Omnic Crisis in Super God's Beginning

Chapter 26 Mastering the City

Chapter 26 Mastering the City
The gold market fell without any surprise.

With the fall of the Golden City, Gray Gu Company's war machinery also began to attack from all directions, sweeping towards other cities on the southern continent.

After the fall of Jin City, the local government of Jin City was uprooted without any accident, and all the original government personnel were imprisoned.

Subsequently, the authority of the Gray Goo Company began to enter the Gold Market without any hindrance and took over the entire city.

News of the war was spread in a wide way.

After the Gray Goo Company spent one night to completely bring the entire city under its control, tens of millions of people in the Golden City learned the relevant news through the city media controlled by the Gray Goo Company.

When they heard the relevant news, tens of millions of people in Jin City were all dizzy. They just felt like they hadn't woken up yet.

what's the situation?
The Gray Goo Company declared war on the Siris government?
They also started a war and took over the entire gold market?
What is this all about?What an international joke.

For these ordinary people, they were still shouting and killing the Gray Goo Company yesterday, especially the unemployed who lost their jobs due to the Gray Goo omnic. Under the guidance of the government media, they had extreme views on the Gray Goo Company. I feel so disgusted that I want to wipe this company out of the world immediately.

But one night passed, and suddenly they heard that the Gray Goo Company had declared war on the Siris government in an inexplicable way? !

For these ordinary people, it is indeed baffling.

Because in their view, no matter what the Gray Goo Company is, it is at best just a well-known technology company. To put it bluntly, it is a large enterprise.

How can He De declare war on a government?
But the current facts tell these people over and over again that this is indeed the fact.

The Gray Goo Company not only declared war, but also launched a war and took control of the entire gold market.

Even if this is true, most people cannot believe the absurdity before them.

A technology company declares war on a country's government!
This is simply unprecedented.

Where is the force they have?Where did the capital for their declaration of war come from?

But soon, those people who couldn't believe the facts fell silent.

Because Gray Goo Company publicly announced a video through urban media.

It was an image recording the course of the war.

The Gray Goo Company directly posted the video of its mechanical legion defeating the Jin City garrison on the information network and allowed it to spread.

When the people clicked on the video and watched the battle that ended in less than three minutes, they were all shocked and incoherent, not knowing what to say.

They were shocked that there were such terrifying war machines in the world, and they were even more shocked that when did Gray Goo Company develop such a war machine?

After understanding what kind of terrifying force the Gray Gu Company wielded, tens of millions of people in the Gold City chose to succumb to reality.

At the same time, some innocent people are also trembling, fearing that the Gray Goo Company will be held accountable for their previous actions.

After all, in the past half month or so, many people, especially those who are unemployed, have made some irrational actions, causing Gray Goo Company to suffer their persecution and attacks.

Now that Gray Gu Company is in charge of the gold market, will they be liquidated in turn?
No one knows this.

But if Gray Goo Company really wants to do this, no one can stop them.

After all, the force they wield is truly terrifying.

Even a fully armed modern army can only be massacred by them without being able to resist. What confidence do these unarmed ordinary people have to resist the rule of Gray Gu Company and their war machines?
On the streets and alleys, the Gray Goo omnics controlled by the Gray Goo Company began to maintain the basic order of the entire city.When the anxious people walked out of their homes, they thought that the entire city was going to experience earth-shaking turmoil, but they unexpectedly discovered...

It seemed that everything was not as bad as they thought.

After the Gray Goo Company took over the entire city overnight, there were actually not many changes to the entire city.

In addition to replacing the original government agencies with the company's authority, that is, replacing the police who originally maintained order in the city with the company's security omnics, and then arranging some gray goo omnics into patrol teams to conduct high-level surveillance of the entire city. Take control.

In addition to the above, some "martial soldiers" and "Hu Ben" are deployed in important locations in some cities. While conducting urban supervision, they also have the purpose of showing force to intimidate the police.

Of course, these arrangements will not cause any significant interference to urban people's livelihood.

Ordinary people can still go about their lives as before.

According to Lu Yuan's plan, the war launched by the Gray Goo Company against the Siris government is only a war against the state machinery. Ordinary people are not enemies of the company, so naturally they will not suffer much impact.

The idea is good, but since it is all a war, it is completely impossible to say that it will not have any impact on the people at all.

After capturing a city and stabilizing the city's order, you must make good use of the city and the tens of millions of people in the city. Otherwise, a war will only add a burden to a city in vain.

At present, Gray Gu Company relies on a large number of intelligent mechanical units to completely stabilize the order of the gold market.

Under the awe of the company's powerful force, the tens of millions of people in the city naturally did not show any overt resistance to the company, and obediently accepted the rule of the Gray Goo Company.

But Gray Goo still maintains its profit-making purpose as a corporate company.

As a new regime that replaces the original government agencies, companies naturally have to seek some benefits for themselves.

For example, control all factories and shopping malls in the gold market, firmly hold the ownership of these factories and shopping malls in your own hands, and then further expand to control all profitable industries in the entire city.

In this way, after the Gray Goo Company has achieved complete supervision of a city from the aspects of military, industry, commerce, etc., it will have achieved resource integration and can then carry out drastic reforms.

The first point is to standardize the industrial assets of the entire city as soon as possible, which has many benefits.

Industry is currently a top priority for Gray Goo Company.

The production of gray goo intelligent equipment requires the establishment of a machinery manufacturing plant, and the production of alloys required for gray goo intelligent equipment requires the establishment of an alloy production plant. These are all industrial development projects.

Gray Goo omnics are related to the future dominance of Gray Goo Company on this planet.

After the Gray Goo Company occupied the gold market, the first thing that came to mind was to expand the machinery manufacturing plant as soon as possible to produce more Gray Goo intelligent machines.

From the very beginning, the Gray Goo Company intended to use the product Gray Goo Omnic to initiate a mechanical revolution on El Star, thus rewriting the entire civilization process on El Star.

Even if a war broke out, Gray Goo Company did not ignore the importance of those seemingly ordinary Gray Goo omnics.

A sufficient number of omnic units will be their greatest asset in winning this war, and will also be their greatest confidence in establishing a foothold on this planet in the future.

Therefore, no matter what, they must find ways to increase the number of gray goo omnics.

Unifying and standardizing the industry will allow Gray Gu Company to coordinate and take care of the entire city's industrial assets, thereby allocating more resources in a unified manner and allowing the company to concentrate its efforts on big things.

(End of this chapter)

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