Chapter 324 Yuanshi’s strong support

"...I feel that the candidates you mentioned, Mizukage-sama, are not too old. Could it be that they are... not very stable?" Xia Lu Xiaodou said in a soft voice. worries.

That is,

These words made the girl standing next to him unhappy.

"Elder Xiaodou, since when did being young become synonymous with being unstable?" Terumi Mei said dissatisfied.

Xia Lu Xiaodou glanced at the girl and did not answer, but the look in her eyes clearly meant that she would say such a thing, which shows that you have nothing to do with stability.

"It doesn't matter that they are not stable enough. Just give them a stable enough captain." Before Terumi Mei could get angry again at the look in Elder Xialu Xiaodou's eyes, Yuzhang spoke first.

"Furthermore, the reason why I chose Ming and the others instead of powerful senior jounin like Ru Qing and others is because, in my opinion, Ming and the others are the group of people with the most potential among the younger generation in the village. When encountering adversity, They will not be defeated easily, but may even break through on the spot, which is something Qing and the others do not possess!"

This explanation

The two consultant elders, Gui Youzi An Zhao and Xia Lu Xiaodou, were shocked.

Potential...of course there is such a thing. Terumi Mei is considered to have the appearance of the Mizukage, but everyone thinks that as long as she grows up smoothly, she will definitely be able to master the strength comparable to the Mizukage in the future.

But except for Terumi Mei,

Are other people as good as this?

"Of course, even if they are both geniuses, differences between geniuses are bound to exist. Not everyone has the same talent as Ming, but...the people I am talking about are not in the conventional sense. Geniuses, if they can get the right guidance, their future achievements may not be much worse than Ming~!"

Yuzhang's eyes wandered over Master Yuan and the two consultant elders, and he continued: "In order to guide them to grow up correctly and faster, I plan to open the book of taboos to them, and treat it as a way to deal with it. Uchiha Hatoha’s advance payment for this mission!!”

Ghost Yuzu Anzhao and Xialu Xiaodou looked at each other.

Open the Forbidden Book?

Isn't it too generous?

Terumi Mei frowned and was not very happy. It was not that she felt that Yuzhang underestimated her, but that she did not expect that she was not a competitor in Yuzhang's eyes, but a junior who needed guidance and training.

She regards Yuzhang as her biggest opponent!

This sense of shame made her clenched her fists, and she secretly felt fierce in her heart. Next... she would definitely practice to the point of death. As long as she still had breath left, as long as her body could still move, she could not stop. There would never be any more Even a moment of laziness! !

"...Mizukage-sama, if what you said is true, then...if anything happens to Ming and others in their actions against Uchiha Hatoha, wouldn't it mean that all the good young people in the village would be killed?" destroyed?"

After a short period of thinking, Oniyouzi Anzhao asked another question.

Say something from your heart,

The only person he is worried about is Mei Terumi. The girl is recognized as the Mizukage. She is also the only young person in Kirigakure Village who is expected to inherit the position of the Fifth Mizukage, so... he doesn't want to Terumi Mei took the risk to carry out such a dangerous mission.

What if this gets caught up in the mission?

Who else can the future of Kirigakure Village be entrusted to?

"Danger is definitely dangerous, but Elder Anzhao, what we ninjas eat is this mouthful of rice on the tip of a knife. If we are afraid of danger, there is no need to eat this bowl of rice!"

Yuzhang retorted.

"That's true, but we have to consider the overall situation of the village. The life and death of these young people is related to the survival of the village..."

At this moment - Master Yuan coughed slightly and interrupted Oni Youzi Anzhao's words, "Yuzhang, you are Mizukage. If you think this is the right thing to do, then... just go Just do it, I have said before that acting as a water shadow is also a water shadow, and the power in your hands will never be reduced in any way just because of the word agency!!"

These words,

Not only did Oniyuzu Anteru and Natsumi Adzuki be stunned, but even Yuzhang himself couldn't figure it out. He didn't snatch Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan away!

Why does Master Yuan support him so firmly?

Master Yuan didn't intend to explain anything. He would support Yuzhang simply because he agreed with Yuzhang's point of view. Ninjas eat such a life-threatening meal. If they are afraid of danger, there is really no need to eat this bowl of rice.

And doing their job,

The more you fear death, the easier it is to die! ! !

There is no need to say more about the cruelty of the ninja world. Even if you escape this danger, there will be new dangers coming. You cannot escape, or you have to face the difficulties and overcome all obstacles. In this Break a way out of the thorns everywhere, or hide behind someone who opened the way and survive.

And the shadow of a village,

He is the one who leads the way.

If you want to inherit the throne of Mizukage... you cannot choose to escape when faced with danger and hardship! !

And there is,

He felt that he was a bit unable to keep up with this era of turbulent changes. Instead of letting them, a group of old men, continue to control the fate of the village, it was time to try to let the young people go!

It's a pity that Goju Yagura died,

But fortunately, Yuzhang took over and even performed better than Goju Yagura in terms of personal force. In the ninja world, the stronger the personal strength, the higher the error tolerance rate, even if the wrong decision is made. , you can also rely on force to forcibly avoid the worst situation! !

"Actually, the reason why we chose young people like Ming and the others is because of one important consideration... Master Yuanzhao, Elder Anzhao, Elder Xiaodou, do you think we can really successfully find them after joining forces with Konoha and Yun Ninja? Uchiha Hatoha?"

Yuzhang raised a question.


Master Yuan was silent, and the two consultant elders did not answer for a long time.

The ninja world is huge.

If Uchiha Jiuha wants to hide it wholeheartedly, he may not be able to pull it out from the corner.

"Also, I always firmly believe in my judgment. The appearance of Uchiha Hatoha is not an accident, but a necessity. Even if there is no Uchiha Hatoha, someone else will appear to stir up trouble in the ninja world. rain."

"Let Ming and the others deal with Uchiha Jiuha not just to solve the current trouble. Once Ming and the others are trained, the village will be able to withstand even bigger storms in the future."

Yuzhang said seriously.

Now that the ninja world has completely changed beyond recognition, he has no idea where it will go in the future. All he can do is try his best to make himself stronger, strong enough to control his own destiny.

At the same time,

Now that he has taken the position of acting as Mizukage, he can be a Mizukage who just throws his hands around and does nothing, but he can't say that he doesn't think about it at all. Even if it is just for his family and the people he values, he still has to use his brain.


Kirigakure Village’s current potential is really good.

There are a lot of strong seedlings. As long as we train these people and try our best to prevent them from running away to become traitorous ninjas, and in turn strengthen the enemy's power, by then, Kirigakure Village will no longer need to rely on him, the agent Mizukage, to support it alone. Got it! !

(End of this chapter)

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