The warrior Yu Xiaogang in Douluo

Chapter 50: Teacher Zhuqing is really a Titled Douluo? !

Chapter 50: Teacher Zhuqing is really a Titled Douluo? !
As soon as this word comes out.

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin's kind face changed and he said sternly:


After saying that, he felt a little regretful. Chen Xin realized that he had never been willing to be so cruel to Rongrong. His tone softened again and he said gently:
"Rongrong, do you know how worried Grandpa Jian was when he heard the news about your accident? You have to listen to Grandpa Jian this time. I really can't feel at ease here in Shrek Academy."

He glanced at Flanders entering the door again.Flanders felt an inexplicable chill and quickly sat down.

"Grandpa Jian, isn't it already fine?"

Ning Rongrong gently shook Chen Xin's arm, then looked at Yu Xiaogang who was drinking tea next to her, then she firmly raised her little hand and swore:
"Besides, isn't there Teacher Yu here? Don't worry, nothing will happen in the future. I swear! I promise!"

Hearing this, Sword Douluo Chen thought for a moment.He turned to Yu Xiaogang who was beside him and asked:
"Mr. Yu, do you have any disciples? What do you think of Rongrong?"

If Rongrong could worship Yu Xiaogang as his teacher, having this relationship would be a good thing for the sect.

Such strength.And being so young, he might be able to aspire to be the top soul master in his lifetime.There is no one like him in the world - he is called: Peerless Douluo.

As far as Chen Xin knew, there was only one peerless Douluo alive in this continent.It was the figure that pressed Shang Sanzong out of breath.

"I have already closed my disciples, and I don't plan to accept any more. Isn't Rongrong an auxiliary martial spirit? What can I learn from you?"

Shaking his head, Yu Xiaogang gently put down the teacup and declined with a smile.

Since the Douluo Continent, the body of the 'Golden Holy Dragon' has been transformed and sublimated three times. I feel the unrestrained vitality from my body, and I can't judge the end of my life.According to the lifespan record of this golden holy dragon, Yu Xiaogang may only be in his youth.

The reason why people need to pass on what they have learned is just because life is short and they need the next generation to inherit their dreams and pursuits.

And he has sought immortality.


Sword Douluo Chenxin sighed.It's Rongrong who doesn't have this blessing.

"Grandpa Jian, what a pity. Teacher Yu's disciple is my friend named Zhu Zhuqing. I will introduce you to her next time. She is a real genius."

Seeing that Chen Xin seemed to be relenting, Ning Rongrong quickly spoke while the iron was hot.

"What a pity. Teacher Yu is also at Shrek Academy anyway. If I have any questions about martial arts that I don't understand, I can ask Teacher Yu directly."

I didn't care whether I could take Yu Xiaogang as my teacher, and I didn't know what I was missing.Ning Rongrong smiled at Yu Xiaogang again and said:
"Isn't that right, Teacher Yu!"

"Of course, no problem. Rongrong is always welcome." Yu Xiaogang replied with a smile.

"But" Sword Douluo Chenxin still hesitated.

"Don't worry, Grandpa Jian. It was just an accident last time. Rongrong has worked extremely hard during this period and has not neglected his soul power training. He has already broken through the first level."

Ning Rongrong blinked her big eyes and kept staring at Chen Xin, and then said coquettishly.This is a unique trick to deal with her Grandpa Jian.Never missed.

But this time, Sword Dou Luo Chenxin just looked directly at Rongrong and was silent for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time.Yu Xiaogang said:
"Brother Jian, I will stay at Shrek Academy for a while. You know my strength from previous battles. You should be able to relax."

Anyway, if one sheep is herded, so are two sheep.

With Ning Rongrong here, Sword Douluo Chenxin would have to come often, and there would often be opponents at the Title Douluo level to compete with each other in the future.

what? !

Teacher Yu and Grandpa Jian fight? !When did this happen? !Isn’t Teacher Yu the Soul Master?
How can it be? !
Hear the words.Ning Rongrong was stunned on the spot, feeling very surprised and confused, and her mood became very complicated.

"This is really troublesome for Brother Yu. This is just a little bit of caution. Seeing this card is like seeing me. If Brother Yu needs anything, you can directly ask the disciples below for help."

"I have to go back to the sect so I won't bother you. Rongrong will ask all the teachers for some snacks from now on." Sword Dou Luo Chen thought for a moment, then took out the Qibao Glazed Sect's Guest Card from the soul guide and put it on the table.

I really can't stand Rongrong's tough tricks. Besides, with Yu Xiaogang here, the safety aspect is indeed no different from that in the sect.

There is no harm in making friends with Yu Xiaogang.

"Rongrong. You send Grandpa Jian to you. Grandpa Jian has something to say to you."

He stood up and pulled the stunned Ning Rongrong, and was about to go out when Yu Xiaogang's faint voice came from behind.

"Brother Jian, don't forget to spar next time."

After a pause, Sword Douluo Chenxin nodded slightly without replying, and then sped up as if he had seen a ghost.

He disappeared at the end of the corridor in an instant.

Outside Shrek Academy.

"Grandpa Jian?! Did you really fight against Teacher Yu? Who won?"

Ning Rongrong was full of questions.Send a series of questions.You must know that Grandpa Jian is a level 96 super Douluo.

With Teacher Yu's gentle appearance, how could he possibly fight against Grandpa Jian?
However, Grandpa Jian did not deny this fact, and even agreed to have a discussion next time, which proved that Teacher Yu could indeed compete with Grandpa Jian.

"Well. Your Teacher Jade is not an ordinary person. At least he is a Titled Douluo level expert!"

Sword Douluo Chenxin nodded and admitted.

I am deeply moved.

It's incredible that Yu Xiaogang has broken through from a great soul master to the realm of 'Tiled Douluo' in just 20 years, and has a strength comparable to his own.

I can't imagine how profound the theoretical knowledge of martial arts that 'Master Yu Xiaogang' is.

If Rongrong could learn the 01:30 point, it might be easy to break through the restrictions of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.This was also the reason why Rongrong stayed at Shrek Academy.

You must know that Yu Xiaogang is also restricted by martial arts and has been stuck as a great soul master for decades.

But having only met Yu Xiaogang once, it would be extremely impolite to dare to venture into other people's details and secrets.

after all.

With Yu Xiaogang's current tyrannical strength, who would dare to question him? Isn't this looking for death?
"Ah!? Titled Douluo?!"

Ning Rongrong was shocked.Can't believe my ears.

Teacher Yu gave Ning Rongrong a gentle, elegant and affable look, and suddenly said that he had the ability to 'title'.The contrast is too great.

Is Teacher Zhuqing really a Titled Douluo? !
She really wasn't bragging!
Is this the legendary master who keeps his secrets secret?Can't tell at all.

Shaking her head, suppressing the surprise and curiosity in her heart, Ning Rongrong continued to ask:

"Grandpa Jian, who will win and who loses?"

Hearing this, Sword Douluo Chen paused and narrowed his eyes slightly. After pondering for a moment, he replied:
"I can only say that there is no difference in victory or defeat. However, Grandpa Jian, I did not use my full strength."

That's the beauty of language.

It's true that he didn't use his full strength.

(End of this chapter)

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