Omnic Crisis in Super God's Beginning

Chapter 156 The Sincerity of the Gods

Chapter 156 The Sincerity of the Gods
Morgana's eyes widened, and her meeting projection stared at Karl.

There was an incredulous look on her face, "Karl, are you really kidding me?"

Even if Kesha hid it so deeply, why did Karl, the grandson, hide it deeper than Kesha?

When Morgana saw the surface information data of the void engine and sub-organism engine developed by Kesha and Karl, she was stunned for a while.

"Void engine, sub-biological engine... the devil does not master such technology." Morgana thought depressedly.

Then she saw Karl's fourth-generation divine body and phantom body technology, and she was even more greedy.

However, then she thought that since these techniques had been displayed, the demons who were already in an alliance with the angel Styx would naturally be eligible to enjoy these techniques, and Morgana was relieved a lot.

After all, why did Kesha and the others form such an alliance and use the slogan of uniting all the forces of god-level civilization?
Is it just as simple as shouting some big words that look glorious and upright to build momentum?

of course not.

Establishing shared intelligence information, and then realizing technology sharing among god-level civilizations in the main biological world, will be beneficial to all god-level civilizations in the entire alliance.

This is to allow everyone to quickly move closer to the same front and standard from their own perspective and strength status, to achieve these two points.

This nominal alliance can truly achieve the goal of unity.

Kesha knew this, and so did Lakar, and so did the other gods.

In order to deal with the ultimate fear of threat, they must do this now, and this is the only way.

Don't care about which god, which civilization's gains and losses, and short-term interests. Put all your attention and energy on dealing with the ultimate fear of threats.

Only in this way can the entire alliance possibly survive the common threat of the ultimate fear and possibly save the entire known universe.

Perhaps the grand goal of saving the known universe is not the concept and goal advocated by some civilizations among these gods, but at this moment, for the alliance they are gathering at the moment.

It's up to them to destroy the ultimate fear and save the universe.

Therefore, they will also work hard to achieve their own effectiveness for the grand goal of saving the universe.

"Phantom body, the fourth generation divine body..." Kesha frowned, her eyes scrutinizing the phantom body technology displayed by Karl, and a sense of surprise flashed in her eyes.

What she didn't expect was that Karl's research on ultimate fear and void technology had already achieved such an astonishing technological breakthrough.

Sure enough, she had always underestimated Karl, the Lord God of Styx.

If there is no outbreak and threat of ultimate fear at the moment, Karl, who has mastered these technologies, does not know what kind of threat he will pose to the angel in charge of the order of justice.

That kind of threat is definitely deadly enough.

It can even directly threaten her, the so-called King of Gods.

But the situation is different, and the way of thinking about the problem is naturally different.

Now that they are all allies, Karl has exposed these technologies to their allies so generously. After a slight flash of fear in Keisha's heart, more of the emotions that emerged were positive.Compared with the technologies displayed by Carl, the "sub-biological engine" technology brought out by their angels seems a bit underwhelming...

"This is the research result of the fourth-generation divine body - the sacred body, which is mastered by angels." Kesha showed her sincerity again. When she took out the technology of the sacred body, she said with deep meaning Glancing at Morgana.

Seeing Kesha and Karl bleeding heavily one after another, the other gods in the meeting projection could hardly sit still.

"Alas, it seems that this alliance was really established to resist the ultimate fear. The main biological world controlled by Kamigawa Life is unified, and the glory of civilization that once spread throughout the universe has finally reaped the final results..." In the conference projection, that A middle-aged man who attended the meeting on behalf of the Super Seminary murmured.

"Since Angel and Styx are so sincere, then I, Dukao, now represent the Super Seminary and the fallen Deno civilization, I have to make some gestures..."

"This is the 'Power of the Divine River' project created and developed by Devin Star in cooperation with Super Seminary, and the 'Promise God of War' project created and developed by Promise Star in cooperation with Super Seminary..."

"Also, projects such as the Rose of Time and Space, the Heart of the Earth..."

"Now in the Super Seminary, the space principal has gone away, and the tutors from many other colleges have been wandering in the known universe all year round. I have sent a message to them, asking them to respond to the call and come to gather as soon as possible..."

"As you all know, after the destruction of the Deno civilization, our situation has been very unsatisfactory. Now that the ultimate fear has broken out, we don't have much ability to make much contribution. Many of these engineering plans were originally based on super Developed with the support of the seminary..."

"Super Seminary is the cradle of Kamigawa's life world. All its brilliance should belong to all Kamigawa's lives. Therefore, I contribute these projects to the alliance, hoping to be of some help."

Dukao's words silenced the entire meeting.

The other gods all looked at Dukao, who had gone through a lot of vicissitudes of life, with complicated expressions. He was like a mortal in front of them, and their inner expressions were a little complicated.

Now that the alliance has been formed and all the gods have stood on a united front, they will look back at the many conflicts and disputes between the gods in the past, as well as the conflicts and losses caused by those conflicts and disputes, as well as those who have already An irreparable tragedy...

Some of them seem so ridiculous.

Before there was no ultimate fear, these god-level civilizations were like a group of innocent children playing in a paradise called the known universe...

Children will grow up one day, and the paradise that supports their growth will one day be completely torn apart, and they will face the real darkness and fear...

If those contradictions and disputes had not arisen, according to the development concept advocated by the original Super Seminary, these gods would have developed their own civilizations and constantly introduced new ones, until now...then would it be that the power in their hands would be stronger? To a point where you can be unafraid of ultimate fear?

After all, those disputes and conflicts, and the many losses caused by them, seem to be nothing more than useless internal friction between the civilizations of the main biological world...

But soon, these ridiculous thoughts were annihilated in the thoughts of the gods.

Returning to reality, the emotions in their eyes were a little colder and a little more rational.

The dead are gone, nothing can be done.

What they need more now is to continue to exist, continue to maintain their own civilization, and survive in the shadow of ultimate fear. This is the top priority.

Dukao was able to contribute these projects to the alliance, and the other gods were moved and nodded, expressing their high recognition of the Super Seminary and the fallen Deno civilization.

"So, what kind of sincerity will the Sun civilization and demons show?" Kesha said, looking at the gods in the meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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