Chapter 15: Fang Xiaoru, punishing ten clans?
Ming Dynasty, Hongwu 13th year.

Sure enough, he was the one who opened the city gate after all, and Li Wenzhong sighed secretly.

Although he had some premonitions before, when he actually saw this scene in the miracle, his heart was still full of guilt.

He could only stand up again and salute Zhu Yuanzhang.

Unexpectedly, before he could speak, Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand and said softly: "Jiujiang didn't do anything wrong? Resisting desperately is a waste of Ming's power, but it is easy for outsiders to get a chance. Besides, even with the ability of the fourth child, he can't hold on. how long.

Zhu Yuanzhang turned to look at Zhu Di again: "Fourth brother, you have had many people help you during this fight. What are you going to do to your nephew and those ministers after you enter the capital?
Zhu Di was silent for a moment and faced the eyes that were looking at him, which contained ardent expectations. Zhu Di shook his head and said: "Father, please keep your education in mind. As long as they behave and don't cause trouble, I will do the same." I will treat them well.”

Zhu Yuanzhang did not give Zhu Di a chance to breathe, and then asked: "What if they behave unruly and make some moves?"

"The child will still be treated well, but in a way that will never cause future trouble." Zhu Di said after a moment of silence.

All the ministers in the palace were silent. They seemed to have seen the bloody storm in the capital in the early years of Yongle.
Han Dynasty, the first year of Yuan Shuo.

Their concern is not how Zhu Di ruled the Ming Dynasty. Isn't there very little history throughout the ages?

Much the same.

What they really care about is the evaluation in the miracles.

The only two words are extremely dazzling.

Huainan King Liu An was even more stunned.The only vassal king who successfully rebelled.

He is also a vassal king, and he also wants to rebel.

Doesn't this mean that he will fail?

The opposite of his mood was Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

The feudal king rebelled, and what was shaken was his power.

But in history, Zhu Di was the only one who succeeded, so wouldn't it mean that he, a big man, would not have to worry about being a vassal king?

But we can't be careless. Even if their rebellion fails, they will still damage our country's national strength.
[How will Zhu Di treat his good nephew? 】

[He has been thinking about it since he approached the capital. Unfortunately, it was a fantasy after all. Zhu Yunwen did not give him a chance. 】

[Zhu Di secretly sent people to search for him for decades. The emperor could run away, but his ministers could not. 】

[Qi Tai, Huang Zicheng, Fang Xiaoru and others, as Emperor Jianwen’s subordinates, needless to say their fate. Other ministers who were unwilling to recognize Zhu Di’s ascension to the throne still insisted that Emperor Jianwen was an orthodox minister. Some chose to commit suicide, and some chose to curse Zhu Di. He was eventually imprisoned and executed. 】

[Here, we want to mention Fang Xiaoru. It is said that Zhu Di confronted Zhu Di many times in the hall because Fang Xiaoru reprimanded him, and was punished by his ten clansmen. 】

[But in fact, it is not recorded in the official history of the Ming Dynasty. Instead, it is recorded in the actual records of Ming Shenzong that Ming Shenzong pardoned more than a thousand people who were implicated by Fang Xiaoru.If he is executed, how can he be forgiven? 】

[However, Zhu Di did kill Fang Xiaoru and many people at that time.But these are directly related to the proposal to reduce the vassal state and oppose Zhu Di. 】

[So how did Fang Xiaoru’s theory of killing ten clans come to be? 】
Ming Dynasty, Hongwu 13th year.Zhu Di was relieved when he saw Emperor Jianwen missing.

After all, he is still young now, and he really doesn't know how he will treat his good nephew in the future.

If it is not honorable, then there will be a gap between him and his eldest brother.

As for Zhu Di's method of dealing with those civil servants, no one thought there was any problem.

It is reasonable and reasonable for him to take office and eliminate his political opponents.

Moreover, he only killed more than [-] people. His father, Zhu Yuanzhang, killed Hu Weiyong and killed more than [-] people from his three clans.

The ministers below also breathed a sigh of relief, almost thinking that Zhu Di was going to imitate his father and completely eliminate a group of important court officials.

As long as Zhu Di doesn't mess around, their children, as descendants of the founding heroes, are capable. Even if they don't join Zhu Di, they won't become corpses in the first wave of great purges.

But now, Emperor Jianwen is missing. If their descendants are still waiting stupidly, then they should be expelled from the clan.

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded. He had now experienced the Hu Weiyong incident. Of course, his associates wanted to be killed, and they had to be killed.You know, when I later handled the Hu Weiyong case, I implicated 3 people.

But at the same time, his keen political sense also made him aware of something. He frowned and said to Zhu Di: "But later, there were still rumors that you had killed ten tribes. It shows that you still didn't clean up those people with treason. The person."

Although Zhu Biao is kind-hearted and does not agree with mass killings, he also understands Zhu Di's behavior of cleaning up political opponents.

It's just that I may have been too hasty and didn't do a good job in dealing with the aftermath.

This led to various deviations and misunderstandings about his behavior in later generations.
Ming Dynasty, Yongle 16th year.

At this time, Zhu Di governed the Ming Dynasty for more than ten years.Like Zhu Yuanzhang, he was also keenly aware of the problem.He sneered and said: "It seems that I was soft-hearted and did not kill you all. Let future generations spread rumors that I killed the ten Fang Xiaoru clan. If I really killed him, there would still be people alive to write in the history books. ?"

Emperors of other dynasties did not take these 800 people seriously.

These 800 people are nothing. In any fight, 800 people will die. There is never a shortage of talented people in the world, but there is a shortage of loyal and talented people.

They are more interested in how this saying was formed and passed on to later generations. After all, the key is the posthumous reputation a hundred years later.

Who doesn’t want their name to be passed down through the ages? ——
[In fact, the formation of this statement.It is reasonable to a certain extent and meets the needs of some people. 】

[First of all, there are ordinary people and lower-level Confucian scholars. They are numerous and do not understand the internal struggles in the court. They can only see [-] corpses. 】

[With the shock of ignorance, the story that was further spread as Fang Xiaoru seems to make sense.on the other hand.Since it can be widely circulated, it must be able to arouse people's interest. 】

[The royal family’s secret story about the massacre of 800 people from ten tribes is naturally full of interest and caters to the lower class audience. 】
Ming Dynasty, Hongwu 13th year.

Zhu Di's temper was quite grumpy: "These idle people in the market just like to listen to stories. Why do you want to use my story? They make me a tyrant. Aren't you afraid that I will kill his nine tribes?"
[Then came the Confucian scholar-bureaucrats.In their hearts, Fang Xiaoru perfectly conforms to various Confucian teachings, so they naturally want to speak for her. 】

[On the other hand, there are political needs. In the late Ming Dynasty, ministers needed to become loyal and righteous people, so Fang Xiaoru was used as an example for propaganda. 】

(End of this chapter)

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