you have level one innate soul power or level 10 innate soul power, there is a chance of twin martial souls being born."

This is the conclusion that Yu Xiaogang has studied for many years.

"But this Blue Silver Grass is thousands of miles away from the Clear Sky Hammer. A plant spirit and a weapon spirit have completely opposite attributes."

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing expressed doubts.If the Bluesilver Grass that can be seen everywhere on the mainland can compare to the Clear Sky Hammer, isn't this nonsense?
"Then Tang San really shouldn't have had two 'manifest martial spirits'. Maybe the nature of the Blue Silver Grass is extremely compatible with this conflict."

"I can detect an extremely pure and vigorous vitality. It is not the same as the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit I have seen before."

"Perhaps some kind of righteous power has neutralized this conflict. Without studying Tang San's martial spirit carefully, the teacher cannot jump to conclusions."

Nodding, Yu Xiaogang guessed.

Instead of continuing the topic of twin martial spirits, he continued to talk about Tang San.

"Tang San has learned a lot. Have you ever thought of what is most outstanding about him?"

"Hidden weapon?! Blue silver grass? Or his fighting consciousness?" Zhu Zhuqing said.

Shaking his head slightly, Yu Xiaogang said:
"He is not pure enough! Hidden weapons, steps, control, poisons, he seems to be proficient in everything, but in fact he is loose in everything. None of them get to the essence!"

"If you encounter a strong enemy, such as some kind of arrogant and powerful soul beast. Hidden weapons are useless, poison is useless, and control is useless. You can't even scratch it!"

"In the end, Tang San could only use pure power - the Clear Sky Hammer!"

"Zhuqing, you have to know that human energy is limited, and you won't be able to use these miscellaneous soul skills when you reach a higher level!"

"A thousand moves are not as good as one. Keep improving and refine one hundred times to become strong!"

"Teacher, I don't have a single offensive soul skill in my body. They are all passive auxiliary amplification soul skills. With this powerful soul power and physical body, even strong men of the same level can

I can't bear the punch from my master! ! ! "

Among the top warriors in the Douluo Continent, when it comes to fighting, who doesn't rely on his powerful soul power and martial soul essence to dominate the world with one or two unique moves?

The seventh soul skill, the soul skills below the Martial Soul Avatar, are just for fun for experts at the same level.

"Martial arts! You can also understand it as soul skills. This martial arts is first simple and then complex, and then the complex is simplified. Mountains are still mountains. Water is still water.

Tang San was proficient in martial arts and had indeed put in a lot of effort in studying hard!But the only thing I can say is 'medium martial arts'.

On the contrary, the purple light in his eyes can be regarded as 'advanced martial arts' and goes straight to the essence.These martial arts created by fighting with others become more and more useless later on. "

After a pause, Yu Xiaogang raised his chin and said proudly with bright eyes:
"The word 'pure' should be used in everything a teacher learns."

"This infinite frightening light sword points directly at the teacher's extreme speed, which is worthy of the previous sentence."

"The end of the art!"

ps: The prototype of the Infinite Shocking Sword - the golden thread of Miron in Star Travels, and the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion of the Hokage Tenseigan!

(End of this chapter)

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