Konoha: The road to the gods starting from Kannabi Bridge

Chapter 392 The man who was brought to stay overnight by Miss Ming

Chapter 392 The man brought back to stay overnight by Miss Ming

Beiruhu, who sneaked into Kirigakure Village, didn't know that Uchiha Hatoha sent him a sincere blessing. Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care. Most likely, he would just think that Uchiha Hatoha is really unreasonable. , a madman who dreams of destroying the world.

He is busy!

But there is no extra time to deal with a madman.

Sneaking into the Kirigakure Village is not difficult for Beiruhu. Rather, he has improved Onigaura's technique to the point where it is now. It is not difficult to infiltrate anywhere, even a secret base with only a few members. He You can also sneak in.


That's a hell of a place where there aren't even any larger animals.


There was no place he couldn't penetrate.

Just like this Kirigakure Village, he directly merged with a Kirigakure villager who was left alone for some unknown reason. He just walked into Kirigakure Village in his place and immediately wandered around in Kirigakure Village. He quickly figured out where the Terumi clan's clan was.

after that,

He found a deserted place and merged directly with a rather large snake. Now he sneaked into the Terumi clan's territory quietly in this manner.

what to do next,

Just search patiently and slowly to confirm the location of the Terumi clan leader. Once you find the Terumi clan leader, you can look for a suitable opportunity to take action.


He has gained something.

After walking around in the Terumi clan's territory, I found the mansion that seemed to have the largest area and the most luxurious house. I crawled in along a ready-made dog hole, and I didn't go very far after entering. Someone is heard talking.

"...Remember it for me. When you get to the patriarch's study later, be smart. The patriarch is not in a good mood today. You must not touch the patriarch's bad luck."

"What happened? Why is the patriarch in a bad mood? Nothing happened to the clan recently?"

On the stone path,

The two servants were carrying lunch boxes and walking deeper into the mansion. They did not realize that a large snake over one meter long was hidden in the grass beside the road and was quietly following them and eavesdropping on their conversation.

"There are no big things happening in the clan. What happens is in the clan leader's house."

"Eh? What happened?"

"It's Miss Ming. She brought a man back. I heard she's staying over tonight!"

"I'm going? Really?"

"Otherwise, why do you think the patriarch is so sulky and locks himself in the study, even asking us to send him food?"

"Miss Ming has reached this age! No wonder... if my daughter suddenly brings a man home, and tells me that she plans to let that bastard stay at my house tonight... look I won’t stab that bastard to death!!!”

"Huh, before you say this, you have to find a wife to get married first, and then give you a daughter!"

"Hey! Not getting married doesn't prevent me from thinking..."

"Okay, shut up! We will be in the study soon. If the patriarch hears what you say, be careful not to eat and walk around."

The conversation came to an abrupt end.

And in the grass,

Bei Liuhu, who had merged with the big snake, quietly followed the two servants. He didn't pay attention to the boring nonsense about Miss Ming and staying overnight mentioned in the conversation between the two. The point was that these two people wanted to Go to the study to deliver food to the leader of the Terumi clan.

Follow these two,

You can find the leader of the Terumi clan.

This is the important information Beilihu collected from the conversation between the two people.

that's it,

He followed the two servants to the vicinity of the study. He did not say that he followed them into the study, but curled up and hid among the flowers in the courtyard.

The last time he failed to deal with the leader of the Lan clan in Yunyin Village,

It made him realize that the leader of this clan still has two skills, and he is not as easy to deal with as the two young prey he hunted in Yanyin Village.

of course,

Even if something happens, he won't be too afraid.

He was confident that he could escape from the siege of the Terumi clan and even the masters of Kirigakure Village. He could have escaped smoothly last time in Kumogakure Village even without Uchiha Hatoha's intervention.


He didn't feel that he owed Uchiha Jiuha any favors. Instead, he felt that Uchiha Jiuha's forced 'help' was very unpleasant!

In order to prevent this kind of forced 'help' from happening again, even though it was impossible to happen again, in order to get rid of Uchiha Hatoha's pursuit, he flew in the sky for almost four or five days and went around the sea. Such a big circle, I don’t believe Uchiha Jiuha can still catch up with him.

