Chapter 74 Bi and Juuzang
"It's already here! It's so fast..."

Zhuo Yunzheng frowned, looking quite distressed.

I just received this urgent letter and after reading it, my thoughts were disturbed by the content in the letter. I was wondering what impact this information would have on this operation, and whether I should accept the Huzhi clan as part of the original plan. Kirigakure Village······

There was no time for him to think slowly now.

The Huzhi clan has arrived and has made preliminary contact with our side.

At this moment,
We can only bite the bullet and act according to the original plan.


Although the Kozhi clan is said to possess unexpectedly tyrannical force, thinking about it roughly, this shouldn’t be a bad thing...

"Someone, go notify Bi and Juuzang and ask them to come and gather."

Zhuo Yunzheng ordered in a deep voice.

this time,
Although it was said that it was the Yaoyun clan who pushed it with all their strength, it was impossible to say that the village was completely ignored and controlled by their clan. The Yuanshi and the fourth generation Mizukage both sent trusted subordinates to the Yaoyun government. As a deputy, he helped him accept the surrender of the Huzhi clan.

These two deputies must be notified when the operation is launched.


Without letting Zhuo Yunzheng wait too long, his two deputies rushed over.

"Master Zhengyi, I heard that the people from the Huzhi clan have arrived?"

Bi is a young man with short gray hair and an unremarkable appearance. He is only 17 years old, and there is still some youthfulness on his face that has not completely faded away. But anyone who dares to look down on him because of this is really making a big mistake. wrong.

He is a confidant trained by Master Yuan.

He joined the battlefield when he was seven years old, and became a jounin at the age of 14. He partnered with his senior jounin Ao, who was also trained by Genshi, and the 'Aoi Combination' became quite famous. He is one of the few rising stars in Kirigakure Village.

And at the beginning of the war with Konoha, Bi assisted Ao in a surprise attack and killed a clan member of the Konoha Hyuga clan, helped Ao win a Byakugan, and achieved great military exploits!

Zhuoyun Zhengyi said: "The people of the Huzhi clan have already connected with our people. If nothing else happens, they should be coming here now. I came here to discuss with you whether we should go out to greet them. ?Show us the importance our Kirigakure Village attaches to them?"

"is this necessary?"

The one who spoke was Loquat Juzo.

He is a close confidant of the Fourth Mizukage Goju Yagura, and is also a member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure Village.


The iconic, wide and long, beheading sword like a door panel was carried on his back. Thanks to his tall and tall figure, over 180 centimeters tall, otherwise there is really no way to say that he is a general. The beheading sword was held upright on his back.

"In the final analysis, the Huzhi clan is just a group of traitors. Is it necessary to show them such shame?"

Juuzang Loquat obviously doesn't like the Kozhi clan's surrender.He is loyal to the village and is deeply proud of his loyalty, so he really doesn't have much affection for traitors like the Kozhi clan who betrayed his village. If it weren't for Lord Mizukage's order, he wouldn't be willing to take over such a mess. He wanted to wield the decapitating sword to harvest the lives of Konoha ninjas on the battlefield.

"This is respect for the strong."

Zhuo Yunzheng glanced at the ferocious-looking Loquat Juuzang, and replied in a deep voice, "There is also Juuzang, please be careful what you say. Accepting the Kozhi clan to join our Kirigakure Village is recognized by Master Yuan and Master Mizukage. thing, that is to say, the Kozhi clan will soon be our companions. You are a traitor... are you dissatisfied with the decision of Genshi and Mizukage-sama?

"Hey! Chief Zhuoyun, stop giving me such a big label... I promise you won't call them a traitor in front of them, right?"

Loquat Juuzang muttered angrily, and then said: But then again, what does respect for the strong mean?This group of rebels... Aren't there only a few jounin left in the Kozhi clan?Could it be that the information they gave us before was all false? "

The last words sounded like a question.

Giving them false information... This kind of behavior can be discussed online.

"Kozhi Yuzhang, one of the only four remaining jounin of the Kozhi clan, killed Sansho Hanzo not long ago."

Zhengyun Zhengyi did not argue with Loquat Juuzang, but simply stated the information he had received. As the leader of the Zhuoyun clan, he was a well-deserved boss in Kirigakure Village. Even if he wanted to start a quarrel, it would be fine. I want to find Yuanshi and Mizukage instead of practicing ventriloquism with Loquat Juuzang.


Bea screamed.

"Sansho Fish Hanzo? Are you kidding me?" Loquat Juzo also yelled, with a look of suspicion on his face.

"Do you think I need to lie to you? This is information sent urgently from the village. Since it will be sent to us, it must have been verified as true and false... and the people of the Huzhi clan will soon I’m coming over, and I’ll know if it’s true or false when I ask, but I don’t think this kind of thing can be deceived.”

Zhuoyun Zhengyi replied calmly.

If he had some messy thoughts at first because of this news, but as time went by, he gradually calmed down, because he really couldn't think of the disadvantages of the strong strength of the Huzhi clan, so why not On the contrary he can only see the benefits.

The stronger the Huzhi clan is, the easier it will be for them to gain a foothold in Kirigakure, a village where strength is paramount. The Yaoyun clan can gain a reliable ally who can help each other without spending a lot of support. Supporting the Huzhi clan also means that he does not need to give too much blood to the Huzhi clan, which allows him to face some of the pressures in the clan more calmly.


At present, it seems that the strength of the Huzhi clan has many advantages and no disadvantages.

This also made his attitude more calm and calm.

"...If it is true, then I would really like to meet this Huzhi Yuzhang as soon as possible." A fierce fighting spirit and fighting spirit appeared on Loquat Juuzang's face, and he was gearing up as if he wanted to immediately It's like having a fight with someone.

"Huzhi Yuzhang... If I remember correctly, the information provided by the Huzhi clan said that Huzhi Yuzhang is only a 15-year-old boy?"

Bi's memory is obviously better than Loquat Juzo's.

His attitude towards this task was more attentive than that of Loquat Juzo. He had carefully read the information sent by the Huzhi clan as a token. That document recorded the basic information of everyone in the Huzhi clan. Including the patriarch of the clan, Huzhi Dashan, Huzhi Yuzhang... naturally would not be said to have been omitted.

(End of this chapter)

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