Konoha: The road to the gods starting from Kannabi Bridge

Chapter 15 The fire swallowed up by the fire

Chapter 15 The fire swallowed up by the fire

Huo Guang fled towards the Shenwubi Bridge with a gloomy expression. Although he wished he could immediately kill Huzhi Yuzhang, the bastard traitor who deserved death, his reason had not yet been destroyed by his anger. Now is not the time to be entangled with the traitor Huzhi Yuzhang.

Get out!
That's what matters most.

after all,

Even if he stays and kills the traitor Kozhi Tamazhang, he will definitely never be able to escape from the hands of these little villains of Konoha alive. By then, the mission he has undertaken will be a complete failure, and he will not be able to Pass on the important information that the Kozhi clan, a traitorous family, has connections with ANBU...

Retreating was his only option at the moment.

"Fire Escape·Fengxian Fire Technique!!"

Balls of flames chased him from behind like a shower.

The fire was forced to turn its direction, using the towering giant bamboo that required eight or nine people to hug it to dodge the intensive fire rain attack. The blazing fireball burned through the giant bamboo, leaving behind statues of different sizes on the giant bamboo. Potholes eaten by insects.

But it's a pity that it failed to hurt Huo Guang,

Obito is not alone.

Although his Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique failed to harm Huo Guang, it successfully forced Huo Guang to switch from running in a straight line to taking a sideways route, and this... was an opportunity.

"Tu Dun·Tu Liubi!"

Yuzhang's shadow clone seized this opportunity.

He completed the seal with the hand speed of a bachelor for 15 years, and raised a tall and towering earth wall in front of him, which happened to block the way to escape from the fire. Although climbing the wall was not difficult for a ninja, even a genin could. Can easily jump to a tree more than ten meters high.

What's more, Huo Guang, a powerful Jonin,

However, the problem is that although Huoguang is the best among jounin, the enemies he faces are not soft-footed shrimps.


The blades collided.

Before the firelight climbed over the earthen wall.

Kakashi chased after him like lightning, brandishing the famous 'White Fang' short sword, and launched a rapid offensive towards Huo Guang. Although he failed to take off Huo Guang's head within a few rounds, it was still Successfully stopped the footsteps of the fire.

After a few seconds,

Obito joined the battle holding a kunai,
With the pair of Magatama Sharingan opened, he was not only able to clearly see the swift and windy movements of Kakashi and Huoguang, but his physical fitness was also improved to the point where he could keep up with their movements. It has to be said that the Uchiha clan is the best He is really gifted, and it seems like he is cheating if he opens his eyes.

"Children of Konoha, are your brains broken? When you and I fight to the death, not only will the lives of your companions be in danger, but you will also be the victims of that bastard Yuzhang!!!" The frustrated Huo Guang roared angrily.

Trying to shake the will of these two Konoha brats to fight.

Needless to say, these two Konoha brats turned against me and joined forces with me to counterattack Yuzhang, this black-hearted bastard. As long as they could hesitate a little and give him a chance to escape from this one versus two dilemma, it would be enough!

"Iwa ninja, we are all enemies."

Obito replied coldly.

The kunai in his hand stabbed towards the vital part of the fire without any hesitation!
Normal people don’t like to be coerced into doing things. Although most of the Uchiha clan’s brains have some problems and are slightly different from normal people... But in terms of not liking to be coerced, they are still pretty much the same. of.

The Uchiha clan is a clan obsessed with 'love'.

This definition of "love" is quite broad. The strong feelings for relatives, friends, lovers, family, village... and all the "things" they cherish can be called "love". For What they love in their hearts, they are often crazy enough to do whatever it takes.

Obito is also an Uchiha.

His 'love' is not surprising, on the contrary, it is 'love' in the conventional sense, but his persistence and madness for this 'love' are worthy of his Uchiha surname.

For the girl he loves,
He forcibly suppressed the anger and displeasure in his heart, and used all his strength to launch an unrelenting offensive towards the fire.

"Letting you live will hinder the execution of the mission! And both sides will be harmed? You are a bit arrogant!" This was Kakashi's answer.

Although his surname is not Uchiha.

But since his father committed suicide, he has been obsessed with the rules of the ninja and will do whatever it takes to complete the mission. In this situation... Although he resists being threatened by Yuzhang, Huzhi Yuzhang kills him. The behavior of the Iwa Ninja named Oishi proved part of the truth of what he said yesterday.

which is,
The Huzhi clan, or rather Huzhi Yuzhang himself, and the Iwa ninja are no longer in the same camp.

On the contrary, it was fire,

He is a serious Iwa ninja.

Even if it was just to destroy the Kannabi Bridge without hindrance, he couldn't let Huo Guang, the Iwa Ninja, escape, otherwise...it was very likely that when they arrived at the Kannabi Bridge, they would see a large number of people. The prepared Iwa ninja.

Kakashi chose to hold his nose and temporarily accept Yuzhang's coercion.
Prepare to deal with the fire first before talking about anything else.

The famous White Fang dagger never leaves the vital point of the fire.

"Idiot! Are you two idiots out of your mind?"

The fire was dim on the left and right, and there were dangers everywhere.

He was even more angry and cursed at the indifference of these two brats. However, it was a pity that his anger could not make him 'explode'. On the contrary, the situation became more and more difficult as time went by, that is, two and three Within minutes, more than a dozen wounds had been added to his body.

Although they were not serious injuries,
But it cannot be said that these wounds have no impact on him. In this kind of high-intensity fighting, even small problems will be infinitely magnified and become key issues that determine victory or defeat, or even life and death!


Don’t forget that besides Kakashi and Obito,

There is also Yuzhang’s shadow clone lurking.

Just when the firelight was forced back towards the earth wall behind by Kakashi's sword,
"Earth Dungeon Rock Pillar Gun!!!"

Yuzhang's shadow clone took action decisively.

Sharp rock spears made of rock and soil emerged from the earth wall, growing and enlarging at an extremely fast speed. In an instant, they touched the back where the fire was leaning, and smoothly tore his clothes and flesh. However, before it penetrated deep into the internal organs, Huo Guang used the "earth substitute" technique in time, leaving a clay structure of himself to bear the fatal attack on his behalf.

The firelight of the clay clone was pierced through the chest and abdomen by the rock guns, and then the body turned into soft mud and scattered.

And the true form of Huoguang,

He couldn't escape very far.

Substitution jutsu and hardening jutsu are both a general term and a category, which covers many types of ninjutsu. Earth substitute jutsu is only one type of substitute jutsu, and it is considered a very advanced substitute technique. As long as there is rock and soil nearby, , basically you can use it.


No matter how clever the substitute skills are, their function is to divert damage so as to wait for opportunities to counterattack or escape, and cannot directly help them stay away from the battlefield.

That is,

Huo Guang's true body is still in this battlefield.

Even worse,

There was an Uchiha among his opponents, and the Sharingan of the twin magatama saw through his chakra fluctuations and predicted the location where his true body would appear after he performed the stand-in operation!


After predicting the location where his true body would appear,

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Obito spit out a huge and blazing fireball from his mouth, and rushed straight towards the predicted position, just in time to completely engulf the fire that escaped from the attack of Yuzhang's shadow clone!
(End of this chapter)

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