But even if there will be no interference from Uchiha Hatoha, it does not prevent Beiruhu from planning to kill the leader of the Terumi clan with one blow this time, so as to win over the Jonin of the Terumi clan and the strong men of Kirigakure Village. Leave before they notice.


He lurked patiently outside the study. Even after the two servants finished delivering the meal and left, leaving only a rather powerful chakra wave in the study, he still patiently waited for a more suitable opportunity to come. .

Time passes like this minute by minute,

And less than five minutes had passed before I heard another sound approaching in the distance.

"...What on earth are you looking for?"

This is a woman's voice, which sounds very childish. The owner of the voice should be a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old.

"I do not know either."

The answer came from a man's voice. He didn't sound very old, probably no more than twenty years old.

Listening to these two young voices, Bei Liuhu subconsciously remembered the conversation between the two servants before. Could these two voices be Miss Ming and the man who was brought back to stay overnight by Miss Ming?

"do not know?"

The girl's voice was full of surprise, "I don't even know what I'm looking for, so you just drag me around my house?"

"It's because I don't know that I have to find this weird thing! And you also said that this is your home. If you don't stay with me, then there will be a problem if I wander around alone, right?"

The man replied.

"That's true of you...but a weird thing? What kind of weird thing could there be in our house? Further ahead is my father's study. Are you sure you want to drag me to see my father now?"

"Is uncle's study in front of you?"

"That's right, the courtyard with the light on is where my father's study is. To be honest, at this distance...my father might have noticed that we were approaching...why didn't you say anything?"

The girl asked doubtfully.

Biliuhu, who was hiding among the flowers, also blinked his snake eyes, and a flash of uneasiness flashed through his mind. Could it be that the two of them were looking for...himself?

But I had been extremely cautious all the way here, leaving no unusual traces.

Moreover, after merging with an animal and maintaining the animal's body shape, his own chakra fluctuations will be suppressed to a very low state, and what will be displayed will be the animal's chakra fluctuations, which even a sensing ninja should not be able to detect. what is the problem. "I'm thinking that this strange thing I'm looking for...maybe he's here for my uncle."

The man's answer made Bei Liuhu's heartbeat stop for a second.

Actually, are you really here to find yourself?

He didn't move, and was still quietly entrenched in the flowers. He was still not sure whether he was really discovered. What if the two people were not talking about him? Ever since he met Uchiha Hatoha, he realized that he was not the only one in this world who could avoid the prying eyes of sentient ninjas.

It seems like there should be no one else in this courtyard.

But who can say for sure about this kind of thing?


He chose to wait and see.

Anyway, now is not a good time to go hunting.

"Are you here for your father?"

The girl's voice suddenly became alert, "Is there someone planning to do harm to my father?"

"I went to Yunyin Village some time ago."

The man continued: "The Arashi clan in Yunyin Village was attacked, and many people in the clan, including the clan leader, died."

"I know, it was that lunatic Uchiha Hatoha who did it!"

"Most of the dead were killed by Uchiha Hatoha, but...only the leader of the Arashi clan was not. After investigating on the scene, I found that the perpetrator's chakra was extremely weird, like a ninja. The product of crossbreeding with a ninja beast."

"Eh? This... the information didn't mention it!"

"Of course it has not been made public. After all, no one has figured out who the real owner of this weird chakra is. Disclosing the information will only show that our four major ninja villages are incompetent. And based on the analysis of the situation at the time, Uchiha Jiuha and this mysterious chakra The monsters should have some kind of connection, so there is no problem in passing the blame on Uchiha Hatoha."

"I don't care whether this lunatic Uchiha Hatoha takes the blame or not. I just want to know if this mysterious monster you said is eyeing my father and has already lurked in my house?"

The girl's voice was uncontrollably tinged with impatience, but her reason seemed to be able to restrain her emotions.

"After I came back from Hidden Cloud Village, when I had time, I was thinking about what happened to the monster that looked like a cross between a ninja and a ninja beast. But even though I was about to break my head, I still couldn't figure it out."

