Omnic Crisis in Super God's Beginning

Chapter 160 Dealing with the Void

Chapter 160 Dealing with the Void
"There is a group of outsiders approaching our universe. No, not approaching, but entering..."

"In the edge space of the universe in other directions, they have already come in."

"Our universe is undergoing an invasion, and the invaders are... a group of bugs!"

"The Presolin Zerg are a rather strange group. They come across the endless void to...devour the universe where we are."

"They claim to be being hunted by something terrible - a 'Hunter', a symbol of death!"

"They have been hunting for a long time from another unknown distant universe. All the universes they pass through will suffer final destruction. The civilizations in them will either be devoured by the insect swarm or - destroyed by the 'hunters'... …”

"Our universe is next."

"Relevant information has been communicated to the CEO and the Ministry of War, and follow-up countermeasures are being formulated..."


Long before the arrival of the Presolin zerg.


The virtual image flickered on, and the wonderful dimensional world that existed like a phantom was solved and presented in a three-dimensional manner, reflecting into the eyes of Lu Yuan and others.

"Is that the world of emptiness?"

Under the influence of the quasi-dimensional mapping instrument, the scene of the high-dimensional world where the void is located is almost fully revealed to the eyes of the hundreds of millions of employees of the Gray Goo Company.

That world was very dark, and there always seemed to be some vague evil presence, peeping and coveting them with purely malicious eyes.

But the wonderful thing is that there always seems to be an elusive layer between the high-dimensional void world mapped and observed using quasi-dimensional mapping instruments and the real world formed by the basic material universe where Gray Gu Company is located. A transparent hazy shadow exists.

That layer of shadow isolates reality and void as much as possible, making the two almost parallel worlds. Although they can see each other, they can never definitely touch each other.

This also means that although the quasi-dimensional mapping instrument allows the company to observe the scene of the void world, it does not suffer direct attack and erosion from the void in the first place.

Otherwise, according to common sense, those evil beings with malicious intentions in the void world should attack them as soon as Gray Goo Company looks at them.

After all, with high dimensions overwhelming low dimensions, the opposition and collision between the two is most likely to occur at the first moment they touch each other.

In order to deal with possible attacks from the void world, they had already made complete preparations before the company set up quasi-dimensional mapping instruments for the void world belonging to higher latitudes.

The first level of preparation is the quasi-dimensional mapping instrument itself. This instrument, which contains the power of the company's cutting-edge technology, is less than the size of a palm, but its functions are astonishingly large.

While observing the void world, the quasi-dimensional mapping instrument will form a transparent light film between the real material universe and the high-dimensional void world that isolates the two dimensional worlds.

This layer of light film is released by the quasi-dimensional mapping instrument and is used as a medium to observe the void world. It will also serve as an early warning. If the Gray Gu Company is attacked from the void, then this layer of light film will It will be broken before then.

The destruction of the light film means the failure of watching the void world, and it also means that the Gray Goo Company will encounter an attack that is very likely to bring destruction to its own civilization.

Once the early warning from the quasi-dimensional mapping instrument is issued, the pre-emptive preventive measures prepared by Gray Gu Company will be triggered immediately.In several galaxies far away from the edge of the universe, several huge traps have already been laid.

Super galaxy explosion experiment!
An attack from the void world must be an attack at a high-dimensional level. To attack a low-dimensional one from a high dimension, the attack method must be carried out across one dimension...

According to the results obtained by Gray Gu Company’s previous research on the void, using high-dimensional data calculations and virtual evolution simulations, the first attack from the void world is most likely a direct invasion by a group of void creatures.

The Gray Gu Company has no way of knowing how powerful the void creatures are, and can only try their best to deduce that they are more powerful than all imaginable groups of creatures...

According to the calculation results, if the Gray Gu Company confronts the void creatures at the level of force, the outcome is still unknown, but regardless of victory or defeat, it will definitely suffer great losses.

In order to avoid this loss, the company had already planned and combined the super galaxy explosion experiment with a plan to deal with the invasion of void creatures.

They set up decoys in the edge universe galaxies that were preparing to carry out super galaxy explosions.

Because even the activation of quasi-dimensional mapping instruments is carried out in these experimental galaxies. If void creatures come to the real material universe, they will regard those experimental galaxies as the headquarters of the Gray Goo Company. When those void creatures come to the known universe, For the first time, what awaited them was a super-galaxy explosive funeral.

A supergalaxy explosion will annihilate all matter and space in an entire galaxy, and then collapse everything back to the state of the universe during the Big Bang.

Such a big bang will ignore the barriers between high and low dimensions. As long as it is a living thing, as long as it exists in this universe, it will suffer an absolutely fatal blow.

This is the second layer of protection for Gray Goo Company to deal with the invasion of the void world.

Of course, what Gray Gu Company did before turning on the quasi-dimensional mapping instrument to observe the void was not limited to this guarantee.

Previously, the light-grade battleships and etheric phase engines had already been set up in the company's base camp, the Golden Constellation.

If the super galaxy explosion failed to solve the invasion of void creatures, or if those void creatures failed to use those experimental galaxies as the landing place to descend into the known universe as they planned, they directly invaded the company's base camp of gold. If the constellation comes, then the existence of light-year battleships and etheric phase engines will become the company's third layer of protection against void invasion.

This is also the most risky layer of protection.

However, in every plan, there is bound to be the possibility of failure or missteps. This possibility is often unpredictable, unpredictable, or beyond existing knowledge. The above three layers of guarantees are actually provided by Gray Gu Company. Yes, a means that can be put on the table to intimidate.

Who is the target of shock?

Naturally, they are creatures in the void world, or other more unknown, unimaginable high-dimensional existences.

This method of intimidation is also a method of intimidating thugs by strapping a nuclear bomb that may be detonated at any time by oneself to intimidate the thugs.

This kind of shock must exist, and it should exist at all times, especially in this dark moment when the known versus the unknown.

If these protection methods fail, and the invasion of the void world brings unpredictable harm and losses to the overall civilization of Gray Goo Company, then Gray Goo Company will use some more unconventional means to protect its own civilization and the internal civilization. The safety of hundreds of millions of employees.

And if that time comes, the collision between the Gray Gu Company and the Void World will bring trauma to the universe, which is far from extinguishing a few stars or destroying a few rivers. The system can be terminated easily...

(End of this chapter)

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