Different from the girl's anxiety, the man's voice is as calm as ever, neither fast nor slow, making people feel like a spring breeze.

"But the only thing that is certain is that this monster must have an extremely powerful hiding ability, otherwise it would not be able to kill the head of the Arashi clan with a sneak attack. After all, that man is also a strong man who survived two ninja wars like his uncle. , it’s impossible to say that your alertness is so bad that you don’t even know if someone touches you.”

"Is it as powerful as father? Doesn't that mean that father's life will be in danger?" The girl's voice was slightly higher.

at the same time,

In the study,

The figure on the window illuminated by the light also froze for a moment.

But the man's voice sounded again, "Not only this mysterious hybrid monster, but also that madman Uchiha Hatoha also has extremely powerful hiding methods. He has used this ability to escape from us several times. , so in order to deal with these sneaky guys, I have dedicated time and energy these days to hone my perception!"

Having said that,

He paused for a second, took a breath, and continued: "And my luck and talent are pretty good, so after these days of hard study, my [Earth Listening Technique] has improved a little. The range of perception has been further improved, and the accuracy of perception in a small range has also been improved. It can detect abnormalities that are so small that they are almost imperceptible... The monster guest in the flowers, the words have come to this point, and not yet Are you planning to come out and say hello?”

next second,

The door to the study room opened, and the leader of the Terumi clan, Jin Terumi, strode out and stood on the verandah staring at the flowers in the courtyard.

"...Agent Mizuki, Huzhi Yuzhang."


Came out from the flowers, and then a big snake poked its head out. It ignored Terumi Jin, who was regarded as prey, but stared at the young man standing side by side with a girl not far away.

That is--

The agent Mizukage of Kirigakure Village, a fierce man nicknamed [Dixing Yaksha], Huzhi Yuzhang! ! !

"Snake...are you cosplaying that guy Orochimaru?"

Yuzhang pinched his chin and looked up and down.

"How did you find me?"

Beiliuhu didn't care about Yuzhang's teasing, but eagerly expressed his confusion.

"How rude!"

Yuzhang sighed softly, "As a guest, don't you know that you should tell your family background before asking questions to the host?"

"Mizukage-sama, who do you think is the master of this place?"

Before Orochi could speak again, Terumi Jin, the leader of the Terumi clan, could not help grinding his teeth. This is the territory of the Terumi clan and his own mansion. When will it be your turn, Mizukage, to call yourself the master? ?

Especially when he saw the little cotton-padded jacket standing next to Yu Zhang, his face suddenly turned red. For a moment, his head felt as if he had been hit hard by a big hammer, and his eyes also turned red.

You stupid girl, why are you blushing?

Shouldn't you take the initiative to point out the mistakes in Mizukage-sama's words at this time?

"Haha! Uncle, I'm sorry, I just said it right."

Yuzhang smiled awkwardly and immediately changed the subject, "Let's get down to business... Guys from COS Orochimaru, if you want to know how I discovered you, first take the initiative to tell me your name. Of course, You can also refuse, anyway, I will arrange for someone to get what I want from your head."

"Mizukage, do you think you've got me?"

Bei Liuhu sneered.

"Then do you think you can still escape from my hands?" Yuzhang also laughed softly.

next second,

The big snake twisted its body, and a figure rolled out of it.


"Psychic art."

Bei Liuhu quickly used his psychic technique, summoning a strange bird with feathers all over its body and a strange circle pattern, and then merged with the strange bird, fluttering its wings and flying high.

This series of actions may seem complicated, but in fact it is extremely fast.

That is more than one second,

That's it.

of course,

For Yuzhang, even one second was enough for him to launch several attacks, but he did not move. Instead, he looked at Bei Liuhu's actions, and the originally vague guess in his mind suddenly became clear. He stood up and erased the layer of fog that shrouded his eyes.

"Being compatible with the Ninja Beast, I always felt that there was a certain impression...it turned out to be you!"

Yuzhang murmured in a voice as low as a mosquito's groan.

this moment,

He finally knew who the monster who attacked the leader of the Arashi clan and was now targeting Terumi Jin was!

(End of this chapter)

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